I don't know what to say about this.Trump rally.

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2016 Jan 18, 12:46pm   17,013 views  64 comments

by marcus   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  

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16   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jan 18, 8:48pm  

marcus says

Okay, so by your definition, every fascist in the future will will look exactly identical to every one in the past. It's the stupidest thing I've heard today, but I get that it's your story and you're sticking to it.

There hasn't been a new fascist government since the WW1-WW2 period, which ended around 3/4 of a century years ago, so you have nothing to base this on.

My contention is that Fascism was a particular mixture of ideas that had been perculating for the century prior to Fascism, which due to totally different conditions is unlikely to arise again today.

Just like you're not likely to see Anabaptist Communes of Knipperdollings arise in the Germany of 2015.

17   marcus   2016 Jan 18, 8:53pm  

Okay, how about if I say this. IF and when fascism happens in the future, it will not be identical in every way to Hitler or Mussolini. In fact that's the one and only thing I can guarantee about future fascism.

18   Bellingham Bill   2016 Jan 18, 9:12pm  

Trump certainly attracts the fascist phalange of the right.

Everybody but them are idiots and/or traitors.

Trump taps right into that id and gives these people what they want.

Trump is 50% playing at this I think, but it's a dangerous game.

Well, stupid mostly since as Romney showed last time the more brutal the primary, the less effective the candidate is in the general.

Trump is saying he's a winner and he's going to personally make America win again.

This is Fascism 101, the cult of personality and the StrongMan Leader setting things straight again.

I believe the Germans had a catchy word for "Leader" back in the 30s, umlauted and everything.

19   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jan 18, 9:21pm  

Bellingham Bill says

Trump certainly attracts the fascist phalange of the right.

Everybody but them are idiots and/or traitors.

I don't know BB, I find Cruz supporters are closer to that line of thinking. Please, folks, please read the comments of conservative sites like Breitbart. It's the Trump supporters who don't give a shit about abortion, don't care that he was a Democrat ("So was Reagan"), etc.

It's the Cruzbots who maintain Cruz is the Holy Anti-Abortion True Conservative Savior (ignoring his pleas for donations from Wealthy Gay Power Couples, Goldman Sachs connections, etc.) That the Cultural Marxists are taking over, Trump isn't going to imprison the sodomites, etc.

Bellingham Bill says

This is Fascism 101, the cult of personality and the StrongMan Leader setting things straight again.

FDR was accused of all these things by his opponents. Including Rose Wilder-Lane of Little House on the Prairie. Ironically many of them dedicated their lives to destroying the New Deal and lived to see it in the 80s.

20   anonymous   2016 Jan 18, 9:26pm  

so if candidates claim they're going to make the country great they are fascist. wow.

21   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jan 18, 9:36pm  

FDR is probably the greatest example of a Strong President lambasted for being a potential dictator from before the election unto his death.

You should see the shit that was produced in the 1930s. Yeah, some folks thought "Dubya" was on his way, but this wasn't marginal activists making these accusations, but a range of powerful individuals from ex-President Hoover who gave a thunderous speeches throughout the 30s all but calling FDR a dictator-in-fact, famous Pilot Charles Lindbergh, and the American Liberty League which contained people such as Alfred P. Sloan, J. Howard Pew, Irenee du Pont, etc.

All names most Americans have heard of today.

Don't forget Father Coughlin - the one person who came closest to running a true, large, and powerful Fascist enterprise in the US - the National Union of Social Justice, which at one time had millions of members.


22   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jan 19, 7:57am  

landtof says

so if candidates claim they're going to make the country great they are fascist. wow.

Again, the Elites and their Clerisy attack any and all Populism as potentially leading to Fascism. They do this for the same reason they attack opposition to Mass Immigration as Xenophobic. They like things the way they are. Populists might put in a medicare-for-all plan, take away the MIC punchbowl by not constantly intervening everywhere, or destroy the low-wage/high-rent machine of Mass Immigration.

23   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jan 19, 8:03am  

Where is all of the disgust about using children as props? I seem to remember that activity generated a huge pile of indignation in the past. Oh no - think of the children!

24   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jan 19, 8:11am  

Yeah, Children as Props - absolutely horrible!


From Hillary's Official Youtube.

