Iran Deal is Kaput

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2018 May 8, 10:43am   14,919 views  88 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

All but certain to happen?


Well, we found out Iran kept all it's nuclear bomb research, that the plan all along was to make at least five 10KT bombs (not nuclear power), and that memos said they were just waiting for the inspection regime to expire (which it does over the next few years).

The MSM is deceitfully claiming there's nothing but "Old News" even though they haven't seen the 100,000 docs that make up the raw intel. And other things, because the WH has said they have additional information aside from Bibi's Mossad that shows the Ayatollahs have been lying the whole time.

The Iranian Rial is now 42,000 - does this look like a strengthening economy and regime?

Printing money to prop up Hamas, the Houthis, and Hezbollah is not a winning economic strategy.

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20   bob2356   2018 May 8, 12:08pm  

TwoScoopsOfDragonEnergy says

Perhaps, but Saudi Arabia has turned the corner. The Prince formally announced they're ditching Wahabism and moving to moderate Islam, complete with actual steps towards reforming away from Fundamentalism

So starving 7 million people to death in Yemen is called moderate islam. Got it. I notce the steps towards reforming include jailing anyone who dissents. More moderate islam. How much funding has MBS cut from extremist run madras schools and radical mosques that act as terrorist recruiting and training stations around the world? Are they reforming away from Fundamentalism also? ROFLOL.
21   bob2356   2018 May 8, 12:11pm  

komputodo says
Oh shit, are we back on the brink of nuclear destruction again?

I guess we will know when trump reveals his well thought out plan of where we go next that I'm sure he has laid out in detail with our allies. I mean no one would be stupid enough to make such a big move without a plan for going forward. Would they?
22   socal2   2018 May 8, 12:14pm  

bob2356 says
So starving 7 million people to death in Yemen is called moderate islam. Got it. I notce the steps towards reforming include jailing anyone who dissents. More moderate islam. How much funding has MBS cut from extremist run madras schools and radical mosques that act as terrorist recruiting and training stations around the world? Are they reforming away from Fundamentalism also? ROFLOL.

They have a long way to go, but you have to be blind to discount these recent reforms:

- Allowing women to drive
- Allowing women to attend sporting events
- Allowing movie theaters
- Privatizing Aramco
- Negotiating with the Vatican to open up churches in Saudi Arabia
- Forging warmer ties to Israel

Yes its a very low bar, but that is par for the course for whack job theocracies like Iran and Saudi Arabia.
23   Tenpoundbass   2018 May 8, 12:23pm  

Trump shitting on Obama since 01/20/2017.
And all Obama can do is nit pick from the sidelines and act like he's still in charge from his Deep state command center just a mile from the White House.
To be so Chickenshit and have your legacy completely anialated by a man you dropped a mic and said would never be President. That's got to sting.
He might have to write another message to his Father. "Pa... dey done fucked muh leguhcee"
24   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 8, 1:05pm  

bob2356 says
So starving 7 million people to death in Yemen is called moderate islam. Got it. I notce the steps towards reforming include jailing anyone who dissents. More moderate islam. How much funding has MBS cut from extremist run madras schools and radical mosques that act as terrorist recruiting and training stations around the world? Are they reforming away from Fundamentalism also? ROFLOL.

Total Bullshit. The Houthis are rabid Shi'a radicals, not much better than ISIS. There is no evidence of widespread starvation campaign, outside of PressTV and RT.

Just because CNN and MSNBC lies their ass off, doesn't mean Sputnik or the Daily Star of Lebanon is telling the truth.
25   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 8, 1:08pm  

socal2 says
Yes its a very low bar, but that is par for the course for whack job theocracies like Iran and Saudi Arabia.

The whole reason Iran is in the shit is because the Shah moved too fast and too rough with the cultural modernization. The stuff MbS is doing already has widespread domestic support, esp. among the youth.

The Neoliberals fail because they want the Middle East to become San Francisco LGBTQ123ABC Liberals who moan Toxic Masculinity overnight. Just like they expect Islamist refugees to become Blue-haired Transgender Activists the moment they arrive in Stockholm.
26   Heraclitusstudent   2018 May 8, 1:18pm  

Satoshi_Nakamoto says
. Ah, the good old "nothing can be done, let's take this laying down" argument.

What is your "not laying down" idea? Just putting sanctions? Worked well so far, right?
Or are you proposing some kind of military attack?
27   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 8, 1:22pm  

Obama: "Iran is moderate, let's sign a deal."
Trump: "Iran is lying, they're still developing nukes. Goodbye Deal, Goobye!"
Iran: "DEATH TO AMERIKA! We will soon nuke THE GREAT SATAN!"
Obama: "I told you Iran was moderate."
28   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 8, 1:24pm  

180 days left, Europe. Get your shit together, or that Nestle chocolate is going to be turned back at Newark.

