Trump Winning! Hillary on the ropes

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2016 Feb 11, 12:28pm   203,186 views  915 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  


Trump sued Univision, the biggest Spanish language broadcaster in the United States, for $500 million last summer. Trump and the CEO of Univision, Randy Falco, issued peacemaking statements. "I have known Donald Trump for many years in both a personal and professional capacity and we are pleased to settle this matter and move forward," Falco said. "I'm glad we are able to put these differences behind us," Trump said. A Univision spokeswoman declined any further comment.


Hey HO! Ramos has got to GO!

This is what Liberal electioneering will get you, and trying to place every Latino on the Lbieral plantation in their place along side depressed gheto blacks that the Liberals kick back down every time they try to crawl out.


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680   HydroCabron   2016 Aug 25, 12:40pm  

Rashomon says

So what is it about Trump's tax breaks for the super rich and his flip-flopping immigrant 'plans' and vaguer than vague general foreign policy 'plans' that attract you so much?

None of that matters to him/her.

It's one issue: weakening NATO so that Putin can take whatever territory he needs/wants without concern of a backlash from the west.

Seriously: don't waste your time. Poster is possibly (I'd guess 30%) a paid Russian shill who pivoted hard to Trump at the same time that the known shills working out of Russian IP addresses did last fall. Benign explanations include coincidence, or ingrained, total obedience to Russia Today's editorial dictates.

Since he/she also believes that Ukrainians shot down the KLM jetliner from inside Russian-controlled territory in Donbass, plus everything else on Russia Today's site, I wouldn't hope for realism or logic from that quarter. About the only conceivable pro-Putin Russian irredentist opinion [s]he has not yet expressed is that Putin should annex Sherman Oaks and Reseda because of the high Russian expat populaion living there.

If you want to know what [s]he thinks, just read RT.

681   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 25, 12:46pm  

neplusultra57 says

The same way you square advocating democracy with leg-humping Putin: meh!

Putin forces homosexuals to have sex changes, or executes gays and "Witches and Sorcerers"? Is it Assad or ISIS throwing gays off buildings and executing women with a bullet in the head at a street trial over 'adultery'?

How many Filipina Maids get trapped into domestic slavery guest worker programs in the Gulf with their passports taken from them so they can't leave?

neplusultra57 says

Better late than never, while Trump evolves to the right on torture and abortion, birtherism, climate change. As a Republican you'd think he'd know what "Rigged" meant by watching the Tea Party vote suppressors.

Or the Democratic Convention in Nevada, or the California Primary Vote Supression using odd ballot rules, or the dead voters of Chicago... the Republicans hardly have a lock on voter fraud and supression.

Well, Hillary can't go to the right like a Clinton usually does during the General. And she can't go much to the left or she'll piss off her corporate donors. She'll be MOR in an outsider election.

682   neplusultra57   2016 Aug 25, 2:09pm  

thunderlips11 says

Putin forces homosexuals to have sex changes, or executes gays and "Witches and Sorcerers"?

Ew, why does he make you feel so warm and fuzzy?

thunderlips11 says

Is it Assad or ISIS throwing gays off buildings and executing women with a bullet in the head at a street trial over 'adultery'?

Assad's preferred methods against his own people are chemical weapons and starvation. Warm and fuzzy.

thunderlips11 says

the Republicans hardly have a lock on voter fraud and supression.

Uh, yeah, they really do.Just ask the Supreme Court. Oh, wait...

thunderlips11 says

Well, Hillary can't go to the right...she can't go much to the left

If you recall, it was the SCOTUS noms that distinguish the Whore and the OrangeDouchebag, you know the thing you never, ever deal with, even in "honor" to any thread. If you really can't stand either the Whore or the Douchebag why do you like the Douchebag's noms? Or do you just refuse to ponder them? WWPD? Oh, don't bother. But if you do, remember the rules: no names? Tee Hee.

683   Rew   2016 Aug 25, 2:21pm  

thunderlips11 says

Well, Hillary can't go to the right like a Clinton usually does during the General. And she can't go much to the left or she'll piss off her corporate donors.


Hillary has acres of room to move to the left. She will probably hit a little more moderate notes post battle ground fights.

