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He converted to Islam grew a beard, beat his wife for not wearing traditional dress. Beat his son and fractured his skull.
His last FB post was a AntiFa post, he was wearing a black skull mask when he did the shooting.
When it's important to lead the narrative and call everything fake news, that's how you know you're losing at every fucking thing.
Stupid dumb fucks.
Well not now his FB has been scrubbed.
If not taken down, who you gonna believe me or Jack Dorsey?
How do you know he was not?
Well not now his FB has been scrubbed.
If not taken down, who you gonna believe me or Jack Dorsey?
Yet had you actually read it the ad was for Charlotte which is the large North Carolina city, NOT Charlottesville, the small Virginia city where the rally took place.
This article seems to confirm the antifa leaning's, without referencing any of the stories mentioned here.
This article seems to confirm the antifa leaning's, without referencing any of the stories mentioned here.
I love that you guys continue to fall for this stuff even on a thread devoted to trying to show you NOT to believe this nonsense.
You want us to keep an open mind while you flippantly dismiss sources contradictory to your belief? Just when I thought you were starting to make sense...
anon_9f674 saysYet had you actually read it the ad was for Charlotte which is the large North Carolina city, NOT Charlottesville, the small Virginia city where the rally took place.
The cops were called to wrong building at the Vegas Shooting, oh well it never happened then.
You silly dink!
I think the lesson here is don't rely on a single source of information.
This article seems to confirm the antifa leaning's, without referencing any of the stories mentioned here.
Republicans still can't say "White Male TERRORIST".
HEY YOU saysRepublicans still can't say "White Male TERRORIST".
terrorism: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
White Male terrorism exists, or existed.
But this is not it.
But by the time news of the actual motivations of the shooter were shared by authorities, a false narrative had already taken hold thanks to right-wing commentators, websites, YouTubers, and other sources. With no evidence to back up their claims, they peddled a conspiracy theory that Kelley was affiliated with "antifa."