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8   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 17, 11:15am  

Also, anybody remember the Media having this level of vitriol during the Financial Crisis?

"Larry Summers is fat and mentally ill"
"What the hell is Bernake smoking?"
"Why should we give failures who took the world down with them, billions?"
"Mr. Blankfein, Mr. Blankfein, what do you say to those who claim you should be imprisoned immediately?"
9   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 Jan 17, 11:29am  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
Yep, a swamp creature

If you're against Trump, you are a swamp creature. If you are for him, you are not. It's such a beautiful term... like you've never seen before. These words evoke emotion, yet nothing is what they mean.
They are very Trumpian.

I'm thankful that people are still willing to stand up and say that the emperor has no clothes.
10   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 17, 11:31am  

I'm thankful that people are still willing to stand up and say that the emperor has no clothes.

What policies has Trump enacted that have demonstrably (ie results) resulted in catastrophe.

I mean like the Iraq War, MFN with China, NAFTA, the fallout of the Libyan Intervention, etc.?

What we SHOULD see is a wide range of worldviews among the Media. Instead, we have a very narrow Overton window and anything that isn't pro-Globaloney Corporate Socialism is met with fierce opposition.
11   mell   2018 Jan 17, 11:33am  

Hutch says
TwoScoopsPlissken says
Tom Friedman, John McCain, the Clintons, Schumer, the Bushes, David Brooks, etc.

So who isn't a swamp creature in DC?.... Besides Trump, of course.

Ron Paul, Rand Paul. Kucinich (ex). Sanders (though he is a really "good" socialist redistributing career-politician). 80/20 rule usually works well everywhere in life. At least 80% are swamp creatures.
12   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 Jan 17, 11:46am  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
What policies has Trump enacted that have demonstrably (ie results) resulted in catastrophe.
Are you really comparing Trump's year one with many years of mistakes? I haven't heard of the press blaming Trump's policies for causing a major catastrophe. There are minor ones, like his lack of response to Puerto Rico. Flake's speech specifies exactly why Trump's behavior and lies is in the long term catastrophic to our country. He's provided cover for other dictators, and has made many people start to worry about a weakness in our democratic system. We will have to give it some time to see how much damage is going to be done. Take two of your biggest examples of what you see as catastrophes (Iraq war and NAFTA). Those were not recognized as failures at the time. NAFTA is still debatable, though Trump claims it is disastrous.
Why don't you focus on Flake's comments regarding Trump's attack on the truth, which is what this thread is about.
13   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 17, 12:15pm  

Why don't you focus on Flake's comments regarding Trump's attack on the truth, which is what this thread is about.

That it's disgusting to compare the President of the United States to a mass murderer?

Trump's attack on incredible bias, from Russian Collusion (No Evidence) to Fat & Mentally Ill?

How did multiple media outlets all run with a story with an incorrect date, claiming instantly it was damning evidence of collusion by Don Jr., yet continue to protect their source and offer no explanation?

Remember when the Media was pushing the line that it was impossible to hack the Presidential Election and now they push that the Election was almost certainly rigged without evidence?

I can think of a President who was absolutely smeared by a good chunk of the Media besides Trump. Many in the educated class, from a popular journalist and novelist named Laura Ingalls Wilder, to former Presidents like Hoover, attacked him endlessly with unbelievable Vitriol, warning he would be the next Mussolini or Napoleon.

To this day the mention of his three initials send some into a fit of apoplexy, many decades later.
14   HappyGilmore   2018 Jan 17, 12:37pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
Remember when the Media was pushing the line that it was impossible to hack the Presidential Election and now they push that the Election was almost certainly rigged without evidence?

