What is it like to teach Basketball-Americans?

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2014 Jul 27, 4:03am   23,032 views  27 comments

by The Original Bankster   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

What is it Like to Teach Black Students?

by Christopher Jackson

Until recently I taught at a predominantly
black high school in a southeastern

The mainstream press gives a hint of
what conditions are like in black schools,
but only a hint. Expressions journalists
use like “chaotic” or “poor learning
environment” or “lack of discipline” do
not capture what really happens. There
is nothing like the day-to-day experience
of teaching black children and that is
what I will try to convey.

Most whites simply do not know what
black people are like in large numbers,
and the first encounter can be a shock.

One of the most immediately striking
things about my students was that they
were loud. They had little conception of
ordinary decorum. It was not unusual
for five blacks to be screaming at
me at once. Instead of calming down and
waiting for a lull in the din to make their
point—something that occurs to even
the dimmest white students—blacks just
tried to yell over each other.

It did no good to try to quiet them, and
white women were particularly inept at
trying. I sat in on one woman’s class as
she begged the children to pipe down.
They just yelled louder so their voices
would carry over hers.

Many of my black students would
repeat themselves over and over again—
just louder. It was as if they suffered
from Tourette syndrome. They seemed
to have no conception of waiting for
an appropriate time to say something.
They would get ideas in their heads and
simply had to shout them out. I might be
leading a discussion on government and
suddenly be interrupted: “We gotta get
more Democrats! Clinton, she good!”
The student may seem content with that
outburst but two minutes later, he would
suddenly start yelling again: “Clinton

Anyone who is around young blacks
will probably get a constant diet of rap music.
Blacks often make up their own jingles,
and it was not uncommon for 15 black
boys to swagger into a classroom,
bouncing their shoulders and jiving back.

They were yelling back and forth, rapping 15 different sets of
words in the same harsh, rasping dialect.
The words were almost invariably
a childish form of boasting: “Who got
dem shine rim, who got dem shine shoe,
who got dem shine grill (gold and silver
dental caps)?” The amateur rapper usually
ends with a claim—in the crudest
terms imaginable—that all womankind
is sexually devoted to him. For whatever
reason, my students would often groan
instead of saying a particular word, as in,
“She suck dat aaahhhh (think of a long
grinding groan), she f**k dat aaaahhhh,
she lick dat aaaahhh.”

So many black girls dance in the hall, in the classroom,
on the chairs, next to the chairs, under
the chairs, everywhere. Once I took a
call on my cell phone and had to step
outside of class. I was away about two
minutes but when I got back the black
girls had lined up at the front of the
classroom and were convulsing to the
delight of the boys.

Many black people, especially black
women, are enormously fat. Some are
so fat I had to arrange special seating to
accommodate their bulk. I am not saying
there are no fat white students—there
are—but it is a matter of numbers and
attitudes. Many black girls simply do not
care that they are fat. There are plenty
of white anorexics, but I have never met
or heard of a black anorexic.

“Black women be big Mr. Jackson,”
my students would explain.

“Is it okay in the black community to
be a little overweight?” I ask.
Two obese black girls in front of
my desk begin to dance, “You know
dem boys lak juicy fruit, Mr. Jackson.”
“Juicy” is a colorful black expression
for the buttocks.

Blacks, on average, are the most directly critical
people I have ever met: “Dat shirt stupid.
Yo’ kid a bastard. Yo’ lips big.” Unlike
whites, who tread gingerly around the
subject of race, they can be brutally to
the point. Once I needed to send a student
to the office to deliver a message. I
asked for volunteers, and suddenly you
would think my classroom was a bastion
of civic engagement. Thirty dark hands
shot into the air. My students loved to
leave the classroom and slack off, even
if just for a few minutes, away from the
eye of white authority. I picked a light-skinned
boy to deliver the message. One
very black student was indignant: “You
pick da half-breed.” And immediately
other blacks take up the cry, and half
a dozen mouths are screaming, “He

For decades, the country has been
lamenting the poor academic performance
of blacks and there is much to
lament. There is no question, however,
that many blacks come to school with a
serious handicap that is not their fault.
At home they have learned a dialect that
is almost a different language. Blacks
not only mispronounce words; their
grammar is often wrong. When a black
wants to ask, “Where is the bathroom?”
he may actually say “Whar da badroom
be?” Grammatically, this is the equivalent
of “Where the bathroom is?” And
this is the way they speak in high school.
Students write the way they speak, so
this is the language that shows up in
written assignments.

