Maxine Waters has lost it

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2017 May 10, 9:30pm   15,105 views  158 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

NBC's Peter Alexander grills Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Cali.) for her displeasure at President Trump firing FBI Director James Comey after she had announced in January that he has lost all credibility after attending a classified briefing conducted by the now-former director.

In March, Waters issued a press release that read Comey "advanced Russia's misinformation campaign."

"I do not necessarily support the president's decision," Waters said. " I think that if the president would have fired him when he first came in, he would not have to be in a position now where he is trying to make up a story about why. It does not meet the smell test."

However, in the interview Wednesday on MSNBC, asked if she would be okay with a hypothetical President Hillary Clinton dismissing Comey from his position, Waters said yes.

"If she had won the White House, I believe that given what he did to her, and what he tried to do, she should have fired him. Yes," the California Democrat said.

"So she should have fired him but had he shouldn't fire him. This is why I'm confused," Alexander said to Waters.


Just watch the video. Oy Vey.

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89   CBOEtrader   2017 May 12, 5:21am  

joeyjojojunior says

My claim is that the FBI is investigating Trump Administration ties to Russia.

Comey didnt say that. You are lying.

90   Shaman   2017 May 12, 5:51am  

It's just getting sad

91   joeyjojojunior   2017 May 12, 6:05am  

"It's just getting sad"

Just getting? It's been sad for a long time and this thread shows it plainly for anyone who has any last remnant of critical thinking ability left.

The Trumpbots are forced to split the most ridiculous hairs to try to have any defensible position on the Comey firing. And argue against things that are well accepted facts.

92   Y   2017 May 12, 6:08am  

Spill the beans...

joeyjojojunior says

And argue against things that are well accepted facts.

93   FortWayne   2017 May 12, 6:14am  

joeyjojojunior says

The Trumpbots are forced to split the most ridiculous hairs to try to have any defensible position on the Comey firing.

Defensible? Why would anyone be defensible. Trump is the boss, he can fire whomever he chooses for whatever the reasons he chooses. He fired Comey, I don't care why he fired him. I sure do remember Democrats constantly screaming that Comey should be fired when he was investigating "Hillary", and now they quickly switched their tune after he was fired. Hypocritical leftist crap is all I see.

94   joeyjojojunior   2017 May 12, 6:51am  

"He fired Comey, I don't care why he fired him. I sure do remember Democrats constantly screaming that Comey should be fired when he was investigating "Hillary", and now they quickly switched their tune after he was fired"

Who switched their tune? Can you provide some names and quotes? Dems are saying the timing is fishy.

95   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 May 12, 7:13am  

How did this thread get -28 in the like/unlike category?

96   SoTex   2017 May 12, 8:05am  

Someone was triggered?

97   CBOEtrader   2017 May 12, 9:48am  

joeyjojojunior says

Just getting? It's been sad for a long time and this thread shows it plainly for anyone who has any last remnant of critical thinking ability left.

is this a shred of honest self reflection we are seeing in JoJo?

98   CBOEtrader   2017 May 12, 9:50am  

joeyjojojunior says

Dems are saying the timing is fishy.

Trump should have 1)Fired comey, or 2)Not fired comey?

There's only two possible answers.

99   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 May 12, 9:51am  

YesYNot says

How did this thread get -28 in the like/unlike category?

@Patrick - Good Question!

100   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 May 12, 9:59am  

joeyjojojunior says

Who switched their tune? Can you provide some names and quotes? Dems are saying the timing is fishy.

You keep asking for quotes. There has been abundant quotes just in this one post which is pretty much every Dem Leader, also John Podesta, Olberman, and other Dem Media/Activist screenshots of "Before and After".

Can't find my other post, but I repeat this article:

Here are some criticisms of Comey by Democrats (and one independent) before he was fired:

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York

"I do not have confidence in him any longer," Schumer told Bloomberg on Nov. 2.

"To restore my faith, I am going to have to sit down and talk to him and get an explanation for why he did this," he added.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California

"Maybe he's not in the right job," she said to CNN on Nov. 2. "I think that we have to just get through this election and just see what the casualties are along the way."

Pelosi continued that Comey's letter to Congress about the review of Clinton's emails was a "mistake."

Former Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada

In October, Reid suggested Comey's actions "demonstrated a disturbing double standard for the treatment of sensitive information" and may have violated "the Hatch Act, which bars FBI officials from using their official authority to influence an election," in a letter to the director.

