Another role model supporting Trump

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2016 Mar 10, 2:33pm   9,512 views  14 comments

by tatupu70   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

A man charged with assaulting a protester at a Donald Trump rally Wednesday night says the protester deserved it.

“Yes, he deserved it. The next time we see him, we might have to kill him," said John McGraw, 78, in an interview with "Inside Edition" on Wednesday night.

He added: "We don’t know who he is. He might be with a terrorist organization.”


I like that. Next time I'm at a Trump rally--I'll just start throwing punches left and right. Who knows, I might hit a terrorist!

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2   tatupu70   2016 Mar 10, 2:47pm  

Ironman says

Actually, that's pretty impressive for a 78 year old senior fart....

Yes, a sucker punch is definitely something to be proud of.

4   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Mar 10, 3:13pm  

Ironman says

The nigger should be lucky he didn't get hit with a few rounds from the redneck's concealed weapon. He's lucky all he ended up with is a black eye.

trolling or serious?

5   zzyzzx   2016 Mar 10, 3:59pm  

Let's look at some of the role models supporting Clinton and/or Sanders:

Woman assaulted for having Trump sticker on laptop

The guy who just threatened to destroy another students laptop just got stumped! Twitter suspended his account!

I was just attacked by Bernie Sanders supporters

6   tatupu70   2016 Mar 10, 4:01pm  

zzyzzx says

Woman assaulted for having Trump sticker on laptop

Except she wasn't assaulted. So, nice try.

7   zzyzzx   2016 Mar 10, 4:04pm  

Florida: Two Hispanic Males Assault 66-Yr-Old Trump Supporter Placing Signs

8   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 10, 4:47pm  

"Professional reporting or attention seeking"? Lewandowski tweeted with the link.

In a statement, Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks called Fields' allegation "entirely false" and, like Lewandowski, drew attention to Fields' past reporting.

"The accusation, which has only been made in the media and never addressed directly with the campaign, is entirely false. As one of the dozens of individuals present as Mr. Trump exited the press conference I did not witness any encounter. In addition to our staff, which had knowledge of said situation, not a single camera or reporter of more than 100 in attendance captured the alleged incident," Hicks wrote.

"This individual has never met Corey, nor had the only reporter that supposedly identified him. There are often large crowd aggressively seeking access to Mr. Trump and our staff would never do anything to harm another individual, while at the same time understanding that Mr. Trump and his personal space should never be invaded," she added.

"We leave to other whether this is part of a larger pattern of exaggerating incidents, but on multiple occasions she has become part of the news story as opposed to reporting it," Hicks continued. Recall she also claimed to have been beaten by a New York City Police officer with a baton."

But Fields later tweeted a photograph of her arm, which appeared bruised in multiple locations.


Nope. She accused Allen West of groping her, and as above the NYPD of hitting her with a baton. She's got a tiny bruise on her arm, which could have been caused by anything - getting jostled in the crowd, for example.

In both of her prior Drama Queen allegations, suddenly, nothing happened. No charges, no suits, no settlements.

Lewandowski is correct in noting she did not complain to the Trump Campaign or contact them, but went straight to Twitter Court.

All the GOPe websites are leading with this, and she's a biased Cruz supporter.

9   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 10, 4:52pm  

Nobody mentions that dozens of protesters show up to Trump rallies, and it was only a matter of time before there were fisticuffs - in fact, there have been fisticuffs before but video evidence showed it was the Protesters initiating the violence.

This is probably the new Establishment talking point - Trump and his supporters are violent assholes.

Good luck with that, Losers!

10   Philistine   2016 Mar 10, 5:11pm  

Camille Paglia came out of the woodwork to write another of her Salon prattlings *in support of* Trump. I don't know what to make of that. Maybe she needs to pay the rent. She certainly owns the brand on inane contrarianism.

11   zzyzzx   2016 Mar 10, 8:10pm  


Judy Beaty, a 70-year-old Gainesville resident, says she woke up Wednesday morning to discover that someone stole her two Donald Trump political signs from her yard and spray painted messages on her house in the area of Old Linton Hall.

Beaty said she later found an iron crowbar near the graffiti.

“I just went out to show my daughter the damage and noticed an iron bar; it has a very sharp end,” she said. “We pulled it out of the ground apparently the person who came here brought it as a weapon just in case.”
While she said she feels “unsafe and violated,” the incident will not deter her from replacing the signs.
“I put a larger trump sign in my yard I am not going to let anyone threaten me,” she said.

12   zzyzzx   2016 Mar 10, 8:12pm  

More "tolerant" liberals here:


Trump Supporters Brutally Assaulted – Body Slammed and Hit in Stomach in Florida

A 66 year-old Trump supporter was body-slammed to the ground by two young men after he put up Trump signs near a South Creek Library this week.

Lou Valls suffered muscle sprains and bruises after the attack.

Orange County deputies are searching for two men who attacked a campaign volunteer.

“First day of early voting, I was so excited,” explained Lou Valls, who volunteers for Donald Trump’s campaign. On Monday, he went to the South Creek Library to show his support in front of early voters. “I wanted to get their first, because I wanted to put my signs right by the prime real estate.” Valls said he placed 18 Trump signs out along Deerfield Blvd. “I was waving signs and that’s when it all happened.”

Deputies said two men battered Valls and stole from him. “They bolted and started pulling out my Trump signs and when that happened I confronted them, and when that happened, one of them body slammed me to the ground. Just ‘Bam!’ and there I am on the ground and they continue to pull my signs.”

Valls, 66, told deputies that the two suspects continued to laugh at him as he struggled to get back on his feet.

“I got up as quickly as I could, and when that happened I sprained some muscles and my leg gave away and I fell on the sidewalk and that’s when I bruised my hands and they continued to pull my signs.”

Valls said the suspects ran away and hopped into a car, but one of his friends was able to take a picture of the license plate. Deputies said the suspects are between 18 to 22 years old. One was wearing a purple Orlando City Soccer shirt and dark pants. The other had a navy blue shirt with an orange logo, white hat and dark shorts.

Another Trump volunteer told deputies that she was struck in the chest by a drink thrown from the window of a passing car.

Irma Bashore, 44, yesterday was outside another Orlando library holding a Trump sign when she “felt an impact to her stomach.” Bashore initially thought she had been hit by a rock, but realized that “her shirt and pants were wet with from what appeared to be a drink from Panera, possibly a cold coffee.”

Bashore said she thought her assailant was driving a “light gray or tan mini-van type vehicle.” A witness told cops that the male suspect threw the drink out the car’s passenger window at Bashore, who was left with a welt on her stomach and complained that “the impact hurt.” The incident has been classified as an aggravated battery.

13   turtledove   2016 Mar 10, 8:19pm  

Holding up examples of wackos doing wacko things and claiming they are emblematic of a particular candidate is kind of stupid. I'm sure all the candidates have their fair share of wacko "supporters" running around doing wacko things in the name of AMERICA!

14   uomo_senza_nome_0   2016 Mar 11, 4:05am  

Love always trumps Hate. #FeeltheBern

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