Please help prevent the patrick.net wikipedia page from being deleted

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2016 Aug 28, 11:27am   20,275 views  85 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

I created a wikipedia page on patrick.net, here:


It was instantly deleted as "not notable". Ugh, doesn't make you want to add anything to wikipedia, does it? But then it re-appeared a day later, with a request for discussion, here:


Please comment on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Patrick.net



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1   turtledove   2016 Aug 28, 12:18pm  

Have you ever been on the news? In the news? Have you or your site ever been written about by a third party academic source? What about your book? Have you or your site or your book been mentioned by anyone else's wiki page?

Basically, your wiki page must be neutral, verifiable, and noteworthy. Noteworthy would include an article being written about you or your work... as long as it's a third-party source that's reasonably credible... So you can't author your own article, for example... and then cite that as why you are noteworthy. What you write about yourself, your site, your book, must be verifiable through a third-party source. So references are really important to prove neutrality.... references to media outlets shows notoriety.... and the very fact that the references exist goes to verifiability.

Also, you need more than one person editing your page. That shows interest outside of you, yourself. The getting people talking about your page is a good idea and will help.

After this I start charging you. Just kidding.

2   turtledove   2016 Aug 28, 12:22pm  


Oh, this is going to be an easy fix. Now that I've looked at your page, I see the answers to my questions about notoriety and verifiability are YES and YES. You just didn't set the page up right. You need to link to the actual stories. Then, you need to link Nightline, for example, to the Nightline wiki page. What were the articles about? Were they about you or your site or your book? Or all of it?

3   turtledove   2016 Aug 28, 12:30pm  

Renters Gloat Over Housing Slump -- this appears to be about you. So that makes Patrick K noteworthy.

Washington is making the housing crisis even worse -- was written by you, doesn't count.

Financial Advice for Recent Graduates -- that's about you and the site... Written by someone else from a credible media outlet...

Quora -- doesn't look neutral. Like you posting a question and people answering it... I could be wrong.

Okay, so we need to write an article. You need to let what others wrote about you tell the story.

4   turtledove   2016 Aug 28, 12:47pm  

So, looking at what you've written so far: When you say that the site was created by Patrick K in 2004 [1].

Then, under references, you would have:

[1] ^ Anders, James R. Hagerty and George (December 26, 2006). "Renters Gloat Over Housing Slump". Wall Street Journal. Dow Jones and Company: New York, NY. Retrieved 2016-08-25.

So, you're not saying you are the founder... The wall street journal says you are the founder. See what I mean? I'm just using that as an example. I have to read the full article to say exactly what it's saying. I think it was actually the NYT that said you are the founder... Anyway, you get the idea.

5   HEY YOU   2016 Aug 28, 2:50pm  

turtledove says:
"your wiki page must be neutral, verifiable, and noteworthy."

Any information that was ever posted on wykiDicks that was not true should lead to the waterboarding of anyone ever involved with wykiCunts in any way.
What would be the proper punishment for anyone that ever mistakenly clicked,once,on wykiTurds?

What is the total monetary benefit to those connected to wykiSlime?
Who said" It's all about the money."/ "Follow the money."?

I couldn't post this on wykiAsses.

Hidden agendas,smoke & mirrors,tilted tables?
If you are allergenic to wool,watch out for it might be pulled over your eyes.

What's wrong with me? All sites with the exception of patrick.net/free speech forum are "NOT NOTABLE"!

There are only a few things that anyone needs to know about RE.

Pay only 10% of asking price.
Whatever one pays for a shack there is a sucker that will overpay when one places the shack back on the market.
Always overbuy(more than you need) & finance as much as possible to move up to the Genius Investment Set.
Flipping dumps is the true path to the Trillionaire Class.

Tell the world you learned it on patnet.

6   Tenpoundbass   2016 Aug 28, 6:13pm  

Patrick.net (stylized as patrick /pæt.rIk/) is an anonymous forum dedicated to uncensored free speech, no matter how offensive

You triggerd the Hate filter you little shit.

There's a better world somehow at the end of all of this. Dan just knows it.

