I am telling you there is no trickle down economy. It is Hoarding Economy

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2017 Jun 18, 1:58pm   31,066 views  204 comments

by Nobody   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


It really doesn't make sense to give tax reduction to the rich and investors. The investors are motivated to invest, because
they are expecting a better return. The rich does not suffer from getting taxed more. In the end everyone wants to hoard.
Or they used that money that they hoard to invest in a system where they can squeeze more money from the middle class.

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108   Heraclitusstudent   2017 Jun 20, 11:39am  

The economy works well when the money circulates well: companies-> employees -> consumers -> companies.

Accumulation points need to be penalized. For the greater good.

109   Heraclitusstudent   2017 Jun 20, 11:42am  

In a world where Argentina's 100 yrs bonds are selling like hot cakes, no one can claim that capital is precious and needs to be preserved.
The rich are desperate to lend their money to the governmentS, instead of investing in new productive ventures and paying more people in the process.
In these specific conditions, it makes a lot of sense for governments to take the money through taxation (instead of borrowing it) and spend it into productive investments typically best done by governments, like infrastructures.
Again, it's good for everyone.

110   bob2356   2017 Jun 20, 1:01pm  

FortWayne says

I think wages should not be taxes more than 10% ever.

What exactly do you plan to give up to achieve this? Not that would ever happen since you are just a bullshit artist, but put up a budget that would achieve this . Let's see your numbers. We'll be waiting, and waiting, and waiting.

I always love the libertarian/conservative/teabag argument that any government services they use are critical, it's the other guys services that need to be cut.

111   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jun 20, 6:37pm  

Strategist says

Socialists want a socialist country.

And nobody on here is a socialist.

112   Strategist   2017 Jun 20, 6:40pm  

joeyjojojunior says

Strategist says

Socialists want a socialist country.

And nobody on here is a socialist.

I think most lean towards socialism.

113   Dan8267   2017 Jun 20, 9:51pm  

Strategist says

What difference does it make?

Implementation is everything. Judging things based on the labels you assign them is just plain foolishness. You are treating economics like a religion. You should be treating it like an engineering discipline.

114   Strategist   2017 Jun 20, 9:55pm  

Dan8267 says

Strategist says

What difference does it make?

Implementation is everything. Judging things based on the labels you assign them is just plain foolishness. You are treating economics like a religion. You should be treating it like an engineering discipline.

WTF Call them what you will.......A loser by any other name is still a loser.

115   bob2356   2017 Jun 21, 3:39am  

Strategist says

WTF Call them what you will.......A loser by any other name is still a loser.

Perfect, you can't define either socialism or "true capitalism" but you want to debate the relative merits. You can't make this stuff up.

116   anotheraccount   2017 Jun 21, 7:33am  

bob2356 says

Perfect, you can't define either socialism or "true capitalism" but you want to debate the relative merits. You can't make this stuff up.

Strategist is ok with redistribution of wealth from a guy who is working for it to a guy that's sitting and doing nothing with money an index fund. That's the core of the discussion. To hyperbole the topic, they will start talking about welfare recipients next.

117   Goran_K   2017 Jun 21, 7:41am  

tr6 says

Strategist is ok with redistribution of wealth from a guy who is working for it to a guy that's sitting and doing nothing with money an index fund. That's the core of the discussion. To hyperbole the topic, they will start talking about welfare recipients next.

Yes, that argument is wack.

Redistribution in all forms is theft (whether from the poor laborer or the rich billionaire). Let each man keep most of what he earns to do with as he wishes. Why not just reqiored a flat tax percentage across the board, and stop robbing Peter to pay Paul and vice-versa and trying to correct for "social cosmic injustice".

I love how all the socialism boosters in here are like "Well, stealing from the poor is wrong, but if you make over $150,000, it's okay so steal from you." That's what makes your arguments weak as shit. There's no ideological consistency.

118   Dan8267   2017 Jun 21, 7:44am  

Strategist says

WTF Call them what you will.......A loser by any other name is still a loser.

1. Neither cats nor submarines can fly, but only an idiot doesn't distinguish between the two.
2. All countries are dependent on socialism including the United States. According to your blanket statement, the U.S. is a loser.
3. The U.S. military is the largest socialist program in all of human history. Again, according to your blanket statement, that makes the U.S. military a loser.

