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1   anonymous   2017 Nov 13, 3:08pm  

What's wrong with using drug addicts and mentally deranged individuals as front line cannon fodder?
2   curious2   2017 Nov 13, 4:22pm  

President Trump's decision to continue military misadventures that he had campaigned on curtailing, combined with his unconstitutional ban against transgendered persons, appears to have driven recruiters to extreme measures. Some transgendered persons have distinguished themselves in military service, for example:

"Kristin Beck, formerly Chris, served 20 years as a SEAL and fought on some of the most dangerous battlefields in the world, but after she left the service she realized she wasn't living the life she wanted.

"Chris really wanted to be a girl and felt that she was a girl and consolidated that identity very early on in childhood," said Anne Speckhard, co-author of Beck's biography "Warrior Princess," which was published over the weekend. Speckhard told ABC News Beck suppressed that secret for decades, however, through the trials of SEAL training and the harrowing missions that followed, growing a burly beard as she fought on the front lines of American special operations.

The armed forces faced similar problems during the era of "Don't Ask, Don't tell." They were required to discharge anyone found to be gay, despite their own admission that these included some of the best in the command, and a Rand study finding those discharged were on average more qualified than their peers at recruitment. Recruiters had to recruit school dropouts and felons, in order to replace active duty personnel who were much better qualified and would be eligible to serve today. Bigotry has unfortunate consequences.
3   Ceffer   2017 Nov 13, 4:41pm  

There are options for the MillXYers yet, all is not lost!
4   HEY YOU   2017 Nov 13, 5:45pm  

Sounds like a great opportunity for all patnetters!
5   Strategist   2017 Nov 13, 5:51pm  

So that's where Sergeant Dan is.
6   lostand confused   2017 Nov 13, 6:10pm  

Perhaps the US is building its own jihadi force?
7   Strategist   2017 Nov 13, 6:13pm  

lostand confused says
Perhaps the US is building its own jihadi force?

Knowing Dan, he probably joined the Muslim Jihadis to fight the Christians, because they did something bad 1,200 years ago.
8   Strategist   2017 Nov 13, 6:17pm  

What about Jazz? He must have joined the Venezuelan army to fight against the Capitalists.
Just wait till he finds out his monthly 1,000,000 bolivar check is only worth $29.00.
9   anonymous   2017 Nov 13, 6:50pm  

This is clearly part of the right wing lobby. Get guns and training into the hands of the mentally ill and then claim they are the problem with gun violence when the troops come home. Denying them mental healthcare is important as well. Gotta admit the Republicans have their ducks in a row.

It's all Obama's fault!
10   anonymous   2017 Nov 13, 6:55pm  

Strategist says
Knowing Dan, he probably joined the Muslim Jihadis to fight the Christians, because they did something bad 1,200 years ago.

He's been gone a month and you're still writing about him. You must miss him.
11   Strategist   2017 Nov 13, 7:04pm  

anon_fc62d says
Strategist says
Knowing Dan, he probably joined the Muslim Jihadis to fight the Christians, because they did something bad 1,200 years ago.

He's been gone a month and you're still writing about him. You must miss him.

Actually, I do miss him. He had some good points, some bad points etc etc. The nuttier someone gets, the more fun they become.
I'm sure he thought I was insane, but you know what? My wife thinks I am insane too, yet I have been sleeping with her for 30 years. And no, that does NOT mean I will ever want to sleep with Dan.
12   anonymous   2017 Nov 13, 7:14pm  

anon_27bdf says
What's wrong with using drug addicts and mentally deranged individuals as front line cannon fodder?

Because they'll sue for equality, and will complain that they can't be cannon fodder. Followed by equality, and demand instant admiral status upon entry.
13   anonymous   2017 Nov 13, 7:22pm  

"U.S. Army Now Taking Applicants With Histories Of Mental Illness, Drug Abuse And Self-Mutilation"

Are we talking about trannies?
14   WatermelonUniversity   2017 Nov 13, 8:57pm  

blacks, hispanics, gays, trannies are accepted so why not.
15   anonymous   2017 Nov 13, 9:18pm  

Gentle Reader,

Can we hope that Hizzonor The Most High President Pouty-Poo will enlist?

