Muslims Go to Catholic Mass Across France to Show Solidarity

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2016 Jul 31, 12:31pm   6,325 views  23 comments

by turtledove   ➕follow (11)   💰tip   ignore  

"We are very moved by the presence of our Muslim friends"

(ROUEN, France) — In a gesture of solidarity following the gruesome killing of a French priest, Muslims on Sunday attended Catholic Mass in churches and cathedrals across France and Italy.

A few dozen Muslims gathered at the towering Gothic cathedral in Rouen, near Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray where the 85-year-old Rev. Jacques Hamel had his throat slit by two teenage Muslim fanatics on Tuesday.

“We are very moved by the presence of our Muslim friends and I believe it is a courageous act that they did by coming to us,” Dominique Lebrun, the archbishop of Rouen, said after the service.

Some of the Muslims sat in the front row, across from the altar. Among the parishioners was one of the nuns who was briefly taken hostage at Hamel’s church when he was killed. She joined her fellow Catholics in turning to shake hands or embrace the Muslim churchgoers after the service.

Members of the congregation in Santa Maria Trastevere church during a multi faith service organized by Italy's Islamic Religious Community (COREIS) in Rome, Italy, July 31, 2016.


Comments 1 - 23 of 23        Search these comments

1   MMR   2016 Jul 31, 12:43pm  

Miraculous....most of the Muslims I've ever met have wanted me to go to mosque but would never actually go to a Hindu temple...

That's a step in the right direction...a rare and surprising step but a good step nonetheless

2   marcus   2016 Jul 31, 12:46pm  

This has got to be extremely disappointing to Patrick and Strategist.

3   turtledove   2016 Jul 31, 12:48pm  

This is a beautiful story. Unfortunately, these Muslims need to do more than show support. They need to show absolute intolerance for the people among their religion who believe it's right to kill supposed infidels. It's not that it's too little too late, because there's always time to make things right.... But if they showed intolerance, the extremists would be nothing more than criminals; wanted for murder everywhere and by everyone. They must do something in an ecumenical way that unequivocably repudiates extremist's behavior -- behavior that paradoxically affects more Muslims than any other group.

4   MMR   2016 Jul 31, 12:50pm  

marcus says

this has got to be extremely disappointing to Patrick and Strategist.

Still not a compelling reason not to limit
Muslim immigration en masse and subsequent ghettoization

5   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jul 31, 12:54pm  

I think that while TD is right about the ultimate goal of having terrorism roundly condemned by religious leaders, we should take a win. The priests and nuns in the church did the right thing by welcoming them and thanking them for their support. Those people did what they could do to show support and by extension condemn what happened. I'm glad they didn't make each Muslim state that it was an act of radical Islamic terrorism before being let in.

6   marcus   2016 Jul 31, 12:57pm  

turtledove says

They must do something in an ecumenical way that equivocably repudiates extremist's behavior -- behavior that paradoxically affects more Muslims than any other group.

Yes, it would be nice. The most I think we could hope for in the long run is a split off, where a majority denomination or denominations are moderate and very clear about their opposition to terrorism with ostracization of the radical fundamentalists. The radical branches would exist but would then have a harder time economically, and would thus die out over time, due to being demonized by the majority as truly evil.

7   Patrick   2016 Jul 31, 2:16pm  

marcus says

This has got to be extremely disappointing to Patrick

not at all! i'm quite impressed. they are actually risking something. fair chance that one of the muslims in that picture will be attacked by fellow muslims now.

8   Strategist   2016 Jul 31, 2:32pm  

rando says

marcus says

This has got to be extremely disappointing to Patrick

not at all! i'm quite impressed. they are actually risking something. fair chance that one of the muslims in that picture will be attacked by fellow muslims now.

I'm disappointed the other 5 million French Muslims did not go.

9   turtledove   2016 Jul 31, 2:47pm  

Strategist says

I'm disappointed the other 5 million French Muslims did not go.

That's answered right here:

rando says

fair chance that one of the muslims in that picture will be attacked by fellow muslims now.

