More details into the Trump/Russia connection

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2017 Feb 12, 7:40am   7,951 views  30 comments

by joeyjojojunior   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


"As Business Insider has previously reported, the circumstances around this language change are controversial.  The reason for the language change has also not been well explained.
The Ukraine language change was orchestrated by two national-security experts sent to sit in on the subcommittee meeting on behalf of the Trump campaign, according to the original amendment's author, Diana Denman, who was also in the meeting.
One of the Trump campaign representatives present at the meeting, JD Gordon, has since denied intervening in the platform hearing. Gordon has also denied that Trump or Manafort were involved in the language change and that there was anything nefarious about it.
A member of the Republican National Committee present at the meeting, however, confirmed to Business Insider that the change "definitely came from Trump staffers."
The altered Ukraine policy amendment, with the softer language, ultimately was included in the new GOP platform. A few days later, WikiLeaks began publishing the emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign. The timing coincided with the start of the Democratic National Convention the following week."

If this really is true, then impeachment has to be on the table.

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8   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 12, 10:47am  

"In December 2015, Flynn, then recently retired from the Defense Intelligence Agency, traveled to Moscow to speak at a gala celebrating the 10th anniversary of state-sponsored news agency Russia Today.
Flynn later told The Washington Post that he had been paid to speak at the gala, where he was photographed sitting next to Putin at dinner.
Top Democratic lawmakers are now calling on the Defense Department to investigate whether Flynn ran afoul of the US Constitution by accepting money from the Kremlin. 
Since the dinner in Moscow, Flynn has toed a Russia-friendly line that's out of line with his more hawkish former US defense colleagues. He has appeared on Russia Today (RT) several times as a commentator. He also suggested last year that he saw no difference between the state-run RT and other news networks like CNN, MSNBC, and Al Jazeera."

"Last Tuesday, Politico reported that Flynn will recommend that Trump support the ascension of Montenegro, a small Balkan nation, into NATO. Russia officially opposes such a move. But it aligns with the dossier's suggestion that the Trump White House would support raising commitments "in the Baltics and Eastern Europe to deflect attention away from Ukraine."

9   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 12, 10:48am  

"Last Thursday, moreover, both The Washington Post and The New York Times reported that Flynn had spoken with Russia's ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak, about the US economic sanctions on Russia before Trump was sworn in — including at least one call on the day President Barack Obama imposed new penalties on Russia for its election-related meddling.
Both Flynn and Vice President Mike Pence initially denied that Flynn and Kislyak discussed US sanctions during these calls. But counterintelligence officials told the Times that they have transcripts of the conversations and that the sanctions were discussed. Flynn has since backtracked on his denial, saying that he doesn't recall exactly what they spoke about."

10   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 12, 11:17am  

Ironman says

I'll stop right there, so many more in this FAKE news article....

Where's Trump's Birth Certificate? Let him produce his longform...we're hearing allegations he was born in Volgagrad! We must investigate!

Every single avenue desperately trying to link Trump to Putin or Russian business interests has fallen completely flat, so desperate they made a thing about emails sent from Trump's Hotels that turned out to be a subcontracted Marketing Firm advertising discount stays that were sent to some clients of a Russian Bank on a list they purchased

Just like WaPo and ABC tracked down every single Ms. Universe contestant they could find, hundreds of them, and the only thing they got was Reality TV "Star", Drama Queen, Drug Lord Baby Mama and Getaway Car Driver, Alicia Machado saying "He Fat Shamed Me".


11   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 12, 11:38am  

We'll see. This one doesn't seem to be falling flat on anything.

12   mell   2017 Feb 12, 12:22pm  

McCarthy is that you? Left is right and we're at war with Oceania, Winston!

13   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 12, 12:28pm  

Trumpstein! Trumpstein! Trumpstein!

"How we overcame 'Tyranny' Before"

Translated from DC Insider Speak: We are the smartest, most beautiful motherfuckers who ever lived. Anything less than our full control is tyranny!

15   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 13, 2:28pm  

What was the senior Pentagon Intel Official's Name? Because if there's no named source, I consider these things fake news now.

Or is this the deep state butthurt that the elected President isn't letting them work with their Saudi Pals against Syria and Russia for ISIS and Al Qaeda/FSA.

The Intelligence Community are the employees, not the boss. If they don't approach the administration as dutiful employees, they should be fired.

Unless you think it's okay for unelected taxpayer-paid employees of the Commander in Chief to implement their own foreign policy and refuse to cooperate if they don't like the President. If so, you are against the Rule of Law and the Constitution.

16   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 13, 2:33pm  

"What was the senior Pentagon Intel Official's Name? Because if there's no named source, I consider these things fake news now."

I'm sure you do. You consider it fake news if it leaves off an adjective that you think should have been used to describe the noun in the headline so I'm not sure you're the best judge of such things.

"The Intelligence Community are the employees, not the boss. If they don't approach the administration as dutiful employees, they should be fired."

For what exactly? Trump doesn't even read the briefings anyway so what does he care if it doesn't contain every bit of intelligence?

"if they don't like the President. If so, you are against the Rule of Law and the Constitution."

Let's not pretend this is because they don't "like" him. It's because they believe he is betraying the United States.

