"I think it was Russia"

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2017 Jan 11, 8:36am   14,758 views  49 comments

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This didn't cost Clinton the election, but now at least President elect Trump can say the truth


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7   _   2017 Jan 11, 9:01am  

Ironman says

You're a little late to the party, but what else is new???

Well if that is true the what you said was a questionable reference about the Ironman says

The Easter Bunny

Santa Claus

The Tooth Fairy

8   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 11, 9:04am  

"Oh Joey.. It was Wikileaks that released the documents.. Please pay attention."

Who do you think released them to wikileaks?

9   mell   2017 Jan 11, 9:20am  

The intels and hobby hackers of various countries hack each other all the time. This always was and still is complete bullshit and an utter non-event. Remember when everybody made fun of Dubya and his understanding of the "internet highway"? Now that it has been proven that Democrats are equally stupid if not stupider they are throwing hissy-fits about being "hacked". BULL-SHIT! ;)

10   joshuatrio   2017 Jan 11, 9:21am  

Tenpoundbass says

Tell me to what affect did Russian hacking even have on the election?

Zero. Because it was rigged in Hillary's favor the entire time.

11   lostand confused   2017 Jan 11, 9:24am  

Russia hacks us, China hacks us, N Korea hacks us, some 300 pound man hacks us-so what exactly??

12   _   2017 Jan 11, 9:32am  

Ironman says

YOU started this thread.

Yes, which was his own words and my own addition

Logan Mohtashami says

This didn't cost Clinton the election, but now at least President elect Trump can say the truth

13   _   2017 Jan 11, 9:32am  

Ironman says

FAKE news

President elect Trump talked about Fake news today and how terrible it was

14   Shaman   2017 Jan 11, 9:33am  

joshuatrio says

Zero. Because it was rigged in Hillary's favor the entire time.

100% this!
The Democrats are so very butthurt because they already rigged it six ways, were assured of the result, and then got sideswiped by an angry voter base they'd previously discounted as "deplorables."

15   Shaman   2017 Jan 11, 9:35am  

Trump said something very interesting today. He said he ran a little experiment to determine the leak, if it was his office that was leaking the details of his intelligence briefings or not. So he told nobody in his office and it still leaked immediately. Therefore, the leak is in the intelligence community itself.
Just as we've seen, they can't be trusted. But Trump is going to put that house in order!

16   _   2017 Jan 11, 9:36am  

Ironman says

So, what's your point??

My point is I am not sure what your point is :-)

17   _   2017 Jan 11, 9:36am  

Other highlights, if you missed it

18   _   2017 Jan 11, 9:37am  

Ironman says

Then you also haven't been paying attention.

Who is on first base

19   _   2017 Jan 11, 9:48am  

Ironman says

Who's NOT working today closing mortgages and instead is wasting time on Patnet?

You have 2 standard sentence structure with me .... you do this when you can't respond to the actual thing I say

A. Wasting time on Pat.net
B. Mommy and Daddy

Hence why I retort with who is on first base

If that doesn't ring a bell let me refresh your memory old man :-)


20   _   2017 Jan 11, 9:54am  

Ironman says

Why didn't you just answer my question? Too difficult for you?

Not at all, I can do loans and trade stocks and easily take the floor on you...

Your sentence structure makes you the 3rd most predictable person on Pat.net

You resort to those 2 lines when you can't say much

I don't blame you at all, I would use that tactic too if I was trapped, reference distraction

It's very cute old man, I give you kudos for being consistent it's hens that are all over the place

21   _   2017 Jan 11, 9:55am  

Ironman says

and BOTH of those are TRUE..

Do you have a problem with the truth?

exactly ... see keep it up

22   _   2017 Jan 11, 10:08am  

Tim Aurora says

Remember, she lost by only few thousand votes only in three states

She got the 2nd highest votes ever, plus she was never the love of the progressive left, these people can't stand her, so even if you give Jill Steins votes all to Clinton she still loses but more important, young democrats didn't come out to vote for her.

The Real Progressive don't like her much... I have seen how they talk about her for some time, it's not Russia, it's the neo liberal in her that they don't like

In fact I am going to be on their show on Friday night

23   missing   2017 Jan 11, 11:12am  

Logan is trying to pick up a fight with "Anti-American" elements.

Logan, are you preparing to enter politics?

24   Tenpoundbass   2017 Jan 11, 11:19am  

Logan Mohtashami says

Logan Mohtashami says

This didn't cost Clinton the election, but now at least President elect Trump can say the truth

Hitler wasn't big on reading, they burned books instead of reading them... ;-)

Again Liberals love misquoting people out of context. When Trump said "I think it was Russia, though we've been hacked by other countries"
He was referring to the official narrative, and thumbing his nose at the notion. Trump doesn't believe there any Russian hacking in the context the MSM and Liberal narrative claims.

I'm sure he wonders why the MSM isn't concerned however that Russia and China have working aircraft designs that clearly were lifted from our failed F35 project.
I wonder why they don't mention that hack. Why do the Liberals wear their incompetence like a badge when they are projecting or deflecting?

25   Tenpoundbass   2017 Jan 11, 11:23am  

joshuatrio says

Zero. Because it was rigged in Hillary's favor the entire time.

