Landlords are social parasites

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2018 Apr 16, 9:31am   17,244 views  85 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Landlord of the year. Lol! Rofbhawuild! (Rolling on the floor, banging my head against the wall until I lose my deposit.) Who is it going to be? One who lets you have a pet? Some of my friends are landlords, and I’m sorry to say it, but they are going straight to hell too. Imagine how satisfyingly overcrowded the underworld must be with landlords; partitioning the seventh circle into seven more circles, charging each other extra for underfloor heating. The best thing you can say about them is that they are better than letting agents. But that’s like giving Stalin a humanitarian award for massacring fewer people than Genghis Khan. The fact is, they’re all rogue. Whether your landlord is a genial profiteer or an actual psychopath is the luck of the draw. Anyone can be one, if they have made enough money or inherited property, and those are two of the worst qualifications imaginable. Like anyone who thrives off the housing crisis, they are social parasites.

To be fair, the construction and maintenance of a building is productive work, so rent on a building should not be taxed at all.

But rent from mere non-productive ownership of land should be taxed at 100%. Owning land benefits no one and produces nothing.

Once we as a society learn to distinguish between productive work and non-productive rent-seeking, we will be much better off. But it's slow going. People seem remarkably resistant to the obvious fact that the building and the land are very different entities.

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32   Ceffer   2018 Apr 16, 2:43pm  

Social parasite sounds like an insect or bacteria. I prefer social predator, it's much more apex food-chainy.
33   Reality   2018 Apr 16, 3:11pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Fuck you ALL! Landlords are entitled to suck every last dime from humanity to create dynastic wealth that gives their great great grandkids the FREE!dom to do nothing forever except fuck AMERICA! in the ass every harder every fucking year.

Average landlords have to compete against one another in order to fill their units. Also, plenty landlords went bust in places like Detroit and Baltimore. In the next housing crash, we will likely see another wave of wannabe landlords going bust.

Politicians are far more likely to form dynasties, but they are a different class of "landlords" further up the food chain/pyramid. That's why most prominent commercial families eventually go into politics, when their offsprings form too expensive habits to compete effectively in the relatively free market place. If not for political machination, most wealthy families in a relatively free market economy would go through "shirt-sleaves-to-shirt-sleaves in three generations" when their offspring grow up with silver spoon in their mouths and fail to compete effectively in the market place.

A relatively free and competitive market place is the most effective way of "spreading wealth around," far more effective and more productive than the usual political interventions that involve the dead weight of bureacracy. Some people are born into wealthier families than others, just like some people are born better looking than others or taller than others. One can only be happy by embracing what himself/herself is born with and making the best of one's own advantages.
34   RWSGFY   2018 Apr 16, 3:38pm  

Patrick says
Landlord" conflates owning land with owning the building. They are very different things. Income from the building should not be taxed. Income from the land should be taxed 100%.

It's a pointless mental masturbation then. The owner of the land will gladly allow you to rent his parcel for free as long as you also pay rent for the building sitting on it. It will be the same monthly payment as you pay now. What exactly did we accomplish with this "reform" again?
35   RWSGFY   2018 Apr 16, 3:45pm  

Patrick says
Production should not be taxed. Stealing money from productive people's activity is what should be taxed.

Stealing is when the victim gets nothing in return. You do get to live in the house in exchange for the money your landlord "steals" from you, right?

It only becomes stealing when he keeps your security deposit for bogus "repairs".
36   bob2356   2018 Apr 16, 3:54pm  

Patrick says

There will still be landlords if the rent on the land is taxed 100% and the rent on the building is taxed at 0%.

Such a great system does exist somewhere called Hong Kong. It's not perfectly implemented, but the "ground rent" in Hong Kong is taxed very highly, and income is taxed at a very low rate, and it is a very prosperous economy.

Get it? It's not that hard. Should I try with another example.

There will still be plenty of landlords under Georgism, because rent on the building will not be taxed at all.