Reid wrote that he has "been a supporter" of Comey's and "led the fight" to get him confirmed, as he believed Comey was a "principled public servant."

"With the deepest regret, I now see that I was wrong," Reid added.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.

Sanders told ABC News just before Trump's inauguration that it "would not be a bad thing for the American people" if Comey stepped down.

"I think that Comey acted in an outrageous way during the campaign," said Sanders. "No one can say that this was decisive or this is what elected Trump, but clearly his behavior during the campaign in terms of what he said during the week or two before the election was unacceptable."

At the time, Sanders decried that there was no investigation into possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign, a situation that has changed.

Rep. Steve Cohen of Tennessee

In October, Cohen called on Comey to "resign his position effective immediately."

"If Director Comey cares about the bureau and the rule of law … I'm sure upon reflection of this action, he will submit his letter of resignation for the nation's good," Cohen wrote.

He bashed Comey's letter as "plainly premature, careless and unprecedented."

And much, much more:

101   joeyjojojunior   2017 May 12, 10:00am  

"Trump should have 1)Fired comey, or 2)Not fired comey? There's only two possible answers."

Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. Most smart people can see nuance and don't live in a black or white world

102   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 May 12, 10:01am  

Rep. Jerry Nadler of New York

"The president can fire him for cause and ought to. He violated all the guidelines and put his thumb on the scale of an election. Whether it was decisive or not is a different question," Nadler told CNN on Nov. 14.

Rep. Maxine Waters of California

"All I can tell you is the FBI director has no credibility. That's it," Waters told reporters after leaving a Jan. 13 classified briefing on Russia's meddling in the 2016 election.

In an interview with MSNBC on Wednesday, she argued that Trump should not have fired Comey in the middle of the Russia probe and as a result "basically has interfered with an investigation where he may be implicated."

Waters added, "If [Clinton] had won the White House, I believe that, given what he did to her and what he tried to do, she should have fired him."

Rep. Hank Johnson of Georgia

"My confidence in the FBI director's ability to lead this agency has been shaken,"
said Johnson, after the Jan. 13 closed-door briefing on the Russia investigation for House members.

In a statement released Wednesday, he called Comey's firing "unwarranted" and argued it "suggests an attempt to squelch an investigation in an effort to cover up wrongdoing."

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida

"I think Director Comey has taken enough actions that call into question his ability to continue to serve credibly," she said during a CNN appearance on Jan. 17. "I would lean in the direction that he no longer is able to serve in a neutral and credible way."

After Comey's firing, Wasserman Schultz, a former chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, said that it was "a dark day for justice in America."


103   joeyjojojunior   2017 May 12, 10:02am  

"You keep asking for quotes. There has been abundant quotes just in this one post which is pretty much every Dem Leader, also John Podesta, Olberman, and other Dem Media/Activist screenshots of "Before and After".

Can't find my other post, but I repeat this article"

OK--but who switched their tune?? I see no quotes saying Comey shouldn't have been fired. That's what I'm asking for. You keep claiming people changed. All I see if people who dislike the way Comey handled the Clinton investigation. I don't see anyone saying Comey is great--he shouldn't have been fired.

104   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 May 12, 10:03am  

The Democrats expressed disappointment to the point of encouraging Obama to get rid of Comey, calling for his resignation, and otherwise suggesting he was unfit for his office.

Now, they are angry he got fired.

There's no pivot to spin on here. At best they were skeptical of Comey, others wanted him to resign or be fired. Now most of these same people are screaming that he was fired.

The FBI Director serves at the pleasure of the President.

The 10-year term is not to protect the FBI, but the Politicians against another Hoover - that no matter what, and FBI Director can only serve for 10 years. So even if they get the dirt on everybody like the Canadian Crossdresser, they still can't do more than 10 years.

105   CBOEtrader   2017 May 12, 10:15am  

joeyjojojunior says

"Trump should have 1)Fired comey, or 2)Not fired comey? There's only two possible answers."

Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. Most smart people can see nuance and don't live in a black or white world

No, trump had two choices. What should trump have done? What would you have done in his situation?

Your lack of a right vs wrong choice proves trump can do nothing right in your eyes. This is pure hysteria w zero factual support.

Or try telling us what trump should have done different.

106   CBOEtrader   2017 May 12, 10:17am  

joeyjojojunior says

I see no quotes saying Comey shouldn't have been fired.