17   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 13, 2:41pm  

joeyjojojunior says

I'm sure you do. You consider it fake news if it leaves off an adjective that you think should have been used to describe the noun in the headline so I'm not sure you're the best judge of such things.

Over the top exaggeration. Bullshit about Flynn, bullshit about Vermont Infrastructure being hacked when it was just a laptop an employee downloaded porn/casino shit onto, bullshit about "Chaos in the Administration".

joeyjojojunior says

For what exactly? Trump doesn't even read the briefings anyway so what does he care if it doesn't contain every bit of intelligence?

Also fake news - when he was PEOTUS, he read the briefings but only attended the big weekly meeting, not the daily ones. Pence and other key personnel went in his stead.

joeyjojojunior says

Let's not pretend this is because they don't "like" him. It's because they believe he is betraying the United States.

It's because he's not going along with the Deep State's desires for conflict over MacKinder Pivot Area and his unwillingness to assist the Absolute Monarchist Theocratic Gulf States in pushing Wahabism over Secular Dictators or Democratic rulership in the Middle East.

Wahabis have been a longstanding Intel Org ally, even after the 9/11 blowback. They like it the way it is.

18   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 13, 2:45pm  

Ironman says

Doesn't get any more FACTUAL and provide PROOF than that.

Maybe some anonymous former high ranking insiders and some Pentagon Officials will help prove the allegations by making unprovenced assertions. If they exist and the reporter isn't BS'ing. hahahhahahaahah

19   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 13, 2:47pm  

"Over the top exaggeration"

I wish it was. But you've clearly shown that you are unbelievably biased and cannot judge a critical article from fake news. Or a journalistic mistake from fake news.

"Also fake news - when he was PEOTUS, he read the briefings but only attended the big weekly meeting, not the daily ones. Pence and other key personnel went in his stead."

Once again you show you are incapable to recognizing fake news. There may be some conflicting reports due to the Trump Administration realizing that it made him look uninterested and weak so now they are backtracking on his attentiveness to briefings. But it was not then and is not now fake news.

"It's because he's not going along with the Deep State's desires for conflict over the MacKinder's Pivot Area."

I know you would like to rationalize it as such, but the truth is much scarier. Trump clearly has ties to Russia and it is looking more and more likely that those ties are scary.

20   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 13, 2:50pm  

Does anyone think Flynn didn't have an inappropriate conversation? Nobody from the Trump Administration vouched for him on Sunday. I thought it was pretty well established at this point.

Flynn himself said that sanctions "may have come up" ffs

21   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 13, 3:19pm  

joeyjojojunior says

Does anyone think Flynn didn't have an inappropriate conversation? Nobody from the Trump Administration vouched for him on Sunday. I thought it was pretty well established at this point.

Oh, are they gonna charge Flynn under the dun... dun... dunnnnnnnn Logan Act? Even though nobody in US History has been successfully prosecuted for it since it was passed by Jefferson Hating Adams People in 1799, more than 200+ years ago? And many believe it's unconstitutional? Have fun stormin' that castle! Good luck!

22   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 13, 3:38pm  

T L Lipsovich says

Oh, are they gonna charge Flynn under the dun... dun... dunnnnnnnn Logan Act? Even though nobody in US History has been successfully prosecuted for it since it was passed by Jefferson Hating Adams People in 1799, more than 200+ years ago? And many believe it's unconstitutional? Have fun stormin' that castle! Good luck!

Who's talking about charging him with anything?

23   Rew   2017 Feb 13, 4:08pm  

joeyjojojunior says

Who's talking about charging him with anything?

All they have to do is spread the allegations, hype it, drive fear of Russia, and tuh-duh ... uninformed lizard brains come on over to the side of the Dems/Progressives/Anti-Trump Republicans. They even will get to claim bipartisan agreement, and make a play at: "Saving the nation from a descent into madness and control by a foreign power."

It's going to play well to group fear. Disgusting, but it will play well.

joeyjojojunior says

Flynn himself said that sanctions "may have come up"

Flynn is apologizing to Pence today ... "an administration official says". Trump administration leaks like a sieve. Security concerns? You bet ya!

24   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 13, 6:29pm  


They want a head to feel relevant.

25   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 14, 5:09am  

"#IStandWithFlynn. They want a head to feel relevant."

How'd that work out for you? Has Putin picked his replacement yet?

"General Flynn is In, WaPo is Out: A Letter to Liberals about Fake News."

Well done Ironman. You clearly have the pulse of current issues. And it's quite hilarious that you claim fake news on an article that turns out to be true less than 8 hours after you post it. You can't make this stuff up.

26   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 14, 5:13am  

"Ironman, Can you please find out from Putin, who the replacemnet for Flynn is?"

Better off asking Lips. I think he's more connected to Putin.

27   bob2356   2017 Feb 14, 6:58am  

Ironman says

General Flynn is In, WaPo is Out: A Letter to Liberals about Fake News.

How did that prediction work out for you ironbrain?

28   Heres Your Card   2017 Feb 14, 8:34am  

joeyjojojunior says

Ironman says


Your article date was yesterday and they're still saying "unverified" and "allegations".

Yep-try reading the article. Then comment.

29   Heres Your Card   2017 Feb 14, 8:44am  

T L Lipsovich says

I consider these things fake news now.

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