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The forces of evil on the rest never change-keep doing the same tactics, move from country to country use propoganda, force, fear madness tow hip up the masses-take and control and keep control-evil.
That's all he's got.He's a master of fear, but he sells inspiration too. He sells MAGA and nurtures dreams of wealth in the minds of the poor.
Fake commentary. He compared Trump's attack on the press to Stalin's attack on the press. He pointed out that Trump's words on that subject were exactly the same as Stalin's. He didn't make some overall comparison of Trump to Stalin regarding mass murder.
Trump is fat. He's either overweight or obese by both BMI and visual assessment.
There is speculation on his mental health, rightly so, based on his actions. I heard that Reagan passed the same mental test that Trump just did despite early stages of Alzheimers.
I believe that the media was claiming that it was impossible to hack voting machines.
In fact, the media claimed that Russia did just that before the election
President Barack Obama on Tuesday cast Donald Trump's claims of a rigged election as potentially corrosive to American democracy, insisting that the Republican presidential nominee was griping about an invented conspiracy.
"You start whining before the game's even over?" Obama said during a news conference in the White House Rose Garden, adding that Trump's claim is "not based on facts."
We should start calling Democrats, "Underminers"
They hate the economic growth, they peddle rigged election claims that are potentially corrosive to American democracy, and gripe about invented conspiracies.
Why do you say Democrats hate economic growth?
Also contrast with another over 6' guy, who also isn't all lean muscle mass, who has had recent brain surgery, is many years older, and is now going around the Senate by wheelchair. The Media actually cheers his fortitude, rather than demanding his resignation, even though this person is on some of the most critical committees dealing with national security.
So the bias is very clear.
The Media oozes and drips with smug, moralizing attitudes against everything the Trump admin has done. And all but ignores the amazing Economic news.
errc saysWhy do you say Democrats hate economic growth?
Nope, we had a very slow recovery, and then it pretty much flat lined. Obama was the only President in US History without a single year of 3% annual growth.
Charts on this is in another recent thread. Meanwhile, in the past year, thanks to the confidence that Trump inspired (Small Biz confidence at all time highs), the economy shot up like a rocket.
Actually, the Media was mocking Trump's attempt to reform Obamneycare. I think it was the 3rd or 4th covered story last year, with the MSM pretending that Corporate Socialist Insurance Companies somehow represented progress that shouldn't be overturned.
Yes, we should listen to what this loser has to say, since he's so liked in his own state.We should judge his words for what they are, not based on how many people in Arizona like him. He's a republican, so the Democrats don't like him, and he is standing up against Trump, so the Trumpcucks don't like him.
He's a republican, so the Democrats don't like him,
Doctors agree, TRUMPLIGULA! is as strong as an ox,
and very nearly twice as smart!
Aren’t we still in the same channel, along the same trend lines, that we’ve experienced over the last eight years under a Democratic President?
This pretty much sums up what many people find Trump to be so appalling.