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4   astronut97   2016 Nov 22, 11:30am  

freespeechforever says

Oh look, a map that shows the urban areas/cities in blue.

5   8e6e0   2016 Nov 22, 12:22pm  

White males really are, OBJECTIVELY SPEAKING, the new legitimate (in the eyes of SJWs, minorities, media, etc.) deserving target of hatred.



6   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 22, 1:13pm  

Fuck, I wish i remembered which Marxist who called it perfectly at least 50 years ago, that snobby petty bourgeois would begin commodifying oppression, and decided who among the poor merited sympathy and who did not (the latter being an ancient bourgeois tradition, this poor is deserving, this other group of poor undeserving).

In any case, fuck the New Left and their Regressive Indentitarianism.

7   Ceffer   2016 Nov 22, 1:28pm  


8   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 22, 2:16pm  

NOW actively fights equal parenting laws.

9   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 22, 2:30pm  

NOW believes women get the short end of the stick in divorce, even when they initiate it. They believe a woman who works a F/T job is the primary caregiver of a 7-year old, but somehow the father with a F/T job isn't. "There's no proof that fathers are a bonus in kid's lives." And of course, domestic violence, even in divorces where there is no domestic violence.

Their position paper.

10   popsicle10   2016 Nov 22, 2:53pm  

It takes 2 to tango and the result can be a kid, daddy gets to live his life as he decides but the school usually calls mum when the child is sick. Go figure Thunderlips is Tovbot2 says

NOW believes women get the short end of the stick in divorce, even when they initiate it. They believe a woman who works a F/T job is the primary caregiver of a 7-year old, but somehow the father with a F/T job isn't. "There's no proof that fathers are a bonus in kid's lives." And of course, domestic violence, even in divorces where there is no domestic violence.

Their position paper.


11   NDrLoR   2016 Nov 22, 2:58pm  

Thunderlips is Tovbot2 says

decided who among the poor merited sympathy and who did not (the latter being an ancient bourgeois tradition, this poor is deserving, this other group of poor undeserving)

I think it's a perfectly legitimate distinction:

"The English Poor Laws were a system of poor relief which existed in England and Wales that developed out of late-medieval and Tudor-era laws being codified in 1587–98. The Poor Law system was in existence until the emergence of the modern welfare state after the Second World War."

People in earlier times didn't have any problem with making a distinction between those who were poor because of circumstances beyond their control--physical or mental illness, age, accident and those who were simply lazy good for nothings as there have been from time immemorial and always will be. As mentioned above, with the formation of the modern welfare state it was ya'll come! Over the past 50 years it has settled out with two familiar populations that are chronically poor--single moms and substance abusers, whether drugs or alcohol. In a less charitable time, both would be seen as the undeserving poor.

12   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 22, 3:05pm  

P N Dr Lo R says

People in earlier times didn't have any problem with making a distinction between those who were poor because of circumstances beyond their control--physical or mental illness, age, accident and those who were simply lazy good for nothings as there have been from time immemorial and always will be.

Let me be more specific; what I mean by this a difference between groups not based on merit.

IE The Irish Niggers in their popery deserve their starvation and poverty because of their brutishness and ignorance inherent in Romanist Superstition. Obey your betters or Croppy Lie Down! I hope there's another famine because they breed like Rabbits and will overrun Upright, Decent Ulster..
Whereas the Shire peasants are impoverished because there isn't enough land in England, through no fault of their own.


The White Trash deserve poverty because they cling to their guns and their bibles in their Evangelical Superstitions. And they're too stupid to move from Allentown to New York City and let them eat learn to code, so they deserve everything they get, I hope they all die of Meth and Opiate addiction; it'll make the world a better place.

Whereas Blacks are poor because of the legacy of Slavery and Discrimination, and any crimes they commit and their own poverty is 100% not their fault.


13   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 22, 3:44pm  

*I'm* the victim, claims teacher who had inappropriate relationship with 17-year old student.

Accused the teen of exploiting her vulnerability at a time when she was having problems with her boyfriend


$5 says she was cheating like crazy on her boyfriend. And bullshit that a 24-year old woman can be seduced by a 17-year old HS boy who probably doesn't have his own car.

The poor dear, why should she face consequences for her actions; it's clear she's perfectly well adjusted and won't get involved in shady behavior again.

Here first stop after being fired? Becoming a stripper and going on Dr. Phil. Stop the oppression and shaming of the women!