From the link:
"Are the fat cat vulgarian and the hawkish pin-up girl of Wall Street really the finest minds and noblest characters that America could come up with for its highest office? Identity politics will, again, triumph. We’ve had a black leader. Now it will be cool to have a woman, right? Thinking progressives, however, might reflect on the uncomfortable truth that a President Trump would be relentlessly scrutinised, criticised and checked not only by the Democrats, but also by many in his own party. Conversely, a Democratic president, ultimately more different in style than substance, would implement a largely Republican agenda in all but name and get a relatively easy ride. Haven't the last eight years of neo-conservatism and Democratic deference brought the country too close already to a one-party state masquerading as a two-party state?"

neplusultra57 says

it was the SCOTUS noms that distinguish the Whore and the OrangeDouchebag

That's probably the poster child case for why a simplistic graph is an imperfect representation. (shrug) I suppose one could make 20 of them to represent different aspects of belief.

684   neplusultra57   2016 Aug 25, 2:28pm  

Rew says

neplusultra57 says

it was the SCOTUS noms that distinguish the Whore and the OrangeDouchebag

That's probably the poster child case for why a simplistic graph is an imperfect representation.

It's also what simplifies choosing between two flawed candidates during a time when one can reasonably predict both of them to contend with a fractured Congress. The next four years will be the worst time to be an American president. At least with Clinton's noms in place we won't lose the rights I mentioned due to the country's desire to tear itself apart.

685   Rew   2016 Aug 25, 2:30pm  

neplusultra57 says

It's also what simplifies choosing between two flawed candidates during a time when one can reasonably predict both of them to contend with a fractured Congress. The next four years will be the worst time to be an American president. At least with Clinton's noms in place we won't lose the rights I mentioned due to the country's desire to tear itself apart.

Very much agree. Very much agree.

686   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 25, 3:26pm  

neplusultra57 says

Ew, why does he make you feel so warm and fuzzy?

Nice Dodge. This is about comparing Russia vs. Saudi Arabia, specifically on the gay issue. I can see why you dodge it, it really doesn't make your candidate look very good. Executing Witches, Sorcerers, throwing people in jail for having a private prayer meeting in their home, kind of a bigger deal than giving a few Hippy Anarcho-feminists a few months stay in a basket-weaving prison for a history of fucking up a church service ranting against benefits for working mothers and having orgies in Public Museums, among other SJW crap (P-Riots big issue was pushing population decline).

neplusultra57 says

Assad's preferred methods against his own people are chemical weapons and starvation. Warm and fuzzy.

Chemical Weapons were shown to have been stolen by Freedom Fighters, the "Al Qaeda" Groups that make up most of the "Free Syrian Army" coalitions (although one group just claimed it is no longer affiliated with Al Qaeda as a political move to be more acceptable to Western military aid). The Destabilization of Syria started in 2006 under Bush via State Department Employees, and continued under Obama & Clinton. The deaths in Syria should be assigned to DC Insiders primarily. That's why we need an Outsider who doesn't fuck up and kill people left and right like DC Insiders.

Victoria Nuland in a higher office? The wife of Neocon Robert Kagan should be kept from the halls of Power at all costs.

neplusultra57 says

Uh, yeah, they really do.Just ask the Supreme Court. Oh, wait...

Not sure I'm happy with Clinton appointing Judges. She may pick anti-Civil Liberties judges who want to weaken the 2nd Amendment like Ruth Bader-Ginsberg, who is great on some issues and sucks on others. I certainly don't want her interpretation of "For the Militia, since no Militia, therefore no Arms" view of the 2nd Amendment to gain a majority.

neplusultra57 says

If you recall, it was the SCOTUS noms that distinguish the Whore and the OrangeDouchebag, you know the thing you never, ever deal with, even in "honor" to any thread. If you really can't stand either the Whore or the Douchebag why do you like the Douchebag's noms? Or do you just refuse to ponder them? WWPD? Oh, don't bother. But if you do, remember the rules: no names? Tee Hee.

As you can see from my posts, I care most about economics and foreign policy. Hillary and her team of Neocons - who just had a fundraiser for her featuring Robert Kagan himself - is out of the question.

