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I hope it's more than her sticking her foot in her mouth in another leaked email. While yes it is cringe worthy, it's hardly a game changer.
I hope it's more than another piece exposing her interloper approach at government with a self interest style. We need audio or video of her saying and doing this shit.
People that like her don't care that she has the personality of stepped on rotten fruit. Just the same us Trump supporters don't care to listen to the anti capitalists bitch about how Trump got rich.
If it's not genuinely big, Assange either a) loses credibility, or b) is scared to death to do a real dump of truly damaging info (in which case, he'll also lose credibility).
She will drone him with a rancid tuna-smelling snuke from her vag.
Are we going to see Assange's howling frightened face from the drone cam right up until we can see his tonsils and the flash?
Tune in and watch IHLlary drone Assange on the balcony!
... will be a parrot quad-copter with a squirt gun.
Assange will leak the fact that Clinton's favorite pizza topping is ... is ... broccoli! :-O #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
So what did he reveal-that is she is the most corrupt politician evah-meh...
Assange has no game. At this point, he's just a Russian tool trying to broadcast a feeling without anything of substance.
it's a diversion while he sneaks past the guards with the tall fur hats...
and then british justice will kick in...
...unless Hillary, with the help of Soros and her buddies, "drones" Assange.
Assange is rapidly approaching clown status. Either put up something that backs up you drivel or shut up.
Assange is rapidly approaching clown status. Either put up something that backs up you drivel or shut up.
Yeah, he only broke the DNC and revealed Wasserman-Schultz for 110% lying to the public a few weeks ago. No Biggie!
Meanwhile some pompous NYT toady hasn't broken anything in 30+ years, butchers metaphors, and writes on a 6th grade level about conversations with taxi drivers - and we're supposed to fawn over him.
2016, the year Julian Assange went from hero to zero in the eyes of the Press, for leaking about their preferred candidate.
"Transparency and Whistleblowing is important - when it happens to those we don't like. Evil and criminal when it hurts those we back."
Real truth is most often boring.
Sensational truth is most likely a lie.
...unless Hillary, with the help of Soros and her buddies, "drones" Assange.