8   lostand confused   2016 Aug 28, 6:54pm  

Wait didn't we invent the term Immense Hirsute lesbians?? How can we be not newsworthy??

9   FortWayne   2016 Aug 28, 8:03pm  

How can I comment up there? What do you click on?

10   Tenpoundbass   2016 Aug 28, 8:15pm  

Click on my talk thread and the edit tab or the main artilcle you can click on the edit tab.
I think!
I thought I was contributing to the original thread when I clicked the talk link because it was red.

11   turtledove   2016 Aug 28, 9:05pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Click on my talk thread and the edit tab or the main artilcle you can click on the edit tab.

I think!

I thought I was contributing to the original thread when I clicked the talk link because it was red.

The issues regarding the inline citations and notoriety appear to have been dealt with. So, the version you are looking at TPB appears to be the revised version. At this point, I'd be careful about adding things to the page the are essentially unsupported opinions, since that seems to be the biggest issue they had with the initial version. Say whatever on the Talk:patrick.net page, of course... that's great for generating ideas.

At this point, one reviewer has already looked at the revised page (a reviewer who made a very dismissive comment about the existing references being trivial and supported only by a forum), and his ONLY action was to add an External Link to the Official Website of Patrick.net. That's a step in the right direction.

12   lostand confused   2016 Aug 28, 9:18pm  

I never contribute anything to wiki. Do I join as a user and comment/review? I want to do my part!

13   Patrick   2016 Aug 28, 9:20pm  

I think you do have to register to comment on the wikipedia discussion pages. Thanks!

14   missing   2016 Aug 28, 11:59pm  

Has to be noteworthy my ass. Every soccer player that I've heard of, even friends who have only played semi-professionally, has a wiki page. How is that noteworthy.

15   Tenpoundbass   2016 Aug 29, 6:15am  

rando says

I think you do have to register to comment on the wikipedia discussion pages. Thanks!

I just posted anon. It didn't even ask me to register.

16   Tenpoundbass   2016 Aug 29, 6:16am  

FP says

Has to be noteworthy my ass. Every soccer player that I've heard of, even friends who have only played semi-professionally, has a wiki page. How is that noteworthy.

He's trigger worthy it has nothing to do with notoriety.

17   Dan8267   2016 Aug 29, 7:55am  

Patrick says

Please help prevent the patrick.net wikipedia page from being deleted

Wikipedia is a piece of shit propaganda hub in which dedicated trolls and shills take over articles to push their political, financial, or social agenda. The admins are petty tyrants who have tasted a little power and let it go to their head.

Still, a PatNet Wikipedia page sounds like a great idea. Now PatNet trolls can troll people on another venue. Plus, maybe the PatNet page can get Wikipedia on Amazon's shit list for violating their terms of service by advocating -- what was it? -- pornography, crime, and hate.

And just wait for AF to get his own page. Is the Internet really ready for that?

18   Dan8267   2016 Aug 29, 11:33am  

Latest admin post on the page:

If you came here because someone asked you to, or you read a message on another website, please note that this is not a majority vote, but instead a discussion among Wikipedia contributors.

Translation: Our word is law. Fuck off.

Just remember this admin post when someone tries to argue that Wikipedia is democratic or open. It's neither.

19   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 29, 12:23pm  

Tenpoundbass says

I just posted anon. It didn't even ask me to register.

this must be your IP address in Woodland Hills http://www.infobyip.com/ip-

20   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 29, 12:23pm  

Dan8267 says

The admins are petty tyrants who have tasted a little power and let it go to their head

theyre all paid off. its been well documented.

21   turtledove   2016 Aug 29, 1:07pm  

Dan8267 says

Just remember this admin post when someone tries to argue that Wikipedia is democratic or open. It's neither.

