Michael Moore: Trump Will be Re-Elected in 2020

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2017 Aug 28, 4:54pm   7,661 views  23 comments

by c0nfused   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


Michael Moore, the Democratic filmmaker who perfectly predicted Trump's 2016 election victory, is back with another prediction that the DNC should probably take notice of as soon as possible. In an interview with Fast Company, Moore said that "as it stands now" Trump, despite an approval rating in the 30's (if you believe such things), will win re-election in 2020.

And here is why:

Discussing a scenario where a car company wanted to build a plant in Mexico, Trump stated, “What would President Trump do? So I’d call the head of Ford, or whatever company, but I’d call the head of Ford. I’d say, ‘Congratulations, I understand you’re building a massive plant, in Mexico, and you’re taking a lot of jobs away from us in Michigan and other places. I don’t like that. I don’t like it. I just don’t like it.’ And he’ll say, ‘Well, Mr. President. It’s wonderful, wonderful for the economy. Oh, great, just great.’ It’s wonderful for whose economy? Not for our economy. We lose on everything. We lose on jobs. We lose on money. We lose on everything. So, what I’d say is the following: ‘I don’t want you to do that. And if you do it, you’re not going to have any cars coming across the border unless you pay a 35% tax.’ That’s it. That’s it. No, that’s it! And they’re going to say — they’re going to say to me, ‘Mr. President, please, please, please.’ Now, I guarantee you. Let’s say I make this call at 9:00 in the morning, by 5:00 in the afternoon, I think the deal is done, they move back to the United States.”
He added that he would also get called by lobbyists, but after he ignored them because he doesn’t need their money, companies would keep their plants in the US.

When Democrats learn to talk like that, then they'll have a chance of getting back into office.

Comments 1 - 23 of 23        Search these comments

1   Dan8267   2017 Aug 28, 8:35pm  

I've said it before the election, if the DNC forces Hillary on us, Trump will win. I've said it since the election, unless the Democratic Party has some serious reforms, which I outlined in detail, they will lose the 2018 midterm elections. If the DNC dare runs Hillary or another insider again, they will lose the 2020 elections.

The Democratic Party still has about a year to implement major reforms. Unless these reforms are implemented soon and publicly, they will lose the midterms.

They have about two year to reform in order to win the 2020 election. If they don't reform, their voters are going to start petitioning for recall elections.
2   Dan8267   2017 Aug 28, 11:43pm  

jazz_music says
What is key to the foot dragging on the impeachment?

That is what I would like to know.

What is the primary thing that the Republican establishment always wants? Tax cuts for the rich. That's why the Republicans haven't impeached Trump.
3   WineHorror   2017 Aug 29, 4:08am  

jazz_music says

What is key to the foot dragging on the impeachment?

That is what I would like to know.

Get help.

4   PeopleUnited   2017 Aug 29, 6:24am  

Everytime IHLary opened her mouth, voters heard the sound of an aged hack gagging on bankster schlongs.

You're adorable
5   PeopleUnited   2017 Aug 29, 6:27am  

Dan8267 says
jazz_music says
What is key to the foot dragging on the impeachment?

That is what I would like to know.

What is the primary thing that the Republican establishment always wants? Tax cuts for the rich. That's why the Republicans haven't impeached Trump.

No, there has been no impeachment because A) they don't have the votes and B) it would cost them in the midterms.

Oh, and one more thing. There is NO IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE!
6   c0nfused   2017 Aug 29, 7:56am  

jazz_music says
What is key to the foot dragging on the impeachment?

The key to the foot dragging is exactly what PeopleUnited said: there is no impeachable offense.

To demand impeachment of an innocent president is an attack on democracy itself.
7   Shaman   2017 Aug 29, 8:03am  

Another voting block that needs to be encouraged to show up on election day: young people. “Here’s another positive thing to look at: Every year 3 million 18-year-olds become adults and [potential] voters, and we raised those kids,” Moore says. “We’ve raised a generation of kids who don’t hate people on the basis of race, or they don’t hate somebody because they’re in love with somebody of the same gender.”

Moore is heartened by the changing demographics of the United States. “Nearly 70% of the country is either female, people of color, or young adults between 18 and 35, or a combination of the three. The angry white guy is dying out, and the Census Bureau has already told us that by 2050, white people are going to be the minority, and I’m not sad to say I can’t wait for that day to happen. I hope I live long enough to see it because it will be a better country.”