Do you think he should have been fired?

107   Shaman   2017 May 12, 10:21am  

Jojo is just trolling now. Classic asking for evidence, ignoring or criticizing the evidence or asking for additional evidence when a simple google search would educate him plenty.
Jojo, go get an education and come back when you're more informed and less stupid.

108   CBOEtrader   2017 May 12, 10:27am  


CNN: Do you have evidence of Trump administration/Russia collusion?
Democrat Senator: We have none at this time.
CNN: Well I know the investigation is continuing... thanks for talking to us.

CNN is fake news. There is zero evidence of Trump/Russia collusion. Every single authority to answer that question directly has said the same thing. "WE HAVE ZERO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION."

109   CBOEtrader   2017 May 12, 10:30am  

Quigley says

Jojo is just trolling now.

Like a lot of hillary bots, his ego is tied into this russia narrative. Otherwise they'd have to admit they are playing on the wrong side...This is a level of realism they simply can not fathom. Its easier to believe in a Russian boogeyman, than admit they arent the morally righteous team.

This is what happens when every MSM outlet becomes a propaganda mouthpiece for the establishment.

The sooner these tards wake up the sooner we can MAGA.

110   joeyjojojunior   2017 May 12, 10:32am  

"Now, they are angry he got fired"

They are?? This is what I've been asking for repeatedly. Please show me one Dem. Congressman or woman who is quoted saying they are disappointed Comey got fired.

Not disappointed at the timing, but genuinely disappointed that he got fired at all.

111   joeyjojojunior   2017 May 12, 10:34am  

"No, trump had two choices"

Ridiculous. There are always other choices. Trump could have fired him 100 days ago. That's another choice.

112   CBOEtrader   2017 May 12, 10:35am  

joeyjojojunior says

"Now, they are angry he got fired"

Learn to use the quote button. Your posts are difficult to decipher w/o knowing who you are quoting.

joeyjojojunior says

Not disappointed at the timing, but genuinely disappointed that he got fired at all.

This is a difference without distinction.

113   joeyjojojunior   2017 May 12, 10:36am  

"Do you think he should have been fired?"

I think he bungled the Clinton investigation for certain. But I don't know if that was a one off or if there was systematic failings in the FBI that were Comey's fault. So, I'm certainly not close enough to the situation to make that call.

114   joeyjojojunior   2017 May 12, 10:37am  

"This is a difference without distinction."

Obviously I would use the quote button if it worked. It is a huge difference with a huge distinction. The fact that you cannot grasp it is your failing, not mine.

115   joeyjojojunior   2017 May 12, 10:39am  

"CNN is fake news. There is zero evidence of Trump/Russia collusion. Every single authority to answer that question directly has said the same thing. "WE HAVE ZERO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION.""

Then why is anyone afraid of a true investigation that would clear Trump once and for all? Let's get a special prosecutor that can put this to bed! Why don't any Republicans want this?

116   CBOEtrader   2017 May 12, 10:40am  

joeyjojojunior says

Trump could have fired him 100 days ago. That's another choice.

You would rather Trump fire him before any of his administration is even approved? Before he has a chance to seek the advise of his team?

Total nonsense. Also, the way comey continued to make the same mistakes AND righteously defended them a few days before he was fired is a big deal. Comey was dangerous, he was sloppy, and he was egotistical. We dont have time for that.

Firing Comey was the easy decision. Tapping his replacement is the tough choice.

117   joeyjojojunior   2017 May 12, 10:40am  

"Jojo is just trolling now. Classic asking for evidence, ignoring or criticizing the evidence or asking for additional evidence when a simple google search would educate him plenty.
Jojo, go get an education and come back when you're more informed and less stupid."

lol---I'm the troll? If a simple google search would give me what I'm asking for--why haven't you or anyone else done it?

118   joeyjojojunior   2017 May 12, 10:41am  

"You would rather Trump fire him before any of his administration is even approved?"

What does it matter whether any of his administration is approved? He didn't like the way the Clinton investigation was handled, so fire him then. Why wait 100+ days?

119   CBOEtrader   2017 May 12, 10:42am  

joeyjojojunior says

Let's get a special prosecutor that can put this to bed!

Remember when Trump mentioned his judge may not be unbiased, and the MSM went crazy? Why do you think it's ok to question the system now?

You dont get to create special processes when things look like they arent going your way.

Regardless, a prosecution requires evidence. We currently have none.

