What has Merkel unleashed on the citizens of Germany?

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2016 Dec 20, 7:23am   18,421 views  51 comments

by Blurtman   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Did she ever conceive of the risk? If yes, did she communicate the risk to the citizens? If not, is she an incompetent imbecile?
‘Terror has no borders’: Eyewitnesses of Berlin market carnage relay horrifying details to RT

“It’s like you cannot be safe anywhere,” an eyewitness told RT following the horrifying suspected terrorist attack on a Berlin Christmas market which claimed the lives of at least nine people and injured dozens more.

Speaking to RT, one eyewitness said it feels like “death is following you”.

“It makes me feel like terror has no borders,it’s like you cannot be safe anywhere. I come from a destroyed place to here, to witness this, to feel like death is following you everywhere, it’s not easy”.

“We didn’t know what happened at first, we tried to ask people and nobody new because they were in shock,” he added.



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3   Blurtman   2016 Dec 20, 9:56am  

Yes, very strange. Perhaps the soft underbelly of the guilt ridden Germans. Martyr complex?

11   HEY YOU   2017 Aug 4, 6:19pm  

Muslims! Police your own or wake up to a leveled Mecca, Medina & Dome of the Rock.
One can't make people do things but one can make people wish they hadn't done things,as in sitting on your asses while your people caused the destruction of the things you hold dear.
FUCK YOU! HEY YOU, you're talking to snowflakes.

12   Booger   2017 Sep 12, 7:45pm  


13   Booger   2017 Sep 12, 7:48pm  

Fuck Germany. You know that resentment much of the world feels towards the United States for sticking our noses where it sometimes doesn't belong? Now I understand what they mean. Germany is tampering with the very core of Western civilization, and they're way out of line. That fucking snake Merkel needs to go, along with all her other globalist colleagues.
14   mell   2017 Sep 12, 8:03pm  

Right, that's why the AFD will rocketship towards the 3rd place and can't be ignored anymore unless CDU and SPD do a big coalition. The Trump train is starting its engines in Germany as well, just a bit slower. Merkel will hopefully be history soon.
15   Tenpoundbass   2017 Sep 13, 5:04am  

Booger says
Fuck Germany. You know that resentment much of the world feels towards the United States for sticking our noses where it sometimes doesn't belong? Now I understand what they mean. Germany is tampering with the very core of Western civilization, and they're way out of line. That fucking snake Merkel needs to go, along with all her other globalist colleagues.

The World has ways of dealing with evil Germans.

At least we used to when Queers and Circus freaks weren't in Western governments.
16   zzyzzx   2017 Sep 27, 11:26am  


German psychiatrist: “Migrants bring huge potential for violence and have different values. It’s a time bomb.”
18   anonymous   2017 Oct 24, 8:30am  

Tenpoundbass says
Booger says
Fuck Germany. You know that resentment much of the world feels towards the United States for sticking our noses where it sometimes doesn't belong? Now I understand what they mean. Germany is tampering with the very core of Western civilization, and they're way out of line. That fucking snake Merkel needs to go, along with all her other globalist colleagues.

The World has ways of dealing with evil Germans.

At least we used to when Queers and Circus freaks weren't in Western governments.

Queers and circus freaks....look who finally woke to Trump and Republicans! Congrats
20   Strategist   2017 Nov 12, 4:45pm  

We won't be fooled again. Someone, burn down that Trojan camel.
21   zzyzzx   2017 Nov 20, 8:39am  


Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose fourth term in office is now in danger, was forced into seeking a coalition with an unlikely group of parties after inconclusive elections in September left her without a clear majority.

But after more than a month of gruelling negotiations, the leader of the pro-business FDP, Christian Lindner, walked out of talks overnight, saying there was no "basis of trust" to forge a government with Merkel's conservative CDU-CSU alliance and the left-leaning Greens.

Voicing regret at the FDP's decision, Merkel vowed to steer Germany through the crisis, saying she would "do everything to ensure that this country emerges well from this difficult time."