10   marcus   2016 Jul 31, 2:50pm  

turtledove says

That's answered right here:

rando says

fair chance that one of the muslims in that picture will be attacked by fellow muslims now.

No wonder you people like Trump. It's always about how empty the glass is with you.

11   Patrick   2016 Jul 31, 3:06pm  

Many of the Muslims who attended the service in Rouen — including those with the banner — were Ahmadiyya Muslims, a minority sect that differs from mainstream Islam in that it doesn’t regard Muhammad as the final prophet.

ah shit. well, i suppose a message of non-violence from a modern heretical branch of islam is better than no message at all. but the ahmadiyyas themselves are frequently killed by mainstream muslims.


12   Strategist   2016 Jul 31, 4:41pm  

marcus says

turtledove says

That's answered right here:

rando says

fair chance that one of the muslims in that picture will be attacked by fellow muslims now.

No wonder you people like Trump. It's always about how empty the glass is with you.

The glass is overflowing with champagne. We are more than optimistic Trump can solve the Islamic problem. What about you?

13   HydroCabron   2016 Jul 31, 4:59pm  

Strategist says

We are more than optimistic Trump can solve the Islamic problem.

I am eager to see Trump's proposals. Perhaps a final solution to the Islamic question is in order?

14   Strategist   2016 Jul 31, 5:05pm  

HydroCabron says

Strategist says

We are more than optimistic Trump can solve the Islamic problem.

I am eager to see Trump's proposals. Perhaps a final solution to the Islamic question is in order?

Time will destroy Islam, I promise you that. In the meantime Islamists must be controlled by moderate Muslims. We don't need their fucking sympathy or condolences. We need them to go after their own terrorists.

15   Y   2016 Jul 31, 5:21pm  

Yeah they need to take their hats off. We'd be taking our shoes off in their house.
Alls I see is a shitload of mortal sins being committed...

MMR says

Unfortunately, these Muslims need to do more

16   HydroCabron   2016 Jul 31, 5:26pm  

Maybe, as a reciprocatory gesture, Trump supporters could attend prayers at a mosque.

17   turtledove   2016 Jul 31, 5:30pm  

HydroCabron says

Maybe, as a reciprocatory gesture, Trump supporters could attend prayers at a mosque.

Except what you suggest is not reciprocal. Reciprocity would require we slit a defenseless parishioner's throat, first.... Then go to a mosque to demonstrate our solidarity against the violence.

18   HydroCabron   2016 Jul 31, 5:33pm  

turtledove says

Reciprocity would require we slit a defenseless parishioner's throat, first...

These particular Muslims slit nobody's throat.

You have believed and parroted racist lies.

19   Exleftie   2016 Jul 31, 5:39pm  

HydroCabron says

You have believed and parroted racist lies.

Muslims are a race?

20   turtledove   2016 Jul 31, 5:40pm  

HydroCabron says

These particulary Muslims slit nobody's throat.

I didn't think those particular Muslims did. I realize, however, that the priest's throat was, in fact, slit by two other Muslims. What are you even arguing about?

21   Dan8267   2016 Jul 31, 6:07pm  

turtledove says

Muslims Go to Catholic Mass Across France to Show Solidarity

Wait till they find out Jesus was a Jew.

22   Strategist   2016 Jul 31, 6:15pm  

turtledove says

HydroCabron says

These particulary Muslims slit nobody's throat.

I didn't think those particular Muslims did. I realize, however, that the priest's throat was, in fact, slit by two other Muslims. What are you even arguing about?

Nevertheless, they are followers of Islam, a religion that preaches hate and violence. It's very difficult to separate hate filled Muslims from those that are not hate filled. The only question is the extent of their hate towards infidels.

23   Y   2016 Aug 1, 7:39am  

In the liberal trailer park any deviation from the company line is automatically documented as a racist remark, which is designed to generate as much guilt as possible in the offending perp.
Guilt is the gasoline that fuels the liberal locomotive...

turtledove says

HydroCabron says

You have believed and parroted racist lies.

Muslims are a race?

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