Can you show me one media article claiming that the election was rigged? I'm assuming you mean votes were changed.
15   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 Jan 17, 1:43pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
That it's disgusting to compare the President of the United States to a mass murderer?
Fake commentary. He compared Trump's attack on the press to Stalin's attack on the press. He pointed out that Trump's words on that subject were exactly the same as Stalin's. He didn't make some overall comparison of Trump to Stalin regarding mass murder.
Trump is fat. He's either overweight or obese by both BMI and visual assessment. How in the hell is this 'fake'? It's in your face obvious fact. There is speculation on his mental health, rightly so, based on his actions. I heard that Reagan passed the same mental test that Trump just did despite early stages of Alzheimers. Maybe it's over the top to speculate on his mental health to the extent that a few channels do, but Trump brings that on himself by referring to himself as a stable genious while multiple sources state that various cabinet members are calling him a moron. He also brought that on by speculating on Clinton's health. I forget what you all insisted she had, but several posters were pretty sure that she'd be dead by now.
I believe that the media was claiming that it was impossible to hack voting machines. They never said that it was impossible for a foreign country to meddle in an election. In fact, the media claimed that Russia did just that before the election. The fact that it was reported before the election is factual proof that Trump is a blatant liar when he claims it is just an excuse for an election that Hillary 'should have won'. Another blatant lie on the same subject is Trump's insistence that he won despite the electoral college favoring Democrats. That's mind numbing crazy shit right there. You could go on all day with his obvious lies.
16   lostand confused   2018 Jan 17, 1:49pm  

Fake commentary. He compared Trump's attack on the press to Stalin's attack on the press.

LOL liberals -figures Stalin was a leftist and master propoganda. There was no free press under Stalin-nothing to attack. he justs ent people to the gulag or worse .
Compare that to the propoganda against trump.

The forces of evil on the rest never change-keep doing the same tactics, move from country to country use propoganda, force, fear madness tow hip up the masses-take and control and keep control-evil.
Communism was defeated in the Sovit Union and China and now trying tot ake hold in the good ole USA.
17   HappyGilmore   2018 Jan 17, 1:50pm  

lostand confused says
The forces of evil on the rest never change-keep doing the same tactics, move from country to country use propoganda, force, fear madness tow hip up the masses-take and control and keep control-evil.

Exactly. Trump is absolutely trying to take control of the media and stoke fear to the masses. His entire message is fear. Fear the Mexicans. Fear the Immigrants. Fear Muslims. That's all he's got.
18   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 Jan 17, 1:55pm  

HappyGilmore says
That's all he's got.
He's a master of fear, but he sells inspiration too. He sells MAGA and nurtures dreams of wealth in the minds of the poor.
19   Goran_K   2018 Jan 17, 2:09pm  

Flake is described aptly by his namesake. He can't get re-elected in his own area. Rather than face an election where he'll get crushed, he decided to slither away in shame, taking pot shots at Trump on the way out. Fuck Flake.
20   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 17, 3:05pm  

Fake commentary. He compared Trump's attack on the press to Stalin's attack on the press. He pointed out that Trump's words on that subject were exactly the same as Stalin's. He didn't make some overall comparison of Trump to Stalin regarding mass murder.

Stalin controlled the Press, Trump does not. The US Press is largely controlled by a handful of syndicates and individuals in bed with all the unquestionable Holy Cows, from the Military Industrial Complex, to Mexican Billionaires, to a certain Silly Con Valley CEO.

Trump is fat. He's either overweight or obese by both BMI and visual assessment.

The MD and Rear Admiral of the Naval Hospital gave him a clean bill of health. The President is 70 years old, 6'3" (NOOOOO he's 6'2", eye roll), 239lb, and has a problem-free medical history, not a single bypass or chronic condition of any kind. His full medical report was released. Contrast this with the complete write off of somebody who had suffered multiple falls, wore frennel lense sunglasses, and had a mysterious ailment that lasted for months, and responded to it all with a one-sided one-page statement from her personal physician. Shortly after she collapsed headfirst on 9/11 into a vehicle but instead of going to a hospital, drove to her daughter's house. It's clear to me she had some kind of recurring siezures or other neurological disorders that cause her frequent falls and possibly black outs. She had ANOTHER incident last year

Also contrast with another over 6' guy, who also isn't all lean muscle mass, who has had recent brain surgery, is many years older, and is now going around the Senate by wheelchair. The Media actually cheers his fortitude, rather than demanding his resignation, even though this person is on some of the most critical committees dealing with national security.

So the bias is very clear.

There is speculation on his mental health, rightly so, based on his actions. I heard that Reagan passed the same mental test that Trump just did despite early stages of Alzheimers.

The APA flatly rejects assessing political figures and speculating on their mental health by their TV appearances. So no, it's not rightful speculation when the professional association frowns upon the practice by Medical Professionals, much less journalists and pundits.