Problem with that is that young people are increasingly considering it "rebellious" and therefore cool to support Trump. Imagine a generation who doesn't want to be told what to think, who to support, what to say, and how to vote. Hmm, that sounds very familiar. Kind of like every generation of young people ever! So when the authoritarian media/Left/education system try to teach them to be good little Democrats, they find it cool to rebel. Kids are funny that way.
8   RWSGFY   2017 Aug 29, 6:04pm  

Quigley says

...Every year 3 million 18-year-olds become adults....
young adults between 18 and 35

And about the same number becomes real adults. Bwahahahahaha.
9   Ernie   2017 Aug 29, 6:10pm  

PeopleUnited says
Everytime IHLary opened her mouth, voters heard the sound of an aged hack gagging on bankster schlongs.

You're adorable

Unfortunately for all of us, he is not only adorable, he is also 100% correct.
10   anonymous   2017 Aug 29, 7:02pm  

Yeah, whereas Trump has zero ex Goldman Sachs in his admin. Oh, hang on, my mistake.
11   anonymous   2017 Aug 29, 7:13pm  

(Dif annon)As long as common people don't feel free to speak, they will vote for someone who claims to speak for them.
12   MAGA   2017 Aug 29, 8:23pm  

Thank goodness. I was worried that Hillary might give it another try. Maybe she's busy giving Bill a BJ.
14   Strategist   2017 Aug 29, 8:44pm  

jazz_music says
What is key to the foot dragging on the impeachment?

That is what I would like to know.

Relax. You know how slow socialism is. It will only take 7.5 years. :)
15   anonymous   2017 Aug 29, 8:57pm  

jvolstad says
Maybe she's busy giving Bill a BJ.

Dig the BJ. This line though... man. Hillary was a bad candidate, but her dishing out BJ's? And that being enjoyable on some level (you didn't say this, but generally bj's are enjoyable)? Good for their "marriage" but please don't put BJ and Hillary in words again. Haven't blocked anyone yet, but you'll have to forgive me while I swallow my vomit.
16   Ernie   2017 Aug 30, 9:28am  

null says
Yeah, whereas Trump has zero ex Goldman Sachs in his admin. Oh, hang on, my mistake.

Hillary blowing banksters does not exclude Trump doing the same, although I suspect that being a narcissist, he might be blowing himself more than anyone else.
17   Rin   2017 Aug 30, 1:45pm  

Dan8267 says
If the DNC dare runs Hillary or another insider again, they will lose the 2020 elections.

It's obvious because Hilly is the wicked witch of the east ...

Sure, if the younger version of her ...

Got monthly full Brazilian wax jobs (removing all bodily hair below the eye brows), breast implants, and worked out 2hrs per day (Pilates, Yoga, Weightlifting, etc), and joined me in a Menage-A-Trois with hot babes, then Hilly would be the one!

Instead, she's a bitch.
20   WookieMan   2018 Feb 20, 10:19am  

I personally don't think Trump runs again. He'll be 72 this year and will be 74 when he enters the dash to the election finish line in 2020. I don't know if I'd bet on it, but my guess is after the mid-terms this year, if things look good for him and the party, he's out. Why the fuck would any reasonable person want to be 74-78 and president of the USA? You won't get to enjoy the benefits of that office for very long. I think Trump will want to enjoy the benefits and pass the baton to Pence or someone else.

Also, if 66 is the age of "full retirement" for SS, not sure why we can have presidents that old. Especially when you have to be 35+ to even become one. Regardless of what kind of job Trump does, having a 74+ year old president can create tumultuous times if they pass away during their term. Kind of surprised there isn't an age limit now that I'm writing this and thinking about it.
21   Tenpoundbass   2018 Feb 20, 10:26am  

WookieMan says
I personally don't think Trump runs again.

Trump wont quit until all of the monsters are locked up.

Trump leaves us like this, Civil war breaks out after the next election of Soros vs Soros Candidates.

Take the Patriot warning with a grain of salt. We're giving Trump first crack at saving us from the Commies, Marxists, Satanists, and Socialists.
22   anonymous   2018 Feb 20, 10:40am  

Tenpoundbass says
WookieMan says
I personally don't think Trump runs again.

Trump wont quit until all of the monsters are locked up.

Trump leaves us like this, Civil war breaks out after the next election of Soros vs Soros Candidates.

Take the Patriot warning with a grain of salt. We're giving Trump first crack at saving us from the Commies, Marxists, Satanists, and Socialists.

Drain the Swamp!
To make room for Mitt Romney!

Praise Kek!

23   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Feb 20, 10:52am  

c0nfused says
When Democrats learn to talk like that, then they'll have a chance of getting back into office.

It's even more simple: they just need to say they will abandon corporatism and the rampant corruption to focus on the need of the people.
And mean it....

Ok well... we would see after electing them if they meant it.

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