Trump is the missing Labor Party

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2017 Aug 27, 7:15pm   14,115 views  75 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

It occurred to me that ever since the Democrats abandoned their representation of working people in favor of non-stop identity politics, there has been a vacuum.

Democratic leaders assumed that working class and poor white people would simply continue to vote Democratic even while being demonized by their own party, since the Republicans remained the party of capital as ever, and still do not really represent working class and poor people. But this left poor whites, and poor white men in particular, with no representation in either party.

In steps Donald Trump, and starts saying exactly what the Democrats have failed to say:

* American workers have been badly screwed by globalization, particularly the wholesale shipping of US manufacturing to China.
* Illegal aliens drive down wages for poor US citizens.
* Obamacare has dramatically increased the cost of medical insurance, to the point where insurance for a family of four can easily be greater than rent or a mortgage.

The Democrats say that manufacturing is not possible for our economy anymore, but the massive examples of Japan and Germany doing just fine on modern manufacturing prove them wrong. What working whites hear is that the Democratic Party really doesn't care what happens to them, and maybe actually hates them just for their race or gender.

So whether by luck or skill, The Donald actually says the truths that Democrats still fail to acknowledge. Thus his "inexplicable" popularity among poorer white voters, who are then demonized yet again as racists by the Democrats, simply for wanting some representation in government.

I keep trying to understand exactly what happened, and I think this is a fair explanation. Trump needed to declare himself a Republican to get access to the party machinery, but in reality, he is a one-man Labor Party, something America has been missing.

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41   bob2356   2017 Aug 28, 9:58am  

mell says

Republicans attacked Obama from the get-go by all means, but they didn't have the help of the media like the left has with their fight against Trump.

The media? There is only 1 media? Billions of dollars in right wing media isn't media? There was no help from the right wing media attacking Obama?

mell says

And as long as the left will keep pushing identity politics my stance won't change, as they are poisoning society with it.

Very objective. Not. So decades of coded racism from the far right isn't identity politics causing a needless divide? Welfare queens, inner city crime, criminal immigrants, states rights, controls the media, the list goes on.

People in glass houses should not throw stones.

42   mell   2017 Aug 28, 10:04am  

bob2356 says

Welfare queens, inner city crime, criminal immigrants, states rights, controls the media, the list goes on.

These have been and are legit topics that need to be addressed on a continuous basis, where is the discrimination in this?? There isn't. I don't see anywhere that criminal immigrants include/exclude certain races or religions or sex, same for welfare queens. You can argue you want the haves to care better for the have-nots, but advocating for Calvinism and equal opportunity instead of equal outcome has zero to do with discrimination.

43   marcus   2017 Aug 28, 10:05am  

TwoScoopsMcGee says

Today, the MSM is acting like the propaganda wing of the #CNTL-Left.

Yeah, all these middle of the road and even usually conservative columnists bashing Trump

It's almost as if there is some truth to the concerns of many intelligent people that honestly believe Trump is an unstable narcissistic and incompetent President that is very dangerous not only to this country but even to the continuation of life on earth as we know it.

Yeah, they are all wrong. The MSM has everyone fooled. Trumps low approval ratings are entirely the fault of the MSM.

One question though. Who gives people like David Brooks, George WIll, Paul Krugman and countless other MSM commentators their marching orders ? Is it George Soros perhaps ? Who is it ? Or are they just sharing their actual opinion ? Becasue they are blinded by their partisanship.

Back when Trump was elected, a lot of democrats were upset. But believe me, liberals were ready to be pleasantly surprised. Maybe he would fight for universal health care (medicare for all - or other form). Maybe he was not as far right as he campaigned. Maybe he really wants to try to clean up corruption in Washington. I wish he did. Everyone found out that it's been worse than we thought. Our country has lost a lot of it's global reputation, because Trump is worse than we could have imagined. Sure there many liberals in themedia. Many of them would have been happy to report that their initial fears were over blown, if only it were true.