14   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2016 Nov 22, 7:56pm  

Thunderlips is Tovbot2 says

NOW actively fights equal parenting laws.

I banged the shit out of one of the NOW co-founders daughters after a night in the gas lamp people watching comicon attendees. I was pretty drunk and she kept rubbing her big ass boobs on my back, then I noticed the room in the bar behind me wasn't that crowded and after a feel up in an alley took her home. Pretty cool chick, good sex. All I recall is her mom was a lesbian, died, and she kept pushing the fact that she wasn't as far left as her mom. Also stuff about her career that I won't get into on here.

I absolutely hate NOW. It was so great! haha

15   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2016 Nov 22, 8:29pm  

for the last few decades Vons have been asking for nothing but breast cancer donation at the check out line.

i am offended every time.

how about a class action lawsuit for that sexist store.

16   freespeechforever   2016 Nov 22, 8:38pm  

For anyone interested, do even basic research on what a scam the Susan G. Komen foundation is, how much their senior executives in that "non-profit" make, how they "pinkwash" (aka blackmail) corporations, and how terrible their efficiency rating is according to Charity Navigator.

17   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2016 Nov 22, 9:00pm  

Mark D says

last few decades Vons have been asking for nothing but breast cancer donation at the check out line.

I noticed that when I moved down here. Next time I'll ask if they have a prostate cancer option and just smile when they say no.

Incidentally, it's November and if you've heard of it "Movember". I'm growing a mustache this month to support men's health in areas like prostate cancer, mental etc.

Over the years I've donated every single time the many women friends I have up in the bay area asked for breast cancer money or similar charities. For some of them several repetitive years. So far NONE of them have returned the favor after I sent them a similar solicitation email.

I think from now on I'm just going to stick to donating to charities I pick. Been doing Operation Smile and singling out South America. For 250 you can cover a cleft palate surgery for a kid. Apparently you're really paying for a Pro bono surgeon's travel and accommodations but they organize it so it's same-same.

18   Gary Anderson   2016 Nov 22, 11:02pm  

If you are married, you want breast cancer to have a major priority. Happy wife, happy life. If you don't have a significant other, you should get out more.

19   Gary Anderson   2016 Nov 22, 11:04pm  

rando says

Why is it only "her body, her choice" when the guy is also biologically a parent of the child? Why does the man have only the responsibility of support, but no right to decide on abortion or not of his own child?

You aren't serious are you Patrick? No woman will let a man decide. She will run away and do what she wants.

20   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2016 Nov 23, 12:46am  

Gary Anderson says

If you are married, you want breast cancer to have a major priority. Happy wife, happy life. If you don't have a significant other, you should get out more.

married or not breast cancer should not be more important than prostate cancer or any other types of cancer. that is the whole point.

happy married life is a two-way street and should not be 100% about pleasing the wife. that is sign of a weak, pussy whipped male who is scared he can't ever get sex again in his life if he loses the old saggy wife.

21   MMR   2016 Nov 23, 6:40am  

Mark D says

happy married life is a two-way street and should not be 100% about pleasing the wife. that is sign of a weak, pussy whipped male who is scared he can't ever get sex again in his life if he loses the old saggy wife

IOW, happy married life is, in part, not being a cuck

22   joeyjojojunior   2016 Nov 23, 6:52am  

"When you leave out examples of what you're talking about, you're intentionally running away from the conversation.

I gave some very specific examples of what I was talking about. How about you do the same? List one thing you consider fake oppression."

Real oppression is Slavery, Jim Crow, Refusal of the right to vote IMO. I just think it's hard to argue that white men are oppressed when I believe if you asked 100 non-white, or non-men on the street if they think their lives would be better if they had been born a white man--you'd get a large majority saying yes.

Fake oppression--globalization which affects minorities and women as much as white men and actually unduly benefits white men. Affirmative action. Even rape laws--it's a very difficult balance to respect the rights of the victim and of the accused. Maybe it's swung too far to the victim side, but that is at least partially because men made many trials about the woman's sexual history and what clothing she wore. Probably needs to be modified further to bring it back to balance.

23   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 23, 8:44am  

joeyjojojunior says

globalization which affects minorities and women as much as white men and actually unduly benefits white men.

Bullshit. The vast majority of Whites, like any group, are working class to middle class.