25   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jan 19, 8:28am  

Difference: The "Potty Mouth Children" and "Latino Kids hate Trump" are NOT official Campaign videos. Just a Trust Fund Baby SJW "Creative Type" asshole doing his own thing.

There's a big difference between teenyboppers going "Rah, Rah Trump" and little children saying "You are a Fuckin' Ray's Cyst!"

26   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jan 19, 9:10am  

Yeah, the teenyboppers cheering on Trump are cheering on a racist demagogue who himself has a potty mouth. The others children themselves have a potty mouth. If I were concerned about curse words, I'd have stopped reading Pat.Net years ago. For me, the ideas matter much more, but I don't find either of those children videos offensive.

Trump is a brand expert (his businesses), a TV/media expert (his shows), and a popularity contest expert (his beauty pageants). In other words, his skill-set is tailor-made for winning an election, but useless for being the president. Even he knows that he can't sell himself based on his ability to be president, so he sells himself based on his ability to run a campaign (success in the polls). It' fucking hilarious, really.

27   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jan 19, 9:13am  

He's taking advantage of the situation created by Lobbyists and the Media long before he ran.

Don't hate the Playa, hate the Game.

And again, not wanting mass immigration is a normal, bourgeois old liberal policy. Radically opening borders regardless of economic conditions is extremist neoliberalism. Most of the people for it, in the Clerisy and Owner classes, do not compete for low end housing and jobs and indeed benefit from crushing the wages of the bottom quartile in particular, plus higher rental incomes..

28   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jan 19, 9:30am  

I agree on the effect that radically opening borders to low wage people would have on low wage Americans. Trade agreements have the same effect. I disagree that anyone in this country is calling for radically opening borders. For reference, the 10K refugees that Obama asked to let in is not radically opening borders.

The much bigger issues facing low wage Americans are trade, health care, and tax policy. If any low wage person wanted to vote their interest and vote for a sincere person, they'd vote for Sanders. If rich people want to vote their economic interest, they'll vote for Trump or similar, at least tax-wise. But Trump's policies are largely unknown, since he doesn't make a habit of discussing them and has no track record. Since he's a party outsider, a political outsider, and has the tact of a rotting elephant corpse, it's unclear whether he could accomplish anything even if he had a good idea. Sanders is a party outsider, and would have trouble achieving his agenda, but his problems in that regard are dwarfed by Trump's.

Big issues facing middle/upper-middle class are tax policy, education, and health care. Again, the democrats win from an economic stand-point.

29   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jan 19, 10:04am  

The US is now a service-oriented economy, so immigration is an immediate pressing problem. If you look at the BLS reports, the overwhleming number of net new jobs aren't in Computers or Environmental Engineering, but in Home Health Aide, Pillow Fluffer, Fast Food Worker. Low end jobs.

So it's not about 10,000 more immigrants. It's about the millions of legal and illegal immigrants that have been flooding into the country over the past few years. Our immigration level is around early 20th Century levels - sky high! It's not like we're talking about slowing down moderate immigration, it's about slowing down extravagant CURRENT immigrant levels. Also unlike the early 20th Century, we're not building huge new steel mills and car factories every block these days.

The truth is the middle class is being hollowed out from a lack of manufacturing jobs. Only manufacturing jobs provide a stable, reasonable income to the vast majority of the population. Competition from businesses due to increasing manufacturing employment will actually cause service wages to go up, if we keep immigration reasonable and not wide open like it is today.

It's simply not possible for a nation of ~320M people to employ the vast bulk of the population as paralegals, biotech researchers, etc.

30   marcus   2016 Jan 19, 2:02pm  

YesYNot says

Trump is a brand expert (his businesses), a TV/media expert (his shows), and a popularity contest expert (his beauty pageants). In other words, his skill-set is tailor-made for winning an election, but useless for being the president. Even he knows that he can't sell himself based on his ability to be president, so he sells himself based on his ability to run a campaign (success in the polls). It' fucking hilarious, really.

Well framed, I agree completely.

thunderlips11 says

It's about the millions of legal and illegal immigrants that have been flooding into the country over the past few years.

2006 called and they want their statistics back.


31   marcus   2016 Jan 19, 2:07pm  

Maybe the real reason Trump wants to build a wall on the Mexican border is to make it harder for them to leave, as they have been. That's right, millions have actually left in the last few years.


thunderlips11 says

millions of legal and illegal immigrants that have been flooding into the country over the past few years.