Agreed. So you have to play it their way. They are the gatekeepers, like it or not. It's just that simple. The reviewer's comments went from:

"Incomming links are irrelevant; Wikipedia has established guideline for defining notability at WP:Notability (web), specifically in the "Criteria" section of that guideline. What is needed to establish notability are "multiple non-trivial published works whose source is independent of the site itself." --- Barek (talk • contribs) - 00:48, 29 August 2016 (UTC)"


"Note: I see some additional third-party sources that focus on the site or its founder have now been added to the article. If additional third-part references that provide non-trivial coverage of the site can be provided, that would help the article further. It's then up to the Wikipedia community to evaluate the quality of those sources to determine if they meet the threshold of notability as defined at WP:Notability (web), or via the general notability guideline at WP:N. --- Barek (talk • contribs) - 16:02, 29 August 2016 (UTC)"

That's major progress. My interpretation of this is that there's a lot of stuff on Patrick himself, but they'd like more on Patrick.net. So, Patrick just needs to add more citations that talk about the site, specifically. Ideally, it would NOT be something that just repeats what has already been covered in the Wiki article. It needs to be something that adds new content to the Wiki entry. If you have something, that would be an excellent type of contribution to add to the Talk page at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Patrick.net

22   salazzo   2016 Aug 29, 4:42pm  

4chan wannabes get out!


23   Dan8267   2016 Aug 29, 6:28pm  

Patrick says

Please help prevent the patrick.net wikipedia page from being deleted

Now the page says

Delete and salt per ThePlatypusofDoom's comment. Salt it because, as the forum page said, it was deleted and then someone almost immediately recreated it. I have a feeling someone will likely do it again. -- Gestrid (talk) 23:51, 29 August 2016 (UTC)

Pussy-ass Wikipedia editor wankers. Why does anyone have any respect for this piece of shit website? It's trivially easy to make a wiki and every single wiki out there is better than Wikipedia. All Wikipedia does is copy-n-paste the top Google search results or plant propaganda and misinformation. You're far better off just using Google and skipping over Wikipedia references.

24   turtledove   2016 Aug 29, 8:55pm  

Well, I'm very encouraged. There is a wonderful admin on there... Something with a B. He/she is super helpful. I think we can do this. The stuff is there. We just have to get it communicated the way they want it. They have to make sure that the Wiki site isn't littered with garbage. Okay, so they are going to make us work for it. PatNet has done a lot. It deserves to be there. Making sure that you actively look at the proposed suggestions and contributing thoughts of your own would be a step in the right direction.

25   Barek   2016 Aug 30, 7:06am  

turtledove says

My interpretation of this is that there's a lot of stuff on Patrick himself, but they'd like more on Patrick.net. So, Patrick just needs to add more citations that talk about the site, specifically.

Those are just my comments - as I'm participating in the "Article for Deletion" (AfD) discussion, I won't be the admin who ultimately weighs the strength of the arguments on each side. Strong arguments are those that are based in site policy and guidelines (Wikipedia has a guideline that provides a threshold for determining if notability is sufficient to justify an article, the strongest arguments will be those that show how that guideline is met). Of course, those familiar with the site policies and guidelines will find it easier to make those arguments. The AfD process generally runs for 7 days with participants voicing their opinion as to the quality of the article and its references. After 7 days, a non-involved admin will review and either flag the consensus as "keep", "delete", or relist it for an additional 7 days to get additional comments.

The article originally had only three references, two of which weren't very good and the third being insufficient by itself. Once I saw the additional references had been added, I made the second comment. The article is already improved over its initial version. Sources that provide additional good coverage (not just trivial mentions in passing) and which are published by third party reliable sources (ideally news sites, professional journals, established non-profit organizations, etc) can only strengthen the argument to keep the article.

Even if the article is deleted as a result of the AfD - consensus can change if better sources are found later. If deleted, anyone interested in improving the article can request that it be converted to a draft at that point so that the article can continue to be improved with additional sources, with the goal of restoring it as an article at a later time.

26   dreebotheyung   2016 Aug 30, 7:06am  

Dan8267 says

Pussy-ass Wikipedia editor wankers. Why does anyone have any respect for this piece of shit website? It's trivially easy to make a wiki and every single wiki out there is better than Wikipedia. All Wikipedia does is copy-n-paste the top Google search results or plant propaganda and misinformation. You're far better off just using Google and skipping over Wikipedia references.