But the reality is that Germany now faces weeks, if not months, of paralysis with a lame-duck government that is unlikely to take bold policy action at home or on the European stage.
22   Booger   2018 Jan 5, 5:42am  

The new Nazi party led by Führer Merkel is once again using their power to try and rule Europe again. Sadly this time they have resorted to the final solution against the white westerners.
24   Tenpoundbass   2018 Jan 8, 10:27am  

I wish the Muslims would hurry up and take all of Europe so we can go kill them all and take it.

We kill Commies, Nazis and Barbarians good as fuck that's what we do. Trump will do it for Free.
25   Booger   2018 Jan 20, 6:55pm  

Someone in Poland educates a German:
26   mell   2018 Jan 20, 8:17pm  

Germans are starting to rise up. Thousands demonstrated in Cottbus after knife attack. Lamestream media is trying to suppress it, but the tables are turning on the leftoids, and that self-flagellating mental illness is being exposed and opposed by more and more Germans. MGGA!
27   WatermelonUniversity   2018 Jan 20, 8:30pm  

Europe need workers.

terrorist attacks will stop after a couple of generations. not a big deal.
28   mell   2018 Jan 20, 8:32pm  

Europe doesn't need anybody. They have all they need. Birth rates are rising again. They should follow Trump and close the borders and make Europe Great again! It's coming - MEGA!
30   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2018 Jan 21, 5:22am  

BorderPatrol says
terrorist attacks will stop after a couple of generations. not a big deal.
Of course, you cannot know that. And that assumes that immigration ceases from terrorist countries, and assimilation, if your thesis is to be believed, occurs sufficiently enough to cease terrorism. No one can know that for certain. Why should the citizens be subjected to that risk?
31   Booger   2018 Jan 21, 6:01am  

BorderPatrol says
Europe need workers

When you have high unemployment, you don't need more workers.
32   WatermelonUniversity   2018 Jan 21, 7:41pm  

mell says
Birth rates are rising again

any sources to back this up?
33   WatermelonUniversity   2018 Jan 21, 7:48pm  

willywonka says
Why should the citizens be subjected to that risk?

because it's a low risk. i'm 100% certain a lot more people get killed from prescription drug overdose or drunk driving than by terrorist attack.

very small price to pay for getting Europe out of the impending collapse. long term they need workers and shorter term they need CHEAP worker to compete with the u.s (which has illegals) and China. you really don't think this is about "embracing" other cultures do you?

Booger says
BorderPatrol says
Europe need workers

When you have high unemployment, you don't need more workers.

you are referring to poorer countries which don't allow many of immigrants in. richer countries still need more workers long term and cheap workers short term.
34   anonymous   2018 Jan 21, 8:48pm  

Refugee reality: Germany admits 75% face long-term unemployment and life on benefits.

35   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2018 Jan 22, 3:15am  

BorderPatrol says
i'm 100% certain a lot more people get killed from prescription drug overdose or drunk driving than by terrorist attack.
Which doesn't terrorize people.
36   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2018 Jan 22, 4:07am  

anonymous says
Does traumatize count ?
Sure, getting mowed down by a lorry driver is about the same as having your heart broken, or getting fired. It's all the same, really.
37   mell   2018 Jan 22, 8:50am  

anonymous says
BorderPatrol says "i'm 100% certain a lot more people get killed from prescription drug overdose or drunk driving than by terrorist attack."

willywonka says "Which doesn't terrorize people"

Does traumatize count ?

What about the families of the survivors of OD victims and those killed by drunk drivers ?

How about for those that get to witness these events ?

Looking around the news in all its various versions it sure seems that there are a lot of "traumatized and terrorized" people running around dealing with the after effects of things not normally considered mainstream "terrorism".

Somebody ODing chose their path, you can become addicted to pretty much anything (even running ultra-marathons for the endorphins), some addictions have more serious consequences than others. Nobody chooses being moved down by an asshole in a truck. And the total numbers are completely irrelevant. Poland and Hungary have zero victims since they closed their borders, it's no big effort and it increases wages and work for their own people. Every person murdered by something so easily to prevent is one too many and the blood of the victims is on the hand of the leftoid (true liberals do not support this crap) enablers.
38   Shaman   2018 Jan 22, 8:57am  

anonymous says
What about the families of the survivors of OD victims and those killed by drunk drivers ?