44   anonymous   2017 Aug 28, 10:25am  

mell says

To put it another way, Trump simply is saying "I got this, you just go back and take care about your family and wok and we will handle all the politics". Whether you think he got it or not is largely irrelevant, but that is exactly what people want. Everybody has a family member they worry about or they need to take care off, everybody is busy with work making a living, do you honestly think they want to hear about made up academia bullshit such as "systemic racism/sexism" or "microaggressions" and all the other shit that is hurled at them from other politicians on a daily basis? 99% of Americans are hard working people with well intent towards others regardless of gender or race or whatever and they are fed up with discussion shit like this, instead they would like to hear about the economy and jobs.

Right. I have a big family, and all I want to do is look out for them, the American Way. So I've done a cost benefit analysis on all the goings on in this country and found one unifying issue, that is very simple to resolve, and helps everyones causes.

You like States rights?
You like Individuals rights?
You want the government out of your bedroom?
Personal responsibility?
Free Markets?
The Economy?
Domestic production over foreign?
A return to law & Order?

I can check every box with one single issue. It's an extremely popular issue. It's easy to resolve in house, without expending unnecessary energy and resources bungling up with foreign affairs.

The time has long come to end The War on Drugs. Everyone knows this. Yet people are either ignorant, stupid, uneducated or indoctrinated to allow it to continue because. Because you're all SJW's now, bleeting about endlessly about your pet issue, that anyone with a brain can easily choose to avoid.

I'm not some looney SJW that watches too much tv, and gets led off on a worthless tangent about the SJW issue du jour. I'm just a Real American, living Real American life, in America! I'm just a rational person that sees things for what they are. I'm certain that the people that choose to be distracted with nonsense, are going home or driving to the bar getting loaded on alcohol like a Real Failed Loser, as Trump would say. And the rest of us are left to subsidize the burdensome costs of alcohol use in this society.

The War on Drugs is what is tearing this country apart, it's obvious to anyone with a pulse. Yet somehow that doesn't bother people nearly as much as what some purple haired cunt says on YouTube, or when some wimpy kid with a stick yells at a large crowd of violent, armed, Neo Nazis.

The trouble makers need to quit making so much fucking noise about their SJW nonsense, so us problem solvers can clean up your mess

45   joeyjojojunior   2017 Aug 28, 10:36am  

This whole Trumpkin narrative about the media is getting ridiculous. Here are some actual studies:



And anyone who thinks the media didn't relentlessly pan Obamacare has very selective memory.


I know facts don't matter anymore and Bass probably still believes that the Trump inauguration crowd was bigger than Obama's, but come on. Let's try to at least pretend to be truthful.

46   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 28, 10:39am  

marcus says

Yeah, all these middle of the road and even usually conservative columnists bashing Trump

You mean the Controlled Opposition, the kind that love war and intervention and tax cuts for the rich, but when it comes to Building the Wall, Controlling Near-record high Immigration, and fighting the Left takeover of Education, they are completely AWOL.

I'm amazed at all the new-found respect the #AltLeft is doling out to the old Iraq War boosters. Seems the only thing they have in common is TDS.

marcus says

It's almost as if there is some truth to the concerns of many intelligent people that honestly believe Trump is an unstable narcissistic and incompetent President that is very dangerous not only to this country but even to the continuation of life on earth as we know it.

The Media was bashing Trump from the moment he stepped into office. It's amazing Trump's numbers are so high, given the 24-7-365 Media Bashing from just about every major outlet. Whether it's being Putin's stooge or the new Hitler, the Media jumps from narrative to narrative to remove Trump.

EXACTLY what you would expect by Oligarch-controlled Media whose owners profit off of labor arbitrage and outsourcing-then-reimporting-with-no-tariff, while getting a tax brake for the cost of moving overseas.

errc says

The time has long come to end The War on Drugs.

Yep, but while it's important to you - and it's eventually happening state-by-state at an increasingly rapid pace - it's not everybody's first and final concern. I believe Tariffs and restricting Immigration and banning immigrants from Sharia-law States and places were there is Civil Wars with Radical Islam is more important.