Exactly! That's why I wonder if it was hacked at all by the Russians then the hack was the switch flip.
But I don't really believe that, that flip switch never got implemented because Trump has a talent to put tenacious watchdogs in the right places to thwart Tom Foolery.
The news was full of bogus voting machines being discovered and removed, bogus voters on voter rolls being expunged, dead voters being deleted, immigrant voter schemes being smashed, voting machines being Liberal officials private office, stacks of provisional ballots found in officials office.

Trump blocked that Cock, not Putin.

26   Tenpoundbass   2017 Jan 11, 11:24am  

Quigley says

Trump said something very interesting today. He said he ran a little experiment to determine the leak, if it was his office that was leaking the details of his intelligence briefings or not. So he told nobody in his office and it still leaked immediately. Therefore, the leak is in the intelligence community itself.

Awesome of course the MSM would never report that.

27   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 11, 11:27am  

joeyjojojunior says

"I'll betcha Russia was not the only entity to hack into the DNC"

Russia was the one that released the documents from the DNC but not the RNC, however.

What's worse, a foreign nation stealing personal and financial information, including background reports, on hundreds of thousands of Federal Employees?

Or releasing true evidence of DNC Corruption in their own party (assuming Russia is the source, it's probably the BND via left-wing German Green Pols) for which a Pulitzer is in order?

Which country got sanctioned?

28   JZ   2017 Jan 11, 11:30am  

For decades, the number 1 strategy of US to gain influence on other nations is by separating that country into several competing parties and let them pound each other into oblivion to weaken the country while US supports the party that favors US. that's why US hates one party counties such as China and Russia.
Now Putin is using the same strategy to weaken US.
while the Ds and the Rs are using Russia to create confusions within congress to seek gains for themselves while weakening other party's support base, this is exactly what Russia wants.
Hacking is usual business.
What's disappointing is US has enough internal interest conflict that Russia starts to influence US like US have influenced other nations.

29   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 11, 11:33am  

"What's worse, a foreign nation stealing personal and financial information, including background reports, on hundreds of thousands of Federal Employees?"

Uh--who cares what is worse. But, I'd say having a President that is potentially compromised by another foreign State is the worst.

30   Ceffer   2017 Jan 11, 11:33am  

How dishonorable of Russia. I know we are meticulous about leaving their internet infrastructure completely alone because we are the good guys.

31   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 11, 11:37am  

joeyjojojunior says

Uh--who cares what is worse.

Why didn't we sanction the Country that stole information on Federal Workers - much of which could be potential blackmail?

joeyjojojunior says

But, I'd say having a President that is potentially compromised by another foreign State is the worst.

I agree, that's why I'm glad Saudi Stooge Hillary lost.

32   Dan8267   2017 Jan 11, 11:42am  

Logan Mohtashami says

"I think it was Russia"

This is all Sarah Palin's fault. We were counting on her to make sure the Russians didn't do anything sneaky. I mean, come on, she can see Russia from her house.

33   Ceffer   2017 Jan 11, 11:47am  

"After being briefed by the CIA, NSA, FBI, the military intelligence units, and a blue ribbon panel of elite government hackers and software engineers, and shown irrefutable evidence of multiple Russian hacking bogies, I have to admit, there MIGHT have been some harmless, Russian hacking from a few aimless pranksters. Is that OK to say, Vladimir?"

34   JZ   2017 Jan 11, 11:54am  

The hacking itself is common, it is like everyday eat, shit, sleep.
What's important is whether a nation has enough immune system to tolerate such kind of hacks.

The US two party system has been corrupted enough that when facing with such external attack, each party is using it to gain for themselves while further weakening the country itself.

35   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 11, 12:02pm  

"Why didn't we sanction the Country that stole information on Federal Workers - much of which could be potential blackmail?"

Sure-let's do it. Let's also release all the RNC docs that the Russians hacked. And all the Trump emails that they likely hacked as well. Let's get everything on an even playing field.

36   _   2017 Jan 11, 12:10pm  

Ее время для перемещения и поддержки наших избранного Президента Дональд Трамп USA США USA

37   missing   2017 Jan 11, 12:20pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

Ее время для перемещения и поддержки наших избранного Президента Дональд Трамп USA США USA

Translation: "Her time for displacement and support of our elected president Donald Trahmp..."

You should learn how to use google translate - for a language you don't know - back and forth.

38   _   2017 Jan 11, 12:24pm  

FP says

Ее время для перемещения и поддержки наших избранного Президента Дональд Трамп USA США USA

Its time to move on and support our President Elect Donald Trump USA USA USA

39   missing   2017 Jan 11, 12:28pm  

This is not what your Russian text said.

40   _   2017 Jan 11, 12:30pm  

FP says

This is not what your Russian text said.

Ее время для перемещения и поддержки наших избранного Президента Дональд Трамп USA США USA

41   _   2017 Jan 11, 12:33pm  

Think of this cycle as Bill the Butcher with tweets... it should be fun to watch

Enjoy it and know that the Perma bears will be wrong about America

42   missing   2017 Jan 11, 12:33pm  

No, this means what I wrote above: "Her time for displacement and support..."

43   _   2017 Jan 11, 12:34pm  

FP says

No, this means what I wrote above: "Her time for displacement and support..."

I gave you my American version of it.. just roll with it ;-)

44   _   2017 Jan 11, 12:36pm  

Buy the dips on Trump Tweets if they're big moves :-)

45   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2017 Jan 11, 10:33pm  

who cares? lets focus on mortgage rates! when will they go down?

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