The New Left/Regressive Left keeps putting up an image that every white male is a corporate lawyer who went to prep school living in the greenbelt. When they say "White Males" and "White Privilege", that's the image they have in mind. Not of homeless vets, WV Coal Miners, or a Home Improvement shelf stocker in Stockton.

One only needs to drive around Middle America, in the Rust Belt and down Mississippi, to see the wanton destruction of trillions of dollars in economic activity caused by Globaloney.

24   Ceffer   2016 Nov 23, 8:52am  

This thread has turned into a mansplaining hiccup.

25   mell   2016 Nov 23, 9:17am  

Thunderlips is Tovbot2 says

Bullshit. The vast majority of Whites, like any group, are working class to middle class.

The New Left/Regressive Left keeps putting up an image that every white male is a corporate lawyer who went to prep school living in the greenbelt. When they say "White Males" and "White Privilege", that's the image they have in mind. Not of homeless vets, WV Coal Miners, or a Home Improvement shelf stocker in Stockton.

Agreed. As if the "white" part of the elite cares any more or less about white vs or non-white middle-class workers or poor. They point at the couple of white assholes in the elite and use that as an argument that racism exists because they are white and wealthy. If you actually believe that the vast majority of the governing elite in power is white then the conclusion should be that they are biased against the white male middle-class and the indigenous poor, if you look at the politics of the past decades.

26   Gary Anderson   2016 Nov 23, 9:40am  

Mark D says

that is sign of a weak, pussy whipped male who is scared he can't ever get sex again in his

Don't confuse putting your woman first with weakness. Macho is weak.

27   Gary Anderson   2016 Nov 23, 9:45am  

Thunderlips is Tovbot2 says

One only needs to drive around Middle America, in the Rust Belt and down Mississippi, to see the wanton destruction of trillions of dollars in economic activity caused by Globaloney.

True, but the alternative could make the US not competitive.There are abuses of globalization but free trade is not inherently evil.

28   Gary Anderson   2016 Nov 23, 9:48am  

joeyjojojunior says

Lets take something as nasty and vile and horrible as forcing a man to pay support for a child he didn't father. It's disgusting and blatant anti-male discrimination. If something like that ever happened to my son, hell hath no fury.........

I thought it was a part of the marriage contract. The nat. father should have no rights. Why pay child support. Just divorce if you separate.Go after alimony from the wife.

29   theoakman   2016 Nov 23, 10:56am  

Here, this happened at the high school in the next town from me, Princeton, NJ. Obviously, someone who fits the mold of the type of person we are describing here. But then scroll down to the comments. Some will defend this woman at all costs. Princeton is an incredibly left leaning town, yet this woman managed to get into a heavy spat with 16 and 17 year old kids in a high school where she was an invited speaker. She has no idea what professionalism is, but is free to continue going about the lecture circuit free of real criticism. In fact, I'm appalled this didn't make the state newspaper and is restricted to the local princeton website.


An internet activist’s talk about digital privacy Monday at Princeton High School caused an uproar when the speaker began discussing trolling, racism, sexism and white nationalism. In response to students’ reactions, including laughter, the speaker then chastised students and talked about white privilege.

Oh and wouldn't you know it, she's made sexual harassment allegations as well.


“He told me he wanted to take a bath, and invited me into his bathroom to hang out with him," she wrote. Macrina said she agreed under the condition that she wouldn’t get inside the bathtub with him. She said she went into the bathroom and sat down on the toilet where the two began chatting. “He immediately began coercing me to get into his bathtub,” she writes.

“I kept saying ‘no’, and he kept asking,” she writes. Eventually, Macrina claims, she agreed to stick her legs in the water, but without removing her underwear or T-shirt. Although she repeated that she wasn’t interested in getting in any further, Macrina claims, Appelbaum abruptly pulled her inside the bathtub and began “washing” her.

“I was thinking, what the fuck, get out of this situation,” Macrina writes, “why are you in this fucking bathtub with this man when you repeatedly told him no.” After a minute or two of “nonconsensual washing,” Macrina says she jumped out of the tub and started crying in the corner of the bathroom. Appelbaum continued talking as if nothing had happened, Macrina writes.

30   joeyjojojunior   2016 Nov 23, 10:59am  

"Bullshit. The vast majority of Whites, like any group, are working class to middle class."

No it's absolutely true. The vast, vast, vast majority of company execs and owners are white men. So the ills are shared by all, and the benefits are reaped very disproportionally to white males.