It is true that some whites face a
similar handicap. They speak with
what I would call a “country” accent
that is hard to reproduce but results in
sentences such as “I’m gonna gemme
a Coke.” Some of these country whites
had to learn correct pronunciation and
usage. The difference is that most whites
overcome this handicap and learn to
speak correctly; many blacks do not.

Most of the blacks I taught simply
had no interest in academic subjects. I
taught history, and students would often
say they didn’t want to do an assignment
or they didn’t like history because it was
all about white people. Of course, this
was “diversity” history, in which every
cowboy’s black cook got a special page
on how he contributed to winning the
West, but black children still found it
inadequate. So I would throw up my
hands and assign them a project on a
real, historical black person. My favorite
was Marcus Garvey. They had never
heard of him, and I would tell them to
research him, but they never did. They
didn’t care and they didn’t want to do
any work.

Anyone who teaches blacks soon
learns that they have a completely different
view of government from whites.
Once I decided to fill 25 minutes by
having students write about one thing
the government should do to improve
America. I gave this question to three
classes totaling about 100 students,
approximately 80 of whom were black.
My few white students came back with
generally “conservative” ideas. “We
need to cut off people who don’t work,”
was the most common suggestion.
Nearly every black gave a variation on
the theme of “We need more government

My students had only the vaguest
notion of who pays for government
services. For them, it was like a magical
piggy bank that never goes empty. One
black girl was exhorting the class on
the need for more social services and I
kept trying to explain that people, real
live people, are taxed for the money to
pay for those services. “Yeah, it come
from whites,” she finally said. “They
stingy anyway.”

“Many black people make over
$50,000 dollars a year and you would
also be taking away from your own
people,” I said.

She had an answer to that: “Dey
half breed.” The class agreed. I let the
subject drop.

Many black girls are perfectly happy
to be welfare queens. On career day, one
girl explained to the class that she was
going to have lots of children and get fat
checks from the government. No one in
the class seemed to have any objection
to this career choice.

Surprising attitudes can come out in
class discussion. We were talking about
the crimes committed in the aftermath of
Hurricane Katrina, and I brought up the
rape of a young girl in the bathroom of
the Superdome. A majority of my students
believed this was a horrible crime
but a few took it lightly. One black boy
spoke up without raising his hand: “Dat
no big deal. They thought they is gonna
die so they figured they have some fun.
Dey jus’ wanna have a fun time; you
know what I’m sayin’?” A few black
heads nodded in agreement.

My department head once asked all
the teachers to get a response from all
students to the following question: “Do
you think it is okay to break the law if it
will benefit you greatly?” By then, I had
been teaching for a while and was not
surprised by answers that left a young,
liberal, white woman colleague aghast.
“Yeah” was the favorite answer. As one
student explained, “Get dat green.”

There is a level of conformity among
blacks that whites would find hard to
believe. They like one kind
of music: rap. They will
vote for one political party:
Democrat. They dance
one way, speak one way,
are loud the same way,
and fail their exams in the
same way. Of course, there
are exceptions but they
are rare.

Whites are different.
Some like country music,
others heavy metal, some
prefer pop, and still others,
God forbid, enjoy rap music. They have
different associations, groups, almost
ideologies. There are jocks, nerds,
preppies, and hunters. Blacks are all—
well—black, and they are quick to let
other blacks know when they deviate
from the norm.

One might object that there are important
group differences among blacks that a white man simply cannot detect. I
have done my best to find them, but so
far as I can tell, they dress the same, talk
the same, think the same. Certainly, they
form rival groups, but the groups are not
different in any discernible way. There
simply are no groups of blacks that are
as distinctly different from each other
as white “nerds,” “hunters,” or “Goths,”
for example.

