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Shit, he really said that? Yeah, prostitution and sex for pleasure has existed before our ancestors were human. Hell female chimps and other female mammals gladly prostitute themselves for resources.
He said "Sex as entertainment is a product of the pill."
Entertainment is much different than for resources
Without a man's affirmative consent to paternity, it's rape!
It's time to go back to single-sex colleges. This whole co-ed thing clearly isn't working.
I guess since the college campus now want "contracts" for sexual activity, then perhaps the contract of "marriage" should come back in vogue. :)
People are not equal. Admit it and go on with your life.
But prior to this century:
1. Women who got pregnant outside marriage either:
1a. subject to intense pressure to get married to the male involved (as was the male)
1b. subject to massive social consequences (in order to protect THEIR estimated virtue, other women would insult and degrade them)
1c. were kicked out of the tribe.Today none of the countervailing pressures exist: unwed mothers and their partners are not pressured (inc. by the authorities as well as peers) into marriage, there are few social consequences and women circle the wagons around unwed mothers, and they get food stamps and free housing and other benefits if they can\'t support a child from the tribe.
It\'s sexual utopia for women: Reproduce where and whenever, men have no say, no negative reaction fro...
That was a very intelligent comment.
When I visited Año Nuevo beach near here 10 years ago to see the elephant seals, the female docent giving the tour made an interesting point I've never forgotten.
Docent: The strongest males gather a harem of females and have sex with them whenever they want.
Woman in the audience: Why do the females put up with that?
Docent: Because the top males protect their harem, preventing all the other males from raping them constantly. The females actually seek the protection of the top males.
Woman in the audience: Oh.
When I visited Año Nuevo beach near here 10 years ago to see the elephant seals, the female docent giving the tour made an interesting point I've never forgotten.
Docent: The strongest males gather a harem of females and have sex with them whenever they want.
Woman in the audience: Why do the females put up with that?
Docent: Because the top males protect their harem, preventing all the other males from raping them constantly. The females actually seek the protection of the top males.
Woman in the audience: Oh.
Morale of the story? Top males will always rule the earth.
gay nerd from Boca Raton
Oh, I didn't know. Feel bad for making fun of him now. Sorry Dan.
gay nerd from Boca Raton
Oh, I didn't know. Feel bad for making fun of him now. Sorry Dan.
It's pretty sad that you two losers think that calling someone gay is an insult. That says far more about you than the person you are trying to insult.
The best part is the single, fat, gay nerd from Boca Raton trying to make it look like he knows something about females, raising children and relationships..
Projection is a window into the soul. Your insults reveal your insecurities.
Rin desperately needs to gather all the mysoginists here for a montreal field trip so they can finally get laid, and then shut the fuck up.
It's pretty sad that you two losers think that calling someone gay is an insult.
No, not at all!
I feel bad for teasing you for not having children.
Don't let your anger could your thinking.
Looks like I've upset piggy. Or maybe CIC is just still upset because I exposed him for the dumbass he is.
WiFi repeaters attached to solar panels. Self-sustaining. No need for electricity.
I bet they work really well at night.
I bet they work really well at night.
Yes, because of something called a rechargeable battery, dumb ass.
What a moron. Its no surprise that an idiot like this has no friends.
Hey CIC, honest question. When was the last time you had sex with a new woman? For me it was last week. Two of them. Suck it.
Hey CIC, honest question. When was the last time you had sex with a new woman?
Look who just got silent all of a sudden.
Hey CIC, honest question. When was the last time you had sex with a new woman?
Look who just got silent all of a sudden.
I think CIC needs a retirement hobby, more than a place to stick his cock.
Seriously, when I'm done with this traveling PR stint, you won't be hearing me on PatNet 7x24. I'd be very busy on my other hobbies and activities.
In contrast, CIC has nothing else to do with his life because he's society's bitch, completely pussywhipped by his wife and family. That's why he's here 7x24.
Hey CIC, honest question. When was the last time you had sex with a new woman?
Still waiting for the answer. Why are you so scared of answering it? Has it been that long? If anyone needs a hand, it's you.
....whining and carrying on because you don't have a significant other in your life. We can only hope you disappear with your pathetic life.
I can see why that is, who would want to spend ANY time with a drunk who's infested with all types of STD's...