47   joeyjojojunior   2017 Aug 28, 10:41am  

"EXACTLY what you would expect by Oligarch-controlled Media whose owners profit off of labor arbitrage and outsourcing-then-reimporting-with-no-tariff, while getting a tax brake for the cost of moving overseas."

It's also what you'd expect when an incompetent egotistical, reality TV B lister tries unsuccessfully to masquerade as President of the US.

Perhaps some of the media bashing is well earned?

48   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 28, 10:43am  

joeyjojojunior says

It's also what you'd expect when an incompetent egotistical, reality TV B lister tries unsuccessfully to masquerade as President of the US.

Pssst, he won the Electoral College and IS the President of the United States. Despite the Media, and indeed, possibly because they overplayed their hand.

How are those special election victories foreshadowing 2018 for ya?

49   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 28, 10:45am  

They're holding on to the fallacy that once they remove Trump, we'll go back to 1990s and 2000s style Conservativism, all about abortion bullshit, which is deader than a doorknob. The Democrats wish for that, too.

We see Amazon and Ebay and other Huge Corporations that profit greatly off outsourced-then-imported goods agreeing with the SPLC, who has Muslim reformers like Majiid Nawaz ylisted as Hate Extremists.


And sure enough, their controlled media HATES anybody who isn't for Open Borders to help their Corporations.

The next phase is to purge the Party of "True Conservatives" who never fund the already-authorized Wall (back in the 90s when Clinton gave lip service to it), constantly remove H1B caps, give tax breaks to outsourcing companies, say they're for Free Trade with Communist China - transferring high tech manufacturing to a rival while banning Canadian Drugs (a NAFTA member FFS!!!), and remaining silent in the face of an outburst of #AltLeft Rage and Violence.

50   joeyjojojunior   2017 Aug 28, 10:49am  

"Pssst, he won the Electoral College and IS the President of the United States. Despite the Media, and indeed, possibly because they overplayed their hand. How are those special election victories foreshadowing 2018 for ya?"

Still trending great! Looking forward to 2018 actually.

51   joeyjojojunior   2017 Aug 28, 10:50am  

"And sure enough, their controlled media HATES anybody who isn't for Open Borders to help their Corporations."

So what explains their hatred towards Clinton then? The studies show she received more negative articles than Trump

52   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 28, 10:50am  

joeyjojojunior says

Still trending great! Looking forward to 2018 actually.

Is it 0-3 or 0-4, I forget?

Oh, 0-4. Losing by a little less in a no incumbent election is still losing.

53   Y   2017 Aug 28, 10:51am  

Since i'm in a rare non-troll mode today ( lack of sugar ), I'll posit that this seems to be the straw that broke the camels back.
it' s unprecedented afaik...


TwoScoopsMcGee says

The other honest point: The Media did not participate in the demonization of Obama, and indeed all but Canonized him.

54   joeyjojojunior   2017 Aug 28, 10:52am  

Is it 0-3 or 0-4, I forget?

It's an average swing of +14 points or so toward Dems.

55   joeyjojojunior   2017 Aug 28, 10:53am  

"Oh, 0-4. Losing by a little less in a no incumbent election is still losing"

Yep, but foreshadows better results in 2018

Every district isn't gerrymandered to +30 Red.

56   mell   2017 Aug 28, 10:55am  

errc says

The War on Drugs is what is tearing this country apart

Agreed on the failed war on drugs (I'm for legalizing most if not all drugs), but drugs are not pervasive in everyone's life, SJWs and their consequences are. So it's not tearing the country apart, but it certainly is causing damage.

57   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 28, 10:57am  

That's hardly surprising, most parties want to deny their opponents more terms. I guarantee there have been high ranking Democrats saying they want to deny Reagan or Bush (or Eisenhower) a second term.

Paul Ryan has worked with Obama to have a non-budget year after year.
Republicans in the Senate, like McCain, who campaigned on Repealing the Aetnacare Subsidy, find reasons not to do so.
Republicans in both Houses that support the Wall and Border Controls, never fund anything (for many years now). Indeed, the often lift H1B caps.
"Managed Democracy"

And all this while they have a majority.