How the world looks to blacks
One point on which all blacks agree
is that everything is “racis’.” This is
one message of liberalism they have
absorbed completely. Did you do your
homework? “Na, homework racis’.”
Why did you get an F on the test? “Test

I was trying to teach a unit on British
philosophers and the first thing the students
noticed about Bentham, Hobbes,
and Locke was “Dey all white! Where da
black philosopher a’?” I tried to explain
there were no blacks in eighteenth century
Britain. You can probably guess
what they said to that: “Dat racis’!”
One student accused me of deliberately
failing him on a test because I
didn’t like black people.

“Do you think I really hate black
“Have I done anything to make you
feel this way? How do you know?”
“You just do.”
“Why do you say that?”

He just smirked, looked out the window,
and sucked air through his teeth.
Perhaps this was a regional thing, but
the blacks often sucked air through their
teeth as a wordless expression of disdain
or hostility.

My students were sometimes unable
to see the world except through the lens
of their own blackness. I had a class
that was host to a German exchange
student. One day he put on a Power Point
presentation with famous German landmarks
as well as his school and family.

From time to time during the presentation,
blacks would scream, “Where da
black folk?!” The exasperated German
tried several times to explain that there
were no black people where he lived in
Germany. The students did not believe
him. I told them Germany is in Europe,
where white people are from, and Africa
is where black people are from. They
insisted that the German student was
racist, and deliberately refused to associate
with blacks.

Blacks are keenly interested in
their own racial characteristics. I have
learned, for example, that some blacks
have “good hair.” Good hair is black
parlance for black-white hybrid hair.
Apparently, it is less kinky, easier to
style, and considered more attractive.
Blacks are also proud of light skin.
Imagine two black students shouting
insults across the room. One is dark
but slim; the other light and obese. The
dark one begins the exchange: “You
fat, Ridario!” Ridario smiles, doesn’t deign to look
at his detractor, shakes his head like a
wobbling top, and says, “You wish you
light skinned.”

They could go on like this, repeating
the same insults over and over.

My black students had nothing but
contempt for Hispanic immigrants. They
would vent their feelings so crudely
that our department strongly advised us
never to talk about immigration in class
in case the principal or some outsider
might overhear.

Whites were “racis’,” of course, but
they thought of us at least as Americans.
Not the Mexicans. Blacks have a certain,
not necessarily hostile understanding of
white people. They know how whites
act, and it is clear they believe whites
are smart and are good at organizing
things. At the same time, they probably
suspect whites are just putting on an
act when they talk about equality, as if
it is all a sham that makes it easier for
whites to control blacks. Blacks want a
bigger piece of the American pie. I’m
convinced that if it were up to them
they would give whites a considerably
smaller piece than whites get now, but
they would give us something. They
wouldn’t give Mexicans anything.

What about black boys and white
girls? No one is supposed to
notice this or talk about it but
it is glaringly obvious: Black
boys are obsessed with white
girls. I’ve witnessed the following
drama countless times. A black
boy saunters up to a white
girl. The cocky black dances
around her, not really in a menacing
way. It’s more a shuffle
than a threat. As he bobs and
shuffles he asks, “When you
gonna go wit’ me?”

There are two kinds of reply.
The more confident white
girl gets annoyed, looks away
from the black and shouts, “I don’t wanna
go out with you!” The more demure
girl will look at her feet and mumble
a polite excuse but ultimately say no.

There is only one response from the
black boy: “You racis’.” Many girls—all
too many—actually feel guilty because
they do not want to date blacks. Most
white girls at my school stayed away
from blacks, but a few, particularly the
ones who were addicted to drugs, fell
in with them.

There is something else that is striking
about blacks. They seem to have
no sense of romance, of falling in love.
What brings men and women together is
sex, pure and simple, and there is a crude
openness about this. There are many degenerate
whites, of course, but some of
my white students were capable of real
devotion and tenderness, emotions that
seemed absent from blacks—especially
the boys.

Black schools are violent and the
few whites who are too poor to escape
are caught in the storm. The violence is
astonishing, not so much that it happens,
but the atmosphere in which it happens.
Blacks can be smiling, seemingly perfectly
content with what they are doing,
having a good time, and then, suddenly
start fighting. It’s uncanny. Not long
ago, I was walking through the halls
and a group of black boys were walking
in front of me. All of a sudden they
started fighting with another group in
the hallway.

