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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   173,625 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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81105   anonymous   2017 Feb 20, 6:44am  

So Russia is responsible for screwing over Bernie?

Because he was the only hurdle Trump faced to the presidency. Hillary never had a chance

81106   Y   2017 Feb 20, 7:11am  

All that crap was just for show and tell...

Give all the agencies more money to enforce the border, then tell them to stand down...LOL...

bob2356 says

Macropodia says

You can't bitch about one law not being enforced if you are not willing to enforce them all.

People who enter this country illegally are breaking the law.

Enforce that one, or change it. Then we can talk about all the rest.

Obama doubled the budget for border patrol, doubled the budget for ICE, increased agents by 25%.. https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/research/the-cost-of-immigration-enforcement-and-border-security

What in your strange world would enforcing the law look like?

81108   bob2356   2017 Feb 20, 7:31am  

Macropodia says

All that crap was just for show and tell...


Give all the agencies more money to enforce the border, then tell them to stand down...LOL...

From your article
“The U.S. Border Patrol has not issued any stand-down order to agents,” the agency said in a statement to The Washington Times. “The Border Patrol’s enforcement posture and operation is the same as it was in 2014 and 2015, agents are issuing Notices to Appear consistent with law, regulation, and enforcement priorities.”

Want to produce a copy of the actual stand down order? I notice it's not in the article. What a surprise. I'll wait, and wait and wait and wait.

Isn't the washington times the mooney paper that went digital because they couldn't give away enough copies to use as toilet paper in the dc subways? Yea that was the one.

81109   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 20, 7:47am  


"US President-elect Donald Trump has acknowledged a report by intelligence agencies that Russia tried to hack the presidential election, a top aide says.

"I think he accepts the findings," incoming chief of staff Reince Priebus told Fox News Sunday".

81110   Heres Your Card   2017 Feb 20, 7:49am  

bob2356 says

Macropodia says

All that crap was just for show and tell...


Give all the agencies more money to enforce the border, then tell them to stand down...LOL...

From your article

“The U.S. Border Patrol has not issued any stand-down order to agents,” the agency said in a statement to The Washington Times. “The Border Patrol’s enforcement posture and operation is the same as it was in 2014 and 2015, agents are issuing Notices to Appear consistent with law, regulation, and enforcement priorities.”

Want to produce a copy of the actual stand down order? I notice it's not in the article. What a surprise. I'll wait, and wait and wait and ...

81111   Dan8267   2017 Feb 20, 7:53am  

MMR says


Poll: Without Daddy's Money, Effeminate Trust-Fund Twit Donald Trump Would Be:

Sounds like a scientific poll; in other news, if my grandmother had a dick, she'd be my grandfather

AF has a point. It's foolish to admire a person for being rich when the only reason that person is rich is because he inherited great wealth. It certainly does not show good business skills.

81112   Tenpoundbass   2017 Feb 20, 7:56am  

The Truth is out there, but you wont find it on a Cable channel.

81113   bob2356   2017 Feb 20, 8:01am  

bob2356 says

Strategist says

The number I am looking at is $1 million turned into $10 billion. A remarkable achievement by any standard.

So you are saying he inherited nothing? Want to back that up with something. Anything?

Crickets chirping.

81115   CBOEtrader   2017 Feb 20, 8:09am  

joeyjojojunior says

"I think he accepts the findings," incoming chief of staff Reince Priebus told Fox News Sunday".

Trump accepted that Russia probably hacked the DC, along w many other countries. This is the same info already known from the wikileaks themselves. Trump followed up the meeting w a general statement about cyber security, and has called the MSM russian story "fake news" as recently as last week.

Thank you for sharing.

81116   CBOEtrader   2017 Feb 20, 9:03am  

Even AiA has been infected w TARD

81117   Dan8267   2017 Feb 20, 9:04am  

Trump won't go to jail. Putin will pardon him.

81118   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 20, 9:07am  

Here's something for Ironman to chew on:


81119   NDrLoR   2017 Feb 20, 9:10am  

WorkInProgress says

Who is your truth teller?

Jesus Christ: The Way, the Truth and the Life.

WorkInProgress says

Is he/she/it better than my truth teller?


81120   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 20, 9:51am  

"Thanks for proving my point, that two different headlines were printed the same day."

Actually it proved your source was lying. It wasn't different markets. That's what happens when you believe memes floating around on facebook though.

81121   justme   2017 Feb 20, 9:51am  

I thought the Trump solo press conference was pretty refreshing. I guess the VSPs (Very Serious Persons) in the press corps do not like it when Trump does not follow convention. The general subtext of Washington public discourse is that there are 3 levels of context to any conversation.