Huh? Hong Kong is leasehold. PRC owns all the land. There is no tax on the rent on the land. Why would china tax itself? That makes zero sense. Property taxes in HK are on the buldings. https://asiabc.co/guide-to-hk/taxation-accounting/property-tax-of-hong-kong-explained/

Are you saying the government should own all land? How is that not communism? No this example doesn't work for me at all.

WTF is rent on the land anyway? How do you differentiate land rent from building rent? If you took the ratio of assesed value land to building then taxed at 100% the percentage the rent that was land you wouldn't have any landlords. The ROI would be negative.

Want to give some nuts and bolts numbers on how this would work? Or is this a it's true because I say it's true discussion.
37   Malcolm   2018 Apr 16, 4:21pm  

Patrick as a follow up to my comment 29, I had a couple of more examples of the same thing. I think in a way you are expressing dissain for passive income versus earned income. While I understand it where would you draw the line on other investments?

Are you a social parasite if you have a capital gain on stock for instance or if you have a lot of savings that earn interest? If someone inherits money without working for it, are they a social parasite?

Like Bob, I’m also curious how you would differentiate between the structure and the land. if I have a vacant parcel of land and you want to rent it from me but you don’t want to do anything with it, the amount of rent you would pay would be almost nothing just to be able to say that you’re renting the land and not doing anything with it; but if someone owns land and they lease it to you because you want to start a dispensary collective, you are taking that land out of service and that person doesn’t have the use of it anymore so how can it be immoral in any way for a negotiated value of the use of the land for a growing operation?
38   Patrick   2018 Apr 16, 5:02pm  

No! It's not about passive income vs earned income.

It's about rent-seeking vs productive work or investment.

Malcolm says
Are you a social parasite if you have a capital gain on stock for instance or if you have a lot of savings that earn interest? If someone inherits money without working for it, are they a social parasite?

Not a social parasite in both cases, because you invested or worked in actual productive activity, or someone else did and traded with you, or gave it to you, in the case of inheritance.

Malcolm says
I’m also curious how you would differentiate between the structure and the land.

Lol, anyone can tell the difference between structure and land.

Malcolm says
how can it be immoral in any way for a negotiated value of the use of the land for a growing operation?

Because they are getting rent for doing less than nothing. Did they create the land? Did they buy the land from someone who created it No, and no.

They are just putting a chain across the river to extract tolls (see example above) and make everyone in the society except themselves worse off.
39   Patrick   2018 Apr 16, 5:14pm  

bob2356 says
Hong Kong is leasehold. PRC owns all the land. There is no tax on the rent on the land. Why would china tax itself? That makes zero sense.

Lol, you're agreeing with me! PRC owns the land, so you cannot profit from simply owning land. The profits from mere ownership of land go to the government. You have to do something useful with the land, not simply own it, to make a profit in China. The system we have in the US is that mere ownership gives you the right to steal from the rest of the economy without doing anything useful. Just sucking the blood of people who are creative enough to build something.

So is the Chinese system a failure? No one starts a business there because they cannot get rent from land?

Do you think non-productive rent-seeking is a good thing for an economy or a nation?

Remember that there are three factors of production, per Adam Smith: land, labor, and capital. This is just about land and not about capital, which is defined as things produced by men. Capital is buildings, machinery, intellectual property, things which were created with someone's sweat.

Capitalism and Georgism are perfectly compatible. In fact, much more compatible than the fake capitalism of non-productive rent-seeking.
40   RWSGFY   2018 Apr 16, 5:26pm  

Patrick says
The profits from mere ownership of land go to the government.

So the government is a "parasite" in this case, duh. Do you really prefer to have even more government foot on your neck that it's the case now? How this is not estatist?
41   Reality   2018 Apr 16, 5:40pm  

Patrick says
Did they create the land? Did they buy the land from someone who created it

In most modern urban and suburban areas, the answers would be yes and yes:

1. Much of the land in many of the most expensive cities in the world (and the US) are results of land-fills. Someone did make the land from sub-tidal mud flats or river/lake bottoms. Even more land plots are results of hill removals and gully filling.

