Asian Privilege

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2016 Aug 17, 9:52pm   4,448 views  8 comments

by Exleftie   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


While African American households earned an average of $30,939 in 2005, Asian Americans walked away with twice that.

The reason for this is simple: PRIVILEGE.

Though many Asians come here with little or no money and live in rough neighborhoods, they are lifted out of this disadvantage within a generation and are soon living an upper-middle-class lifestyle. This is because in America, Asians live a disproportionately advantaged life where things are simply handed to them.


#race #politics

Comments 1 - 8 of 8        Search these comments

1   Indiana Jones   2016 Aug 17, 10:47pm  

I love this line:

We need to redesign social systems where Asians are not 75% to 80% of university mathematics departments.


2   lostand confused   2016 Aug 18, 4:44am  

If trump does not win, this country is screwed. This kind of attitude will make us the most incompetent nation on earth-enough already. i hope the lefties -especially the ones who make a living see where this is going and not just vote with a D.

3   OneTwo   2016 Aug 18, 9:28am  

It's funny how you post up a thread about satire and yet take this piece at face value. Eye of the beholder and all that I guess.

5   georgeliberte   2016 Aug 18, 9:34am  

Fortunately forward thinking people have begun to work on this problem. http://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2016/08/finding-the-line-between-safe-space-and-segregation/496289/. Safe spaces are only racist if they are for European or Asian students, and then of course, they absolutely are without qualification. Because you see only non-racist understand that all members of a racial group have identical experiences, opportunities, and barriers.

6   OneTwo   2016 Aug 18, 10:06am  

That would be a fair point if that's what they had done.

7   lostand confused   2016 Aug 18, 10:57am  

Rashomon says

The other one goes on about 'lefties.'

No. Since you referenced my other post about satire-that was about it being satire but believable in today's world. This is the same here-there are people saying you can't serve sushi in college dorms because it is cultural appropriation.
There was the protest at Milo's event where women spewed blood on themselves-the college faculty gives that woman the dignity award.
BLM is asking slavery reparations-people like me who are a minority have to pay for it.

These are all lefties and the line between satire and reality is blurring that it is hard to tell which one is real or satire-which was my point in the other post. You can't tell and my point in this is-we are doomed if we let this continue.

Now to be honest, I don't know if trump is the real deal or playing a character to become president-but something needs to happen. I like what he says about trade and him not being politically correct-if he fails to deliver and switched, I will turn against him. The left needs to wake up from its stupor and recognize that their fights in the 60s are over and today's issues are vastly different. They are picking the wrong fight

8   OneTwo   2016 Aug 18, 11:09am  

lostand confused says

This is the same here-there are people saying you can't serve sushi in college dorms because it is cultural appropriation.

There was the protest at Milo's event where women spewed blood on themselves-the college faculty gives that woman the dignity award.

BLM is asking slavery reparations-people like me who are a minority have to pay for it.

These are all lefties and the line between satire and reality is blurring that it is hard to tell which one is real or satire-which was my point in the other post. You can't tell and my point in this is-we are doomed if we let this continue.

Arguing stupid things isn't the sole remit of those on the left (or the right) and is pointless to blame on an entire group. Everyone can point at comical arguments made by people on all points of the political spectrum. To then say that this represents the left or the right is part of the problem with the current discourse.

lostand confused says

The left needs to wake up from its stupor and recognize that their fights in the 60s are over and today's issues are vastly different. They are picking the wrong fight

It's not clear to me what you take as constituting the left, but it's also clear that there are plenty of things from the 60s that are probably even more relevant today than they were then given the steep rise in inequality and the concentration of wealth in the hands of fewer and fewer, degradation of the environment, etc. etc. How exactly is Trump addressing any of these things? His focus on Mexicans and Muslims isn't dealing with what really affects the average person's day to day life.

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