Muslims demand halal certified food banks !

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2016 Apr 17, 7:01am   3,105 views  15 comments

by lostand confused   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  


Whoever said beggars cant be choosers never met Somali Muslims in Minnesota. These Muslim imports in Minneapolis are now demanding a tax-funded halal non-pork food shelf at a free food pantry for the poor. As if its not bad enough that nearly all the American Muslims who have joined ISIS have been Somalis from Minneapolis, their relatives here are demanding that Americans adhere to the same Sharia Laws the Islamic State fighters are trying to impose throughout the Middle East. A group of first-generation Somali Americans says they need help in developing a food shelf that specializes in healthy foods...

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1   Strategist   2016 Apr 17, 7:05am  

lostand confused says

Muslims demand halal certified food banks !

We better comply. Or else........

2   Strategist   2016 Apr 17, 7:09am  

DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says

Stock it with transmission fluid and Ramen.

Is it halal certified?

3   Shaman   2016 Apr 17, 8:28am  

Is arsenic Halal?
Just asking...

4   lostand confused   2016 Apr 17, 11:09am  

if I become a Muslim , can I demand a certified pay check from the gubmnt and four wives who only obey sharia??

5   Strategist   2016 Apr 17, 11:13am  

Quigley says

Is arsenic Halal?

Just asking...

It sure is. Excellent as a kabab dip.

6   Ceffer   2016 Apr 17, 11:14am  

Carbonated antifreeze.

7   Strategist   2016 Apr 17, 11:15am  

lostand confused says

if I become a Muslim , can I demand a certified pay check from the gubmnt and four wives who only obey sharia??

You sure can. But I would leave room for a temporary wife too. As the sharia laws allow it, the government must pay for the temps.

8   Ceffer   2016 Apr 17, 11:44am  

c4 frankfurters.

9   Bellingham Bill   2016 Apr 17, 2:07pm  

you know, if you've fucked up your own society such that you're a refugee, fleeing from it with nothing, it might behoove one to revisit one's cultural inheritance and cut what's bullshit about it.

and observing muslims -- and 'orthodox' religious people in general -- come with plenty of bullshit doctrines to revisit.

10   curious2   2016 Apr 17, 3:12pm  

lostand confused says

if I become a Muslim , can I demand a certified pay check from the gubmnt and four wives who only obey sharia??

In Britain, you could.

Bellingham Bill says

it might behoove one to revisit one's cultural inheritance

Exactly. When you come to a fork in the road, take it. The best and simplest solution is to offer everyone a free one-way ticket to Mecca, on one condition: going forward, anyone who chooses to go to a specific list of places that call for the violent overthrow of our government (e.g. Mecca) can never return. All the rewards in Islam are only for believers, and Islam requires all believers to go to Mecca. It may be the only vulnerability in the religion, as far as I can tell. Offering everyone a free ticket is not discriminatory, and it isn't persecution, but it might work, and it would cost less than our current campaigns of invade&invite&surveillance.

11   Dan8267   2016 Apr 17, 8:45pm  

lostand confused says

Muslims demand halal certified food banks !

We all need to be more accommodating to Islamic culture. So as a sign of peace, I baked these Mohammad cookies! They are 100% Halal and vegan.

12   curious2   2016 Apr 17, 9:35pm  

Dan8267 says

Mohammad cookies!

Great idea, and a tasty way to demonstrate that religions are not all the same, including especially the three Abrahamic religions. If somebody mails out free boxes of Jesus cookies, Jehovah cookies, and Mohamed cookies, reactions would vary dramatically depending on religion. In countries that do not have a Muslim majority, anybody who isn't a Muslim would either eat the free cookies or get rid of them, with no violence either way. In countries that do have a Muslim majority, there would be lethal riots. Post offices might suffer lethal attacks, just as courthouses are currently being attacked in Pakistan. Even if the ingredients of the cookies are exactly the same everywhere, the reaction would vary based solely on the prevailing religion.

13   HEY YOU   2016 Apr 18, 7:40am  

But they are not as bad as Rep/Con/Teas sucking the govt. teat.
How many R/C/Ts are on ACA?

14   Y   2016 Apr 19, 6:59am  

Convert them to western values before their population swells and it's too late. ie Europe...
change the fuckin immigration/refugee rules such that they adapt or get ousted in short order...

15   Patrick   2025 Jan 14, 11:24am  


NYC Halal Food Cart Worker Filmed Catching Pigeon with Bare Hand Before Taking It into Kitchen

A shocking video has emerged showing a worker catching a pigeon with his bare hands on the streets of New York City before taking the bird into the kitchen of his halal food cart.

The alarming incident was recorded by commuter Oriana Winchester Biersack.

She was waiting for the bus in Queens when she saw the vendor attempting to grab a pigeon from a flock and bring it back to his MS Halal food truck.

Biersack shared the video on her Instagram account and wrote:

“Omg, I can’t believe what I just saw!”

“Please don’t buy food from this food truck!” Biersack added in her post.

“He throws food scraps to the pigeons and then he captures the pigeons to sell them!

“I swear I have seen crazy but this tops it all!

“This food truck is located in Queens, New York, at the corner of Queens Blvd and Junction Blvd, across from the Rego Park mall, right in front of TD Bank.

To be fair, pigeons were brought here as food and are halal. On the other hand, ew, those urban pigeons can be pretty nasty looking and have parasites.

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