2. (Previous) owners of land created the land plots by subdividing larger plots at one time into smaller plots. The legal process and surveying involved were/are not small costs. IIRC, George Washington was a land surveyor by profession (and landlord later in his career).

3. Landlords (both current and previous ones) also create and preserve land in serviceable condition by keeping other people from dumping chemical waste and other trash onto the land (so they don't become like sidewalks and subway stations in SF, you now, marks of "public land" in urban area). At the minimum, land maintenance often involve mowing, vine/tree removal; In extreme cases, like George Washington's, that defense/maintenance action involved fighting off a foreign army. Wouldn't you say guards and night-watchmen as having rendered labor service? Likewise if the landlord has hired guards, watchman, lawyers or gardener to take care of his land.

4. Landlords (both previous and current) also paid the bulk of the local taxes to have sustained the local governments that have provided the local services.

5. Landholdings, whether already developed or waiting to be developed, is also a form of investment stock-holding, although that seems to be a very costly form of holding as most locales now have property tax on land, and often at premium rate if not having a house on it.

Seems to me, divided ownership into many landlords would be far better than a centralized government-landlord (with more severe rent-seeking power in the hands of bureaucrats, unchecked by another landlord right down the street), even for tenants looking for land to use.
42   Reality   2018 Apr 16, 5:48pm  

Patrick says
You have to do something useful with the land, not simply own it, to make a profit in China. The system we have in the US is that mere ownership gives you the right to steal from the rest of the economy without doing anything useful. Just sucking the blood of people who are creative enough to build something.

Government bureaucrats control land use in China, and get far more rent-seeking profit from the developers simply because the land ownership is centralized. The blood sucking there is much worse than landlords in the US. Why else is a comparable apartment in Beijing, Shanghai or Hongkong much more expensive than one in NYC or SFBA, while the median labor income there are lower (significantly lower in some cases)? The builders there have to pay exorbitant land use fees that finance all the local governments and corruption.

What's interesting is that, private land ownership, i.e. dividing land ownership into many competing landowners, is the key to reducing rent-seeking via land monopoly.

Competition is the key to reducing rent-seeking, not centralized bureaucratic monopoly where the bureaucrats would be in an even stronger position to extract economic rent. Economic rent is not market rent per se, but monopolistic pricing power. What many see as unseemly rent-seeking in SFBA (and NYC) can be easily mitigated by relaxing building codes and allowing more supply; this is already happening in NYC: new constructions in recent years are collapsing rent price in that city.
43   bob2356   2018 Apr 16, 7:27pm  

Patrick says

Lol, you're agreeing with me! PRC owns the land, so you cannot profit from simply owning land. The profits from mere ownership of land go to the government. You have to do something useful with the land, not simply own it, to make a profit in China. The system we have in the US is that mere ownership gives you the right to steal from the rest of the economy without doing anything useful. Just sucking the blood of people who are creative enough to build something.

That makes less sense than the first iteration. How is the profits go to the government not communism? You have to do something with the land everywhere to make rental income unless you are running a primitive campground. How do you steal from the rest of the economy by mere ownership of land? How much rental income is an empty lot generating in the bay area these days?

Patrick says

So is the Chinese system a failure? No one starts a business there because they cannot get rent from land?

That makes even less sense. Businesses lease facilities. Are you saying no one starts a business in the US because of parasitic land lords? I didn't know that.

Still waiting for some real life numbers to support your case..
44   Patrick   2018 Apr 16, 7:43pm  

I'm saying that non-productive rent-seeking helps no one but the parasite, and harms whole countries. It is an evil we should eliminate.

Conversely, productive investment, work, and commerce help countries. We should not tax those activities.

bob2356 says
How is the profits go to the government not communism? You have to do something with the land everywhere to make rental income unless you are running a primitive campground. How do you steal from the rest of the economy by mere ownership of land? How much rental income is an empty lot generating in the bay area these days?