Blacks are extraordinarily quick to
take offense. Once I accidentally scuffed
a black boy’s white sneaker with my
shoe. He immediately rubbed his body
up against mine and threatened to attack
me. I stepped outside the class and had
a security guard escort the student to
the office. It was unusual for students
to threaten teachers physically this way,
but among themselves, they were quick
to fight for similar reasons.

The real victims are the unfortunate
whites caught in this. They are always
in danger and their educations suffer.
White weaklings are particularly susceptible,
but mostly to petty violence. They
may be slapped or get a couple of kicks
when they are trying to open a bottom
locker. Typically, blacks save the hard,
serious violence for each other.

There was a lot of promiscuous sex
among my students and this led to
violence. Black girls were constantly
fighting over black boys. It was not uncommon
to see two girls literally ripping
each other’s hair out with a police officer
in the middle trying to break up the
fight. The black boy they were fighting
over would be standing by with a smile,
enjoying the show he had created. For
reasons I cannot explain, boys seldom
fought over girls.

Pregnancy was common among the
blacks, though many black girls were
so fat I could not tell the difference. I
don’t know how many girls got abortions,
but when they had the baby they
usually stayed in school and had their
own parents look after the child. The
school did not offer daycare.

Aside from the police officers constantly
on patrol, a sure sign that you
My black students had
nothing but contempt for
Hispanics. Whites were
“racis’,” of course, but
they thought of us at least
as Americans.

Security guards are everywhere in
black schools—we had one on every
hall. They also sat in on unruly classes
and escorted students to the office. They
were unarmed, but worked closely with
the three city police officers who were
constantly on duty.

There was a lot of drug-dealing at
my school. This was a good way to
make a fair amount of money but it
also gave boys power over girls who
wanted drugs. An addicted girl—black
or white—became the plaything of anyone
who could get her drugs.

One of my students was a notorious
drug dealer. Everyone knew it. He was
19 years old and in eleventh grade. Once
he got a score of three out of 100 on a
test. He had been locked up four times
since he was 13.

One day, I asked him, “Why do you
come to school?”

He wouldn’t answer. He just looked
out the window, smiled, and sucked air
through his teeth. His friend Yidarius
ventured an explanation: “He get dat
green and get dem females.”

“What is the green?” I asked. “Money
or dope?” “Both,” said Yidarius with a smile.

A very fat black interrupted from
across the room: “We get dat lunch,” Mr.
Jackson. “We gotta get dat lunch and
brickfuss.” He means the free breakfast
and lunch poor students get every day.
“Nigga, we know’d you be lovin’
brickfuss!” shouts another student.

Some readers may believe that I
have drawn a cruel caricature of black
students. After all, according to official
figures some 85 percent of them graduate.
It would be instructive to know how
many of those scraped by with barely a
C- record. They go from grade to grade
and they finally get their diplomas
because there is so much pressure on
teachers to push them through. It saves
money to move them along, the school
looks good, and the teachers look good.

Many of these children should have been
failed, but the system would crack under
their weight if they were all held back.

How did my experiences make me
feel about blacks? Ultimately, I lost
sympathy for them. In so many ways
they seem to make their own beds.
There they were in an integrationist’s
fantasy—in the same classroom with
white students, eating the same lunch,
using the same bathrooms, listening to
the same teachers—and yet the blacks
fail while the whites pass.

One tragic outcome among whites
who have been teaching for too long
is that it can engender something close
to hatred. One teacher I knew gave up
fast food—not for health reasons but
because where he lived most fast-food
workers were black. He had enough of
blacks on the job. This was an extreme
example but years of frustration can
take their toll. Many of my white colleagues
with any experience were well
on their way to that state of mind.

There is an unutterable secret among
teachers: Almost all realize that blacks
do not respond to traditional white
instruction. Does that put the lie to environmentalism?
Not at all. It is what
brings about endless, pointless innovation
that is supposed to bring blacks up
to the white level. The solution is more diversity—or put
more generally, the solution is change.
Change is an almost holy word in education,
and you can fail a million times as
long as you keep changing. That is why
liberals keep revamping the curriculum
and the way it is taught. For example,
teachers are told that blacks need handson
instruction and more group work.