31   joeyjojojunior   2016 Nov 23, 11:01am  

"One only needs to drive around Middle America, in the Rust Belt and down Mississippi, to see the wanton destruction of trillions of dollars in economic activity caused by Globaloney."

Or Flint, Michigan. Then drive to the board rooms of Ford, GM, or any Fortune 500 company and tell me what color you see. And what sex. Those are the guys that win from globalization.

32   joeyjojojunior   2016 Nov 23, 11:04am  

"Agreed. As if the "white" part of the elite cares any more or less about white vs or non-white middle-class workers or poor. They point at the couple of white assholes in the elite and use that as an argument that racism exists because they are white and wealthy. If you actually believe that the vast majority of the governing elite in power is white then the conclusion should be that they are biased against the white male middle-class and the indigenous poor, if you look at the politics of the past decades."

They are biased against anyone but themselves. Because everyone else wants money that is rightfully theirs (in their view). That was my point, Mell. Thunder is the one that says globalization is an example of how whites are oppressed.

33   joeyjojojunior   2016 Nov 23, 12:39pm  

"Oh for fuck sake, you can't be serious. Network television has aired feminists who say air conditioning in offices is sexist. Do I even need to go on????? The main thing I would say qualifies as fake oppression and inspires the most discrimination is the wage gap. The way it's being portrayed is a bald faced lie.

BTW you didn't give one single example so please do so now. What is one men's rights issue I mentioned that you consider fake oppression?"

That's my point though. One idiot who goes on TV and says something ridiculous isn't oppressing anyone. Last I checked, most offices still have air conditioning. So, how is anyone oppressed by her idiocy?

And I agree the wage gap is fake oppression. If you control for the right factors, it magically goes away.

34   joeyjojojunior   2016 Nov 23, 1:22pm  

"I don't think you understand the conversation. What FAKE OPPRESSION do you see the men's rights movement claiming? NO ONE claims that globalization is the oppression of men. NO ONE."

Actually, Thunder does. I understand that your conversation is men's rights. Doesn't mean that's what I'm discussing with others.

"Again this wasn't something I mentioned but affirmative action is racism/sexism. Anything that discriminates based on race or sex is oppression."

Again--this thread is about more than just your pet topic of men's rights. The title is specifically WHITE males, which seems to imply the white is important.

"Feminism is what feminism does. We're talking about FAKE oppression. I have yet to hear of one single instance of real oppression that Western women face."

Yep, and you being oppressed by that feminist is FAKE oppression.

"A woman's sexual history is of vital importance to proving the crime of a false rape allegation and defending the accusation of rape. Many "rapes" are simply cases of the male claiming consensual sex and the female claiming it was rape. Therefore a woman's sexual promiscuity is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to determine if she's an individual who has casual sex on a regular basis or she's a person who does not or even if she's a virgin."

I disagree with that. Is there any evidence that a woman that has sex more often is more likely to make up a rape claim? I would think it's actually the exact opposite. A woman who wants to protect her squeaky clean image after a one night stand that she regrets is more likely to make up a rape claim. So a woman's promiscuity is actually a indication that she's probably telling the truth.

And the proper way to address the issue is to have severe penalties for making up rape claims.

35   anonymous   2016 Nov 23, 1:32pm  

joeyjojojunior says

Real oppression is Slavery, Jim Crow, Refusal of the right to vote IMO

What year is it? Join us in the new millennium.

36   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 23, 1:52pm  

joeyjojojunior says

Or Flint, Michigan. Then drive to the board rooms of Ford, GM, or any Fortune 500 company and tell me what color you see. And what sex. Those are the guys that win from globalization.

Go to an NFL Team of Record Company's roster of Gold Album Rappers. They're almost all black! Therefore, all blacks - black males in particular - are very well off.

joeyjojojunior says

No it's absolutely true. The vast, vast, vast majority of company execs and owners are white men. So the ills are shared by all, and the benefits are reaped very disproportionally to white males.

Got it, so for every Corporate Executive white male there aren't 100 White Males (at least) who stock shelves, dump the trash, fix the powerlines after an ice storm. Good to know.

joeyjojojunior says

Or Flint, Michigan. Then drive to the board rooms of Ford, GM, or any Fortune 500 company and tell me what color you see. And what sex. Those are the guys that win from globalization.