Communism is state control of capital. Land is not capital. Under Georgism, everyone is encouraged to be a capitalist and keep the result of their own investment, work, and savings.

You do not have to do anything with land to profit from owning it. You can simply let other people do all the work and sponge off of them by withholding it until you can sell for a large profit based on their work. And more importantly: based on all the public infrastructure around it.

You steal from the rest of the economy by monopolizing the only truly limited resource, which you did not create, so that others cannot use it without paying you.

Empty lots generate tons of income for their parasitical owners simply by increasing in value due to the work of others near the land.
45   MAGA   2018 Apr 16, 8:39pm  

In addition to Realtor's.
46   SoTex   2018 Apr 16, 8:55pm  

Well gee Pat thanks! You know, I like being a tenant sooo much I bought the company!

I may as well go buy some tobacco and alcohol stocks now...
47   Reality   2018 Apr 16, 9:07pm  

Patrick says
non-productive rent-seeking helps no one but the parasite, and harms whole countries. It is an evil we should eliminate.

It is important to remember in the process that we ought to avoid creating a new class of rent-seekers with even greater monopolistic pricing power (i.e. greater rent-seeking opportunity). Georgist may not consider land capital, but Communists certainly did, and they did take all land ownership under government and management under government bureaucrats (just as a Georgist policy would effectively result); the result of that centralized ownership was catastrophic: people stopped making improve/maintain to land, which in turn led to crop failures and mass starvation.

Even in American history, various utopian experiments in the 19th century and the original MayFlower Compact experience itself in the early 17th century showed that concentrated/collective land ownership must lead to disaster: as more than 50% of the MayFlower passengers starved to death in the first year as they farmed the land collectively. It was only after dividing up the land into small individual family plots that led to the first bumper crop harvest and Thanksgiving. People simply had zero incentive to improve collectively owned land. In fact, the nuclear family and agriculture (farming and herding animals) appeared in human history about the same time, around 10,000 years ago, perhaps because of precisely this new concept of private ownership, of land and of uterus content being from one single man instead of previously mistakenly thought of as being derived from all men who had ejaculated into that uterus. The private ownership created enormous incentive for each man to work the land, instead of focusing on humoring and conning the women for reproductive opportunity. Ever since then, every attempt at abolishing private/individual ownership led directly to reversion from civilization to primitivism; witness the modern urban ghetto phenomenon.

Empty lots generate tons of income for their parasitical owners simply by increasing in value due to the work of others near the land.

Let's not forget about opportunity cost. Leaving a SFBA lot empty for the last 30 years would have meant foregoing tons of rent income every year while having to pay property tax at the same time every year, not a winning strategy at all compared to building a house on the lot and renting it out (or parking the money in an index fund); holding an empty lot in Detroit for the last 30 years would have cost the owner almost the entire capital . . . the owner probably would have abandoned the empty lot a long time ago after skipping property tax.

It's easy to accuse the lottery winner of receiving unearned income, despite statistically buying lottery tickets is actually a losing game.

It would be a mistake to assume centralized government land management would result in better development than private/individual landownership; in fact, a centralized system would result in far greater rent-seeking by the government bureaucrats in charge, unchecked by a competing land owners just down the street.
48   dublin hillz   2018 Apr 17, 9:10am  

The problem cannot be resolved until parasites' assets are confiscated, they are stripped of passport and citizenship and deported on a red eye flight to nicaragua.
49   Strategist   2018 Apr 17, 9:26am  

Patrick says
To be fair, the construction and maintenance of a building is productive work, so rent on a building should not be taxed at all.

But rent from mere non-productive ownership of land should be taxed at 100%. Owning land benefits no one and produces nothing.

Patrick, you are being confusing here. If land is non-productive, it would be useless and there would be no rent collected on it. If you can build something on it, the land is automatically productive, serves a purpose, and a return on it can be expected.

Malcolm says
Are car rental places social parasites as well? Are hotels social parasites?