120   CBOEtrader   2017 May 12, 10:44am  

joeyjojojunior says

lol---I'm the troll? If a simple google search would give me what I'm asking for--why haven't you or anyone else done it?

You want us to find evidence of no evidence? If you claim there is evidence, its your job to show your links. So far, you posted one misinterpreted quote from Comey wherein he says he is investigating Russia.

121   joeyjojojunior   2017 May 12, 10:46am  

"You want us to find evidence of no evidence? If you claim there is evidence, its your job to show your links. So far, you posted one misinterpreted quote from Comey wherein he says he is investigating Russia."

Nope-I've never asked for that. I have shown the links and the quotes. I've shown links with some evidence. So, clearly evidence exists. You can call it untrustworthy if you like, but you can't claim that it doesn't exist.

122   CBOEtrader   2017 May 12, 10:46am  

joeyjojojunior says

Why wait 100+ days?

taking advice from your advisors is what a president does. Absolutely crazy to expect a president to walk in and fire the FBI director, w/o learning all the facts available to a president.

Also, Comey fucked up again and showed no signs of adjusting his behavior going forward.

Your timing narrative is a lie. Nothing there.

123   joeyjojojunior   2017 May 12, 10:48am  

"Remember when Trump mentioned his judge may not be unbiased, and the MSM went crazy? Why do you think it's ok to question the system now? You dont get to create special processes when things look like they arent going your way. Regardless, a prosecution requires evidence. We currently have none."

Wow--you're losing it now. Trump claimed a judge was biased because of his family's race. People rightly were appalled.

I'm claiming that Republicans leading the investigation into a Republican President are inherently biased. Not even remotely the same thing.

And an investigation is what produces evidence that can be used much later if a prosecution is warranted. You need to learn the difference between investigation and prosecution.

124   joeyjojojunior   2017 May 12, 10:49am  

"Your timing narrative is a lie. Nothing there."

All I've said is it's suspicious. That is most definitely not a lie. Let's investigate and you can prove me wrong.

125   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 May 12, 10:54am  

I'd be happier if Trump had been open and honest about the reasons that he fired Comey. I'd be happier if those reasons had merit.
Instead, he and his 'team' hid in the bushes and told us a variety of stories on why he fired Comey. The reasons that he settled on were to contradictory to bother trying to summarize. You can read it here:

There's one thing he's right about. Neither he nor his team can come up with a reasonable explanation verbally, so they should stick to written words, and have a lawyer compose the statements. At least that way, they will make sense. OTOH, if he had competent people explaining the truth in the press conferences, there wouldn't be any problem. Unfortunately, that is too much to ask from the Trump administration.

126   CBOEtrader   2017 May 12, 11:21am  

joeyjojojunior says

Wow--you're losing it now. Trump claimed a judge was biased because of his family's race. People rightly were appalled.

I'm claiming that Republicans leading the investigation into a Republican President are inherently biased. Not even remotely the same thing.

Its exactly the same thing. Does the authority figure have a bias towards his own team or not? In trump's case, that judge was proven to have connections to La Raza. Trump was proven accurate in his claim.

Your hypocrisy is noted...again.

127   CBOEtrader   2017 May 12, 11:25am  

joeyjojojunior says

I'm claiming that Republicans leading the investigation into a Republican President are inherently biased. Not even remotely the same thing.

The FBI is not republican. Its the unbiased, non political FBI. If a director shows bias, get rid of him. If not, you're questioning the new FBI director's integrity w zero evidence. This is every bit as appalling as what Trump did to that Mexican judge.

EXCEPT Trump had good reasons to accuse that Judge, given the judge was a member of La Raza.

You dont even know who the new director is yet, and you are claiming bias. This is nothing short of a total meltdown.

Unless Trump nominates David Duke or Alex Jones, you have no right to demand input over who the prosecutor should be. To question the integrity of this honorable official yet-to-be-named should make rational people "appalled". Either you agree w me, or you are a hypocrite. Which is it?

128   CBOEtrader   2017 May 12, 11:30am  

joeyjojojunior says

Let's get a special prosecutor

joeyjojojunior says

You need to learn the difference between investigation and prosecution.

Um? who are you talking to? Neither is acceptable, tbc. Which of your fever dreams are we discussing? A special prosecutor, or a special investigation? Also, tell us what pattern of behavior the new head of FBI has shown to justify a special anything?

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