Let's see what contortions you have to go through on this one.

If we had a wall with an official gate, it would be impossible for illegals to leave as they have been, without admitting that they committed the crime of being here illegally. Hmmmm, this also might explains why Mexico would be willing to pay for the wall, becausethey must know that it's the rapists and criminals that are coming here. They don't want them back, right ?

In all seriousness, the Mexican immigrant issue sets up the democrat candidate very well. Not only did Obama put a lot more people on border patrol, he succeeded in making the immigration level go negative. Sure the economy was a factor. But they've been net leaving, and having a tougher time coming in.

In the debates the democrat candidate is going to kick ass on this topic. Although republicans are immune to facts and logic, so it might do little more than sway the few reality based citizens that aren't already voting against Trump.

32   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jan 19, 2:39pm  

marcus says

2006 called and they want their statistics back.

marcus says

Let's see what contortions you have to go through on this one.

#1 - It's still Millions, which is exactly what I claimed.

thunderlips11 says

So it's not about 10,000 more immigrants. It's about the millions of legal and illegal immigrants that have been flooding into the country over the past few years. Our immigration level is around early 20th Century levels - sky high! It's not like we're talking about slowing down moderate immigration, it's about slowing down extravagant CURRENT immigrant levels. Also unlike the early 20th Century, we're not building huge new steel mills and car factories every block these days.

Yes, we have MORE immigrants coming in the past decade than at the very all-time peak of US immigration in the early 20th century.

You'll also note that the 40s - 70s had far lower immigration than today.

33   marcus   2016 Jan 19, 2:46pm  

thunderlips11 says

marcus says

2006 called and they want their statistics back.

#1 - It's still Millions, which is exactly what I claimed.

You referred to the last few years, but you're using a chart that ends with numbers for the decade of 2001 - 2010. And no, your statement clearly said legal and illegal immigrants have been flooding in. I showed a graph that showed 1.3 MILLION illegal Mexican immigrants leaving between '07 and '14. Yes that's only the Mexicans, but they were ones that are supposedly rapists, and the ones over which Trump wants to reward his construction pals with their biggest contract ever building a giant wall.

thunderlips11 says

#1 - It's still Millions, which is exactly what I claimed.

Well, it's been in the millions every decade since before 1900 except the WW2 decade (and right after). I thought you were actually trying to say something.

34   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jan 19, 3:27pm  

marcus says

You referred to the last few years

Only works if you take the sentence out of context with the next, which contrasts it:

thunderlips11 says

So it's not about 10,000 more immigrants. It's about the millions of legal and illegal immigrants that have been flooding into the country over the past few years. Our immigration level is around early 20th Century levels - sky high! It's not like we're talking about slowing down moderate immigration, it's about slowing down extravagant CURRENT immigrant levels. Also unlike the early 20th Century, we're not building huge new steel mills and car factories every block these days.

No, I think it's clear that my point was the current level of immigration is at levels only seen in the early 20th Century before. Current levels are not modest, but over the previous all time sky high.

BTW, early 20th C. not a time of a prospering working class, but slums and tenements.marcus says

thunderlips11 says

It's about the millions of legal and illegal immigrants that have been flooding into the country over the past few years.

2006 called and they want their statistics back.

BTW, I said millions of legal and illegal immigrants above. You only put up data on illegals (Unauthorized or Undocumented or whatever the misleading multi kult word is. "I'm an undocumented driver, officer. Not a joyriding kid without a D/L!")

35   komputodo   2016 Jan 19, 8:01pm  

Booger says

Other candidates are jealous of turnouts at Trump rallys.

They have rally envy.

36   marcus   2016 Jan 19, 8:15pm  

thunderlips11 says

No, I think it's clear that my point was the current level of immigration is at levels only seen in the early 20th Century before. Current levels are not modest, but over the previous all time sky high.

I'm saying something very clear and succinct: Immigration of illegal Mexican immigrants is negative 1.3 million from 2007 to 2014.

Juxtapose that fact against the message that launched the rocket of Trump's candidacy.

I say it takes a retard (Trump) to know what the retards want to hear. No offense.

37   marcus   2016 Jan 19, 8:19pm  

thunderlips11 says

BTW, I said millions of legal and illegal immigrants above. You only put up data on illegals (Unauthorized or Undocumented or whatever the misleading multi kult word is.