What about a parking lot in a major city? It's land with nothing on it, but very productive.

Philosophically, no human can own land, because the first piece of land ever to be sold was stolen property. It was never paid for.
50   Strategist   2018 Apr 17, 9:36am  

Strategist says

Philosophically, no human can own land, because the first piece of land ever to be sold was stolen property. It was never paid for.

All land belongs to all humans on this planet. Anyone should be allowed to lease it, based on fare market value, with the proceeds equally divided among 7 billion people. All proceeds from oil and mineral extraction would also be divided among 7 billion people.
Anything built on that land belongs to whoever built it, and deserves fair rent for it.
51   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 17, 9:39am  

bob2356 says
Ah the missing numbers have arrived, now I see how you can make an economic case based on such solid research. Like how much of the US economy is the profits on land sales and how it harms the whole country. But hey it's true, it's true.

The "No Numbers" argument employed again in the past few hours.

Like honor system voting: Everybody's on the honor system, and we don't check. Because we don't check, we have no numbers. Because we have no numbers, it doesn't exist and there's no reason to complain.

We don't count the money we weren't reimbursed, therefore we have no numerical data, therefore medical costs of illegals are no problem because there is no data on what we don't track.

If you can't find hard data on things that nobody tracks (purposefully), then all claims are floosh dismissed.

(Gee, maybe we should gather the information to see if there's some there, there.)
52   bob2356   2018 Apr 17, 9:40am  

Patrick says

To be fair, the construction and maintenance of a building is productive work, so rent on a building should not be taxed at all.

But rent from mere non-productive ownership of land should be taxed at 100%. Owning land benefits no one and produces nothing.

Let me get this straight. Land gets taxed, buildings don't. So your example of this working in action is Hong Kong where land has no tax and buildings are taxed. Am I missing something here?
53   bob2356   2018 Apr 17, 9:48am  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
We don't count the money we weren't reimbursed, therefore we have no numerical data, therefore medical costs of illegals are no problem because there is no data on what we don't track.

I damn sure count my money. How about you sell me your house and I'll give you a envelope full of money that I guess is the right amount and you won't count. You can call yourself reimbursed. Let me know when. Have faith.

There are plenty of numbers. Just because you don't want to accept them doesn't mean they aren't there. If you think the numbers are wrong present the correct numbers with something a little more substantial than I guess. I'll be waiting, and waiting, and waiting.
54   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 17, 10:08am  

bob2356 says
I damn sure count my money. How about you sell me your house and I'll give you a envelope full of money that I guess is the right amount and you won't count. You can call yourself reimbursed. Let me know when. Have faith.

Not at all what I am discussing.

It's more like the Swedish Government policy of not recording the Race of perps, in order to remove the claim that most of the violence is from migrants and non-Swedish ethnics.

"Well, we don't track how many rapes, grenade attacks, theft, etc. is by ethnicity anymore, so you can no longer say immigration and crime is linked! Gotcha!"

bob2356 says
There are plenty of numbers. Just because you don't want to accept them doesn't mean they aren't there. If you think the numbers are wrong present the correct numbers with something a little more substantial than I guess. I'll be waiting, and waiting, and waiting.

We've been over this several times, the hospital study admitted it did not track non-reimbursed expenses. It could be $10 or $10B. We have no idea, because they didn't account. You assume it's near 0. I suspect it's in the billions.
55   Patrick   2018 Apr 17, 10:39am  

Strategist says
If land is non-productive, it would be useless and there would be no rent collected on it.

I did not say that land itself is non-productive.

Mere ownership of land is obviously non-productive. Owning something is not the same as building something, right?
56   Patrick   2018 Apr 17, 10:47am  

Here's a bit more about the land value tax (LVT) in Hong Kong and Singapore:

The city-state Singapore, founded on Georgist tax principles, reached a tax rate on land of 16%. Hong Kong existed only on crown land, funding 4/5 of their budget with 2/5 of site Rent (Yu-Hung Hong, Landlines, 1999 March, Lincoln Inst., Cambridge, MA). The city uses land rent, not subsidy, to fund their new metro and in its suburbs grows much of its own food. Hong Kong enjoys low taxes, low prices, high investment, and often the highest per capita salaries. The city is often voted the world’s best city for business and the freest for residents.