I don't want a Brought and Paid For Gulf State Shill and Russophobe running US Foreign Policy. As a lawyer is lashed 500 times for suggesting Saudi Arabia reform it's religious police, and Saudi Arabia bombs the fuck out of schools and hospitals in Yemen to back their Wahabi-Salafi Dictator, she'll be out arming Ukrainian Skinheads and talking about a no-fly zone in Syria to ground that big ISIS/Al Qaeda Air Force.

We already had 16 years of neocons/hyperinterventionist warhawk liberals. Enough is Enough. I could not knowingly vote for it.Rew says

Hillary has acres of room to move to the left. She will probably hit a little more moderate notes post battle ground fights.

She doesn't want to move to the left. She's a neoliberal, a Blairite, who loves war, big debt, low taxes, corporate handouts, bank bailouts, private profits/public losses, but she has the "Correct Line" on Gays, "Islamophobia", and Abortion so it's okay to some folks,

BTW, I was told multiple times that Bush and the Republicans would ban Abortion. Didn't happen, can't happen, because it would be political suicide. The vast majority of the US supports Abortion at least in cases of rape and incest, even the majority of those who are 'pro-life'. Hardcore, uncompromising Anti-Abortionists-in-all-circumstances is maybe an eighth of the population, and is largely geriatric and confined to thinly populated rural areas like Dakotas and Wyoming and hinterlands of Deep South States - Cruz Voters.

I care more about the wars, and balanced economy (necessary to a massive country like the USA to survive, we are not a city-state like Singapore that can deliver decent wages and benefits solely on the back of some high end service jobs) than anything else.

687   neplusultra57   2016 Aug 25, 5:50pm  

thunderlips11 says

neplusultra57 says

Ew, why does he make you feel so warm and fuzzy?

Nice Dodge. This is about comparing Russia vs. Saudi Arabia, specifically on the gay issue. I can see why you dodge it, it really doesn't make your candidate look very good.

Russia's and SA's treatment of their population "don't enter into it" as John Cleese would say. Unless you want an intervention. Didn't think so. Red herring dodge on your part.

thunderlips11 says

Chemical Weapons were shown to have been stolen by Freedom Fighters

Says you. No link? Show me something believable. Prove the negative.

thunderlips11 says

Not sure I'm happy with Clinton appointing Judges. She may pick anti-Civil Liberties judges who want to weaken the 2nd Amendment

That's all you got? An alt-right red alert? Do you pine for Scalia? Really?

thunderlips11 says

I care most about economics and foreign policy.

About which Drumpf is a total moron totally out of his depth. Oh, what could go wrong!

689   marcus   2016 Aug 25, 7:04pm  

The question is, what percentage of democrats will bother to vote, when it matters quite a bit more than usual, denying Trump from being elected.

Also, how many of those republicans are well off older northerners that have winter homes in Florida, and claim Florida residency for state tax reasons, but won't even be at the time of the elections ?

690   OneTwo   2016 Aug 25, 7:07pm  

marcus says

The question is, what percentage of democrats will bother to vote, when it matters quite a bit more than usual, denying Trump from being elected.

More to the point, how many professed Republicans will actually vote for him when it comes down to it.

691   marcus   2016 Aug 25, 7:09pm  

Rashomon says

More to the point, how many professed Republicans will actually vote for him when it comes down to it.

I don't know. How many republicans are truly conservative ? Any true conservative (not partisan Breitbot) is no way going to vote for Trump. Are you kidding me ? But I don't know how many real intelligent conservatives there are in the republican party. Too many tow the line of whatever Fox tells them to think.

692   OneTwo   2016 Aug 25, 7:20pm  

Ironman says

It won't come down to the Repubs, it will come down to Indy's voting, and Trump has way more Indy's leaning his way.

Let me guess, your facts/data/links back you up.

693   OneTwo   2016 Aug 25, 7:22pm  

marcus says

I don't know. How many republicans are truly conservative ? Any true conservative (not partisan Breitbot) is no way going to vote for Trump. Are you kidding me ? But I don't know how many real intelligent conservatives there are in the republican party. Too many tow the line of whatever Fox tells them to think.

We'll see. The debates should be good entertainment.