You mad bro? You sound like you're mad.

27   anonymous   2016 Aug 30, 7:15am  

Suck our DICKS!, wikipedia!

Do you know who Patrick.net is?

28   Dan8267   2016 Aug 30, 7:30am  


I oppose all deception, especially deception masquerading as democracy. I file Wikipedia in the same category as junk science. It gives the illusion of proper methodology while activating opposing such methodology. And just like junk science, Wikipedia does great harm by convincing people of false and misleading things. Furthermore, it promotes intellectual laziness and faith, much like religion, and does not tolerate challenges to its bullshit. That makes Wikipedia dangerous.

29   turtledove   2016 Aug 30, 4:03pm  

Barek says

The article originally had only three references, two of which weren't very good and the third being insufficient by itself. Once I saw the additional references had been added, I made the second comment. The article is already improved over its initial version. Sources that provide additional good coverage (not just trivial mentions in passing) and which are published by third party reliable sources (ideally news sites, professional journals, established non-profit organizations, etc) can only strengthen the argument to keep the article.

@Barek The difficulty I have with this argument, however, is the fact that without Patrick.net, Patrick Killelea would be unknown. It is this site that attracted NPR and ABC News. This site is why they interviewed him. I'm a total genius, just ask anyone (don't ask them, really). No one's interviewing me, however. Why? I've done nothing notable enough to trigger interest in interviewing me. The site drove that interest, hence the reason Patrick.net is mentioned in those particular cited articles. If the Wiki article were about Patrick K, himself, then it could be argued that it's "inherited notability," according to my reading of the Wiki notability page.

You have a programmer who became a recognized housing bust expert through the creation of this site. He created the site in 2004... The 3rd party articles start in 2006. How else does a programmer, a person who would otherwise NOT be considered a housing bubble expert, get considered as such if not for the very content of this site? It's the site that got their attention... Not some unknown programmer from Menlo Park.

30   turtledove   2016 Aug 30, 4:37pm  

Furthermore, I would like to be clear to any Wiki contributors who might be poking around the site to gather information... and happen to stumble upon this thread. This email is asking for meaningful contributions by members interested in helping to further the project.

Some members have been members for a very long time. We know this site and its history, well. This thread is in NO WAY "canvassing" for votes. It was a request for some collaboration, either on this thread... Or for those members who are comfortable with Wiki, to contribute directly to the article or its comments sections as a way to improve the submission. Not all that different than what Wiki does through its Talk pages. This isn't about votes... It's about addressing the issues brought up by the Wiki contributors and resolving those concerns.

Please note, other than ONE flagged vote, your articles for deletion section has NOT been flooded by "keep" votes from newly minted Wiki registrants from this site, in violation of your terms. As a free speech forum, opinions of all kinds are welcome. However offensive and counterproductive to the goal of getting a Wiki page some of this thread's comments might be, that's what free speech is all about.

And, should we suck you in as regular patnet members... Note the "ignore" link at the top of each post. Ignore is your friend.

31   anonymous   2016 Aug 30, 4:49pm  

Those failed losers at wiki don't want nothing to do with the interwebs last bastian of free speech!

Lay down and lick your lips, wikipedia; Turkey ain't nothing but a bird!

32   Gestrid   2016 Aug 30, 11:33pm  

As Barek alluded to, articles are never truly deleted. They are simply hidden from the public's view. Admins can still see them, and they can restore them, provided certain conditions are met. If someone (anyone, really) comes along and asks that they be able to make the article into a draft, the request will likely be granted if the article isn't copyright infringement, which it doesn't appear to be.

Also, canvassing, by Wikipedia's definition, is letting people know something is going on, and you know they'll likely side with you. For example, if I were to post to someone's talk page on Wikipedia, "Hey, I may be about to get blocked!" or something like that, if I knew they'd specifically try to stop me from getting blocked, that's canvassing.

Also, thank you for not just randomly going into that discussion without thinking things through and examining the policies we've laid out there. And thank you for asking questions when you don't understand the policies instead of just saying, "Well, **** you and your policies!!!". That honestly is refreshing. You have no idea how many Wikipedia editors can sometimes be like that. (That's not a warning, that's a genuine thank you.)