I believe that the media was claiming that it was impossible to hack voting machines.

No, we were told it's impossible to 'rig' national elections, period. The MSM endlessly reminded people of Obama's total rejection of the possibilty of hijacking any national election because it's DECENTRALIZED for many, many days right up until Election Day. Now, we're expected to believe a few thousand bucks on Facebook Ads pushing a pro-BLM website somehow was proof of meddling in the Election by Russia. Also, the Media greatly covered the endorsement by current and former Prime Ministers in Europe for Clinton, so by the US Media standard, they rigged the election.

Obama's flat rejection of the possibility of rigging national elections was put up on this forum several times.

The Week FAMOUSLY mocked Trump Supporters refusing to accept the results of a "98% Chance Hillary Victory", which has also been posted several times in this forum, before the election.

The Media gave breathless, sympathetic coverage to the Fake Women's March, which was really a gathering of Left Wing Forces. protesting Trump's Election.

The Media oozes and drips with smug, moralizing attitudes against everything the Trump admin has done. And all but ignores the amazing Economic news.

In fact, the media claimed that Russia did just that before the election

"Stop Whining" - Obama, endlessly and gloriously repeated by the MSM


President Barack Obama on Tuesday cast Donald Trump's claims of a rigged election as potentially corrosive to American democracy, insisting that the Republican presidential nominee was griping about an invented conspiracy.
"You start whining before the game's even over?"
Obama said during a news conference in the White House Rose Garden, adding that Trump's claim is "not based on facts."


Again, RT pushing BLM websites with Cartoon Characters and Facebook ads is not national election rigging in favor of Trump. In the Fall of 2016, the media was suggesting that Putin was backing Trump to the hilt, in order to connect Trump and Russia, and smear first conceived of by Podesta and Company sometime in the Spring of 2016.
21   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 17, 3:21pm  

We should start calling Democrats, "Underminers"

They hate the economic growth, they peddle rigged election claims that are potentially corrosive to American democracy, and gripe about invented conspiracies.
22   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 17, 4:26pm  

Good catch by Greenwald: Trump is so much a Stalinist Figure, yesterday Flake voted to give re-authorize and even expand his Domestic Spying powers.

Oh wait, Greenwald is now an unperson among Liberals except for a few HA Goodman type Democrats.
23   anonymous   2018 Jan 17, 4:31pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
We should start calling Democrats, "Underminers"

They hate the economic growth, they peddle rigged election claims that are potentially corrosive to American democracy, and gripe about invented conspiracies.

Why do you say Democrats hate economic growth?

Aren’t we still in the same channel, along the same trend lines, that we’ve experienced over the last eight years under a Democratic President?
24   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 17, 4:36pm  

errc says
Why do you say Democrats hate economic growth?

Nope, we had a very slow recovery, and then it pretty much flat lined. Obama was the only President in US History without a single year of 3% annual growth.

Charts on this is in another recent thread. Meanwhile, in the past year, thanks to the confidence that Trump inspired (Small Biz confidence at all time highs), the economy shot up like a rocket.
25   anonymous   2018 Jan 17, 4:37pm  

I do agree that the media is #FakeNews, and run by the Oligarchy. The same Oligarchy that is creaming their pants over the Tax Cuts.

It’s likely the reason you Never Ever hear any of the Mefia take Trump to task on his promise to fix healthcare. A Real News Mefia would use the Trumps Health Report headlines to speak on behalf of Americans about the Healthcare crisis. They’d be asking Trump every hour of every day WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO FIXING HEALTHCARE? It’s more expensive than ever and For the majority of Americans their #1 fear is being bankrupted by the corrupt Healthcare Monopoly. Just because Trump is in bed with the Republican Swamp Monsters doesn’t mean that the Media has to sit by idly and give him Special Treatment by never asking him about it.
26   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 17, 4:39pm  

Actually, the Media was mocking Trump's attempt to reform Obamneycare. I think it was the 3rd or 4th covered story last year, with the MSM pretending that Corporate Socialist Insurance Companies somehow represented progress that shouldn't be overturned.
27   anonymous   2018 Jan 17, 5:27pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
The swamp creatures are united to save their bog from drainage. Their wealth and power is on the line...