694   OneTwo   2016 Aug 25, 7:29pm  

Ironman says

Rashomon says

Let me guess,

That's a great synopsis of all your posts with your NEW profile.

25,000 posts later and your approach hasn't changed. You possess a very uncreative mind. Should I put you on ignore so you can create yet another of your pussy-alts CIC?

695   neplusultra57   2016 Aug 25, 9:27pm  

jazz music says

Are you ready to defund Planned Parenthood? Keep Citizen's United? Expand campaign financing freedoms? Repeal Dodd-Frank? Do you deny man's impact on climate change? Ready to privatize and reduce Social Security? Like the flat rate tax idea? Back Israel against Iran? Expand NAFTA type deals? Against condoms? Against gay marriage? Against stem cell research?

Even thunderlips11 hates Pence, but what does all that matter? Bill got a blowjob!

696   OneTwo   2016 Aug 26, 3:59am  

jazz music says

Better entertainment than actually being debates. More like segues to "my handler's chosen talking points are ..... bla bla bla ... and they are really terrific, trust me, they're gonna make your head spin "

Could be, but the Donald is so thin-skinned, it surely won't be that difficult to set him off.

697   neplusultra57   2016 Aug 26, 6:29am  

neplusultra57 says

thunderlips11 says

Chemical Weapons were shown to have been stolen by Freedom Fighters

Says you. No link? Show me something believable. Prove the negative.



698   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 26, 10:45am  

neplusultra57 says

Russia's and SA's treatment of their population "don't enter into it" as John Cleese would say. Unless you want an intervention. Didn't think so. Red herring dodge on your part.

Wow, not a dodge at all. I gave a strong comparison between the Human Rights record of both nations. One is inarguably far worse than the other, unless you think Blue Haired Nose Ring people should be able to disrupt church proceedings at will without fear of any punishment, but it's A-Okay to not allow women to leave their homes without being covered head to toe and escorted by male relatives and be unable to drive themselves.

Frankly the only country worse than the Gulf States on Human Rights is probably North Korea, maybe Burma/Myanmar. In intervention after intervention, we are bombarded with political and media hoaxes about why we need to intervene for human rights, yet it's okay to take money from Gulf Tyrants? Give me a break.

When you ignore women's total lack of rights, execution/imprisonment/forced sex change of gays and "Witches", importing millions of foreign workers, seizing their passports, making them live in tents in the 100 degree desert, and then paying them a fraction of what was promised as practical slavery or fraudulent indentured servitude at best, in the Gulf Tyrant States, and the fact they give millions to certain candidates to influence elections, that's pretty goddamn indefensible.

neplusultra57 says

Says you. No link? Show me something believable. Prove the negative.

You can't prove a negative. The first and only other chemical attack happened before the Gouta one that was offered as an excuse to intervene against Assad, was a smaller scale one months earlier, conducted against Assad forces - 16 Syrian Army Soliders and many civilians died - by the Al Qaeda dominated opposition:

Saudi Arabia has these kinds of Chemical Weapons and has used them before in Yemen when it was fighting the Egyptians there in the 60s. It's likely Saudi Arabia gave the chemical weapons to the opposition, to blame it on Assad. No dictator who knows he's on the US-Saudi removal list is going to dream of using chemcial weapons. Religious extremists desperate to correct heresy and destroy "Westtoxification" are far more likely to use Chemical Weapons.

The only thing the UN investigations ever showed was that Chemical weapons were used. It could not identify where the chemicals were manufactured.

The burden is on the US and Saudi Arabia to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the Chemical Attacks came from the Syrian Army.

699   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 26, 11:02am  

neplusultra57 says

That's all you got? An alt-right red alert? Do you pine for Scalia? Really?

You think Ginsberg isn't anti-Gun Rights? She's already expressed her legal opinions on the matter. I notice you missed my nuance about how she IS good on certain things, on Miranda, Bush v. Gore, etc. Can't stand her bizarre stance on 2A.

neplusultra57 says

About which Drumpf is a total moron totally out of his depth. Oh, what could go wrong!