1. policy.
2. "politics", which one might call meta-policy discussions, or trying to sell, rationalize and justify policy choices.
3. meta-politics, talking about the context in which politics is conducted: The unwritten rules, the practices, the deep state, and the character and quality of the media/public discourse about politics.

The "sin" that Trump has committed is that he brings up meta-politics when he speaks. He will talk about how the press behaves, how politicians behave, and he is not afraid of violating the number one unwritten rule of meta-politics: You don't talk about meta-politics. Meta-politics is only allowed in smoky back-rooms, out of the public eye.

I wish people would concentrate on Trump policy and actions. There is plenty to criticize, starting with handing over economic policy to Goldman Sachs alumni. But the Russia thing is so far mostly a big Red Herring. Since when does speaking with an ambassador count as "having contact with intelligence officials"? Why is nobody calling out the press on that obvious misrepresentation?

81122   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 20, 9:53am  

"Trump accepted that Russia probably hacked the DC, along w many other countries. This is the same info already known from the wikileaks themselves. Trump followed up the meeting w a general statement about cyber security, and has called the MSM russian story "fake news" as recently as last week."

OK, so he accepts that Russia hacked the DNC and released the emails in a strategic fashion to try to sway the election in Trump's favor then?

What exactly is "fake news" then?

81123   FortWayne   2017 Feb 20, 9:57am  

that's kind of sad actually (referring to Dan).

81124   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 20, 9:58am  

"Since when does speaking with an ambassador count as "having contact with intelligence officials"? Why is nobody calling out the press on that obvious misrepresentation?"

Because that is not what they are representing. Other top Trump aides were in frequent contact with Russian intelligence officials, according to US intelligence officials. Paul Manafort and Carter Page have been named as the aides. Not Flynn.


81125   justme   2017 Feb 20, 10:09am  


Fake news is clearly in the mind of the beholder. Fake News == Propaganda.

And equally clearly, the mainstream media (of all political leanings) have been printing lots of fake news over the years. But I think what happened with the current Fake News concept was that the mainstream media tried to shift the blame of fake news onto the OBVIOUS fake news of the tabloid and Breitbart or Fox-type right-wing media. This was a diversionary tactic to avoid being criticized for all the crazy propaganda that they normally spread.

The dangerous fake news is not of the obvious type "Obama controlled by Martian invaders", but rather the "Trump controlled by Russian intelligence officials".

81126   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 20, 10:15am  

Well, we can agree on one point--fake news definitely seems to be in the eye of the beholder.

81127   justme   2017 Feb 20, 10:17am  

>>Other top Trump aides were in frequent contact with Russian intelligence officials, according to US intelligence officials. Paul Manafort and Carter Page have been named as the aides. Not Flynn.

@joeyjojojunior, There is a lot of conflation of any official as being an intelligence official, and a conflation of what one person did with what another person MAYBE did.

In the link name, Flynn is implicated, and the word "intelligence" is used.


In the article headline, Flynn is NOT implicated, but "Trump Team" is, and the word "intelligence" is highlighted.

QUOTE headline: Trump team reportedly had repeated contact with Russian intelligence before election

And in the article text, Manafort and Page are implicated, but only for having contact with "officials". Note carefully that only the word "official" and not "intelligence official" is then used. But the net effect is to associate Manafort and Page with Russian intelligence officials.

QUOTE article : Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and former campaign adviser Carter Page also reportedly talked to Russian officials last year.

The above is a great example of misrepresentation, fake news and propaganda. The link name, headline and text are all saying different and inconsistent things, but having the net effect of tarring Flynn, Manafort and Page as having had contact with Russian intelligence officials, even if a lawyer might be able to argue that "cbsnews did not actually claim that".

This is how fake news works. Just using your example. FAKE NEWS CAN BE VERY SUBTLE, propganda likewise.

81128   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 20, 10:26am  

I'm not even sure what you are arguing here. That the name of the link is misleading? Who cares? Nobody gets their news from article link names.

The story reads as if sources told CBS that there is significant evidence of repeated communication between Trump officials and Russian intelligence during the campaign, but the sources didn't share exactly which people are implicated. The author then speculates based on what is known fact.

81129   Ceffer   2017 Feb 20, 10:30am  

Without Daddy's money, Trump would be selling pencils at Realtor conventions.

81130   justme   2017 Feb 20, 10:32am  

joeyjojojunior says

I'm not even sure what you are arguing here.

Fake news and propaganda is often hidden in the subtle wordings being used. Many readers will conflate certain generic accusations with specific persons mentioned, even if care was taken by the journalist (or propagandist) not to actually mention the accusatory word ("intelligence") and the name of the person in the same sentence.

Am I being too subtle for you ;-) :-)

81131   Ceffer   2017 Feb 20, 10:32am  

Trumpligula has ordered 3000 full length and ceiling mirrors in the Orange House, because he likes to watch.