It's because they're the Controlled Opposition, which is why they like Issues like Abortion and Euthanasia so much. They don't have to do anything "Real" "Bread and Butter" to generate votes with the base. They hate dealing with Immigration and Economic Nationalism, because they and their Donors secretly agree with it.

58   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 28, 11:00am  

joeyjojojunior says

It's an average swing of +14 points or so toward Dems.

In a race without an incumbent and, in Georgia, no primary, which is why it's a special election. It can't be compared to a regular scheduled election that generally has both a primary AND an incumbent.

It's like comparing a meal eaten by Texans in a power outage versus one eaten with power. "Oh look, the lack of beef during Harvey is a foreshadowing that Texans are becoming more vegetarian."

59   joeyjojojunior   2017 Aug 28, 11:17am  

"In a race without an incumbent and, in Georgia, no primary, which is why it's a special election. It can't be compared to a regular scheduled election that generally has both a primary AND an incumbent."

OK, feel free to make excuses for why Reps have lost 14 pts. on average in the special elections. But I'll continue to look forward to the mid-terms.

60   Dan8267   2017 Aug 28, 1:16pm  

Patrick says
It occurred to me that ever since the Democrats abandoned their representation of working people in favor of non-stop identity politics, there has been a vacuum.

Patrick says
In steps Donald Trump, and starts saying exactly what the Democrats have failed to say:

* American workers have been badly screwed by globalization, particularly the wholesale shipping of US manufacturing to China.
* Illegal aliens drive down wages for poor US citizens.
* Obamacare has dramatically increased the cost of medical insurance, to the point where insurance for a family of four can easily be greater than rent or a mortgage.

The country would have been far better off if Bernie was nominated by the DNC. They really shot themselves in the foot.

Hopefully this defeat will force reform in the Democratic Party. I guarantee you even if you believe Trump actually gives a shit about you -- he doesn't -- and that he will do what he says -- so far he hasn't -- and that he actually succeeds in doing so -- he won't -- even if all those things were true, the Republican Party still will not be reformed by Trump. You cannot get reform from a criminal con artist who cares only about himself. And the Republican Party won't change for the better even if a reformer got to be president under their party. It's not going to happen.

Unless you are in the top 0.1%, the Republican Party does not work for you. Even if you own your own business, the Republican Party works AGAINST YOU because it protects big business, not small business. Small business is a threat to big business and must be kept down. Big business is all that matters to the Republican Party, not your sole proprietor or small business.

The Republican Party will never reform. The only two choices are
1. Rewrite the election laws so that third parties can kill both major parties.
2. Reform the Democratic Party.

Of those two options, (1) is not realistic without violent revolution because the rewriting of the election laws can only be done by the two major parties and neither will enact reforms that are against their selfish interests.

The idea that Trump is going to reform the Republican Party is pure fantasy. And as much as you and I hate identity politics, it's nothing compared to the evils of the Republican Party. Identity politics cannot compare to
- pollution
- climate change
- national security threats
- the threat of nuclear war
- anti-human rights judges on the Supreme Court
- universal domestic spying
- the police state
- economic policies and laws that crush the middle class and give all wealth and power to a few families

Asking Trump to reform the Republican Party is like asking Bill Cosby to reform the Catholic Church's sexual behavior. Sure, Cosby may be an outsider with vastly different experiences, but he's hardly the person for the job.
61   PeopleUnited   2017 Aug 28, 6:37pm  

Dan8267 says
The country would have been far better off if Bernie was nominated by the DNC.

So what you are saying that that if Democrats weren't batshit crazy, Trump would still be living in his tower in NYC.