Right, but fortunately, if he loses, we'll have neoclassical schmucks as advisors. You know, the ones have given us tepid growth despite a printing press running at full steam and nearly the lowest taxes since WW2, massive rise in inequality, deindustrialization, declining wages for the bottom 1/3 of American workers, sky high and icnreasing debt, big trade deficits, and were totally gobsmacked by the Greatest Financial Crisis since the Great Depression which they had no clue was coming. Not even as reliable as Alchemy. Might as well be measuring skulls to determine criminal behavior or intelligence.

700   Rew   2016 Aug 26, 11:04am  

thunderlips11 says

You know, the ones have given us tepid growth despite a printing press running at full steam and nearly the lowest taxes since WW2, massive rise in inequality, deindustrialization, declining wages for the bottom 1/3 of American workers, sky high and icnreasing debt, big trade deficits, and were totally gobsmacked by the Greatest Financial Crisis since the Great Depression which they had no clue was coming. Not even as reliable as Alchemy. Might as well be measuring skulls to determine criminal behavior or intelligence.

Trump is too flawed to be the answer. We wait 4 more years.
Bernie was close. So was Trump.

701   neplusultra57   2016 Aug 26, 6:24pm  

thunderlips11 says

You can't prove a negative.

No kidding.

thunderlips11 says

The burden is on the US and Saudi Arabia to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the Chemical Attacks came from the Syrian Army.

Nah, but nice try anyway. In the earlier investigation "the inspectors were able to make an assessment of the likely trajectory of the rockets and this again seems to corroborate US claims that they came from areas controlled by government forces." http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-24130181

In a summary of the latest investigation: "It is now impossible to deny that the Syrian regime has repeatedly used industrial chlorine as a weapon against its own people," US National Security Council spokesman Ned Price said in a statement Wednesday. http://www.cnn.com/2016/08/25/politics/un-report-chemical-weapons-syria/index.html

thunderlips11 says

neplusultra57 says

About which Drumpf is a total moron totally out of his depth. Oh, what could go wrong!

Right, but fortunately, if he loses, we'll have neoclassical schmucks as advisors. You know, the ones have given us tepid growth despite a printing press running at full steam and nearly the lowest taxes since WW2, massive rise in inequality, deindustrialization, declining wages for the bottom 1/3 of American workers, sky high and icnreasing debt, big trade deficits, and were totally gobsmacked by the Greatest Financial Crisis since the Great Depression which they had no clue was coming. Not even as reliable as Alchemy. Might as well be measuring skulls to determine criminal behavior or intelligence.

Growth in every expansion is less than in every preceding expansion because our economy is maturing. Drumpf's Alchemy is more supply side voodoo: more debt, lower taxes on the wealthy, greater deficits, lower minimum wage, more inequality. He may have more moral courage viz. trade, I'll give you that. I would love to see us hold china's feet to the fire there. I wish the Dems had more of a plan to combat wealth inequality than progressive taxation, but they don't: Bernie got pushed aside.

thunderlips11 says

You think Ginsberg isn't anti-Gun Rights? She's already expressed her legal opinions on the matter. I notice you missed my nuance about how she IS good on certain things, on Miranda, Bush v. Gore, etc. Can't stand her bizarre stance on 2A.

Of all the important things SCOTUS will have to decide on, the 2A is the last that matters. We will never have in your or my life time a violent populace revolt in America. In the meantime the very consolidation of power in government will continue if Trump gets his noms. The ability of capital to buy politicians and the ability of politicians to choose their voters (rather than the other way 'round) is so much more important. It's not even close. If you're an anti-establishment, anti-elitist, his noms should make you vomit.

702   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 26, 6:48pm  

neplusultra57 says

Nah, but nice try anyway. In the earlier investigation "the inspectors were able to make an assessment of the likely trajectory of the rockets and this again seems to corroborate US claims that they came from areas controlled by government forces." http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-24130181

In a summary of the latest investigation: "It is now impossible to deny that the Syrian regime has repeatedly used industrial chlorine as a weapon against its own people," US National Security Council spokesman Ned Price said in a statement Wednesday. http://www.cnn.com/2016/08/25/politics/un-report-chemical-weapons-syria/index.html

Ah yes, the US government, an unbiased investigator, has run a thorough investigation. They haven't been trying to overthrow the Secular Assad regime - whose only viable replacement is either AQ affiliates or ISIS - for nearly a decade now. Look at how well things went in Libya and Iraq.

