Don't be a victim of affirmative STEM

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2018 Mar 16, 6:59am   20,627 views  74 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

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2   georgeliberte   2018 Mar 16, 7:30am  

Yes, but is collapsed in an artistic feminine sort of way. Score one for wonder woman.
3   zzyzzx   2018 Mar 16, 7:38am  

This is Equifax, part 2. Except not as bad.
4   FortWayne   2018 Mar 16, 8:07am  


What happened to hiring qualified people instead of hiring for affirmative action?
6   Ceffer   2018 Mar 16, 8:13am  

Did she get a silver star and a firm warning to succeed on the tenth attempt?
7   Goran_K   2018 Mar 16, 8:15am  

Oh shit! A woman designed bridge lasted 5 fucking days?

nvm, 6 people died.

Man that's fucked up. Proof that leftist/sjw policies fuck up the world and cost lives.
8   Bd6r   2018 Mar 16, 8:35am  

FortWayne says
What happened to hiring qualified people instead of hiring for affirmative action?

That is so 1960's
9   Ceffer   2018 Mar 16, 8:36am  

She failed to investigate that these bridges are regarded in China as a form of birth control.
10   Bd6r   2018 Mar 16, 8:37am  

Ceffer says
Did she get a silver star and a firm warning to succeed on the tenth attempt?

Any criticism of xer is racist, sexist, misogynistic, and so on. If anyone is to be blamed, is the white privilege, under weight of which bridge collapsed.
Edit: quite interestingly, xer name is never mentioned in any news piece about bridge collapse. In all fairness, to be 100% sure, one needs to look into possibility of manufacturers screwing up. But then again, we get bombarded by demands to buy everything from "historically underutilized" e.i. minority owned businesses all the time, so even this possibility does not exclude affirmative action screwups.
11   Bd6r   2018 Mar 16, 8:44am  

And yes - Jorge Munilla is president of Munilla Construction Management which built the bridge. FDOT says the firm the university chose was not FDOT pre-qualified for this service which was a requirement under its agreement with the state. Just ten days ago, Munilla Construction Management was sued in Miami-Dade civil court by a TSA employee hurt at the Fort Lauderdale airport. The employee’s lawyer alleges a makeshift bridge MCM built for workers to use while the company does construction the airport broke under his weight.
The engineering company, FIGG Bridge Group was sued in 2003 by the Delaware Department of Transportation over alleged faulty engineering.
The suit was settled for more than $5 million.
In 2012, a 90-ton portion of a bridge the company was assembling in Virginia fell apart while under construction.


This does qualify as "historically underutilized" business, although I do not know how Hispanics in construction can be "underutilized". Furthermore, both engineering and construction companies have ample record of collapsing bridges, and a cynical me would say that perhaps they are still in business because they are "historically underutilized". Collapsing bridges would make ones company to be underutilized....
12   Ceffer   2018 Mar 16, 9:14am  

The hiring practices of the politically correct generation: hire people and place them where they do the least harm, rather than hiring on merit and placing them where they do the most good.
13   Goran_K   2018 Mar 16, 9:19am  

drB6 says
Jorge Munilla is president of Munilla Construction Management

That's all you had to post.
14   rigidmember   2018 Mar 16, 9:29am  

It's apparent the bridge span structure was placed prematurely. The design is tower cable stayed bridge where the span is supported by cables attached to a single tower and construction of the tower had not been completed prior to placing the span. Whoever developed the construction sequence for this project overlooked a serious design element needed to support the bridge span. I believe when the investigation is complete is will be shown that the bridge was designed correctly by FIGG but the contractor MCM decided to build it out of sequence which resulted in the failure. Find out who authorized the construction sequence and inspected it. They'll be the ones at fault here.

15   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 16, 9:31am  

Apparently, there was a "Stress Test" that was either on going or had just been completed. If the suspension cables weren't supported by the tower, could have weakened the bridge which then collapsed?

Also, who ordered the Stress Test when traffic was running underneath?
16   anonymous   2018 Mar 16, 10:47am  

Also, who ordered the Stress Test when traffic was running underneath

This is the most important aspect imo.

