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"Are you insinuating that Chinese US-real estate buying is about to fall by ~65% the way it did for Japan in the early 90's?"
Yes. Exactly. And the short term result will appear to be stagnation, but the post-modern market can't handle stagnation. It's like a bicycle. If it doesn't keep moving it falls over. Stagnation in the market will be just a sign that people are bailing water out of the sinking ship.
In 1988, Japanese investors reached a peak when they spent 16.54 Billion dollars on US Real Estate in a single year.
By 1991, The buying binge was over and the total amount spent on real estate deals fell to less than 5 Billion dollars.
China is already crashing. Chinese investors have paid far too much for real estate - not just in the US, but all over the world. There will be a dramatic drop in Chinese money flowing into real estate. It is independent of the perilous derivative time-bomb. It has happened before. It will happen again. It's only a matter of time.