It is? How so?
28   anonymous   2018 Jan 17, 5:27pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
It's not journalism, it's heavily politicized Elite Propaganda concentrated on a populist reformer.

The greatest thing in the past 2 years was "Fake News". Originally designed by the Clerisy to kill off indy media that offers a different perspective than Oligarch Media, it was flipped on them. It's delicious!

I'm looking forward to the Fake News Awards.

You link to Breitbart to attack the accuracy of other media outlets?
29   anonymous   2018 Jan 17, 5:29pm  

Flake’s approval rating in Arizona at 18 percent.

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) has a job approval rating of only 18 percent in Arizona, according to a new poll.

A survey from the left-leaning Public Policy Polling finds 62 percent of Arizona voters disapprove of the job the senator is doing. Another 19 percent are not sure.

Yes, we should listen to what this loser has to say, since he's so liked in his own state.
30   anonymous   2018 Jan 17, 5:30pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
Also contrast with another over 6' guy, who also isn't all lean muscle mass, who has had recent brain surgery, is many years older, and is now going around the Senate by wheelchair. The Media actually cheers his fortitude, rather than demanding his resignation, even though this person is on some of the most critical committees dealing with national security.

So the bias is very clear.

You seem to be striving to score points about health when the issue has always been about competency.
31   anonymous   2018 Jan 17, 5:31pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
The Media oozes and drips with smug, moralizing attitudes against everything the Trump admin has done. And all but ignores the amazing Economic news.

The economy has been on the up for some time. A tax handout has given a further boost to that at what long term cost we'll have to wait and see. The strength of the economy should be measured over time. It's not remarkably different to the trajectory that was happening under Obama in many of the key areas. A frothy stock market isn't really the key factor to be focused on for examining benefits to the country, though it gives Sniper material to keep posting about apparently.
32   anonymous   2018 Jan 17, 5:32pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
errc says
Why do you say Democrats hate economic growth?

Nope, we had a very slow recovery, and then it pretty much flat lined. Obama was the only President in US History without a single year of 3% annual growth.

Charts on this is in another recent thread. Meanwhile, in the past year, thanks to the confidence that Trump inspired (Small Biz confidence at all time highs), the economy shot up like a rocket.

Though he did have 8 quarters at or above 3% and a pretty good set of figures by the end of it given what he faced when coming into office. Your "shot up like a rocket" means there have been several quarters where growth has been just over 3%. Good news, but hardly rocket trajectory.
33   anonymous   2018 Jan 17, 5:32pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
Actually, the Media was mocking Trump's attempt to reform Obamneycare. I think it was the 3rd or 4th covered story last year, with the MSM pretending that Corporate Socialist Insurance Companies somehow represented progress that shouldn't be overturned.

Remind us all again what was so good about his plan.
34   anonymous   2018 Jan 17, 5:33pm  

anon_1322c says
Yes, we should listen to what this loser has to say, since he's so liked in his own state.
We should judge his words for what they are, not based on how many people in Arizona like him. He's a republican, so the Democrats don't like him, and he is standing up against Trump, so the Trumpcucks don't like him.
35   anonymous   2018 Jan 17, 7:24pm  

anon_61c8a says
He's a republican, so the Democrats don't like him,

Does that mean that only 18% of Arizona is Republican?
36   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 Jan 18, 11:35am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Doctors agree, TRUMPLIGULA! is as strong as an ox,
and very nearly twice as smart!

When I read this last night, I was pretty tired, but it was the hardest that I've laughed while reading a post here. Nice!
37   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 18, 11:45am  

Anybody who wants to put up 4 posts to argue with me can get a username.
38   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 18, 11:57am  

errc says
Aren’t we still in the same channel, along the same trend lines, that we’ve experienced over the last eight years under a Democratic President?

No, as I said before, there was a weak recovery and then a near-flat line trajectory. for several years. Under Trump it began to shoot upwards.

Obama already got 4 years of blaming Bush, as he was doing as late as 2012. He doesn't get to ride on Trump's injection of Confidence into the Economy.
39   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jan 18, 3:21pm  

Flake was so sure that Trump was Stalin, he voted to re-authorize a bill giving Trump extensive domestic surveillance powers literally hours before he speech.

Or, he's a bloviating failed politician who likes the swampy status quo.

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