Way to go Democrats. Now quit your whining and own it. You have given us Trump. You have the president you deserve. Now go back to your safe zone and Daily Show.
62   lostand confused   2017 Aug 28, 7:54pm  

Yeah. For me that is why I like Trump. he openly talks about issues. When the dems openly talk about solutions to the problems of globalism, the disappearing middle class, etc etc and elections are debates about solutions and policies-about who can provide the best solutions to our problems and not mud-oh well one can dream!!
63   FortWayne   2017 Aug 28, 8:23pm  

Good point Patrick, never thought of it that way until now.
64   anonymous   2017 Aug 30, 9:30am  

Patrick says
It occurred to me that ever since the Democrats abandoned their representation of working people in favor of non-stop identity politics, there has been a vacuum.

Gentle Reader,

Yes, that is correct. My wife predicted that Turnip, er, Trump would be elected. She kept saying Brexit was the reason.

Simply put, the top like 1% of the nation own more property and assets than the bottom 90% or something like that.

The result shouldn't have surprised anyone, but it did. I was certainly surprised.

65   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 30, 10:22am  

What is the Democratic Platform?
66   joeyjojojunior   2017 Aug 30, 10:33am  

What is the Republican Platform?

67   NDrLoR   2017 Aug 30, 11:13am  

Roidy says
Simply put, the top like 1% of the nation own more property and assets than the bottom 90% or something like that

That's why they're the top 1%.
68   joeyjojojunior   2017 Aug 30, 11:34am  

"That's why they're the top 1%."

Uh, OK. They were still the 1% in 1960 but they held a MUCH smaller percentage of the property and assets.

69   anonymous   2017 Aug 30, 12:16pm  

Keep listening to this alt right crap and it's worse than talking to a drunk.


70   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 30, 1:34pm  

If Trump refused to condemn Neo-Nazis by name shortly after Charlottesville, it makes him a neo-Nazi...

Therefore, if Obama refused to condemn Radical Islamic Terror after multiple incidents in the US, Europe and the World, it makes him a ...
71   anonymous   2017 Aug 30, 1:46pm  

TwoScoopsMcGee says
If Trump refused to condemn Neo-Nazis by name shortly after Charlottesville, it makes him a neo-Nazi...

Therefore, if Obama refused to condemn Radical Islamic Terror after multiple incidents in the US, Europe and the World, it makes him a ...

So much winning, you'll grow tired of it. It must be exhausting
72   Dan8267   2017 Aug 30, 1:49pm  

TwoScoopsMcGee says
What is the Democratic Platform?

1. Support the upper middle class. Screw everyone else.
2. Don't destroy the planet with pollution and uncontrolled climate change.
3. Don't shoot unarmed cooperating black men.
4. Identity politics

joeyjojojunior says
What is the Republican Platform?

1. Support the richest 0.1%.
2. Destroy the middle class and all workers including high skill STEM workers.
3. Fuck the planet.
4. Shoot as many black men as possible.
5. Turn America into a theocracy.
73   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 30, 1:59pm  

That's about right.

You forgot #5 for the Democrats: Refuse Single Payer, institute subsidies for Health Insurance Companies, with no cost or premium increase controls.

Even though everybody except the 1% in the US wanted Banks to be whipped and re-regulated back to the New Deal standards.
74   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Aug 30, 2:00pm  

errc says
So much winning, you'll grow tired of it. It must be exhausting

In other words, you have no answer to a Oligarch Media / AltLeft double standard.

Winning it is. 3% Quarterly Growth, NAFTA on the ropes, tons of new jobs and manufacturing.

Trump is ushering in a New Party System, which neither Dem nor Rep Establishment wants; they like the Culture War, because they can distribute freely to wealthy Donors while distracting with Abortion, Hippies vs. Cowboys, Muh Identity, etc and other shit that doesn't really matter.
75   joeyjojojunior   2017 Aug 31, 5:03am  

"You forgot #5 for the Democrats: Refuse Single Payer, institute subsidies for Health Insurance Companies, with no cost or premium increase controls. Even though everybody except the 1% in the US wanted Banks to be whipped and re-regulated back to the New Deal standards"

You're funny. It's true that some percentage of elected Dems didn't want single payer. But 100% of Republicans are against it. As is Trump.

Why don't you vote for more progressive Dems in the primaries? That's how you're going to get politicians with the same views as you.

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