33   Dan8267   2016 Aug 30, 11:40pm  

Gestrid says

As Barek alluded to, articles are never truly deleted. They are simply hidden from the public's view

In an open and transparent system, articles would never be hidden from the public's view.

34   altos   2016 Aug 30, 11:53pm  

I tried to find a way to comment on the "Please comment on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Patrick.net"
But I could not find a way to do so. Please help. I have been a member of Patrick.net for 10 years. It is a good and notable website.

35   Gestrid   2016 Aug 31, 5:43am  

altos says

I tried to find a way to comment on the "Please comment on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Patrick.net"

But I could not find a way to do so. Please help. I have been a member of Patrick.net for 10 years. It is a good and notable website.

You click "Edit source" anywhere on the page and then comment under the last comment, making sure to include your reason to keep or delete the page. Be sure to type ~~~~ after your post to make your signature appear. You don't have to login, but your IP address will be visible if you don't.

36   Gestrid   2016 Aug 31, 5:44am  

Dan8267 says

In an open and transparent system, articles would never be hidden from the public's view.

In a perfect world, we wouldn't have to.

37   Y   2016 Aug 31, 5:50am  

Georgies closed.
That did it...

dreebotheyung says

Dan8267 says

Pussy-ass Wikipedia editor wankers. Why does anyone have any respect for this piece of shit website? It's trivially easy to make a wiki and every single wiki out there is better than Wikipedia. All Wikipedia does is copy-n-paste the top Google search results or plant propaganda and misinformation. You're far better off just using Google and skipping over Wikipedia references.

You mad bro? You sound like you're mad.

38   Dan8267   2016 Aug 31, 7:54am  

Gestrid says

In a perfect world, we wouldn't have to.

"In a perfect world" is the weakest cop-out ever said. It presents a false dichotomy to justify doing the wrong thing. For example, in a perfect world we'd find and prosecute every rapist, but it's not a perfect world so we shouldn't even try; might as well let them all go if we can't catch ever one. False dichotomies are lame.

Every action or inaction is a choice. Even in this imperfect world, you don't have to hide articles from the public. That is your choice.

Oh, and don't even bother with the red herring of copyright or criminal posts. We're not talking about deleting illegal content, but rather legal content you don't like.

The fact remains that the Wikipedia experiment is a dismal failure. The site contains gross propaganda, misinformation, and deliberate deception and rewriting of history, and cherry picking data to support one position over another. And it's not a single group or individual doing this harm. It's a multitude of governments, corporations, SJWs, and bigots of all political persuasions. Wikipedia is the junk science equivalent of an encyclopedia.

Any truthful and historically significant information that makes a company, government, agency, war, or individual look bad is removed as non-NPOV, a sad excuse for omitting important historical facts. If Wikipedia was around in the 1930s, any reference to the Nazis killing Jews would be removed as not a "neutral point of view". Well, reality isn't always neutral. There is not way to report about the Holocaust without making Nazis look bad. Some facts by their very nature makes a party look bad. That doesn't mean they aren't facts or aren't important. Wikipedia does a great disservice to humanity by presenting propaganda as objective, accurate historical accounting. And quite frankly, there are few crimes greater than denying future generations an honest and accurate historical record. Doing so condemns those generations to repeat our mistakes.

39   turtledove   2016 Aug 31, 10:22am  

Oh Dan, calm down. If you hate it so much, no one has a gun to your head forcing you to visit Wikipedia. You're a programmer, right? A talented, if not mischievous one (CIC incident). Why don't you create a competing on-line encyclopedia and then you set the rules up any way you see fit? No doubt, you'll find a way to make it work without any review process or standards for submission, whatsoever. I can't see any potential problems with that kind of policy, at all. So, prove it can be done and show the Wiki Establishment a thing or two.

40   Tenpoundbass   2016 Aug 31, 10:32am  

SO what have we learned today kids?

"Never let free speech advocates defend you the court of opinion. "

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