Patrick, Please delete thread out of respect.

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2016 Jun 6, 12:13am   66,913 views  320 comments

by freespeechforever   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

In light of the recent passing of TD, and out of respect for her friends and family, whereby TD could not have desired her real name be associated with her not-in-real-life comments and postings, please remote this thread.

Thank you.

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101   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jul 6, 11:11am  

tatupu70 says

Of course he has. Obama's birth certificate? Going bankrupt 4 times? His general election campaign has been a train wreck--if that is how he plans to run the country, we'll be in big trouble.

Obama's birth certificate is rhetoric, not a deed.

The Bankruptcy one is a PRATT at this point. He's involved with hundreds of ventures; he brought just before a host of Indian Casinos opened in Connecticut, and he wasn't the only Atlantic City Casino to declare bankruptcy in the time frame. They were also restructurings.

His general is not a train wreck, he is about 4.5 pts behind a world famous ex-Senator, ex-Sec. of State and lifelong "Public (Barf) Servant". Consider how controversial he has been and how media-shy Clinton has been (now 211 days since last press conference during a freakin Presidential Campaign, imagine how non-transparent in office). His nomination was masterful, pure shock and awe. Hillary has yet to put away Bernie, by the way.

Meanwhile, Huma admitted Hillary burned some of her daily schedules. Why some? Too many meetings with the Saudi or Goldman Sachs reps?

102   tatupu70   2016 Jul 6, 11:22am  

thunderlips11 says

The Bankruptcy one is a PRATT at this point. He's involved with hundreds of ventures; he brought just before a host of Indian Casinos opened in Connecticut, and he wasn't the only Atlantic City Casino to declare bankruptcy in the time frame. They were also restructurings.

Stop. He didn't bankrupt one of his 100s of companies. He bankrupted the HOLDING company which controlled everything he owned. He would have been completely broke if the banks hadn't given him extremely favorable terms so they didn't have to recognize the default on their books.

thunderlips11 says

His general is not a train wreck, he is about 4.5 pts behind a world famous ex-Senator, ex-Sec. of State and lifelong "Public (Barf) Servant

It is a train wreck by any objective analysis. If you really think otherwise, you're not paying attention. He is running against the weakest candidate in history (save Trump himself) as you so often point out. The fact that he is still polling worse than Mittens (at the same point in 2012) speaks volumes.

103   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jul 6, 11:46am  

tatupu70 says

Stop. He didn't bankrupt one of his 100s of companies. He bankrupted the HOLDING company which controlled everything he owned. He would have been completely broke if the banks hadn't given him extremely favorable terms so they didn't have to recognize the default on their books.

Bankruptcy professor disagrees:

It’s not fair to put all the blame on Trump for the four bankruptcies because he’s acting as any investor would. Investors often own many non-integrated companies, which they fund by taking on debt, and some of them inevitably file for bankruptcy, said Adam Levitin, a law professor at Georgetown University.

He added that people typically wouldn’t personally blame former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney or investor Warren Buffett for individual failures within their investment companies, Bain Capital and Berkshire Hathaway, respectively.

"The only difference is that Trump puts his name on his companies, which means people associate them with him, but he's not at all the leader in the bankruptcy space," Levitan said. "These bankruptcies were not defining moments for Trump and shouldn't color our view of him."

From an Anti_Trump site no less:

How many thousands of jobs has Clinton created as a private citizen? How many huge enterprises that pay big property taxes?

These were Chapter 11 Reorgs, not Chapter 7s. He gave up some ownership and sold some assets.

tatupu70 says

It is a train wreck by any objective analysis. If you really think otherwise, you're not paying attention. He is running against the weakest candidate in history (save Trump himself) as you so often point out. The fact that he is still polling worse than Mittens (at the same point in 2012) speaks volumes.

Romney was subjected to far less aggressive hyperbole from the Oligarch media. He was an acceptable globalist, corporate inversionist, and de facto wanton immigration supporter.

Bad Comparison: Mittens was running against an incumbent President - and Obama, not Hillary.

104   tatupu70   2016 Jul 6, 11:53am  

thunderlips11 says

Bankruptcy professor disagrees:

Not really. What does he disagree with exactly? Just that it wasn't "a defining moment for Trump"? I wonder if it would have been a defining moment if the banks had repo'd all his assets and taken the losses. Would that have been "defining"?

thunderlips11 says

How many thousands of jobs has Clinton created as a private citizen? How many huge enterprises that pay big property taxes?