Teachers are told that blacks are more
vocal and do not learn through reading
and lectures. The implication is that they
have certain traits that lend themselves
to a different kind of teaching.

Whites have learned a certain way for
centuries but it just doesn’t work with
blacks. Of course, this implies racial
differences but if pressed, most liberal
teachers would say different racial
learning styles come from some indefinable
cultural characteristic unique to
blacks. Therefore, schools must change,
America must change. But into what?
How do you turn quantum physics into
hands-on instruction or group work? No
one knows, but we must keep changing
until we find something that works.



Comments 1 - 27 of 27        Search these comments

2   Strategist   2014 Jul 27, 5:09am  

The Original Bankster says


I read the whole thing, and was taken aback.
This does not appear to be the norm, and must be in the worst of the worst ghetto schools. I also doubt if African kids in Africa are anything like this.

4   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 27, 5:14am  

keep making excuses for what is savagery and we will be living in it.

5   Vicente   2014 Jul 27, 6:47am  

I know what let's do, rev up the charter schools and resegregate the system. At least then White America won't have to deal with the problem.

6   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 27, 7:12am  

you do know that Obama wants to make a law that requires that black people live in your neighborhood?


7   Strategist   2014 Jul 27, 9:12am  

The Original Bankster says

That little kid is just enjoying himself.
That kid is probably from a dirt poor family, who has never seen a swimming pool. Does not stop him from having the time of his life in a bucket. People are the same everywhere, especially the children. They all want the same thing. Where that little kid grows up, and the values his parents instill in him will determine wether he spends most of his adult life in prison, becomes a President, or something in between.
Every child should be given an equal opportunity to excel. As they say.....the best smelling roses come from mud.

8   mmmarvel   2014 Jul 27, 12:07pm  

Oh my goodness - racist, uh, not really, rather it IS reality and it goes beyond the classroom. My wife got a job managing a Lowe's, the majority of the staff (90%+) were black and to get them to do what they were paid to do was basically impossible. They were lazy beyond comprehension, out of an 8 hour day (I'm excluding the one hour lunch break) they spent, on the average, 20 minutes of each hour messing with their cell phones. Most did not come out and talk on company time (although a couple of them saw nothing wrong with that) but they were texting, going on the web. Bathroom breaks were usually sought out (meaning they told her that they were going to the restroom) about every two hours, and then it was a 10 - 20 minute bathroom break. While my wife had been given the authority to tell them where they were suppose to be, she could not fire or suspend; after 2 months she quit.

I live in one of the most 'diverse' cities in the United States. However, it feels like over 50% of the population here is black. There are exceptions to every rule, BUT - by in large what this article talks about is what I see in a lessor degree in adults, but when school is in session, oh my, the kids are dumb and dumber. They don't speak decent english, they use slang and are constantly on the cell phones be it in a car or on the street corner.

9   Strategist   2014 Jul 27, 12:19pm  

mmmarvel says

Oh my goodness - racist, uh, not really, rather it IS reality and it goes beyond the classroom. My wife got a job managing a Lowe's, the majority of the staff (90%+) were black and to get them to do what they were paid to do was basically impossible. They were lazy beyond comprehension, out of an 8 hour day (I'm excluding the one hour lunch break) they spent, on the average, 20 minutes of each hour messing with their cell phones. Most did not come out and talk on company time (although a couple of them saw nothing wrong with that) but they were texting, going on the web. Bathroom breaks were usually sought out (meaning they told her that they were going to the restroom) about every two hours, and then it was a 10 - 20 minute bathroom break. While my wife had been given the authority to tell them where they were suppose to be, she could not fire or suspend; after 2 months she quit.

How does that store make a profit?
Would incentives for the staff work?

10   Bigsby   2014 Jul 27, 12:25pm  

Reads like a made up piece of racist crap.

11   Strategist   2014 Jul 27, 12:31pm  

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

That little kid is just enjoying himself.

That kid is probably from a dirt poor family, who has never seen a swimming pool. Does not stop him from having the time of his life in a bucket.