Although it’s easy for everyone to bitch about the roads and the DOT pretty much everywhere you go. That part of “our infrastructure” could likely justify some investment, it would hopefully be geared towards getting “self driving” cars on the road. This is the technological advancement I’m looking most forward to...get these fucking nitwits off the roads and let the cpu’s gps them around ffs

Maybe if government wasn’t so busy surveilling everyone all the time, they could concentrate on more useful things like bettering Transportation.
17   Bd6r   2018 Mar 16, 11:47am  

RafiMaas says
Others here trying to turn this into political flame wars should be ashamed of themselves, I'd say it really makes their agenda clear.

While we can not be sure that affirmative action was the cause of the bridge collapse (via preferential hiring/preferential use of "HUB" businesses), we can not exclude it as a reason for the accident.

We get YUUGE pressure to use HUB businesses here. Furthermore, I am somewhat familiar with hiring process and at many companies it is extremely common that less-qualified minorities will be hired even if highly qualified FUCKING WHITE (and Asian) males are available.

Perhaps people who advocate for discriminatory hiring of less-qualified personnel should be ashamed as well, as it is definitely possible that their actions contributed to this deadly accident.
18   Patrick   2018 Mar 16, 12:01pm  

Yes, the government overtly discriminates against the majority for no reason other than that they are in the majority.

Federal law mandates that the government allocate 23 percent of its contracting work to small businesses. Of this portion, 5 percent is meant for businesses with economically or socially disadvantaged owners. These are essentially minority-owned businesses.
It isn't chump change. Total federal contracting in its 2011 fiscal year (ending September 30, 2011) was $477 billion, so 5 percent works out to $23.85 billion.

That's $23.85 billion in 2011 (much more now for sure) that is explicitly not going to the most qualified applicants, but instead favoring certain applicants by race.

That's racism. And it's the law.
19   Bd6r   2018 Mar 16, 12:39pm  

Feux Follets says
Think of how bad the above disasters would have been had women been involved not to mention minorities. Boy are we lucky - huh ?.

Might have been much worse, if minorities would be hired without looking at qualifications, as it is often done now. Would you like to see statistics for school acceptance with respect to race and then consider if there is a bias for less-qualified minorities? Why do we need preferences for HUB businesses if we assume that they are better than FYM businesses?

With respect to Deepwater Horizon, you could enlighten me - what was the reason for blowout, and who designed and made blowout preventing machinery? Was it white males or are you just assuming?

And in general I would LOVE to meet the highly qualified minority candidates which were not hired for designing and constructing Apollo, etc., and who were passed over in hiring in favor of Fucking White Males. Unfortunately they mostly exist in imagination of people who support affirmative action. (Asians do not qualify as minorities).
20   Shaman   2018 Mar 16, 12:43pm  

Men build the world. Women live in and bitch about it.
That is the natural order of things.
21   Bd6r   2018 Mar 16, 1:06pm  

Feux Follets says
The reason for the blowout - stupid and hubris

We do not know if the blowout preventer was made by HUB company and/or affirmative action hire, so your placement of it in the list of "fucking white male" misdeeds is unwarranted.

Feux Follets says
The Defense Department is like
geek nirvana for STEM and fuckups.

That can not be argued with, and more fuckups than geeks. Even worse, companies for projects will be picked based on number of retired general "consultants" they hire.
Feux Follets says
Asian do qualify as minorities - sorry.

In theory yes, in practice no. I see that in hiring all the time. Technically they are minorities, in practice they are discriminated against much worse than whites. Care to look at some statistics, for example med school admissions or UC system admissions? Success of an ethnic group simply MUST be punished. See Harrison Bergeron by Vonnegut - soon if someone is smarter, he will have to wear device decreasing intelligence because US government will mandate total egalitarianism in all things,.
22   Bd6r   2018 Mar 16, 1:18pm  

RafiMaas says
How could you leave out the Tacoma Narrows bridge?

Yes, lets blame Fucking White Males for not discovering rules for dynamic instability of an elastic structure in a flow sufficiently early. Instead of studying this after the collapse of Tacoma bridge, they should have discovered those in 10th century, and if they would not have oppressed the whole world, probably this wold have been discovered by womyn and minorities. Then lets blame Fucking White males for Great Plague, as they did not discover bacteria and disease transmission mechanisms until 19th century, and even then probably they stole their discoveries from womyn and minorities.
23   MisterLefty   2018 Mar 16, 4:15pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
Also, who ordered the Stress Test when traffic was running underneath?
Fucking Putin! Curse him!
24   Patrick   2018 Mar 16, 4:47pm  

It seems self-evident to me that race or gender should never be a factor in considering the employment of someone who could affect public safety.