119   Dan8267   2017 Jun 21, 7:46am  

Strategist says

What do you call USSR, East Germany, Cuba, Venezuela, Vietnam? Winners?

Communist dictatorships whose economies were ruined by concentrating power and wealth into the hands of a few individuals just like what can and does happen in capitalist countries. Furthermore, there are an infinite number of ways to structure an economy, not just two.

120   Dan8267   2017 Jun 21, 7:54am  

FortWayne says

That second S in USSR stands for Socialist

The S in United States stands for states as in independent sovereign governments, yet the United States is not a confederation of independent sovereign states, it is a single country with providential governments we mislabel as states instead of provinces.

How many legs does a horse have, if you call its tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it one! -- Abraham Lincoln

Dan8267 says

By the way, if you go just off of names, your going to be fooled. Iceland is green and lush. The vikings named it Iceland to discourage immigrants. Meanwhile, Greenland is covered in ice. The vikings named it Greenland to encourage immigrants.

This is what Iceland looks like.

This is what Greenland looks like.

But hey, plan your vacation based on the names of places.

Only fools care more about labels than reality. Stop being triggered by labels and start looking at how systems really behave in the real world.

121   Strategist   2017 Jun 21, 8:16am  

bob2356 says

Strategist says

WTF Call them what you will.......A loser by any other name is still a loser.

Perfect, you can't define either socialism or "true capitalism" but you want to debate the relative merits. You can't make this stuff up.

Why do I have to educate everyone?

Socialism | Definition of Socialism by Merriam-Webster
Definition of socialism. 1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.

Capitalism: Definition, Examples, Pros, Cons - The Balance
https://www.thebalance.com › Investing › U.S. Economy › Economic Theory
Mar 6, 2017 - Definition: Capitalism is an economic system where private entities own the factors of production. The four factors are entrepreneurship, capital ...

122   Dan8267   2017 Jun 21, 8:16am  

Strategist says

I call them countries that practice democracy and capitalism.

Then you are wrong. There are no democracies in the world and hasn't been since the ancient city-state of Rome.

123   Strategist   2017 Jun 21, 8:20am  

Dan8267 says

Strategist says

What do you call USSR, East Germany, Cuba, Venezuela, Vietnam? Winners?

Communist dictatorships whose economies were ruined by concentrating power and wealth into the hands of a few individuals

There is hope for you Dan, lots of hope. :)

Dan8267 says

just like what can and does happen in capitalist countries.

Oops. There is no hope for you, Dan. None at all. :(

124   Dan8267   2017 Jun 21, 8:22am  

Strategist says

Capitalism is an economic system where private entities own the factors of production. The four factors are entrepreneurship, capital ...

Once you have defined a term, you are powerless to choose the properties of the term. Yes, capitalism is an economic system where "private entities own the factors of production". No one can then impose properties on what constitutes capitalism. The properties are whatever happens as a result of "private entities owning the factors of production".

This means that free markets are not derived from the definition of capitalism and empirical verification is needed to determine if free markets arise from or are blocked by capitalism. The empirical evidence shows the later. Free markets can only exist when the control of "factors of production" by "private entities" is restricted because those private entities will use control of the factors of productions to prevent free markets as free markets actually reduce profitability. So one cannot be both for free markets and capitalism. They are conflicting goals.

125   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jun 21, 8:26am  

"Redistribution in all forms is theft (whether from the poor laborer or the rich billionaire). Let each man keep most of what he earns to do with as he wishes. Why not just reqiored a flat tax percentage across the board, and stop robbing Peter to pay Paul and vice-versa and trying to correct for "social cosmic injustice"."

I don't care about moral or fair or injustice. I want a system that allows the economy to grow and function as well as possible. Pure capitalism with no regulation and checks to redistribute wealth will always lead to high inequality with an owner class and serfs. Then civil unrest. This is not ideal.

Much better is for government to take steps to remedy the inherent problems with capitalism with some regulations to fix it.

126   Dan8267   2017 Jun 21, 8:28am  

Strategist says

Oops. There is no hope for you, Dan. None at all. :(

This is exactly why I say you treat economics like a religion. Everything you believe about it is dogma. Empirical evidence and mathematics are irrelevant to you.

