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I'm not buying what he's selling.
Love Hillary's hate Marcus, you poor little gullible pissack.
63% think we are on the wrong track, which is in itself a very vague term. Just because people think we are on the wrong track doesn't mean they believe Trump's global conspiracy theory. Most people don't even agree on who to blame for being on the wrong track, as evidenced by Obama's near record high approval rating.
Here's an interesting article on the question of 'are we on the right or wrong track.' http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/11/07/we-ve-been-on-the-wrong-track-since-1972.html
We've only collectively answered that we are on the right track 3 times in the 40 years people have asked that question. Once in the Reagan recovery years (1984-1986), once in the Clinton boom (late 1990s), and once in a moment of patriotism immediately after 9/11.
He actually has a point about the establishment. They definitely have their cronies and their agenda.
OK, that's a good start.
Next up: Do you agree that the establishment would try very hard to smear you if they felt their absolute hold on power was threatened by you?
DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says
He needs to hold up Lloyd Blankfein and Jamie Dimon's severed heads while he is giving this speech
He does that and he wins a landslide and I am only half kidding.
"We need one good dictator with absolute power and control to give this country an enema, and that dictator c'est MOI."
Never heard him say anything remotely like that.
But why not go all the way and play the Hitler card? C'mon! He's HITLER HITLER HITLER.
Next up: Do you agree that the establishment would try very hard to smear
The established media has competing interests. An individual reporter / anchor has to answer to his boss. The boss(s) have to keep an appearance of being useful (providing unbiased information). The establishment in general (rich people and rich groups of people) is composed of a huge number of people with very different political ideologies. IMO, the marketplace of ideas is alive and well. Good ideas will be accepted and live.
Trump's smear came in the form of the released video. The story took on a life of its own, partly because it was new. New and interesting and scandal sells. If there were a big establishment conspiracy chomping at the bit to destroy Trump, wouldn't they release all of the tapes of Trump in the Apprentice? Couldn't they figure out how to do that?
But, but, but.... Trump's a racist and he grabs women's pussies..
And he is unstable and will probably blow up the planet. You know he is unstable. Everything gets him riled and full of hate. You can't have that in the chief diplomat for the USA. That is insane, like you all are.
And he is unstable and will probably blow up the planet. You know he is unstable. Everything gets him riled and full of hate. You can't have that in the chief diplomat for the USA. That is insane, like you all are
Allahu Akbar.
Next up: Do you agree that the establishment would try very hard to smear you if they felt their absolute hold on power was threatened by you?
Actually anyone running in politics gets smeared. But what you can't see is that to any objective observer, Trump is a nightmare.
Here's one for you.
If the absolute worst and most ridiculous and most high risk and dangerous person to ever run for president did, and a lot of intelligent people could see him for what he is, if they speak their opinion, are they rigging the election ?
IMO, the marketplace of ideas is alive and well.
I disagree. There is only one point of view allowed in the mainstream press, and that's The Narrative.
Trump's smear came in the form of the released video.
OK, so we're agreeing that he's being smeared.
An individual reporter / anchor has to answer to his boss. The boss(s) have to keep an appearance of being useful (providing unbiased information).
Disagree. The reporter and the boss have to keep an appearance of loyalty to The Narrative because they know for a fact that's what the owners of the news want.
But what you can't see is that to any objective observer, Trump is a nightmare.
If I had a better choice, I wouldn't vote for him. He's not a great human being.
But exactly because he is out of control, I like him.
There has been boatloads of smear against Hillary. Even now he says the Clintons are criminals.
What, are you really at TPB's level, and think that if I and millions of other don't buy it, it's becasue of the establishment ?
Wtf, I'll take the establishment over TRump. That's right. I said it. I see everything.
I don't buy his bullshit.
Do you agree that the establishment would try very hard to smear you if they felt their absolute hold on power was threatened by you?
Tell us what threat, Patrick? You know Trump's biggest supporter is Sheldon Adelson. He is a Zionist globalist who has Trump locked up. Trump's sovereign pitch is clever, but it is just a con. He wants America to be even more an empire builder than it is now. Real sovereign nation building treats all nations as equals. Hitler's sovereign building is domination by one nation.Trump wants the same thing. He is not for the Westfalia Peace. He is for US world domination, and fast.
But exactly because he is out of control, I like him.
If he could not destroy the planet with nukes, you could have a case. But this isn't reality TV, although you act as though it is. This is life or death, Patrick.
There has been boatloads of smear against Hillary. Even now he says the Clintons are criminals.
OH for God sakes Marcus! She's as Criminal as they come.
There has only been one great Female leader in the last century that that was Margret Thatcher.
If he could not destroy the planet with nukes, you could have a case. But this isn't reality TV, although you act as though it is.
Yep. People are strange. marcus says
I wonder how many people are willing to vote for Trump, that would never drive their car without the seatbelts fastened. Some people have absolutely no conception of risk.
There is only one point of view allowed in the mainstream press, and that's The Narrative.
I don't buy that either. CNN treats Trump with way too much respect. It is sickening. No one far reaching has ever seen this video. It should be required watching by every American: http://www.examplesofglobalization.com/2016/10/god-hates-master-race-idea-donald-trump.html
You think Hillary is lower risk?
Yes. She is a lower risk. She is a neocon, and she wants world domination. But she is pragmatic. She is not interested in nuclear war, and she tolerates peaceful people from all groups. And I think that brings a certain stability. No guarantees, but she and Bill are not willing to risk the security of the USA for war with Russia.
OH for God sakes Marcus! She's as Criminal as they come.
The difference between you and Trump is that he doesn't really even think that.
Good speech. What took him so long?