IF you say A and B are increasing by the millions, how am I supposed to know that what you really mean is, "hey maybe A is going up enough, or even more than enough, to counteract how fast B is decreasing, but I only have pre 2010 data, so I'm kinda talking out my ass anyway, even if I did refer to the last few years. "

38   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jan 19, 9:09pm  

marcus says

IF you say A and B are increasing by the millions, how am I supposed to know that what you really mean is, "hey maybe A is going up enough, or even more than enough, to counteract how fast B is decreasing, but I only have pre 2010 data, so I'm kinda talking out my ass anyway, even if I did refer to the last few years. "

Wow Marcus. Please, please stop beating on a strawman and go back and read my sentence:

thunderlips11 says

It's about the millions of legal and illegal immigrants that have been flooding into the country over the past few years.

Did millions of legal AND illegal immigrants not come into the country over the past few years? Yes. Did I flat out say immigration was increasing? No - I was worried about the numbers per year, not their direction which I did NOT mention. Was I ONLY talking about Mexican Illegals, which is what your chart shows? No. And did not my very next sentence contextualize it further:
thunderlips11 says

Our immigration level is around early 20th Century levels - sky high!

Whether your chart which shows illegal Mexican-only immigration only goes up or down a few hundred thousand per year over the course of nearly a decade is a drop in the bucket.

39   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jan 19, 9:13pm  

marcus says

I'm saying something very clear and succinct: Immigration of illegal Mexican immigrants is negative 1.3 million from 2007 to 2014.

Small Potatoes, there are still millions of them here. That isn't Government Action, but the aftermath of the housing crisis and "Mancession" of Blue Collar Jobs. And about half again as many other illegals - not that I give two shits WHERE immigrants are coming from. I don't care if they're Panamanian, Polish, or Portuguese.

This also doesn't count the way-to-high legal immigrants and skilled and unskilled various Visa grantees

I want ALL immigration to be less than a million per year, legal or illegal.

When Burger King is out on the street offering $12/hr to flip burgers, and 19-year old kids are demanding $15/hr to work in roofing, we can talk about the need for millions of unskilled immigrants.

40   marcus   2016 Jan 19, 11:00pm  

thunderlips11 says

Please, please stop beating on a strawman and go back and read my sentence:

I'm not beating on a straw man. I'm making my point.

thunderlips11 says

Whether your chart which shows illegal Mexican-only immigration only goes up or down a few hundred thousand per year over the course of nearly a decade is a drop in the bucket.

Look, I'm not trying to argue whether the number of existing immigrants is so high that it adversely affects the wages of unskilled natural U.S. citizens.

What I'm saying is that I think it would be nice if you had the honesty to admit that Donald Trump is widely loved because he speaks the ( supposedly amazing non-PC) truth about how we need to build a giant wall on the border, to protect us from the nearly 20% of illegal Mexican immigrants who were in the U.S.that have gone back to Mexico in the past 8 years or so.

thunderlips11 says

Small Potatoes

What kind of idiot thinks that if the number of illegal Mexican immigrants in the US has dropped by 20% in recent years because of illegal immigrants crossing the border going the other way, means that we need to build a wall to stop them from coming in ?


41   marcus   2016 Jan 19, 11:05pm  

thunderlips11 says

Did millions of legal AND illegal immigrants not come into the country over the past few years? Yes.

Are you making that up ? OR do you have data from after 2010 ? OH wait, you said they did not come in. Yes, maybe. That is we don't know, or I don't. Maybe you can sift through the Homeland Security data to get some clean data on what's been happening since 2010.

42   WookieMan   2016 Jan 20, 7:06pm  

How does one go about researching the number of "unauthorized Mexican immigrants" in the country? Skeptical of any data that requires someone to state that they're "unauthorized" to be somewhere. There's also the shaded grey area showing the low and high points of the "estimated 90% confidence interval." That's almost 1 million people out of a total 6 million on the high end. From high to low you're talking roughly 16% of fluctuation in the data. I don't have data to counter what you have presented. But let's put it this way, how many job applicants with felonies would in their good heart put that they're a felon on every job application? And how many "unauthorized immigrants" would freely share this information?

marcus says

What I'm saying is that I think it would be nice if you had the honesty to admit that Donald Trump is widely loved because he speaks the ( supposedly amazing non-PC) truth about how we need to build a giant wall on the border, to protect us from the nearly 20% of illegal Mexican immigrants who were in the U.S.that have gone back to Mexico in the past 8 years or so.