I have a hard time parsing the current Hong Kong tax laws though. https://asiabc.co/guide-to-hk/taxation-accounting/property-tax-of-hong-kong-explained/
57   fdhfoiehfeoi   2018 Apr 17, 11:41am  

Patrick says
The key is that we have the power to tax non-productive rent-seeking at a much higher rate than the rate on productive work.

I'm gonna disagree, and use your methodology for better house buying experience against you. More information about which landlords are good, and which are scummy is what's needed. Government never fixes anything. They will certainly promise to, but end result will be more money for them, and same problems for you.

Need better ways to identify, and make widely known which landlords are scummy, free market will take care of the rest.
58   HeadSet   2018 Apr 17, 11:52am  

Communism is state control of capital. Land is not capital.

According to Marx, Communism is the elimination of private property. "Private Property" specifically includes land.

I am sure you all heard the quote "The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private property."
59   bob2356   2018 Apr 17, 11:59am  

TwoScoopsPlissken says

We've been over this several times, the hospital study admitted it did not track non-reimbursed expenses. It could be $10 or $10B. We have no idea, because they didn't account. You assume it's near 0. I suspect it's in the billions.

Now you are just being absurd as is bringing the subject into this thread. . Google uncompensated care instead of non reimbursed. There are tons of sources with the exact numbers along with the data sets and methodology. Now that the new CMS accounting rules for medicaid calculations are in effect the number will drop some going forward but it's an accounting change not a payment change. Just because you pretend something doesn't exist because you don't like it doesn't mean it really doesn't exist.
60   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 Apr 17, 12:05pm  

Seems to me that buying properties to lease out is like any business. The business owners put up money to buy capital equipment (property in this case), and rent it out, which provides a service that is bought on the open market. It's not fundamentally different than buying a machine that produces toothbrushes, and then operating the machine and selling toothbrushes.
In the case of land, the real value of the land (part of capital) generally doesn't appreciate or depreciate. It goes along with inflation. However, it might appreciate or depreciate markedly depending on the location, and this is a risk that the landlord faces as well as a potential upside.

You could tax the fuck out of land, but that would shift the cost benefit analysis of being a landlord, which would likely make buying a bit cheaper, and renting more expensive. Buyers might have a lower mortgage, but they would face higher taxes. It's hard to say how this would impact total cost to various individuals, but I would say that the total taxes on that segment go up, total costs would as well. Anyway, land is already taxed quite heavily. Taxes make up a significant portion of total ownership/rent costs in most places.

It's idiotic to buy land and not use it or rent it out, so there really are not many landlords who are buying just to speculate without utilizing the land.
61   Patrick   2018 Apr 17, 12:11pm  

NuttBoxer says
Patrick says
The key is that we have the power to tax non-productive rent-seeking at a much higher rate than the rate on productive work.

I'm gonna disagree, and use your methodology for better house buying experience against you. More information about which landlords are good, and which are scummy is what's needed. Government never fixes anything. They will certainly promise to, but end result will be more money for them, and same problems for you.

Need better ways to identify, and make widely known which landlords are scummy, free market will take care of the rest.

Landlords who build or maintain buildings are providing a service to the public. I don't think that's scummy at all. It's valuable work.

My point is only that merely owning land is not a service to anyone.

It's not fundamentally different than buying a machine that produces toothbrushes, and then operating the machine and selling toothbrushes.

No, it's fundamentally completely the opposite. A machine that produces toothbrushes was produced by someone's labor, and they should get compensated for that labor by the market, or by selling their machine, and they should not be taxed much or maybe not at all. People should get to keep most or all of the result of their own labor.

But land was not produced by anyone's labor. No one should be paid for simply extracting land-rent from the public. So land rent should be taxed very highly.