Also, Saddam Hussein can launch chemical weapons in less than 45 minutes. And multiple intelligence agencies report he was trying to obtain Nigerian yellowcake. Not just us, the Italians, French, and Germans have all acquired info from the same sources we have! Only a conspiracy theorist can deny the Yellowcake memo and the interviews with regime defectors, multiple agencies! He could be on the verge of a nuclear weapon. We must intervene now. We just gave the press and Congress the summary of one report, and heldback the other ones that said that was all bullshit.

703   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 26, 7:01pm  

neplusultra57 says

Growth in every expansion is less than in every preceding expansion because our economy is maturing. Drumpf's Alchemy is more supply side voodoo: more debt, lower taxes on the wealthy, greater deficits, lower minimum wage, more inequality. He may have more moral courage viz. trade, I'll give you that. I would love to see us hold china's feet to the fire there. I wish the Dems had more of a plan to combat wealth inequality than progressive taxation, but they don't: Bernie got pushed aside.

Did the economists do hundreds of repeated control group experiments on US Sized Economies to prove this is the case? Economics is no more scientific than psychology, and probably less so. I'm a huge skeptic on an alleged science that can't make accurate predictions.

I appreciate the rest of the sentiments, but let's not forget Clinton was a big tax cutter, the father of privatized prisons, and killed off Glass Steagal (and no, it's complete ex rectum argument to say it was obsolete and "had" to go, unless there is an alternate reality machine that saw a post Glass-Steagal America much worse off). He also pushed for NAFTA (as did his wife) and MFN for China. The Republicans didn't exactly override his veto.

I'm old enough to remember Perot being called nuts, that all economists predicted we'd have countless high tech jobs of the future, and we'd be selling US goods made in the USA by millions of American employees, to China and Mexico, many of them the high tech things like computers and monitors (ha!). "Why, all the economists say it will be nothing but a boon! Do you hate economics, it's a Science!"

704   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 26, 7:03pm  

neplusultra57 says

Of all the important things SCOTUS will have to decide on, the 2A is the last that matters. We will never have in your or my life time a violent populace revolt in America. In the meantime the very consolidation of power in government will continue if Trump gets his noms. The ability of capital to buy politicians and the ability of politicians to choose their voters (rather than the other way 'round) is so much more important. It's not even close. If you're an anti-establishment, anti-elitist, his noms should make you vomit.

Maybe. These Oligarchs aren't donating big to the Clinton Foundation and to her Campaign to get their taxes raises, corporate inversions stopped, loopholes closed, etc. They'll certainly want judges who see Life+150 copyrights as a Human Right.

If Trump wins, he'll be the boss of his party, which will almost certainly (bar a major miracle) control Congress. He can bully and whip to get shit done. Whereas Hillary will be endlessly opposed on everything - except TPP, TISA, etc. which will pass without much fuss.

Press Conference in March 2017, after she signs TPP:
"This is Jack Crack from AP. Didn't Hillary announce she opposes TPP? Did she flip flop?
"No, Jack. You didn't listen. She promised to review it, and said she didn't like it as it stood. They made some (token) changes, by adding some (unenforceable, unquantifiable, and unqualified standards on labor and enviro stuff. ie "All Signatories should respect the environment." "Labor rights are nice and good. Signatories pledge to stand by these two unnamed, unqualified, unquantified vague standards") language to it. She did exactly as she promised, Jack"

705   mell   2016 Aug 26, 7:17pm  

thunderlips11 says

Ah yes, the US government, an unbiased investigator, has run a thorough investigation. They haven't been trying to overthrow the Secular Assad regime - whose only viable replacement is either AQ affiliates or ISIS - for nearly a decade now. Look at how well things went in Libya and Iraq.

Also, Saddam Hussein can launch chemical weapons in less than 45 minutes. And multiple intelligence agencies report he was trying to obtain Nigerian yellowcake. Not just us, the Italians, French, and Germans have all acquired info from the same sources we have! Only a conspiracy theorist can deny the Yellowcake memo and the interviews with regime defectors, multiple agencies! He could be on the verge of a nuclear weapon. We must intervene now. We just gave the press and Congress the summary of one report, and heldback the other ones that said that was all bullshit.