That is not a qualification to be President, IMO. Business leaders turned politicians have a mixed record, at best. They are two very different skill sets

thunderlips11 says

Bad Comparison: Mittens was running against an incumbent President - and Obama, not Hillary

Exactly!! Obama was a MUCH tougher opponent. The fact that Trump is losing this badly to Hillary is damning evidence.

105   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jul 6, 12:41pm  

Quigley says

If Hillary had been indicted, Bernie would be the nominee running against Trump. All the polls have him with a double digit lead over the narcissistic billionaire. So your statement couldn't be more false. I'd rank it as "pants on fire!"

Rate it what you want. Maybe they planned on waiting until after the convention if they were going to indict. Maybe Bernie would not do as well in the general election if he couldn't win legitimately by getting more votes. Also, Bernie would be subject to a real negative campaign in the general, and his poll numbers might suffer. Hillary's already been through the ringer, so there's less of an unknown downside. As it stands, they got Comey to come out and make very negative statements about Hillary right around the convention time. The Republicans are much farther ahead than if they did nothing.

The track record of going after the Clintons is enough to convince me that it's mostly political. I also believe that much if not most of HiIlary's trust issues is due to the decades long propaganda campaign against the Clintons. So, in that regard, things are working smoothly.

106   neplusultra57   2016 Jul 6, 1:57pm  

YesYNot says

The track record of going after the Clintons is enough to convince me that it's mostly political. I also believe that much if not most of HiIlary's trust issues is due to the decades long propaganda campaign against the Clintons. So, in that regard, things are working smoothly.

Clinton has had decades to hone her craft, rendered in the boiling vise of Republican hysteria. They have worshiped her for years. Trump can get a real good read off her putt. If he wins he should be able to lie even better than he has been now that he has observed the master at work.

107   Y   2016 Jul 6, 4:45pm  

Bases on 7-11 getting access to mafia loans and zirp succumbing to twerk I hereby declare another stock market run up into the low 20000 mark. Bank on it.

freespeechforever says

I officially now call another crash equal to or greater than that which we experienced in 2008-2010' and am on record as of July 3rd, 2016.

108   marcus   2016 Jul 6, 10:49pm  

turtledove says

Say one bad, true thing about Hillary and I'll give you an ignore-pass

What's an ignore pass ? I've said on more than one occasion that I'm not that thrilled about Hillary. I would even go so far as to say I can see some good things about Trump. Well only one good thing. He can tell the right wing media to fuck off, and they might sort of have to. It throws a wrench in the works of the current right wing power structure. That's interesting and could be good.

But the downside,is that as far as I can tell he doesn't have an honest bone in his body. He doesn't seem to know what he believes. He's a populist in the extreme. Hell say whatever he thinks might make him popular. So what, are we supposed to believe that the real Donald comes out after being elected ? The risk is too high. Also, in terms of what it does for the U.S. brand ? It destroys our image with the world if we have such a dishonest wheeler dealer take over.

Now you can say that all politicians are in it for themselves, which is true. But some really do have an idea of what to do when they get the power. I really can not imagine and do not want to see Donald Trump with that power. OF course for the TPBs of the world, making me terrified and feeling that it's terrible is enough of a reward in and of itself for having Trump as President. I guess that's payback for what they experienced when this last guy, the Harvard Law grad, Constitutional Law Professor and Senator was elected.

109   Ceffer   2016 Jul 6, 11:11pm  


110   mmmarvel   2016 Jul 7, 6:03am  

tatupu70 says

Hillary sucks. I've never voted for her and I wish I never have to. Her judgment is poor, she deceives, I don't trust her. She's probably more conservative than some Republicans. Shall I go on?

The groveling, sniveling that you will do to get a peek at Turtledove's boobs - can't blame you. But really, down deep, since the Bern came up short you're a Clinton slave. That's okay though, you did say some negative about Clinton even though we all know you don't mean it.

111   mmmarvel   2016 Jul 7, 6:06am  

freespeechforever says

The U.S. is about to go through its most surreal general election in its history as are many western "democracies."

I officially now call another crash equal to or greater than that which we experienced in 2008-2010' and am on record as of July 3rd, 2016.