Equally so, race or gender should never be a factor in disqualifying anyone.

Should be strictly non-racist and non-sexist competence. We just want the best person for the job, period.
25   Shaman   2018 Mar 16, 5:20pm  

Feux Follets says
Making shitty things that go bump in the night with hundreds of fatalities

Making EVERYTHING including your computer and the electrical grid that powers it! Men make the world! Why? Because women don’t want to do those jobs!
26   Tenpoundbass   2018 Mar 16, 5:22pm  

Saturday there was such a huge ceremony for this wonderful achievement my friend was under the impression it was opened.

This whole episode reeks of premature back patting, at the expense of real lives. A photo Opp and a construction milestone to bill for work poorly performed.
27   Bd6r   2018 Mar 16, 5:36pm  

rando says
Should be strictly non-racist and non-sexist competence. We just want the best person for the job, period.

Absolutely true, and sadly it is not the case. I'd hire a Martian if "it" would be more competent than human. Even more sadly, some people are willfully blind and do not see that hiring nowadays involves a large component which is unrelated to competence. Furthermore, if the competence is not the main decisive factor in hiring, it is logical to assume that hired persons who benefit from affirmative action are less competent than ones who had to fight affirmative action to get hired.
28   CBOEtrader   2018 Mar 16, 5:58pm  

We should do a walkout against female engineers.

People dont kill people. Female engineers kill people.

If you disagree w me, then you are putting politics above the live of these peaceful pedestrians... you nazis.
29   SoTex   2018 Mar 16, 10:14pm  

I was a pre-med even though I never had any intention of going to medical school. Germaphobe. I just declared that as my major because it contained the classes I wanted and sounded cool / got me laid and I was beating all the kids who did want to get into med-school.

I wound up tutoring a lot of the kids in my classes and hung out with them on weekends, at parties etc. Most were Hispanic and used to joke with me (because it was true) that they didn't have to raise their ~3.0 GPA or use Kaplan to study up for the MCAT or put any effort into their application letters because they were going to be let in easier given they were Hispanic. (City is >50% Hispanic)

Sort of scared the fuck out of me.
30   Tenpoundbass   2018 Mar 17, 6:33am  

Don't cross Liberal bridges don't go under them.
8 people in Miami did that Once!
31   theoakman   2018 Mar 17, 7:46am  

in general, the people who complain most about the women in STEM movement are the women were great scientists on their own without any help. They get pissed more than anyone when they see an incompetent person promoted because of their gender.

This article is a pretty good take on how the Women in STEM movement actually does do a lot of disservice to female scientists.


In particular, one of the user comments from a woman was very telling.

"'Only' 30% of STEM students are women? That's a lot. When you go to college, they actually let you CHOOSE your major. No one is complaining that 'only' 10% of education majors are men. People are doing what they want to do, and that's a good thing.
Also nothing wrong with women in STEM majors not working in STEM careers. I got a degree in Biochemistry and a minor in Physics. Because I wanted to. Now I stay home with my five kids. Because I want to. Stop acting like there is something wrong with women choosing what they want to do just because it's not what you want them to do."
32   Bd6r   2018 Mar 17, 10:54am  

Feux Follets says
ack to female STEM types and minorities. The True Story of “Hidden Figures,” the Forgotten Women Who Helped Win the Space Race

A new book and movie document the accomplishments of NASA’s black “human computers” whose work was at the heart of the country’s greatest battles.

When will PBS and Smithsonian report on thousands of mostly white and Asian males which are behind all Nobel prizes? It is well-known that nearly all lab work, for which someone gets a Nobel prize, is done by winners' graduate and postdoctoral students, who are "forgotten" just as much as the number crunchers in the above story. There are hundreds of them, yet they barely get a mention anywhere, other than in specialized publications. Yet neither PBS nor Smithsonian seems to be reporting on that. Wait, may be this reporting has something to do with prevalent ideology.
33   Bd6r   2018 Mar 17, 11:16am  

And lets try once more for people who are resistant to logic.