16   anonymous   2017 Nov 14, 5:35am  

@Patrick, in an attempt to help you reach your goal of cleaning up the site, I tried to mark posts 5,7,8 as uncivil as they are aimed at attacking a person rather than an idea, and can be deemed uncivil as their intent is to be inflammatory, but the uncivil button is gone. What gives?
17   Goran_K   2017 Nov 14, 5:56am  

errc says
@Patrick, in an attempt to help you reach your goal of cleaning up the site, I tried to mark posts 5,7,8 as uncivil as they are aimed at attacking a person rather than an idea, and can be deemed uncivil as their intent is to be inflammatory, but the uncivil button is gone. What gives?

You’ve abused the uncivil button recently by placing too many civil post into jail, so your access has been temporarily removed. Next time don’t abuse it.
18   anonymous   2017 Nov 14, 6:01am  

Goran_K says
errc says
@Patrick, in an attempt to help you reach your goal of cleaning up the site, I tried to mark posts 5,7,8 as uncivil as they are aimed at attacking a person rather than an idea, and can be deemed uncivil as their intent is to be inflammatory, but the uncivil button is gone. What gives?

You’ve abused the uncivil button recently by placing too many civil post into jail, so your access has been temporarily removed. Next time don’t abuse it.

That’s actually a lie. I’ve only ever marked uncivil posts as uncivil. You’re just blinded by your partisanship. Don’t make uncivil posts if you don’t want them flagged as being uncivil. Next time, park your partisanship at the door before incorrectly assigning someone to your preconceived notions. In short, be smarter
19   anonymous   2017 Nov 14, 6:01am  

Goran_K says
errc says
@Patrick, in an attempt to help you reach your goal of cleaning up the site, I tried to mark posts 5,7,8 as uncivil as they are aimed at attacking a person rather than an idea, and can be deemed uncivil as their intent is to be inflammatory, but the uncivil button is gone. What gives?

You’ve abused the uncivil button recently by placing too many civil post into jail, so your access has been temporarily removed. Next time don’t abuse it.

That’s actually a lie. I’ve only ever marked uncivil posts as uncivil. You’re just blinded by your partisanship. Don’t make uncivil posts if you don’t want them flagged as being uncivil. Next time, park your partisanship at the door before incorrectly assigning someone to your preconceived notions. In short, be smarter
20   anonymous   2017 Nov 14, 6:02am  

Goran_K says
errc says
@Patrick, in an attempt to help you reach your goal of cleaning up the site, I tried to mark posts 5,7,8 as uncivil as they are aimed at attacking a person rather than an idea, and can be deemed uncivil as their intent is to be inflammatory, but the uncivil button is gone. What gives?

You’ve abused the uncivil button recently by placing too many civil post into jail, so your access has been temporarily removed. Next time don’t abuse it.

It’s amazing that you can find the time to answer questions directed to someone else, but can’t be bothered to answer questions asked if you directly. Why do you think that is?
21   Goran_K   2017 Nov 14, 6:05am  

What questions?
22   anonymous   2017 Nov 14, 6:11am  

Goran_K says
What questions?

You’ve dodged too many to list, and you’re not going to waste my time trying to troll me. Go back and read the threads, i know you’ve seen the questions and intentionally dodged answering them, I’m sure it’s because you know that answering them honestly makes you look bad.
23   Goran_K   2017 Nov 14, 6:21am  

I can’t answer a question if you refuse to post the question. In my Venezuela thread I answered all of your questions so I’m not sure which questions I dodged.
24   MAGA   2017 Nov 14, 9:01am  

As long as they don't recruit Realtor's.
25   WookieMan   2017 Nov 14, 9:11am  

errc says
@Patrick, in an attempt to help you reach your goal of cleaning up the site, I tried to mark posts 5,7,8 as uncivil as they are aimed at attacking a person rather than an idea, and can be deemed uncivil as their intent is to be inflammatory, but the uncivil button is gone. What gives?