Quit holding back, tell us how you really feel. Not sure I agree with all your predictions but it's food for thought. Oh, and how does this relate to grabbing a glimpse of Turtledove's puppies??

112   tatupu70   2016 Jul 7, 6:19am  

mmmarvel says

The groveling, sniveling that you will do to get a peek at Turtledove's boobs - can't blame you. But really, down deep, since the Bern came up short you're a Clinton slave. That's okay though, you did say some negative about Clinton even though we all know you don't mean it.

You guys make me laugh. Please find a post of mine where I've said one thing positive about Clinton. Anything. I bet you can't. I bet I've never posted one positive word about her.

Is it really that hard to believe that somebody thinks both candidates suck?

113   anonymous   2016 Jul 7, 6:30am  

Alright, enough of the limp wristers have begged for forgiveness. It's time for turtledove to do her part for Cheeto Jesus

Give us the gotdam titties!

114   anonymous   2016 Jul 7, 6:34am  

You guys make me laugh. Please find a post of mine where I've said one thing positive about Clinton. Anything. I bet you can't. I bet I've never posted one positive word about her.

Is it really that hard to believe that somebody thinks both candidates suck?


All that matters is that you're going to vote for her

That and you're never short on time to bash President Trump. Compared to all the time you spend being critical of Clinton, just give it up

115   anonymous   2016 Jul 7, 6:36am  

Going solely by the letter of the law, 18 USC §1924 was, in a strict reading of the statute and the FBI's conclusions, clearly violated. Clinton intentionally transmitted information that was known to be classified at the time of its transmission to private servers that were not authorized to traffic such information.

116   tatupu70   2016 Jul 7, 6:51am  

errc says

All that matters is that you're going to vote for her

That and you're never short on time to bash President Trump. Compared to all the time you spend being critical of Clinton, just give it up

Wow-that's news to me. I guess you know who I'm going to vote for before I do.

The reason I bash Trump is because there are so many Trump fanboys here that constantly post thread after thread about how great he is, while ignoring all his warts. There is clearly not the same going on for Clinton--every thread about her is negative.

117   Ceffer   2016 Jul 7, 9:04am  


118   freespeechforever   2016 Jul 7, 10:25am  

I respectfully request that turtkedove not expose his breasts.

As a husband and father of a wonderful daughter, it's not only unnecessary, but it furthers objectification of women in ways that are unhealthy to our society or any society as a whole, and contributes to damaging esteem issues that many young people suffer from.

I'm a libertarian, but I'm also a full red-blooded American Male (played football in high school and college, was a Marine Corps Officer)who is a fan of the female form, and I'm absolutely no shrinking violet when it comes to normal, healthy sexual discourse, but there should be no pressure for such an upstanding mother and wife like turtledove to feel compelled to bare her breasts as a result of a pledge made out of passion for support of a political candidate in the heat of some moment.

I hope the fellow gentlemen here concur in my sentiment.

119   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jul 7, 10:38am  

tatupu70 says

The reason I bash Trump is because there are so many Trump fanboys here that constantly post thread after thread about how great he is, while ignoring all his warts. There is clearly not the same going on for Clinton--every thread about her is negative.

I appreciate your candor - not meant to be sarcastic.

120   freespeechforever   2016 Jul 7, 11:02am  

Just to clarify what I typed earlier (typo):

"I respectfully request that turtkedove not expose his breasts."

That should have read:

"I respectfully request that turtledove not expose HER breasts."

Typing on mobile devices is a pain, especially with autocorrect.

121   Philistine   2016 Jul 7, 11:16am  

freespeechforever says

mother and wife

With respect, you are also objectifying by denying a woman's sexuality and reducing her to wife and mother. A woman contains all of these things, and more. Turtledove made her own offer out of what could only be considered philanthropic self-expression. And we are here patiently waiting for them to be delivered to us, should Fortuna choose to favor us. (Admittedly, the title of this particular thread registers some diversion from the above-styled treatise.)

I notice in your catalogue of full red-blooded American male activities, you did not include Swinger/Porn Star/Sexual Liberator. This is why the Swiss are the happiest people in the universe. Us Americans with our Puritan-derived hang ups about sex need to put away the corn flakes and let the tits fall where they may.

122   freespeechforever   2016 Jul 7, 11:45am  

turtledove, I wasn't even intimating I have the right to tell you what you can or can't do, nor was I even moralizing.