127   Goran_K   2017 Jun 21, 9:24am  

joeyjojojunior says

I don't care about moral or fair or injustice. I want a system that allows the economy to grow and function as well as possible. Pure capitalism with no regulation and checks to redistribute wealth will always lead to high inequality with an owner class and serfs. Then civil unrest. This is not ideal.

WTF? Where has "pure unregulated capitalism" ever been practiced in the world? Stop making stuff up tatupu.

Market based capitalism under sovereign citizens and governments has taken place and it was responsible for raising more people out of poverty in the history of the planet.

128   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jun 21, 10:00am  

"Market based capitalism under sovereign citizens and governments has taken place and it was responsible for raising more people out of poverty in the history of the planet."

I agree. Capitalism with the right regulations works great.

129   Nobody   2017 Jun 21, 10:07am  

Goran_K says

Market based capitalism under sovereign citizens and governments has taken place and it was responsible for raising more people out of poverty in the history of the planet.

Hey, it is not about poverty. In the end, it is about our country and our economy. Because our tax revenue is dwindling, the school gets the budget cuts. And they can't offer the services to the kids who need it. What happens if we don't educate kids? We get bunch of losers. What happens to the country if there is nothing but a bunch of losers? Our saving grace is the foreigners. They come here, take our jobs, and take the seat at our prestigious colleges.

This graph makes sense that 1% wants you to stay where you are at. They don't want you to flourish or get the equal chance, so they can continue to suck the life blood out of you. What good of parasite are you if you kill your host? A good parasite is that one that doesn't kill the host with poverty but one that keeps the host barely alive. After all, you don't want the host to overtake you and kill you. That is why the middle class is disappearing fast.

130   Goran_K   2017 Jun 21, 10:30am  

Nobody says

This graph makes sense that 1% wants you to stay where you are at. They don't want you to flourish or get the equal chance, so they can continue to suck the life blood out of you. What good of parasite are you if you kill your host? A good parasite is that one that doesn't kill the host with poverty but one that keeps the host barely alive. After all, you don't want the host to overtake you and kill you. That is why the middle class is disappearing fast.

I'm a multi-millionaire. How is the 1% hurting me?

131   Goran_K   2017 Jun 21, 10:31am  

joeyjojojunior says

I agree. Capitalism with the right regulations works great.

Yes. You see how poverty fell drastically while the overall tax burden in the U.S fell?

132   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jun 21, 10:32am  

"Yes. You see how poverty fell drastically while the overall tax burden in the U.S fell?"

No I don't, because you didn't show that.

133   Goran_K   2017 Jun 21, 10:37am  

joeyjojojunior says

No I don't, because you didn't show that.

Uh we've been discussing this for like 20 post. Remember, "I want the 1950s back"?

134   Heraclitusstudent   2017 Jun 21, 10:57am  

Goran_K says

This is BS. You can bet it counts a subsistence farmer (earning $0) as absolute poverty while a worker in a Nike shoe factory earning $3 a day is not in absolute poverty.
The type of self serving BS we came to expect from the establishment economists.

135   Heraclitusstudent   2017 Jun 21, 11:02am  

Strategist says

What do you call Canada, Japan, West Germany, Australia, France, and......ROFLOL......China huh? Losers??

I call them countries that practice democracy and capitalism.

The last president of France, Francois Hollande, was a socialist. He would call himself a socialist and be called a socialist by most people in the US.

136   Goran_K   2017 Jun 21, 11:47am  

Heraclitusstudent says

This is BS. You can bet it counts a subsistence farmer (earning $0) as absolute poverty while a worker in a Nike shoe factory earning $3 a day is not in absolute poverty.

The type of self serving BS we came to expect from the establishment economists.

Heraclitusstudent says

This is BS. You can bet it counts a subsistence farmer (earning $0) as absolute poverty while a worker in a Nike shoe factory earning $3 a day is not in absolute poverty.

The type of self serving BS we came to expect from the establishment economists.

It's not BS. You should see the graphs for access to clean water (due to new clean water tech), caloric intake (due to food cost being reduced), and access to education (because of the growth of the internet). They show corresponding rises.

That's capitalism at work.

137   Strategist   2017 Jun 21, 11:54am  

Nobody says

This graph makes sense that 1% wants you to stay where you are at. They don't want you to flourish or get the equal chance, so they can continue to suck the life blood out of you. What good of parasite are you if you kill your host?