Funny though how things can change that rapidly. Back then it was toothless (admittedly he sort of was) Hans Blix being the center of ridicule among Americans and being used by the neocons to demonstrate the ineffectiveness of the UN, and actually many Democrats initially opposed Boooshs wamongering. Fast forward, the neocons found a new home after learning that Obummer and Shillary are as eager to get their hands dirty for their puppet masters as anybody else, plus with some of the Republican fractions actually rising up and opposing constant interventionism and eternal warfare, and you have an unholy alliance by the Democratic And Republican "mainstream" which keeps banging the drums of war, labeling everybody outside of that spectrum as ray's cyst or "unfit". Putin baaaad, Assad baaaad, Saudi Arabia gooood! Makes perfect sense ;)

706   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 26, 7:28pm  

mell says

you have an unholy alliance by the Democratic And Republican "mainstream" which keeps banging the drums of war, labeling everybody outside of that spectrum as ray's cyst or "unfit".

Yes. The destabilization of Syria actually began in 2006 under Bush by a regular State Dept Official's recommendation. The guy wasn't a political appointee, he served both republican and democrat admins as a civil servant. Obama continued this (though I believe with more skepticism), pushed by Hillary's State Dept. Kerry was more chillaxed.

Here is the latest UN Report:

An international team blamed the government of Bashar al Assad for using chlorine gas in two attacks.

Islamic State used mustard gas during another attack, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons-United Nations Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM) found.

Three other attacks appeared to have been carried out by the government but it could not be certain, the team said in its report.

So let's say that Assad DID use chemicals. We know the first report of chemical attacks targeted Syrian Army Forces, killing more than a dozen, months before Ghouta. Either IS or AQ launched that attack. So, to retaliate against IS or AQ in kind is a bad thing?

People don't understand: If either of these guys take over Western Syria, where most of the population is, they're going to butcher so many Christians, Druze, Shi'a "Heretics", and many other minorities it will shock the world.

707   marcus   2016 Aug 26, 8:43pm  

I'm getting nervous. When are the odds on Hillary winning going to be back up to 9:1.

708   neplusultra57   2016 Aug 26, 9:42pm  

thunderlips11 says

Ah yes, the US government, an unbiased investigator

Right, the Illuminati defense. The wingnut's trump card, worn and tattered. Yawn.

thunderlips11 says

Did the economists do hundreds of repeated control group experiments on US Sized Economies to prove this is the case? Economics is no more scientific than psychology, and probably less so. I'm a huge skeptic on an alleged science that can't make accurate predictions.

Clearly you have an out-of-sample back-tested repeatable socio-economic alt-right syllogism that will make amerika great again. Stick with the Illuminati angle.

thunderlips11 says

He can...get shit done.

Make the trains run on time? Why do you think that? Every one of you lot say he's "an unknown" (as if that means something worthwhile [some further version of What the hell do you have to lose]) and then you go on to claim to "know" what will happen with him when a determinant outcome suddenly becomes useful to you. Most of the GOP office-holders are members of your reviled elite who pray at the altar of free-trade and open borders. Oops, those are the two things you are willing to wager the Supreme Court on. Fail! The Repubs who unabashedly cleave to Trump, who might see some nihilistic vision in helping him, namely, the Tea Party, are best known for theocracy, obstruction and nothingness. And then there are the Dems. Complexity is such a bitch. Now, you may start each morning pondering What Would Putin Do?, pondering the "boss" condition the alt-right posits as a priori necessary, backed up by the homogenizing of culture, but in America we have government divided three ways and the most divided is the Legislative party Trump represents. If getting shit done means passing into law an out-of-sample back-tested repeatable socio-economic alt-right syllogism that will make amerika great again, I think you're wasting your intelligence and deep grasp of world history. Trump will neither serve nor function in complex systems. He can't assume the "boss" condition that underpins your predictions. He barely managed to get on the Minnesota ballot. News flash: He's not Putin. He's a moron.

710   neplusultra57   2016 Aug 30, 12:28pm  

One out of how many that show him Loooooooosing.