Right, the guys who were laid off from Bumville Meat Packing, who do all of the actual work, are just so privileged.

37   joeyjojojunior   2016 Nov 23, 2:08pm  

"Got it, so for every Corporate Executive white male there aren't 100 White Males (at least) who stock shelves, dump the trash, fix the powerlines after an ice storm. Good to know."

Are you this dim? Do you really not see the point?

Globalization hurt white males, black males, Hispanic males, white females, black females, and Hispanic females.

Globalization helped white males.

In total:

White males: results are mixed. Many hurt, some helped.
Black males: hurt
Hispanic males: hurt
White females: hurt
Black females: hurt
Hispanic females: hurt

So, white males have fared best by being hurt the least as a group.

38   joeyjojojunior   2016 Nov 23, 2:14pm  

"Straw man. (correct usage) There is AMPLE evidence that women who have frequent sex with strangers or men they have known for a short period of time are far more likely to GIVE CONSENT. Since the crime of rape is only about consent, any evidence that speaks to her willingness to give consent is critical to his defense. Eliminating sexual history from rape trials is a heinous miscarriage of justice."

Absolutely NOT a straw man. You are 100% wrong. Giving consent to one man does not imply that she would give consent to all men. By all means provide evidence that consent was given through words or actions. But just saying that she had sex with Joe and that means she probably would allow Jack to have sex with her too is not logical.

39   Patrick   2016 Nov 23, 2:23pm  

@joeyjojojunior try the "Quote" link by any comment, and it will nicely format a quote of that comment in the text box.

You can also select just part of the comment and then click Quote to get just that part.

There are a few bugs with quoting, and it helps to know html if you want to modify things before submitting, but in general the quote function works pretty well.

40   theoakman   2016 Nov 23, 2:30pm  

joeyjojojunior says

"Oh for fuck sake, you can't be serious. Network television has aired feminists who say air conditioning in offices is sexist. Do I even need to go on????? The main thing I would say qualifies as fake oppression and inspires the most discrimination is the wage gap. The way it's being portrayed is a bald faced lie.

BTW you didn't give one single example so please do so now. What is one men's rights issue I mentioned that you consider fake oppression?"

That's my point though. One idiot who goes on TV and says something ridiculous isn't oppressing anyone. Last I checked, most offices still have air conditioning. So, how is anyone oppressed by her idiocy?

And I agree the wage gap is fake oppression. If you control for the right factors, it magically goes away.

I was on a science forum and dared to claim that women are no longer discriminated against in science now that fellowships and funding are heavily geared towards increasing "women in science". I was pounced on left and right by both males and females alike. Anyone that agreed with me stood silent for fear of being labeled the same. The discrimination is real and the men who go along with it validate it. The fucked up thing was, my whole argument was derived from statements my wife has made. So I took a female scientists statements, restated them as a man, as was declared sexist and discriminatory.

41   theoakman   2016 Nov 23, 2:54pm  

My parents had a neighbor who was very successful. Owned a 700k home in a great neighborhood. 4 kids in their teens. They got divorced. The wife got the house, child support, and alimony. Basically, 700k, plus 2 gigantic monthly checks. Within 5 months, she moved her new boyfriend into the house and his daughter. Are they ever going to get married? Of course not. That would cut off that sweet income stream.

42   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2016 Nov 23, 5:58pm  

Gary Anderson says

Don't confuse putting your woman first with weakness. Macho is weak.

that is just your whipped 'philosophy' not everyone's. putting your women first does not mean completely ignoring your own health.

nothing "macho" about demanding equal attention given to cancerous testicles or prostates. will see how "gentlemen" you are when you get hit with testicular cancer and can't walk with enlarged balls the side of a football and you need to chop them off to save your life.

43   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 23, 6:34pm  

joeyjojojunior says

Are you this dim? Do you really not see the point?

Can you not see the point? You can't point to a handful of wealthy white guys and say therefore they represent all whites, and therefore it's okay to use "White Male" as a blanket phrase for Executives. Just like Kareem Abdul-Jubar, Don King, and Kayne don't represent all Black guys.

joeyjojojunior says

So, white males have fared best by being hurt the least as a group.

No, don't agree. Those already wealthy got immensely wealthier. Some of those who were comfortable became wealthy. The other 80% is either the same or worse off, some substantially so. Whites numerically are about 2/3 of the population. There are many more poor whites than all blacks combined.

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