So sad to be you.
So you're so happy with your significant other ... that you're on this forum 7X24, instead of either kissing your soulmate or perhaps, writing your great American novel. That sounds like a very typical pussywhipped American man, whose wife had stopped putting out, years ago.
The fact that you're even responding to me, instead of having something more meaningful to do with your free time, shows that you're a pathetic loser.
Piggy is certainly unhappy with his marriage. That is why he's jealous of all the single guys. He's obsessed with hating us because our lives are so much happier than he can ever imagine his being. That's also the reason he's a troll. No happy person spends his time trying to upset strangers on the Internet. Only pathetic losers do that.
Piggy hasn't had sex with a new woman in 40+ years. I suspect that his fat, ugly wife is just a beard. It would explain his obsession with all things gay. But maybe he would be happier if he just let some guy fuck his ass. He's obviously a self-hating bottom.
Piggy is certainly unhappy with his marriage. That is why he's jealous of all the single guys. He's obsessed with hating us because our lives are so much happier than he can ever imagine his being. That's also the reason he's a troll. No happy person spends his time trying to upset strangers on the Internet. Only pathetic losers do that.
Piggy hasn't had sex with a new woman in 40+ years. I suspect that his fat, ugly wife is just a beard. It would explain his obsession with all things gay. But maybe he would be happier if he just let some guy fuck his ass. He's obviously a self-hating bottom.
This is the American life, the average guy is a pussywhipped loser, who's left, begging his fat (a/o skinny but bitchy) wife for handouts.
Piggy is too scared to answer the question, "when was the last time you had sex with a new woman?" because it demonstrates how pathetic and unfulfilling his life is. Jealousy fuels his hatred.
What does CIC stand for?
Call It Crazy. It was his previous moniker. He changed his name hoping people wouldn't realize he was the same loser. He failed.
It's pretty sad when a supposedly "well-off retiree" chooses a comic book character as his avatar. Not exactly the type of thing successful, mature men do. I imagine he's a fat dork, not an intellectual but just an immature never-grown-up old man, who surrounds himself with fantasies to escape the dreariness of his actual life. Everything he says is an escapist fantasy.
Piggy tries to troll, but ask him when the last time he scored with a new girl and he gets damn quiet. The last girl he had came with a pump to blow her up.
has to read my comments in a different browser that's not signed in. Then to respond, he has to do a cut and paste. Just what type of pussy does that?????
You've done that to me countless times.
then go run and hide behind ignore too.
When people put you on ignore, it means they don't find value in your posts, and that they think that pat.net would be better without you. It doesn't mean they are a pussy.
One comment about men paying for child care:. Social security is a Ponzi scheme. Each individual doesn't contribute enough to support their own payments. Parents pay a shitload to raise children, and that pays for the rest of social security. Without children, the country would be forced to either pay more in SS payments or have more immigrants, which is essentially getting other societies to pay to raise our children assuming they immigrate at a young adventurous age.
If men can opt out of child care payments, single men probably need to opt in to higher SS payments.
has to read my comments in a different browser that's not signed in. Then to respond, he has to do a cut and paste.
You've done that to me countless times.
Really? People do such things? LOL
When people put you on ignore, it means they don't find value in your posts, and that they think that pat.net would be better without you.
Sure. But then why would they go around signing in, read the comments of the ignored person and respond to them? Seems like ignore is serving some other purpose than ignoring.
Interesting how the fat gay nerd from Boca Raton has had FOUR opportunities to meet me in person, and in each time, he hid like a little child.
Correction. You begged four times to meet me, but refused to do so. You "invited" me to your house but refuse to give the address. You refused to meet at local restaurants several times. You are the cowardly pussy.
But hey, prove me wrong. Post your real address right now, not the fake one you keep posting, and we'll arrange a real get together. But you're going to have to give up anonymity, you pussy.
Single guy that has a much better life then me and I'm obsessively jealous of says
"when was the last time you had sex with a new woman?"
If I've been married for decades, is there really some delusional point to that question?
Exactly. You haven't bedded a woman in over 40 years. Yet you question what young single men say about the mating market today. That's like a priest giving sex advice. As you are so fond of say, "you can't make this shit up".