I don't have a dog in the fight @Patrick but @errc is right on these comments if we're going to take the rules as stated. I actually found Strat's post pretty funny on this thread, so I don't personally mind them, but we're on a slippery slop here. Can there be a humor element to it? Probably not. I don't interpret this as Strat "attacking" Dan or Jazz, and I think they would admit that. But when taking the comments at their face value, it could be considered an attack by an outsider that hasn't read this forum.

We're fully engulfed in the dark underbelly of moderation. I'm not sure what the other side looks like, but these comments are a perfect example of a gray area.
26   Goran_K   2017 Nov 14, 9:13am  

WookieMan says
I don't have a dog in the fight @Patrick but @errc is right on these comments if we're going to take the rules as stated. I actually found Strat's post pretty funny on this thread, so I don't personally mind them, but we're on a slippery slop here. Can there be a humor element to it? Probably not. I don't interpret this as Strat "attacking" Dan or Jazz, and I think they would admit that. But when taking the comments at their face value, it could be considered an attack by an outsider that hasn't read this forum.

We're fully engulfed in the dark underbelly of moderation. I'm not sure what the other side looks like, but these comments are a perfect example of a gray area.

Patrick gave a clearer description of what he expected in moderating comments. It's not zero tolerance any longer. A few "off color" comments can go, but if it becomes back and forth attacks, they are followed by warnings, deletions, and then bans.

I'm not a mod here, so whoever handles #misc would be the judge in this case.
27   Patrick   2017 Nov 14, 7:14pm  

jvolstad says
As long as they don't recruit Realtor's.

BTW, this is fine with me. Not an insult to other users. And I really don't like realtors. Very corrupt industry.
28   WookieMan   2017 Nov 14, 7:17pm  

WookieMan says
slippery slop

Ha! Dumb ass wookie.
29   Strategist   2017 Nov 14, 9:06pm  

How much do you want to train someone to jam a bayonet through a raghead's face?

Dont\'t think you would need much training. Just offer a $50.00 reward, and you would have a whole industry spring up.
30   Shaman   2017 Nov 15, 6:09am  

I think next they should recruit geezers with a death wish. These old guys are cranky as fuck and would relish the chance to kill a few “Millennial hajjis” before the Grim Spectre pinches their ticket.
How about it, Boomers? Instead of sitting back and leeching our government dry while you cheer on ever more wars for stupid reasons in countries nobody gives a shit about, you join up and put your ass on the line like the millennials you like to harass?
31   WookieMan   2017 Nov 15, 5:48pm  

Not saying the map you posted is not true, but the headline to the map is completely misleading. Unless you're homeless, 100% of people live at "home." Is there a link to who made this map? I have a hard time believing the data with such an idiotic headline.
32   FortWayne   2017 Nov 15, 6:57pm  

So liberals are now acceptable in the army I see
33   Strategist   2017 Nov 15, 7:43pm  

Strategist says

Dont\'t think you would need much training. Just offer a $50.00 reward, and you would have a whole industry spring up.

Or charge people for the chance to KILL! RAGHEADS! on AVENGE! 9/11! tours.

That's a great way of getting rich. How come I did not think of that?
In the Middle East, most ragheads are killed by other ragheads. It's only fair we get a commission.
34   Strategist   2017 Nov 15, 8:28pm  

Sniper says

The chart says a lot in the 10 years between 2005 and 2015.
My view.....Age 18 should not be the magic number that determines when a child needs to fly the nest. Times have changed. If they are gonna go for further education or some kind of training, they will be more dependent on you until the 20's. Doctors can easily be in training till 30.
The magic number should be when the kid is completely done with education, working, and saves up enough to get their own home.
35   Strategist   2017 Nov 16, 7:59am  

Sniper says
Strategist says
The magic number should be when the kid is completely done with education, working, and saves up enough to get their own home.