81132   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 20, 10:35am  

"Fake news and proapganda is often hidden in the subtle wordings being used. Many readers will conflate certain generic accusations with specific persons mentioned, even if care was taken by the journalist (and I use that term lightly) not to actually mention the accusatory word ("intelligence") and the name of the person in the same sentence."

I guess I don't follow because I have no trouble understanding the meaning of words that are written in an article. What are your proposing? That reporters cannot do investigative journalism?

81133   Patrick   2017 Feb 20, 10:37am  

Good point you made in the OP:

Trump does absolutely nothing to restrict the freedom the press.

They are perfectly free to criticize absolutely everything he does all day long. And that is in fact what they do.

81134   bob2356   2017 Feb 20, 10:46am  

justme says

Fake news and proapganda is often hidden in the subtle wordings being used. Many readers will conflate certain generic accusations with specific persons mentioned, even if care was taken by the journalist (or propagandist) not to actually mention the accusatory word ("intelligence") and the name of the person in the same sentence.

You obviously don't know any reporters. The one's I've known just aren't anywhere near that good even if they had the time. Most are simply throwing words in as fast as they can to get the story out. When you hear hoof beats think horses, not okapi.

81135   justme   2017 Feb 20, 11:05am  

joeyjojojunior says

I guess I don't follow because I have no trouble understanding the meaning of words that are written in an article. What are your proposing? That reporters cannot do investigative journalism?

Look at what you did there: You conflated my criticism of subtle misrepresentations and propaganda with me wanting to disallow investigative journalism.


81136   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 20, 11:21am  

"Look at what you did there: You conflated my criticism of subtle misrepresentations and propaganda with me wanting to disallow investigative journalism. Nice!"

Not at all. I'm trying to understand your criticism. You acknowledge that they aren't really misrepresenting anything-just that people who read too quickly or without comprehension might mistake the meaning of the story. My question is how is that the reporter's fault? They can only report--they can't control a reader's propensity to misunderstand. Or, in many cases, taint the meaning of the story due to their biases.

81137   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 20, 11:23am  

"Which part of "Same paper, same date" did you not understand?"

I got that part. Which part of "different markets" did you not understand?

81138   Ceffer   2017 Feb 20, 11:24am  

Why do they hate the fun, amoral world of sociopathic manipulation?

81139   Bellingham Bill   2017 Feb 20, 11:27am  

"Beyond the lake, stretching to the horizon in every direction, was the stark white of the permanent polar ice pack"


81140   Ceffer   2017 Feb 20, 11:28am  

Trumpligula was wearing a hammer and sickle emblazoned halter and open ass chaps during the press conference to deny the Russian rumors.

81141   bob2356   2017 Feb 20, 11:42am  

deepcgi says

The USS Skate surfaced at the ice free North Pole on March 17th 1959.

Yes and they spent days under heavy ice looking for a break in the ice. Read Surface at the Pole by James Calvert skipper of the skate.

Nice bit of bullshit though.

81142   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Feb 20, 11:48am  

Ironman says

Thanks for proving my point, that two different headlines were printed the same day.

I still remember hearing Trump's speech in Arizona. The newspaper had two very different headlines the same day, because Trump behaved like two very different people the same day. I thought that it was the beginning of the end for him, but apparently people didn't notice or didn't care about the crazy behavior. It was a preview to his weird phone calls with foreign leaders after becoming president.

The WSJ readers were not being manipulated. Everybody who was listening to Trump without critical thought was being manipulated.

81143   zzyzzx   2017 Feb 20, 11:52am  


Icahn to sell closed Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City

Icahn, a special adviser to U.S. President Donald Trump, the original owner of the casino, will sell the Taj Mahal - possibly at a loss - instead of investing the $100 million to $200 million it needs to keep going, according to a statement on his website.

Icahn closed the 26-year-old Taj Mahal in October 2016 after failing to reach a new contract with union employees.

81144   bob2356   2017 Feb 20, 11:55am  

deepcgi says

I cannot possibly count the number of sensational headlines showing why we should freak-out and pay taxes because of retreating ice at Glacier Bay.

Unfortunately for the political crowd, we know precisely where the glaciers were in the early 1700's. Heavy glacial retreat was underway by 1750. They intentionally ignore how the trend began in Glacier Bay more than 150 years before the industrial revolution. This is because the truth would damage the plan for Carbon Taxation.

Hate to break it to you, but there are glaciers other places besides glacier bay. Most glaciers started retreating mid to late 1800's. The industrial revolution was in full swing by the mid 1700's with common use of coal burning steam engines. So you are off by 100 years or so. But hey don't let facts screw you up.

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