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bob2356 saysTake out Chicago, Baltimore, and Wilmington there would be no blue states in the top 20
Cherry picked point is cherry picked.
Take out all Democrat controlled inner cities and the gun homicide rate nationally is comparable to the UK and Australia per capita.
Vermont is a blue state and has very LOOSE gun crime statistics, much much lower than California per capita.
How do you explain that?
Vermont is sparsely populated with the only city center type town being a college town on the Canadian border.
errc saysVermont is sparsely populated with the only city center type town being a college town on the Canadian border.
Vermont has lots of gun nutters. One of the most active NRA chapters is in Vermont, and they can own Class III NFA items (not available in California or New York).
Lots of Democrats = Lots of gun homicide![]()
Goran_K sayserrc saysVermont is sparsely populated with the only city center type town being a college town on the Canadian border.
Vermont has lots of gun nutters. One of the most active NRA chapters is in Vermont, and they can own Class III NFA items (not available in California or New York).
Lots of Democrats = Lots of gun homicide![]()
You quoted what i said, which was absolutely correct, bizarrely responded by falsely claiming i was wrong when it is easily verifiable, and then went off on some off topic tangent
Burlington has less than 50k residents, most of which are college kids
You’d be l...
Glad Trump won, someone needed to stop left wing propaganda and their anti American views.
Only 37% of Americans have a favorable opinion of Democrats, down from 44% in March of this year. A majority, 54%, have an unfavorable view, matching their highest mark in polls from CNN and SSRS, CNN/ORC and CNN/USA Today/Gallup stretching back to 1992.
Just the damage Trump has done to the DNC and CNN's brand was all worth it.Everything else is icing on the cake.
The Democrat party has not seen lower opinion of its party according to Gallup EVER.
Funny that they're winning elections in Alabama, rural PA, and all over Virginia. What's it say about the Republican brand if they are losing the generic ballot by 10 pts?
against weak candidates
By weak candidates, you mean standard Republicans, endorsed by Trump?
So no response to the actual fact that where you find high populations of Democrats, you get sky high gun crime?
It is overall pretty complicated to figure out all the reasons, but good economy correlates more with lack of crime/shootings than gun restrictions or even party affiliation.
Special elections against weak candidates where the Democrat candidate was actually fairly moderate. I consider Conor Lamb a Joe Machin Democrat. Joe Machin voted for the "Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act ", and helped pass Trump's budget for fucks sake. Both support 2A, both support border security, both support immigration reform, both are not fervently anti-Trump. I have no problem with these "Democrats" holding office over some establishment Republican like Mccain or Flake.
is that really a win for leftist? I don't think so.
Also remember the DNC is the one that lost the most expensive House election of all-time.
2018 is the real barometer. So we'll see how the DNC will do when they are in debt, unable to attract donations, and have record low approval ratings.
I do not think that is the only variable. Austin, TX is very democratic and has little crime, so does El Paso TX - last one actually has one of lowest crime rates of big cities in US. Also, this shows that high gun concentrations does not mean high gun homicide rates - these are TX cities which means population is armed to teeth. One can also compare Chicago, IL with (politically purple and ethnically very mixed) Houston, TX which are about the same size. Heavily armed Houston has much less crime/shootings than Chicago with its gun restrictions.
It is overall pretty complicated to figure out all the reasons, but good economy correlates more with lack of crime/shootings than gun restrictions or even party affiliation.
Did you see how much Republicans spent in the PA special election?? $13.3MM+. And lost. In a district they enjoy a +20 advantage. That is so unbelievable you cannot try to lessen the impact. It's why Reps are privately shitting their pants.
Lamb supports Obamacare. And unions. And wants to protect pensions. And wants to reduce inequality. He's a Dem.
Again--Dems are +10 in the generic ballot. Midterms are looking very good. At least 50/50 they take over the House.
errc saysagainst weak candidates
By weak candidates, you mean standard Republicans, endorsed by Trump?
As long as they vote the right way when it counts, I don't care if they have a (D) or an (R) before their name, that's the difference between me and partisan big party types.
I'm not going to get into a troll trap.
If you can't answer the question of why all the heavy gun crime cities are Democrat dominated (and I'll be honest, most leftist wouldn't answer that question), then we can move on.
If you can't answer the question
Democrats/leftist are the most racist people in the country (fought to maintain slavery, formed the KKK, invented a new slavery via LBJ's "great society" movement, their entire identity politics platform).
I voted Democrat in every Presidential election until 2008
Don’t troll, and you won’t trap yourself.
I reject the premise that “all the heavy gun crime cities are Democrat dominated”. I was helping you clean that up, first. You cannot just posit something based on a failed premise, and then ask others why they cannot answer questions on the matter.
Did you learn about slavery, KKK and LBJ in 2008?
btw, keep your comments focused on topic, not the individual. I had to nuke another one of your comments.
I'm not telling you what to do, just enforcing rules
Goran continues to delete comments that do not violate the rules. When are you going to do anything about it?
When are you going to delete his comment with personal attack against me? I am still waiting. Please follow your own rules.
Since my comments are being deleted for no good reason, until you solve your moderator problem, I'll include @patrick in all my comments.
FP saysThat's what I wish too. So please restore my comment, which Goran deleted , and delete Goran's attack against me.
@FP Deleted comments are really gone, since backups happen at night.
Can you just repost it? Please do not make it about Goran or about any other user, or about all patrick.net users.
Tread lightly.
Yes, I discovered a lot of the dirtiness behind the DNC around that time. I saw Obama engage in one of the most race baiting campaigns I've ever seen a presidential candidate run. It made me wonder why I was part of the party. I did a lot of reading, and made the decision to leave the party.
Except moderators do indeed have the right to ask users to stop talking about other users.
Goran_K saysDemocrats/leftist are the most racist people in the country (fought to maintain slavery, formed the KKK, invented a new slavery via LBJ's "great society" movement, their entire identity politics platform).
Goran_K saysI voted Democrat in every Presidential election until 2008
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Accusing others of being child killers for disagreeing about gun rights -OR- suggesting disagreement can only stem from ignorance or racism or both. This form of bigotry is so deeply rooted into the psyche of the left that it becomes almost impossible to discuss a political topic w/o letting these direct personal attacks slip.
Our forum has become an interesting case study in the leftists psychology. It is the product of $billions worth of propaganda blasting soft minds with news, and nonstop Hollywood bigotry against wrongthink. The Nazi's would be jealous of the righteousness seen in today's left, and even more jealous of the glee with which the left today enacts its fascist, anti-wrongthink agenda