1. It is clear that in this country hiring/admission to schools is biased towards certain minorities. There is ample evidence for that, such as this for medical schools:

And here for universities: https://www.princeton.edu/~tje/files/webOpportunity%20Cost%20of%20Admission%20Preferences%20Espenshade%20Chung%20June%202005.pdf

Quote: African-American applicants receive the largest race/ethnic preference (by a factor of 5.5 over whites) followed by Hispanics. Asians experience the greatest disadvantage in admissions vis-a`-vis other comparable racial/ethnic groups, including those of other races. The odds of admission for Asians are nearly 30 percent lower than those of their white counterparts

What that says to me is that the average Asian in system will be more qualified that average white, who will be more qualified than average black person. This does not mean that ALL Asians or ALL whites will be more qualified, or all minorities will be less qualified, but statistically this should be true as there are smaller numbers of less-qualified Asians or whites accepted.

Are these admission policies discriminatory or not? If black, Hispanic, or female applicants would need to get higher scores to be accepted, would that be discrimination or not? Does this system results in lower trust of minority graduates or not? Should this system result in lower trust for minority graduates or not?

2. Given that a certain % of purchases have to be made from minority-controlled firms, is it possible that sometimes companies with worse track record are chosen? Is the fact that certain % of purchases have to be made from certain ethnicities discrimination of not? Would it be discrimination if certain % of purchases would have to be made from white Southerners and how that would be different? Is it possible that in case of Florida bridge, the construction company with previous record of bridge collapses was chosen because it is minority owned? Or, even more likely, because company was both minority owned and its owner was a member of old boys (persons) club who rubs shoulders with local politicians.
34   Shaman   2018 Mar 17, 11:26am  

Feux Follets says
Back to female STEM types and minorities. The True Story of “Hidden Figures,” the Forgotten Women Who Helped Win the Space Race

Did they get the jobs because they were black?
They got those jobs because they were good at math.
I saw that movie in theaters and enjoyed it. Certainly we owe a debt of gratitude to the women who made the space race possible.
35   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 17, 11:31am  

It's also important to remember that most of these women were "Human Calculators".

They were given numbers to crunch by the men, who knew for what purpose the numbers were being crunched.

It's like giving credit to the prep cook for the Chef-Owner's Michelin-rated restaurant.

"But I chopped the chives!"

The reason you're hearing about this story, and the story about the female calculators who worked with astronomers in the early 20th Century, is part of the "Women in STEM" propaganda campaign. Their role is quite ancillary to the discoveries and accomplishments that happened.

Additionally, the film was a lie. The black woman was already a supervisor in 1949, before the Space Race. And everybody used the White Bathroom for years, and years went by before anybody gave a shit about it.

Again, like praising the guy who runs the cement mixer and his supervisor, instead of the Architect who designed and oversaw the new crazy building (but hopefully not bridge).
36   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 17, 11:41am  

drB6 says
When will PBS and Smithsonian report on thousands of mostly white and Asian males which are behind all Nobel prizes? It is well-known that nearly all lab work, for which someone gets a Nobel prize, is done by winners' graduate and postdoctoral students, who are "forgotten" just as much as the number crunchers in the above story. There are hundreds of them, yet they barely get a mention anywhere, other than in specialized publications. Yet neither PBS nor Smithsonian seems to be reporting on that. Wait, may be this reporting has something to do with prevalent ideology.

Exactly. I gotta start reading threads in order instead of working backwards, totally missed this before I posted above.
37   MAGA   2018 Mar 17, 12:02pm  

georgeliberte says
Yes, but is collapsed in an artistic feminine sort of way. Score one for wonder woman.

Not just a woman but a woman of color. SJW's are celebrating.
38   MAGA   2018 Mar 17, 12:03pm  

H1-B engineers?
39   theoakman   2018 Mar 17, 5:57pm  

why don't you point out what exactly in the article that you object to instead of attacking the publication
40   theoakman   2018 Mar 17, 8:17pm  

Feux Follets says
theoakman says
why don't you point out what exactly in the article that you object to instead of attacking the publication

I object to the publication that is heavily biased, why don't you like minorities ?

I am a minority and married outside my race. .so did my parents. What's wrong with the article?

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