People like marcus and YesYNot - pussy liberals, are hopeless. It is because the likes of them revolutions eventually happen.
It is because the likes of them revolutions eventually happen.
It's because of the likes of you, Patrick, TPB and others that authoritarian regimes happen which then lead to the revolutions.
My prediction: Hillary will start a war with Iran to please her Saudi masters.
It is because the likes of them revolutions eventually happen.
It's because of the likes of you, Patrick, TPB and others that authoritarian regimes happen which then lead to the revolutions.
LOL wut? Patrick runs a forum dedicated to the freedom of speech, the absolute antithesis of authoritarianism.
Yes, say whatever you want, and don't worry at all about whether it's PC or not.
Just don't ask me to censor anyone else. Ignore them if they bother you.
The reporter and the boss have to keep an appearance of loyalty to The Narrative because they know for a fact that's what the owners of the news want.
If this were true, you'd have to make the assumption that the news companies aren't trying to make money on their own, but are considered a necessary propaganda cost by the owners. I think cable news is a big money maker. If they want to stay that way, they have to fend off challenges by upstarts like PatNet and Facebook ;). rando says
OK, so we're agreeing that he's being smeared.
I agree that he was 'smeared', but don't think it was top down across the board. I think that the story somewhat organically developed with a life of its own. That life depended on social media, Trump's response, what people wanted to hear about, and which women came out of the woodwork. Some news people probably jumped on the opportunity to take him down. Others probably covered it because they had to (it was THE story). I think Trump handled it poorly, because he lives in a bubble. He didn't let people vet him, and he doesn't listen to his advisers.
I think that the story somewhat organically developed with a life of its own.
I agree with you to a point. The crowd that was looking for reasons to justify their hate of Trump were happy to be fed another reason. And the people at the top knew that.
Patrick runs a forum dedicated to the freedom of speech, the absolute antithesis of authoritarianism.
How stupid does someone have to be to think that this is an argument that people that like Trump don't have authoritarian tendencies.
Fucking dimbulb.
The difference between you and Trump is that he doesn't really even think that
This is a good video. We've seen these clips before. It's funny to see the changes he's made over the last 8-16 years. It's hard to see how anyone can see his videos over the years and think that there is a consistent arc that doesn't involve a huge disingenuous sales pitch to get if office.
The crowd that was looking for reasons to justify their hate of Trump were happy to be fed another reason
I never trusted Trump. HIs ancient history with women didn't bother me, and I don't even believe half of it. IT's irrelevant to me.
It's hard to see how anyone can see his videos over the years and think that there is a consistent arc that doesn't involve a huge disingenuous sales pitch to get if office.
Exactly. It's hard to imagine what they're thinking. I hate to say it, but I really believe it's got to be a subtle "make America white again" aspect to it that appeals to their subconscious and they don't even realize it. Well in some people's cases like DFJ he knows it, but for others they don't know. It's a sort of, "there's something I really like about this guy so much that it allows me to ignore what all common sense and reason would otherwise tell me."
The crowd that was looking for reasons to justify their hate of Trump were happy to be fed another reason. And the people at the top knew that.
True, but that's a two way street. We are very tribal by nature, and we tend to get more convinced of our viewpoint over time. I see the same thing happen with people's view of Hillary. Supporters justify things in Wikileaks and opponents jump at the slightest hint of impropriety even if it is obvious bullshit. That's the nature of the marketplace of ideas.
How stupid does someone have to be to think that this is an argument that people that like Trump don't have authoritarian tendencies.
Fucking dimbulb.
People who like Trump??
Your thinking is completely devoid of incisiveness. Fucking pusillanimous twit.
IMO, the marketplace of ideas is alive and well.
I disagree. There is only one point of view allowed in the mainstream press, and that's The Narrative.
Agree with Patrick here. There is close to zero dissent in the mainstream press and alleged stories are reported as facts while the real facts remain completely un-researched, and that mixed with the narrative of their masters leads to absolute rubbish reported as "news", e.g. that downloading and reading wikileaks documents is "illegal". Imagine the consequences of such narrative-driven faux journalism, we are not far away from an Orwellian dystopia. And yes, Fox news "reports" a lot of "shit" too, but they - once leading the pack of narrative-driven journalism - they have been long overtaken by their leftist media counterparts, and now even the two opposites are amalgamating on some issues such as the fixation on Sex while completely neglecting the real issues at hand. Aliens would not believe that we're actually trying to elect a president, they'd think this is some sort of big brother / survivor reality show.
My prediction: Hillary will start a war with Iran to please her Saudi masters.
Interesting take. You do know, Patrick, that Saudi Arabia was included in Oded Yinon's plan for regime change in the middle east. But the Saudis want to survive so they are actually Zionists now. And if you think it is far fetched:
As for Trump being a Democrat that is insane. He wants to win, but the big money controls both parties. He wants to win because he will have power like he never had before and he lusts for power. Don't be fooled by that video of Trump being friendly with the Clintons.
Sounds like Trumpligula needs a Reichstag fire to re-boot his campaign in the eleventh hour.
Patrick runs a forum dedicated to the freedom of speech, the absolute antithesis of authoritarianism.
How stupid does someone have to be to think that this is an argument that people that like Trump don't have authoritarian tendencies.
Fucking dimbulb.
No idiot, it's the students that you influence and teach who have the authoritarian impulses to such an extent that they seek to have any little irritation removed in the form of safe spaces and segregation. God help anyone who listens to you.
It's funny to see the changes he's made over the last 8-16 years.
It's amazing to watch her flip flop of Gays, NAFTA, TPP, Iraq War, etc. in the past few years. The difference being she held elected and appointed offices.
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