Unfortunately, that's a problem (and why that chart has grown). They CAN'T save for their own home, so that's why they're living with mommy and daddy into their 30's. They need to leave right after college and go rent. There isn't a better motivator to improve and advance in your job than having to deal with a landlord that's NOT mom and dad.

If they don't take advantage of living at home to save up for a down payment, and just fritter away their paycheck, they deserve to be kicked out. No point in feeding a bad habit.
36   Shaman   2017 Nov 16, 8:08am  

Living in mom and dad’s basement? More like refitting one of the rooms in my house so they can move in with me. You know, since they didn’t plan for retirement and can’t possibly maintain a household on SS alone. When my dad can’t work anymore they’ll have to live somewhere.

I’m mostly referring to the government pensions that Boomers awarded themselves which are on track to bankrupt state after state after city. And Daddy Trump is going to help them do it because Boomers are his strongest supporters.

And as for the idea of kicking out your kids at 18... maybe you were a shitty dad who thinks of kids as just a burden one must tolerate as a result of having sex. I think of my kids as a blessing, family, and friends for life. If they need help getting started, I’m going to do what I can, whether that means paying for college, giving them a place to live, or paying for a few peripherals to allow them to succeed, I’ll do it. My kids are my life and I would never kick them out.
37   Strategist   2017 Nov 16, 8:42am  

Quigley says
Living in mom and dad’s basement? More like refitting one of the rooms in my house so they can move in with me. You know, since they didn’t plan for retirement and can’t possibly maintain a household on SS alone. When my dad can’t work anymore they’ll have to live somewhere.

I’m mostly referring to the government pensions that Boomers awarded themselves which are on track to bankrupt state after state after city. And Daddy Trump is going to help them do it because Boomers are his strongest supporters.

And as for the idea of kicking out your kids at 18... maybe you were a shitty dad who thinks of kids as just a burden one must tolerate as a result of having sex. I think of my kids as a blessing, family, and friends for life. If they need help getting started, I’m going to do what I can, whether that means paying for college, giving them a place to live, or paying for a few peripherals to allow them to succeed, I’ll do it. My kids are my life and I would never kick them out.

The basic idea is to prepare your child to thrive in a competitive world. As long as they are moving in the right direction, you can help them in any possible way. What happens if the adult child now decides to be a bum and goof off all day long? At that point you need to kick his butt if you want to be a good dad.
38   HEY YOU   2017 Nov 16, 10:15am  

Republicans' great start at destroying American's military.
5 time Draft Dodger needs bodies to fight.
Let the sons & daughters of other parents die.
How many Trumps have served & fought to protect our Constitution & country?
How dumb are Rep/Cons to risk their lives for cowards?
39   Shaman   2017 Nov 16, 10:54am  

Sniper says

The problem with parents today is that want to be their kid's best friend, instead of being a PARENT and preparing them for adult hood

Do they ever call you?
Seems like you have a lot of time to yourself to post here.

Simply forcing kids to grow up fast isn’t all there is. Teaching them to be responsible and kind to others is more important. Building ingrained toughness can be done by encouraging them to try things they aren’t great at, things with a high degree of failure. After all, the most successful people are the ones who can fail over and over again and keep trying until they succeed.

Also, success doesn’t mean just money and things. To me, success is also community, and if you can’t manage to live in community with your own children, it’s not their fault, it’s yours.
40   Shaman   2017 Nov 16, 11:34am  

I guess the difference is, I don’t want my kids to be struggling against me. I make rules and I stick to them very tightly! But I also explain the reasons for them, that they are in place to help us be safe and healthy and accomplish our daily goals. So no staying up until 11PM eating candy and playing video games on a school night, for instance.

The world will offer them plenty of challenges. I want to be their coach, offering rules, strategy, advice, and a home team. Their struggle shouldn’t be against me, but against the world and their own internal limitations.

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