Mike Pence Refuses to Call David Duke 'Deplorable'

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2016 Sep 13, 8:59am   5,744 views  17 comments

by turtledove   ➕follow (11)   💰tip   ignore  

Donald Trump's running mate may not want former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke's backing — but he has refused to call him "deplorable".

On Tuesday, following a meeting with House Republicans, Mike Pence reiterated that neither he nor Trump want Duke's support.

"But I'm also not going to validate the language Hillary Clinton used to describe the American people," Pence said on Tuesday. "She was talking about people across this country who are coming out in record numbers to stand by Donald Trump in record numbers."

Pence told NBC News people with "ill motives can associate" themselves with whoever they like in free country, and compared Duke's support of the Trump ticket to the Orlando shooter's father appearing at Clinton rally last month.

Clinton, the Democratic nominee for president, initially claimed at a fundraiser that half of Trump's supporters could fit into a "basket of deplorables."



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1   turtledove   2016 Sep 13, 9:05am  

They are desperate to get someone in the Trump camp to validate her use of the word "deplorable." "See, he said it, too." Then, the faux outrage because Pence won't use the word. Because that's the only word one can use to denounce someone. Ridiculous!

2   turtledove   2016 Sep 13, 9:09am  

Ironman says

That says it all...

"You will use MY word. Only MY word sufficiently reflects your level of denouncement."

3   turtledove   2016 Sep 13, 9:14am  

"If you don't use my word, you're a racist."

4   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 13, 9:53am  

The best thing to call Duke is plastic man. He's had 6 figures in plastic surgery over the past few years.

5   CL   2016 Sep 13, 10:26am  

turtledove says

that half of Trump's supporters could fit into a "basket of deplorables."

I disagree with this too. Half of the Republican party is deplorable in any cycle. Trump just animates them like Wallace, if Wallace wasn't so dern PC.

6   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Sep 13, 10:42am  

Oh the lengths that Pansy Pants Pence will go to keep up appearances. I'm surprised anyone on the right would post this as if it were a positive for PPP.

I thought that TrumPence were supposed to be anti-PC. Suddenly, they are so PC that they can't even call a deplorable a deplorable.

7   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Sep 13, 10:44am  

thunderlips11 is deplorable says

He's had 6 figures in plastic surgery over the past few years.

He's starting to look like Michael Jackson with that nose. He's just thinner and droopier eyed.

8   anonymous   2016 Sep 13, 10:51am  

Hardcore Republicans are not Trumps' base. Those Republicans actually started the #NeverTrump movement. They supported Jeb, Cruz, Rubio, and Carson in the primaries. Now, they're supporting Hillary, as evidenced by the support of the Kochs etc. because Hillary aligns closest to them with her policies and actions.


9   turtledove   2016 Sep 13, 11:35am  

YesYNot says

I thought that TrumPence were supposed to be anti-PC. Suddenly, they are so PC that they can't even call a deplorable a deplorable.

So, publicly denouncing everything Duke stands for isn't good enough? Why did Pence need to call names? Why was the media so determined to bait him into using Hillary's word? Is he not allowed to phrase his thoughts, his way? He must use the word "deplorable" in order to prove that by denouncing Duke, he really meant it? Is it like a secret club and the password is "deplorable?"

You know just as well as I do that she messed up with her statement. Is this a huge deal? Probably not. But she needs to own HER words and stop with this school yard tactic of trying to get the other guy to say a bad word too so he can't tell on her. Or act like "deplorable" is the only possible word a person can use to express displeasure in another's words, actions, or beliefs.

10   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Sep 13, 12:01pm  

turtledove says

Why was the media so determined to bait him into using Hillary's word?

The media wanted to know a fair question to find out if Pence/Trump would admit that some of their supporters are deplorable or to see if they think that none of their supporters are deplorable. So, they picked the most extreme example and started with that. Pence's response is that he didn't want to validate a word. Haha. What a straight talker. That's why he's Pansy Pants. Plus, he seems to be too stupid to discern the difference between an adjective and a name - or at least he thinks that you are.

11   anonymous   2016 Sep 13, 12:08pm  

It depends what your definition of is, is.

The educated people of this country demand straight talk from their politicians.

12   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 13, 12:09pm  

turtledove says

Is it like a secret club and the password is "deplorable?"

Yes, it's called "Virtue Signalling".

Part of this signalling is that it's okay to call working class whites "Clingers" or "Deplorables" or "Rednecks" or "Left Behind Idiots". Openly, on Television, with none of the reprecussons they'd suffer for saying "Ghetto Trash" "Nig Nogs" "Akatas" "Beaners".

In true Kafka-esque fashion, complaining about this double standard actually PROVES you are an "Outsider" and not "With It".

Because of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, upper middle class professionals who have safe, high income positions are looking to promote their morality, which also serves to justify their position in the Social Hierarchy.

It allows a 25-year old female "Non-Profit Executive" who makes $100k/year with her Parental Paid, No Loan $100,000 Brown Education in English Literature, to drive her $80,000 BMW while sipping a $6 Latte, to complain that the mentally ill, alcoholic homeless vet who sleeps on the street dressed in rags is masturbating behind a dumpster is Oppressing Her with his Toxic Masculinity.

13   turtledove   2016 Sep 13, 12:13pm  

YesYNot says

Plus, he seems to be too stupid to discern the difference between an adjective and a name - or at least he thinks that you are.

How Clintonesque of you. But since Hillary used "deplorable" like a name rather than an adjective, you can see why he said he didn't want to name call.

14   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Sep 13, 2:13pm  

The point is that Pence is claiming he will not say anything bad about Duke because he has manners. Well, if you can't say anything bad about David Duke, then you probably shouldn't say anything bad about anybody else either. Let's see if he can live up to that standard.

Meanwhile, here's another question that Pansy-pants Pence refused to answer: "Do you think it should be illegal in the state of Indiana to discriminate against gays or lesbians." He just refused to answer it. According to HRC's definition of deplorable, which she spelled out clearly in her comment, PPP fits in that basket.

His refusal is about 9:45 into this video in an interview with Stephanopoulos. http://www.ifyouonlynews.com/politics/watch-this-reporter-destroy-gov-pences-defense-of-indiana-anti-gay-law-with-one-question-video/

15   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 13, 2:14pm  

Hillary's social media support is REAL.

16   Ceffer   2016 Sep 13, 2:19pm  

I think IHLlary has stated she didn't mean a basket of deplorable, she meant a thimble of deplorable.

17   turtledove   2016 Sep 13, 2:38pm  

YesYNot says

He just refused to answer it.

Do you prefer: "I think marriage is between a man and a woman" followed later by assertions that she never said that?

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