It does look like he's having fun. Kinda of ironic though, what's the odds that he'd be eating watermelon when the picture was taken?

His parents probably have an iphone like everyone else.

12   mmmarvel   2014 Jul 27, 8:49pm  

Strategist says

How does that store make a profit?

Like so many other stores (many WalMarts come to mind), they are selling at a profit. People come in, find what they are looking for (please don't ask the staff to help) and buy it.

Strategist says

Would incentives for the staff work?

In a word - no.
The vast majority have no incentive (of their own) to improve, advance, move up (and it's too bad because overall Lowes is NOT a bad place to work for). They are there till they find something that pays more and requires less work/will tolerate their behavior.

13   edvard2   2014 Jul 28, 1:02am  

This entire post is offensive and should be removed from this site.

14   Strategist   2014 Jul 28, 1:05am  

mmmarvel says

Strategist says

How does that store make a profit?

Like so many other stores (many WalMarts come to mind), they are selling at a profit. People come in, find what they are looking for (please don't ask the staff to help) and buy it.

Strategist says

Would incentives for the staff work?

In a word - no.

The vast majority have no incentive (of their own) to improve, advance, move up (and it's too bad because overall Lowes is NOT a bad place to work for). They are there till they find something that pays more and requires less work/will tolerate their behavior.

They might as well collect welfare. Losers.

15   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 28, 1:50am  

mmmarvel says

I live in one of the most 'diverse' cities in the United States. However, it feels like over 50% of the population here is black. There are exceptions to every rule, BUT - by in large what this article talks about is what I see in a lessor degree in adults, but when school is in session, oh my, the kids are dumb and dumber. They don't speak decent english, they use slang and are constantly on the cell phones be it in a car or on the street corner.

I can guarantee you(although they will deny it ie 'i have black friends!!!!!') that all these people expressing shock at my statements don't live anywhere near black people in any significant numbers.

They use this tactic of 'racial equality' to bribe ethnic groups that would be otherwise looting and rioting in their cities. This bribe money, called 'affirmative action' comes from places that these people are never willing to admit. Some faceless 'american' person who is invariably white, young, productive and more than likely raising a family.

16   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 28, 1:51am  

they live in some 'nice' area probably in the bay area where everything is just perfect except their entire world rests on financial fraud that appears ready to collapse at any moment.

17   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 28, 1:52am  

Strategist says

That little kid is just enjoying himself.

That kid is probably from a dirt poor family, who has never seen a swimming pool. Does not stop him from having the time of his life in a bucket. People are the same everywhere, especially the children. They all want the same thing. Where that little kid grows up, and the values his parents instill in him will determine wether he spends most of his adult life in prison, becomes a President, or something in between.

Every child should be given an equal opportunity to excel. As they say.....the best smelling roses come from mud.

I think you're misinterpreting me.

I dont hate black people. I am a realist. Most black people have these very same criticisms of other black people. Just look at rap videos and what they glorify as black culture.

I think the pic is funny, that's all.

18   edvard2   2014 Jul 28, 1:53am  

Alas I've found yet another poster who enjoys posting excrement and nonsense. Thus I can assume future posts will be similar and equally pointless. time to press da' ignore button one more time.

19   frammis4242   2015 Jan 5, 5:28am  

"That's racist!"
~Suburban White who's never seen a black person

20   Tenpoundbass   2015 Jan 5, 6:13am  

Call it Crazy says

It does look like he's having fun. Kinda of ironic though, what's the odds that he'd be eating watermelon when the picture was taken?

I suspect my grandson might be black, he loves watermelon.

My grandson would definitely do something like jump into a 5 gallon bucket even while eating his watermelon. Yesterday he and his sister were out back on the patio, dunking their heads into the melted ice in a 20 gallon cooler, that was still there from the NYE party. I yelled at them and went out and emptied the water.

Kids do goofy humorous stuff, let's not get stupid and racist just because a kid enjoys watermelon and will go into any tight space he can place himself. That's just what kids do.