Pick up a woman, then you can talk. Until then, you're just a fat, ugly dork married to a disgusting fat pig that you clearly are miserable with.
Until then, you're just a fat, ugly dork married to a disgusting fat pig that you clearly are miserable with.
Oh, and in case there is any doubt that piggy's wife is a fat, disgusting pig, there is no way piggy would post a real picture of her today. Just like he won't post a real picture of himself. However, we can extrapolate what they look like.
You missed the whole point,
No. I didn't miss the point. When I had you on ignore, you constantly trolled me with 2 or 3 alt accounts and also copying and pasting posts. I've see you do that to Dan as well. The only reason I saw your troll posts is that I'd occasionally visit without logging in, because Dan had me on ignore and I like reading his posts. The difference between you and me is that I didn't constantly troll Dan after he ignored me. I took the hint and let it be.
I do see that an abortion is a burden for the woman, so to make things fair-ish, it seems that the man should pay for the abortion.
Here are the four possible cases:
1. He wants it, she wants it. No problem, he accepts the responsibility.
2. He doesn't want it, she doesn't want it. No problem, kid will not exist.
3. He wants it, she doesn't want it. He's fucked.
4. He doesn't want it, she does want it. He's fucked.So in 2 out of four cases, her choice is fulfilled, and he is fucked.
So it sounds like the biggest issue to you is her right to choose an abortion. With Trump as president and if Ginsberg retires or passes away, that right to an abortion could go away. If that's what happens, then your possible cases become:
1) they both want it, they both have responsibility
2) he doesn't want it, she doesn't want it. She's forced to birth the baby, but afterwards, they put it up for adoption or abandon it at the firehouse.
3) he does want it, she doesn't want it. She pays child support.
4) he doesn't want it, she does want it. He pays child support.
Other than the aspect of removing a woman's right to an abortion, everyone has equal rights in this situation. What do you think Patrick? Would removing her right to have an abortion be enough for the MJWs?
I would like to congratulate Patrick for creating an internet forum that has apparently become such a big part of the lives of some people.
How would you describe Dan's actions/responses that he does while having me on ignore?
I'd say it's tit for tat, but I don't pay much attention to your feud. If he has you on ignore and you leave him alone, I'd guess he would leave you alone. He might take a swipe or two given your history, but I'm guessing that's it.
And YOU'RE lecturing ME about trolling?
One person put me on ignore once. I've only started one alt account, and that was to create a parody of a red piller. I've never created alt accounts pussyXXX to troll people. I'd say it's pretty safe for me to call you a troll. I'd never be so presumptuous to lecture you on trolling though. You have plenty of personal experience with it, and are probably the board's resident expert. Apologies to Hey You for the dis.
Yet you question what young single men say about the mating market today. That's like a priest giving sex advice.
Had almost forgotten that classic metaphor. Keep up the good work Dan.
Piggy's upset because he tried trolling this thread and got trolled instead. Now he has to drink a bottle of gain alcohol so he can crawl back into bed with his fat pig wife, search for his micro-dick, and pretend he's having sex with a man, which is what he really wants but can't admit to himself. Oh, all the wasted years hiding behind a beard when he could have enjoyed life. Now it's too late and all the single men are a constant reminder of all the things he never had and never will.
You are so ridiculous. You go all Jerry Springer (referenced in your cited article) about men sleeping around, not knowing they have kids, and then it's still the woman's fault that he wasn't there for the child's birth, just so he could abandon the kid at a fire station...
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Let's call it the affirmative consent law, requiring men to give affirmative consent to paternity.
This would achieve equality with a woman's "her body her choice" right to ignore the man's request for an abortion or to give the child up for adoption. Rights which only women have.
If she has the right to refuse responsibility for the baby, he should also have the right to refuse responsibility for the baby. In recognition of the biological reality that it is the woman who physically has to have the abortion, if she wants to abort, the man should have to pay the entire financial cost of the abortion.
Married men should be assumed by the fact of marriage to have given their consent to financial support for legitimate biological paternity.
It is not fair that a woman should have the right to entrap a man with one night sex, obligating him to 20 years or more of financial liability, when she has the right to simply opt out of the same situation via abortion or giving up the baby for adoption. Without a man's affirmative consent to paternity, it's rape.