Look at the graph again. If the 1% continue to suck the life blood out of the rest, how do you account for falling poverty rates?
The poor in the US never had it so good. They have products only the rich could afford at one time...Cars, appliances, airline travel, cell phones, etc. Even kings 200 years ago did not have these luxuries.

138   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jun 21, 11:57am  

The graph is for the world, not the US.

139   Goran_K   2017 Jun 21, 12:01pm  

joeyjojojunior says

The graph is for the world, not the US.

The "poor" in the World have never had it so good either. They have more access to daily needs, and necessities than at any point in human history.

Thank you Capitalism.

140   Goran_K   2017 Jun 21, 12:02pm  

Strategist says

Look at the graph again. If the 1% continue to suck the life blood out of the rest, how do you account for falling poverty rates?

The poor in the US never had it so good. They have products only the rich could afford at one time...Cars, appliances, airline travel, cell phones, etc. Even kings 200 years ago did not have these luxuries.

Not to mention the sheer amount of diseases that have been eliminated, the increase in average caloric intake, and the increase in life expectancy. 100 years ago, the flu could kill 100,000 people, and it wouldn't make the news. Now a poor child in Sudan can contract malaria and received treatment in the same hour after symptoms start showing.

The poor are more well fed, and less sick than in the previous 200 years, since the industrial revolution.

Again, thanks Capitalism.

142   Strategist   2017 Jun 21, 12:07pm  

Goran_K says

The poor are more well fed, and less sick than in the previous 200 years, since the industrial revolution.

They eat "Cake" all day long. Look how fat they are?
Who ever thought the words of Mary Antoinette would actually come true. Sadly the socialists still want to guillotine the 1%.

143   anotheraccount   2017 Jun 21, 12:55pm  

Strategist says

The poor villagers in China make a lot more in an Apple factory, than working in their villages.

If they have negative cashflow and killing their health how is better than working a village?

144   Heraclitusstudent   2017 Jun 21, 1:01pm  

Goran_K says

Redistribution in all forms is theft

I’m all for capitalism, but I suspect the current strain of it is a simple case of race to the bottom.
In the US the current expansion is powered by rapid assets inflation (housing prices) - wealth effect - coupled with a boot on the head of the poor, including the next generation (you know, the one supposed to buy houses, one day).
In China, production may be lost to automation or cheaper countries, infrastructure investment was already pushed too far, and the country may fall back before most Chinese get a taste of the consumption side of the equation (which is supposed to power end-demand).
The world economy equation is balanced based on transient factors.

The key problem remains simple: in a world where the need for labor will shrink and the population of poor people soar, how do you make money circulate without redistribution.
Hoarding = accumulation points mean THE MONEY DOESN’T CIRCULATE. The world is far poorer than it could be based on what we know we could produce.

145   Goran_K   2017 Jun 21, 1:13pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

The key problem remains simple: in a world where the need for labor will shrink and the population of poor people soar, how do you make money circulate without redistribution.

Hoarding = accumulation points mean THE MONEY DOESN’T CIRCULATE.

I've heard this point before, people go on rants about money velocity, and how lower money velocity is bad for the economy (it generally is), and how taxing the wealthy will solve the problem so the money can be redistributed via Bernie Sanders unicorns.

But that is also bad because it causes capital flight, and still works to "slow" the economy.

The real solution is to stop deficit spending. Increasing debt actually has the net effect of reducing M1/M2. So guys like Bernie would actually make things much, much worse.

Let's look at government spending over the past few decades:

Now see vM1:

Now M2:

Government is horrible at everything, in general.

146   RWSGFY   2017 Jun 21, 1:31pm  

Goran_K says

It's more accurately a $1000 iphone (I believe the iPhone 7 retails for $899 in the highest trim level + tax).

Why cheaper functional equivalents are not considered? It's like arguing that Louis Vuitton workers are so poor they can't afford a bag, because they can't afford LV bag. If our own government allows steak/burger substitution when calculating cost of living increase, why are we specifically sticking to iPhone?

147   Heraclitusstudent   2017 Jun 21, 1:37pm  

Goran_K says

The real solution is to stop deficit spending.

Which would immediately shrink the economy by like a $trillion.

Goran_K says

Government is horrible at everything, in general.

Except thing like sending a man on the moon.

Goran_K says

But that is also bad because it causes capital flight

You mentioned France that has a rate of like 70+%.
Why didn't the rich flee the US in the 50s?

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