An act of negligence or error is far more understandable than an act of pure malice. The first may be remedied with precautions and teaching. The second can only be remedied by apprehending the person or group of persons who are committing the malicious acts. Islamic terrorists are a group harbored within the greater group of Muslims. You import Muslims, these guys come along for the ride like fleas come along with stray dogs. Don’t want fleas? Don’t invite stray dogs into your house.
40   zzyzzx   2018 Feb 5, 10:35am  


German Refugee Worker Admits She Was Wrong, Plans to Move to Poland
“It’s too late for Germany”

A refugee worker who once welcomed Angela Merkel’s decision to open Germany’s borders to over a million predominantly Muslim migrants now admits she was wrong and is emigrating to Poland, asserting, “It’s too late for Germany.”

After founding the refugee aid association Working Group Asylum + Human Rights in 2012, Rebecca Sommer was delighted to welcome the deluge of migrants that began arriving in Germany in the second half of 2015.

“At that time I wanted to help everyone and truly believed that all these people were fleeing hell and were in a state of complete distress,” Sommer told Polish weekly Do Rzeczy.

Along with over 300 volunteers, Sommer began providing German language courses to the new arrivals with the aim of helping them integrate into society.

With the initial hope that “their medieval view was going to change with time,” Sommer soon realized that, “Muslim refugees have grown up with values that are totally different, they have undergone brainwashing from childhood on and are indoctrinated by Islam and absolutely do not intend to adopt our values.”

She also observed how the migrants, “regard we infidels with disdain and arrogance,” after they began to refer to her as “the stupid German whore,” a realization that she says has led other refugee volunteers to quit.

Sommer now admits that despite her good intentions, she got it completely wrong and that Muslim migration poses an existential threat to the Germany way of life, a problem that will only be exacerbated by the process of family reunification, where migrants will be able to invite their relatives to stay in Germany.

“If Poland and Hungary do not give in on this question, you could become countries that some Germans and French will flee to. You could become islands of stability in Europe,” said Sommer, adding that she has been personally attacked five separate times by Arabic-speaking men.

Indeed, fear of sexual assault is now so commonplace in Germany that jogging shorts which emit a high pitch alarm when triggered are selling like hot cakes.

A recent study by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs found that there is a direct correlation between the country’s rising violent crime rate and the mass influx of migrants.

Sommer concludes that with family reunification, Germany will be swamped by Muslim migrants and that political Islam, which is already beginning to exert its influence in schools, political parties, the government and the police force, will eventually become completely dominant.

“It’s too late for Germany,” she adds.

As we document in the video below, while Angela Merkel has announced her intention to continue bringing in hundreds of thousands of migrants per year, the country’s population are unwitting participants in a bizarre social engineering experiment to get them to accept their new reality.
41   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Feb 5, 3:19pm  


18-year old Asylum Seeker, released after one attempted rape as a "Youth", promptly raped a 13-year old Girl.

An Afghan asylum seeker has been accused of raping a 13-year-old girl in Germany.

The 18-year-old man was arrested on Thursday last week after the girl contacted police to say he had attacked her inside a home in Esslingen, near Stuttgart.

The man previously served a year in juvenile detention for attempted rape and was released in December last year under court supervision.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5353915/Afghan-asylum-seeker-18-rapes-girl-13-Germany.html#ixzz56HLeXa7M

42   HeadSet   2018 Feb 5, 7:03pm  

A refugee worker who once welcomed Angela Merkel’s decision to open Germany’s borders to over a million predominantly Muslim migrants now admits she was wrong and is emigrating to Poland, asserting, “It’s too late for Germany.”

This person should be forced to stay in Germany and deal with the problem she helped create and foisted on other Germans. I hope Poland and Hungary refuse entry to the Germans and French who want to emigrate after fouling their respective nests.

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