As I stated, I consider the female form (especially when cared well for) to be a thing of immense beauty and inspiration (e.g. Helen of Troy, which purportedly launched 1,000 ships and a war; e.g. Cleopatra).

I was MERELY stating that IF you change your mind and decide you don't wish to go au naturale, I'll be the 1st to defend your decision.

123   Ceffer   2016 Jul 7, 12:58pm  

freespeechforever says

I hope the fellow gentlemen here concur in my sentiment.

You might be a majority of one there. Too many show up, Patnet is dead as we know it.

124   freespeechforever   2016 Jul 11, 7:28am  

It's almost time!!!

*(Rubs hands together deviously)*

125   freespeechforever   2016 Jul 11, 7:34am  

Supposed to read (above):

*(Rubs hands together gleefully)*

But deviously works, also.

126   HEY YOU   2016 Jul 11, 9:55am  

"What do we want?"

"Bodacious Ta-Tas"

"When do we want it?"


127   HEY YOU   2016 Jul 11, 9:59am  

Wonder if Turtledove's significant other would say:
"You'll be disappointed."

128   Ceffer   2016 Jul 11, 10:00am  

Maybe just Cheeto pasties.

129   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jul 11, 10:01am  

OK, who is going to upload these jugs to ratemyrack . org? What criteria are we going to use to rate them here at PNet? Or are we just going to sit back and appreciate what is on offer without ridicule and comment? Because if it is the latter, it is totally out of place for this site.

130   turtledove   2016 Jul 11, 11:20am  

YesYNot says

OK, who is going to upload these jugs to ratemyrack . org? What criteria are we going to use to rate them here at PNet? Or are we just going to sit back and appreciate what is on offer without ridicule and comment? Because if it is the latter, it is totally out of place for this site.

You realize it's only my avatar, right? No high-res photo will be uploaded, my dearest.

131   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jul 11, 11:45am  

turtledove says

You realize it's only my avatar, right?

I hadn't put much thought into the resolution. If we can resolve a P.Net logo, we should be able to rate 'em, though. You do realize that men have been opportunistically grabbing glances of boob whenever we can and mentally rating, right? We seriously can't help it. Even when we are trying not to, the first time some kid grabs the shirt and pulls it out of the way, we don't realize that we are staring until we notice the female notices the drop in eye contact. In a split second, everyone knows what happened.

132   freespeechforever   2016 Jul 11, 1:19pm  

"You realize it's only my avatar, right? No high-res photo will be uploaded, my dearest."

BOO!!! HISS!!!!


That's bullshit!

We demand a large-scale, full HD, close up view of your rack!!!

Also, a tight and tasteful ass shot with "Trump 2016" scrawled upon those tight cheeks (like the one above) would be a nice, additional gesture!


133   HEY YOU   2016 Jul 11, 1:44pm  

Just copy & post a nice pair from a porn site.
Men are easily satisfied.

134   anonymous   2016 Jul 11, 2:40pm  

Also, a tight and tasteful ass shot with "Trump 2016" scrawled upon those tight cheeks (like the one above) would be a nice, additional gesture!


Here hear!

135   Patrick   2016 Jul 11, 7:18pm  

HEY YOU says

Men are easily satisfied.

this is true.

136   freespeechforever   2016 Jul 11, 8:05pm  

"You realize it's only my avatar, right? No high-res photo will be uploaded, my dearest."

Thinking more about this and how tiny the avatars are, and how weaksauce it'll be no matter how bodacious a set of ta-ta's td has -

- Patrick, can you make the avatars MUCH LARGER ASAP?

137   anonymous   2016 Jul 11, 8:07pm  

Patrick, I've been recommending the site to all my friends, but they say the avatars are much too small. We should have larger avatars

138   Patrick   2016 Jul 11, 8:10pm  

freespeechforever says

- Patrick, can you make the avatars MUCH LARGER ASAP?


139   HEY YOU   2016 Jul 11, 9:27pm  

I don't need no stinkin' avatar!
Simple minds worried about avatars & missing all the brilliance in the comments!
Let'em die dumb!

140   turtledove   2016 Jul 11, 11:30pm  

errc says

recommending the site to all my friends, but they say the avatars are much too small. We should have larger avatars

Sorry... That's for platinum members only.

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