21   jeffco   2016 Apr 2, 11:38am  

I can attest to the accuracy of most of what was said here. I grew up in a heavily racially mixed area, and all the dynamics stated exist. And this was before the rap and gangsta culture that is the norm now. The majority of the black kids were disproportionally loud, disruptive, uninterested in learning anything. When a teacher would send them to the office after the 4th time of stopping the lesson because they were jabbering so loud amongst themselves nobody could hear, they would get pissy and start trowing out the racist defense. I felt bad sometimes because some of them had genuine problems keeping them from focusing and learning, and it went unseen to teachers and other students, who heaped grief on them for trying to navigate their day the best they could. I remember one black girl named Melody...she was always dressed poorly, hair all messed up, showed up late in the mornings, fell asleep in class, and did strange things like sit there eating a tube of toothpaste, which of course brought down all kinds of derision from staff and students alike. They all seemed to think she was just doing it for attention. I talked to her from time to time, and realized once she opened up that she was doing the best anyone could in her situation. She said there wasn't any food in her house...and that morning she was hungry enough to eat toothpaste, it was all she could find. She was always tired and late because her POS mom would go out to "da club" nightly, and leave her in charge of three siblings, including an infant. She therefore had no time to do homework, or even sleep much. Her mom only did laundry sporadically, and Melody couldn't do it because the laundry was in another building at the apartment complex, and she had to stay with the siblings. It all fell into place, her appearance, behavior, weird quirks and all. It was surprising she was even bothering to try to go to school. Most would give up. But I kinda realized that her case explains a lot. When you are immersed in a certain culture and conditions growing up, that IS your normal. Nothing about her situation seemed strange to her. It just WAS her reality.

That, to me, is the heart of the entire problem. In extremely poor areas, which also tend to be urban and predominantly black, you have the result of generations of children trying to raise children. I don't know what became of Melody, but the odds say that she was on a trajectory to see her best option as getting knocked up young, go on welfare, get her own place, and start the cycle over again. Much easier than trying to navigate the demands of education and employment, when everyone dismisses you on first sight as a sloppy, lazy, and somewhat bizarre girl that fails to conform or keep up. If they only knew. Hopefully she was strong enough to break out of that cycle, but I have some empathy for people who can't.

That doesn't excuse all the behavior. But kids have to be taught values and behavior not just as abstract ideas (Don't steal, it's wrong), but as actual lessons in WHY it's better to behave one way over the other. A lot of times I hear blacks talking in terms of getting all you can, however you gotta do it, otherwise you're just a chump and someone's gonna take yours first. Well, if that's how it works in your world, what good does trying to do it the "right" way do? What do you get from that? Nobility? Respect? No. You're a chump. A fool. A sellout. You're not keepin' it real. Very few kids and teens have the fortitude to stay on track in the face of that. Chances are, you wouldn't either, were you to have grown up that way.

I don't have any answers. I think that people with the best intentions created this situation, but I have no idea how to undo it. Maybe there is none.

22   FortWayne   2016 Apr 3, 10:29am  

The Original Bankster says

Most whites simply do not know what

black people are like in large numbers,

and the first encounter can be a shock.

Mob mentality, anti-white, very racist... which is nothing new, been that way since ever. Poor neighborhoods blame everyone for their situation but themselves.

23   Entitlemented   2016 Apr 3, 9:36pm  

Had a good black friend. He was Christian, Republican. He did not like O'crats.

He also had a degree in Chemical Engineering from Georgia Tech.

Dont care how much melanin one has in their skin.

Jus if they be Libertarian or Repub or Engineers, dat all........

25   komputodo   2016 Apr 17, 9:33pm  

Strategist says

I also doubt if African kids in Africa are anything like this.

I don't think that African kids in Africa would be considered basketball-americans.

26   komputodo   2016 Apr 17, 9:38pm  

edvard2 says

This entire post is offensive and should be removed from this site.

Please retire to your safe space asap.

27   indigenous   2016 Apr 17, 11:29pm  

jeffco says

I think that people with the best intentions created this situation

The road to hell...

Black unemployment was lower than white unemployment up until prevailing wage and minimum wage.

I actually think this was intentional and pernicious.

What do you do now? got me, that is certainly a poignant story about the girl. Would she be better off in a home?

Since these programs caused he problem getting rid of them would seem to fix it.

IOW if people are paid to be dependent they will be dependent.

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