See the difference? Doing something productive vs doing nothing productive.
62   bob2356   2018 Apr 17, 12:13pm  

Patrick says
Hong Kong enjoys low taxes, low prices, high investment, and often the highest per capita salaries.

Really? It didn't make the top 20 last year. All those cities filled with parasitic land lords beat it.

63   Patrick   2018 Apr 17, 12:17pm  

HeadSet says
According to Marx, Communism is the elimination of private property. "Private Property" specifically includes land.

No, Communism is the "common ownership of the means of production", by which they mean both land and capital.

We should distinguish between land and capital. Land is land, easy enough (ok, there are edge cases where land gets created by human labor, but ignore that for now). Capital is everything produced by human labor: machines, buildings, software, etc.

Georgism would simply tax land very highly, and not tax labor or commerce at all. That it.

Some huge benefits:

* No one can hide land, and tax records are public, so all government income becomes clear.
* No one can escape paying the tax. If they are on land, they are directly or indirectly (via rent) paying the land value tax.
* We can eliminate the entire income tax and sales tax bureaucracy.
* It prevents the establishment of a hereditary aristocracy that monopolizes most land and in effect makes everyone else their servants.
64   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 Apr 17, 12:38pm  

Patrick says
But land was not produced by anyone's labor. No one should be paid for simply extracting land-rent from the public.

Land started with little value. To the extent that it has much value is based on how it was developed and what has been built around the land. Both the gain and loss in land value over time should go to the person who put their own savings at risk to help develop it. I find it quite ironic that you believe that being a landlord is a terrible deal in many markets, SF in particular, yet you think that landlords in these places are rent seekers and get too good of a deal. You think that owning land is such a bad deal that you won't even be your own landlord. Yet somehow, you think that owning land should be taxes more heavily.

Do you think that all land taxes should be increased or only taxes on people who are not using the land in a way that you approve?

There is a difference between something that is found in nature and something that is produced by a human. However, I'm not sure how this forms the basis for a good tax policy. You would presumably tax the shit out of all natural products, and lower taxes on all products that were made from human effort? What about things that are made by a machine using a natural resource such as oil to do the work? The machine is man made, but once it is paid for, the natural resource is doing the work. Do you think that tax policy should favor humans with a shovel over a mechanized digging machine? What about urban sprawl. Your tax plan punishes people who own land in expensive (urban) areas, and it favors people who live in rural (cheap) areas. Why do you think that this is a good tax policy?

Do you think that buying stocks is more 'righteous' than investing in real estate, even if you are just buying stock in a company who is in that business? Do you have similar disdain for people in the natural resources / mining business? After all, they are just selling something that was made by natural processes many years ago.
65   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 17, 12:48pm  

bob2356 says

It notice that the GDP per capita isn't adjusted by PPP.

Zurich is incredibly expensive for a huge range of goods and services. Hong Kong is world famous for cheap eats, shopping, services, etc.

Oslo also.

I really doubt you can get Chicken Soup, Dental Work, and a Haircut anything like the same price in Hong Kong. Nor are the taxes anything alike (goes for Zurich too)

Edit: I hope Bridgeport isn't Bridgeport, CT. That place is a goddamn shithole, a very neoliberal city with wealthy greenbelt and burbs, but absolutely blighted core.

Another thing I'd like to see: Same states Ex-Financial industry Salaries. Just to illustrate the wonderful, better-for-everybody world Neoliberals have created.
66   bob2356   2018 Apr 17, 12:55pm  

Patrick says
Georgism would simply tax land very highly, and not tax labor or commerce at all

How would land be taxed if it's owned by the government like hong kong and singapore? Tax by definition is when the government charges a private individual. Still makes zero sense. Are you saying the government owns the land and LEASES it? That's what HK does. I'm sure there would never be any corruption in government leasing. Just look at the DOD so see how it never happens.