The latest two show she's knockin' his dick in the dirt. Hypermasculine sobs! THEY'RE RIGGED!! ALL THE POLLS EXCEPT USC DORNSLIFE/LA Times ARE RIGGED!!


Cheer up, he'll make a comeback. All he needs is just one more black person being shot and he'll get 95% of the AA vote. Believe me, folks!

711   anonymous   2016 Aug 30, 12:45pm  

Ranina ranina says


landtof says

epussy ultra 57


are you two black, by any chance?

i think epussy ultra is... jazz music, the jobless shakespeare.

lots of substance abuse mixed with patrick.net "arguments"

712   zzyzzx   2016 Aug 30, 6:04pm  

New North Carolina Poll:
Trump 45% (+2)
Clinton 43%
Johnson 8%
Stein 2%

713   neplusultra57   2016 Aug 30, 6:18pm  

LOL. North Carolina has gone Blue once since 1976, and you're crowing that the orangedouchebag is within the margin of error. That's rich!

714   marcus   2016 Aug 30, 6:41pm  

neplusultra57 says


That is apparently what ZZYZZX thinks.

His brain is rigged.

How can you not understand the obvious. The obnoxious antics that endeared Trump to the republican base for primary season, are the same reason that his unfavorables with the moderate middle are EVEN worse than Hillary's.

ZZYZZX, I get it how you feel about Trump. But how can you not have the perception to understand that to most intelligent moderates, he acts like an idiotic child and he's simply too risky to be the guy with his hand on the button ?

You might argue that he's not who he seems to be, "I've got lots of good words,"..."I can be super presidential if I want to."

But you still should be able to see who he seems to be.

715   marcus   2016 Aug 30, 6:56pm  

landtof says

i think epussy ultra is... jazz music, the jobless shakespeare.

Assuming that epussy ultra is me ?

If so, I'll take that as a compliment, because jazz music is a very intelligent and savvy observer.

716   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 30, 8:04pm  

neplusultra57 says

Right, the Illuminati defense. The wingnut's trump card, worn and tattered. Yawn.

Great, happy to know being skeptical of politicians who are elected on the backs on hundreds of millions raised by special interests is the same as believing in the Illuminati.

neplusultra57 says

Make the trains run on time? Why do you think that? Every one of you lot say he's "an unknown" (as if that means something worthwhile [some further version of What the hell do you have to lose])

I'm pretty what Hillary is going to definitely do, based on her track record as an elected official and as SOS, and I definitely don't want it. I like what a lot of Trump is saying, though he has no track record. I'll take a risk on going to the Trump Towers for a Steak,instead of paying for a meal at Barf's Diner, and knowing I'm going to get a barf burger.

717   neplusultra57   2016 Aug 30, 8:06pm  

marcus says

neplusultra57 says


That is apparently what ZZYZZX thinks.

His brain is rigged.

How can you not understand the obvious. The obnoxious antics that endeared Trump to the republican base for primary season, are the same reason that his unfavorables with the moderate middle are EVEN worse than Hillary's.

Oh, the Z-man is just bustin' our chops, when he can. At this point bustin' chops on Patnet is more important than who wins the damn election. Trump is such a confused hump that no one really believes he has the chops to run this country (hell, he has hired a group of morons who JUST BARELY got him on the Minnesota ballot!) but Clinton's unfavorables are so high that we deserve to get as good as we give. Honestly, I don't know why anyone would want to president for the next four years.

718   neplusultra57   2016 Aug 30, 8:13pm  

thunderlips11 says

I'll take a risk on going to the Trump Towers for a Steak,

And he'll take your money. But if you do any work for him you'll get stiffed and end up in court. That's the only track record Trump has.

thunderlips11 says

hundreds of millions raised by special interests

So you plan to vote for the special interest. How much did the orangedouchebag give to Clinton over the years? @MakeCroniesGreatAgain

719   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 30, 8:18pm  

neplusultra57 says

So you plan to vote for the special interest.

When people try to convince me to vote Hillary:

"Dost thou not know Hillary is the fairest, and purest maiden of the land?"

I'm not voting for a crazy old lady who thinks Vladimir Putin is behind everything from Alex Jones, Brexit, to Pepe the Frog Memes and Monica Lewinskiy.

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