Harvard Law Professor: I've Rallied Almost Enough GOP Electors To Block Trump

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2016 Dec 14, 12:47pm   4,254 views  17 comments

by 8e6e0   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

freespeechforever yesterday warned this was coming and to prepare for MASS CIVIL UNREST ACCORDINGLY:

Harvard Professor Says He's Rallied Nearly Enough GOP Electors To Block Trump

Harvard University law professor Larry Lessig, who has been offering free legal counsel to "faithless electors," says he has rallied nearly enough GOP electors willing to flip to block Trump



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1   8e6e0   2016 Dec 14, 12:49pm  

Get Ready (i.e. Prepared for Mass Civil Unrest): They Will Deny Trump Presidency

By freespeechforever Dec 13, 12:52pm ↑ Like ↓ Dislike 1 link 360 views 20 comments Watch (0) Share [share this post by email] Quote

Here it comes, just as I and many others predicted - a "soft coup" to deny Trump enough electoral college votes to become president.


Wait, watch and see as the frequency and intensity amongst the Main Stream Media & "anonymous sources" is ratcheted up regarding the "Russia/Putin denied Hillary & inserted Trump" narrative is peddled, recycled, and exaggerated to paranoia-inducing levels.

Get prepared because there is a real, epic, violent shitstorm coming to many of your neighborhoods.


2   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 14, 1:01pm  

A bunch of whinny Sissy Liberals that's all.
They'll be alright when Trump gets sworn in and fixes Obama. then they can get their hormone therapy and hopefully grow a pair of Man balls.

3   freespeechforever   2016 Dec 14, 2:01pm  

It's on like Donkey Kong!

Told y'all.

This is for real.

We're going to see a real attempt to block Trump and massive, nationwide, seriously deadly violence.

4   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Dec 14, 3:47pm  

freespeechforever says

massive, nationwide, seriously deadly violence.

The threat is overblown.

5   zzyzzx   2016 Dec 14, 4:13pm  

Dream on. Not going to happen. Get used to saying President Trump.

6   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 14, 4:20pm  

1. If there are GOP Electors, they certainly aren't going to vote FOR Hillary. They might protest vote for Kasich or Cruz, which means Trump wins. Mainly because they want to get re-elected and not be assassinated. GOPe prefers Hillary anyway, she's a reliable warmonger, for historically ultra-high levels of immigration, and a friend of high finance.

2. If 30 electors vote for Kasich or Cruz, Trump wins by 276 to 232. Again this assumes all faithless electors switch *from* Trump

2. If 30 electors, by a miracle, are all GOP electors and switch to Hillary, Trump still wins 276-262.

4. If nobody gets 270 votes, it goes to the Republican controlled House, where Trump might have to make concessions to the GOPe but will almost certainly be nominated.

As of yesterday, there were only 20. Not sure why Lessig thinks 20 can swing the election.

BTW, it would be the first time in US History electors have taken a victory from the winner. Only 82 faithless electors in every Presidential Election in US History since 1788, none of which changed the outcome. There have been hundreds of electors in each Presidential Race in most of the past two+ centuries, so you're talking 82 faithless electors out of many thousands of historical electors

7   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 14, 5:09pm  

The cum stain on Monika's dress is more relevant than those electors.

8   OneTwo   2016 Dec 14, 5:54pm  

Thunderlips is Tovbot2 says

she's... a friend of high finance.

Yeah and Donald is clearly its mortal enemy.

9   Shaman   2016 Dec 14, 7:24pm  

What a way to go down in history: as a "faithless elector."
Yah, that'll play well with the next generation.
"I was a faithless elector!"
I wouldn't want to admit to that, let alone have my greatest accomplishment recorded for history as defrauding the will of my fellow citizens.
Basically, you're a fucktard/asshat and always will be known as that.
Not many people will cop to that.
It takes a special sort of asshole.

10   Shaman   2016 Dec 14, 7:25pm  

YesYNot says

The threat is overblown.

Only because the possibility of enough fucktard electors swaying the result of the election is basically zero.

11   Gary Anderson   2016 Dec 14, 8:00pm  

Rashomon says

Yeah and Donald is clearly its mortal enemy.

Being a mortal of high finance, when derivatives has us by the balls, won't help Donald. Having a 9/11 investigation would help. He needs to flush out the neocons.

12   Strategist   2016 Dec 14, 8:10pm  

8e6e0 says

Harvard Law Professor: I've Rallied Almost Enough GOP Electors To Block Trump

Any electorate that votes against the the will of the people should be jailed. Who the fuck do they think they are?

13   Strategist   2016 Dec 14, 8:12pm  

Gary Anderson says

Having a 9/11 investigation would help. He needs to flush out the neocons.

We know who dunnit. The Islamic bastards will pay a price. We will destroy their evil cult.

14   Y   2016 Dec 14, 8:52pm  

What does hillary's strap-on secretions have to do with this election?

Tenpoundbass says

The cum stain on Monika's dress is more relevant than those electors.

15   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 14, 11:07pm  

Rashomon says

Yeah and Donald is clearly its mortal enemy.

Right. Watched Cult of Dusty the other day, poked around Daily Kos which now reads on Putin like the National Review on Saddam circa January 2003, and from the comments here, you'd think Hillary was:

1. Going to clean up the environment with tough new laws (Nevermind as SOS she was a Fanatic Fracker who pushed and peddled it as far as Poland)
2. Going to regulate the banks (hahahahaha)
3. Increase the Estate Tax somehow in the face of a Republican Congress
4. Not going to get into a war with Russia or restart the 'Kill the Dictator First, then set up some ad hoc replacement Government of Wealthy Exiled banker types because that worked so well in Iraq and Afghanistan" bullshit.
5. Not pass TPP immediately with the enthusiastic GOPe Congress.

It's really jaw dropping to see Democrats peddle the whole "We can now trust the media when they quote anonymous sources making unverifiable claims without evidence. Remember how many Anthrax warheads we found in Iraq? Trust John McCain and Lindsay Graham when they say they talked to people whose names they won't mention and saw reports we can't see and say 'Trust us, have we bullshitted you before about national security events?"

Pssst- the DNC, DCC, Podesta's Gmail Account, and Clinton Campaign are NOT government agencies.

Even IF all the leaks were Russian, we should be talking about Pulitzer Prices for the FSB. The revealed the extent of bias and collusion within Political Parties, Business, and Media.

Finally, if there is hacking, how come the billions and yet more billions in secret accounts spent on Private Contractors in the STEM capital of the world can't stop hackers from a country with a smaller GDP than Italy from fucking with us? Senators and Representatives in office for the past decade or so should be held accountable for this mismanagement, fiscal and administrative.

But noooooo, that's unrealistic. Instead we should sabre rattle with a nuclear power because they revealed the inner workings of the Democratic Party, which again is not a US Government Agency.

17   smaulgld   2016 Dec 15, 8:19am  

Lessing is delusional- he wasn't able to poll even 1% of the democratic primary vote, but somehow he is going to flip a national election

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