Also, I don't think I've heard or read anywhere that a wall wouldn't allow people to leave. Who cares if the net "unauthorized Mexican immigrants" has supposedly declined. People left that were here "unauthorized." And "unauthorized" people still came here. Net result may have been a decline. Could be an increase next year. Why are "unauthorized" people allowed to just enter a country? I don't get why this is even something to question or argue about. Build a wall or not. Vote for whoever. I just don't get why it is at all acceptable that some one enters a country illegally.

43   Shaman   2016 Jan 20, 7:24pm  

Do they have to be Mexican? I mean, most of the Latino illegals we get in the past ten years are from other central american countries. SO yah, less Mexicans, but more Guatemalans, Hondurans, Costa Ricans, etc etc. It still adds up to a lot of illegal immigration! Which is great for big business and terrible for American citizens in nearly every way. Which is why there's so much anger among native sons fueling the Trump Train...

44   turtledove   2016 Jan 20, 7:26pm  

Well they might have to go to smaller stadiums if Sarah Palin keeps talking. I just can't figure out how having the Sarah Palin endorsement of Trump is a good thing. I must admit... like many others, Trump was growing on me. Then Sarah Palin endorsed him. Is she a plant of the establishment GOP to reduce his numbers? I'm sorry, she's an idiot. I cannot imagine how her endorsement is going to help Trump. She's gotta be a plant.

And now Karl Rove's super PAC is running ads in support of Bernie.

This is going to be one entertaining election year.

45   turtledove   2016 Jan 20, 7:33pm  

But back to your original question regarding the pre-rally show... I don't know what that is. It's not cheerleading; it's not dance... It's reminds me of the kinds of performances you see at beauty pageants. Cheesy, high in flash, low in any actual skill...

46   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jan 20, 8:31pm  

turtledove says

Well they might have to go to smaller stadiums if Sarah Palin keeps talking. I just can't figure out how having the Sarah Palin endorsement of Trump is a good thing. I must admit... like many others, Trump was growing on me. Then Sarah Palin endorsed him. Is she a plant of the establishment GOP to reduce his numbers? I'm sorry, she's an idiot. I cannot imagine how her endorsement is going to help Trump. She's gotta be a plant.

Nah, It's just Trump using her to piss off the Cruz base that calls him "Not a Real Conservative". Same reason the John Wayne family came out for him recently.
Once he gets the nomination, he's gonna go to the center, and abortion will be the first thing you'll hear about.

marcus says

Look, I'm not trying to argue whether the number of existing immigrants is so high that it adversely affects the wages of unskilled natural U.S. citizens.

What I'm saying is that I think it would be nice if you had the honesty to admit that Donald Trump is widely loved because he speaks the ( supposedly amazing non-PC) truth about how we need to build a giant wall on the border, to protect us from the nearly 20% of illegal Mexican immigrants who were in the U.S.that have gone back to Mexico in the past 8 years or so.

Marcus, I care about immigration, both "legal and illegal", and made that abundantly clear using those three very words in quotes. I don't care how many are from Mexico, or from Indonesia, or from Botswana. Nor - and read this line carefully - if they are legal or illegal. Yes, there are just TOO MANY immigrants of all kinds. They are not needed, in fact they are hurting.

Do you see fast food restaurants around the country begging for workers and offering $12/hr? Neither do I. There is no shortage of workers. No magical job is conjured out of thin air the moment an immigrant (legal or illegal, I repeat YET AGAIN) crosses the border.

I do not care, nor claimed in any post above to be care, that illegals (and according to you Mexican illegals) are or aren't chosing to go back in relatively small numbers. You're playing GOTCHA! when there is no "gotcha" to be had.

I think Immigration GENERALLY, legal or illegal, is too damn high. As I made clear in my original post that started this attempt at strawmanning. We need to drop the overall higher-than-the-highest previous era of the 1910s-20s, level of immigration.