Indonesia, Myanmar, and Laos are all leasehold in the same region. Why aren't they as wealthy as Honk Kong if georgism is the key to prosperity? Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea are freehold and much wealthier. Maybe, just maybe the whole rent seeking thing doesn't make much difference.

Patrick says
* We can eliminate the entire income tax and sales tax bureaucracy.

Want to calculate the land tax amount if it replaces income and sales tax in the us? Hint $3,650 per acre assuming every single acre is taxed. That would make mid west farmers with thousands of acres really happy. Back out all the government owned public land the number goes up to $5615 per acre. That would really be a help to family farms. Oh wait, we could set up a giant government bureaucracy to determine which land gets taxed how much. They could have 5 and 10 year plans. That sounds familiar for some reason.

BTW why does hong kong have income taxes, stamp taxes, and business taxes still?
67   Patrick   2018 Apr 17, 1:05pm  

bob2356 says
How would land be taxed if it's owned by the government like hong kong and singapore?

I'm not advocating government ownership of land, only higher taxes on land, and much lower income tax and sales tax. Same total tax most likely, only more efficient and fair economically.

bob2356 says
That would make mid west farmers with thousands of acres really happy. Back out all the government owned public land the number goes up to $5615 per acre. That would really be a help to family farms.

Obvious straw man. No one is suggesting that all land be taxed equally. It should be proportional to the value. But yes, another way we will pay the land vaule tax is via food, which we already do now to some degree.

bob2356 says
Why aren't they as wealthy as Honk Kong if georgism is the key to prosperity?

Again, a misrepresentation. I did not say that Georgism is the key to prosperity, only that it is economically efficient and fair.
68   bob2356   2018 Apr 17, 1:10pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says

It notice that the GDP per capita isn't adjusted by PPP.

PPP is the most bogus metric there is. By the time all the data is gathered it's useless.. There is a good reason anyone dealing in money uses Market Exchange and anyone dealing in the academic ivory tower world (ngo's, policy wonks, foundations, etc.) uses PPP. The big mac index is probably just as good if not better..

TwoScoopsPlissken says

Zurich is incredibly expensive for a huge range of goods and services. Hong Kong is world famous for cheap eats, shopping, services, etc.

and rents higher than London or Sydney.
69   bob2356   2018 Apr 17, 1:18pm  

Patrick says
Obvious straw man. No one is suggesting that all land be taxed equally. It should be proportional to the value. But yes, another way we will pay the land vaule tax is via food, which we already do now to some degree.

Why is the heart of the issue a straw man?. How much would the land tax have to be and who would pay what part of it is the ONLY issue that determines if georgism is economically efficient and fair. . WTF is a straw man about that? You keep coming back to it's true because I believe it should be true. Are you sure you aren't a college professor?

70   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 17, 1:23pm  

bob2356 says
PPP is the most bogus metric there is. By the time all the data is gathered it's useless.. There is a good reason anyone dealing in money uses Market Exchange and anyone dealing in the academic ivory tower world (ngo's, policy wonks, foundations, etc.) uses PPP. The big mac index is probably just as good if not better..

And raw GDP is also useless because of cost of living differences between developed countries. Yes, it's useful for figuring out Swaziland isn't Sweden, but not the relative advantages of living in either Sweden or Switzerland.
71   bob2356   2018 Apr 17, 1:48pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says

And raw GDP is also useless because of cost of living differences between developed countries. Yes, it's useful for figuring out Swaziland isn't Sweden, but not the relative advantages of living in either Sweden or Switzerland.

Anyone who can't figure out the relative advantages of living in either Sweden or Swaziland without PPP really shouldn't be moving.

Again, by the time PPP gets calculated it's at best a very rough guide. Economies and exchanges move too fast for PPP to work very well. There are also far too many local variables to account for. Stuff you have no clue makes a difference until you are on the ground. .I've seen how poor PPP is both personally while moving around the world and professionally when working with international medical recruiting. Go look at the PPP doctors salary calculations as an example.. They are absurd. So many factors aren't accounted for the chart is useless.

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