47   Tenpoundbass   2016 Jan 20, 8:35pm  

Sarah Palin is good because if anyone can make the media unglier than they are and lose their shit, to the point that they are exposing the behind the curtain magic while doing so more than Trump.
That is Sarah Palin. This is election is anti-elitist Media as much as it is anti establishment.

People are sick and tired of being mocked by the media while they play advertisements from endorsers who has to raise prices on their goods every week. Just to finance the media doing so.

Hey T.V. tell us all how Stupid well all is again!

48   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jan 20, 8:38pm  

Bernie vs. Trump is a winner no matter who wins.

Hillary vs. Cruz/Jeb!/Rubio/Kasich is a loser no matter who wins.

49   marcus   2016 Jan 20, 10:21pm  

WookieMan says

I just don't get why it is at all acceptable that some one enters a country illegally.

IT's not. The government does a lot to prevent it. Obama beefed up border controls. We had 21,000 border agents as of 2012, it's probably more now. The best info we have is that the number of illegal Mexican immigrants in the country has actually decreased by 20% from it's peak in 2007.

I still say that when you contrast that fact with the demagoguery from Trump around the supposed need for a giant wall on our southern border, it shows that in some ways, we we already are an idiocracy.

50   turtledove   2016 Jan 20, 10:38pm  

Hey Marcus.... Quick question on CA curriculum. My daughter was doing her 6th grade social studies homework tonight. One of her questions was "pick three of the Ten Commandments and describe what they mean to you and why they are important." She's in public school. This seems awfully close to teaching religion at a public school. I don't really care as I look at it as part of history... But I wouldn't want the next step to be an attempt to convert my kids to a particular religion. I'm not a fan of organized religion, if you recall. It seems odd to me that they are getting away with it. I'm surprised there aren't complaints. Is it allowed, now?

Btw.... We just found out today that she's been selected to audition at that performing arts school. So she's over the moon.

51   heartwarthog   2016 Jan 21, 12:28am  

The people taking part in those campaigns are not sure if they will vote for Trump...

52   marcus   2016 Jan 21, 6:24am  

turtledove says

We just found out today that she's been selected to audition at that performing arts school. So she's over the moon.

That's awesome. Good for her !

turtledove says

One of her questions was "pick three of the Ten Commandments and describe what they mean to you and why they are important." She's in public school. This seems awfully close to teaching religion at a public school.

I don't know. Is it ? I'm a Math teacher, but this isn't surprising to me. Some kids are raised without religion, and may not even know what the 10 commandments are. They are really ancient rules of behavior right ? That pretty much transcend religion. And they have a place as you say in history and in western culture. This was a teachers decision, to go there, and I don't think any parents are going to have a problem with it. It's very unlikely that the teacher is even going in to religion or interested in converting students. In fact, the teacher very possibly isn't even religious.

Who knows, if there is an agenda, it might be to have a discussion about nonreligious reasons why not lying (for example) is important. I can almost guarantee that what the teacher is looking for in the answers IS NOT fear of going to hell, as the reason why following those rules are important. If he or she gets in trouble, it would be from some parents that had a problem with that.

Btw, philosophically I can see that, for those kids that are religious, and learned that the reason for not sinning is to avoid hell, 5th or 6th grade seems like about the age (if not slightly sooner) for them to start considering that there are other reasons that are less simplistic, for following such rules. IT seems like an interesting way to start a conversation about morality and ethics and how these connect to our social world.

53   Bellingham Bill   2016 Jan 21, 6:48am  

I just don't get why it is at all acceptable that some one enters a country illegally.
I just don't get why it is at all acceptable that some one enters a state illegally.
I just don't get why it is at all acceptable that some one enters a county illegally.
I just don't get why it is at all acceptable that some one enters a city illegally.
I just don't get why it is at all acceptable that some one enters a neighborhood illegally.

Some would argue that humans are people first and citizens of this or that country second.

And people generally have a right to live, work, and just go wherever the hell they want.

54   marcus   2016 Jan 21, 7:07am  

Bellingham Bill says

Some would argue that humans are people first and citizens of this or that country second.

This fact is totally lost on Thunderlips. And it's ironic, because if I'm not mistaken, he works as an expatriate in another country, I think in south America.

55   anonymous   2016 Jan 21, 8:03am  

yeah humans are people first and criminals second. why do they have to follow laws? they are humans, and this chamomile tea needs a freshening. we'll be right back to NPR.

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