Hershey's is better, anyway.
29   LeonDurham   2018 May 8, 1:36pm  

How could this possibly go wrong?
30   Strategist   2018 May 8, 1:38pm  

bob2356 says
So starving 7 million people to death in Yemen is called moderate islam. Got it.

Starving 7 million people to death IS moderate Islam.
31   Strategist   2018 May 8, 1:41pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
Satoshi_Nakamoto says
Neither is keeping the deal. It was just a speedbump on the Iran's road to owning nukes.

A speed bump maybe the best you can hope for.

We need a dead end on Iran's road to owning nukes. Speed bumps won't work.
32   Strategist   2018 May 8, 1:46pm  

bob2356 says
I guess we will know when trump reveals his well thought out plan of where we go next that I'm sure he has laid out in detail with our allies. I mean no one would be stupid enough to make such a big move without a plan for going forward. Would they?

Trump has a plan. Severe sanctions on Iran until they cave in. If they start up their nuke program they will be sorry as hell.
Nukes in the hands of Islamic fanatics is not acceptable. Period.
33   Strategist   2018 May 8, 1:48pm  

Aphroman says

Is Islam suddenly compatible with our Western Democratic way of life, that prioritizes Liberal values like Liberty and Freedom? I must have missed the memo

You did not miss the memo. They are still dangerous Islamic fanatics, which is why they must be controlled until they are ready for democracy.
35   LeonDurham   2018 May 8, 2:10pm  

OK--so playing this forward:

US implements sanctions--Joe Q Public in Iran blames the US for their misery under sanctions since it was US that pulled out of deal and US that implemented sanctions
Iran immediately restarts nuclear program daring US to act.

Those two are neon light obvious. What is Trump's endgame strategy here? Invade Iran?
36   socal2   2018 May 8, 2:19pm  

LeonDurham says
What is Trump's endgame strategy here?

What was Obama's endgame?

We only saw Iran become more belligerent and expansionist into Syria and Lebanon after we signed the nuke deal.

The Iranian fuckers couldn't even stop their "Death to America" chants in 2016 when their boy Obama was still in power and recently gave the store away to Iran with the nuke deal.
37   LeonDurham   2018 May 8, 2:25pm  

socal2 says

What was Obama's endgame?

Whether you agree with the rationale or not, clearly his endgame was buying time.

So, what is Trumps?
38   socal2   2018 May 8, 2:33pm  

LeonDurham says
Whether you agree with the rationale or not, clearly his endgame was buying time.

Ah - kicking the can down the road while allowing Iran to become dominant in the Region along with Russia? That is some great time buying right there!

LeonDurham says
So, what is Trumps?

Probably similar to what he just achieved with North Korea using a combination of credible threats and carrots and ultimately getting them to come to the negotiation table for talks.

I'm willing to bet that North Korea (being one of the biggest weapons and nuke proliferators in the world) can provide the US with some handy information on Iran's program. In fact, they may already be doing it based on the recent airstrikes on Iranian camps and weapon's depot in Syria.
39   socal2   2018 May 8, 2:37pm  

Whoa - what's this?

"Iran can restart uranium enrichment 'without any limitations': Rouhani"

I thought all of the Obama fanboys were telling us that the great thing about the Iran deal is that it would take months and years for Iran to begin uranium enrichment again?

Are you telling me this entire deal was based primarily on trusting Iran's willingness to not do things?
40   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 8, 2:57pm  

LeonDurham says

US implements sanctions--Joe Q Public in Iran blames the US for their misery under sanctions since it was US that pulled out of deal and US that implemented sanctions
Iran immediately restarts nuclear program daring US to act.

Problem is Iranian TV showed the pallets of cash from the apologizing President Frantz Fanon of the Great Satan unloaded by Cargo Plane, one after the other.

Few in Iran blames the USA, they blame the Mullahs. The Mullahs can't even make payments to their rural based militias because they spent it all in Syria, Yemen, Gaza, and Lebanon. People in Iran no longer buy the Mullah's attempts at distraction, and believe they are the obstacle to structural reform.
41   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 8, 2:58pm  

socal2 says
Ah - kicking the can down the road while allowing Iran to become dominant in the Region along with Russia? That is some great time buying right there!

That sounds like our former North Korea policy.

Funny, the same nay-sayers over North Korea are transferring the same Nay Say Talking points to Iran now.

Obama thought he "understood" the third world because his absentee father was a Kenyan Marxist, plus Ayers and his Left Wing Professors. He didn't understand jack shit except Western Liberal Guilt.

Maybe a realist foreign policy is better than the previous policies.
42   Goran_K   2018 May 8, 3:06pm  

Tenpoundbass says
That Soros family just can't catch a break.

The only break they should catch should be on their necks, from a rope, after being pushed off a stool.
43   Heraclitusstudent   2018 May 8, 3:44pm  

Strategist says
Trump has a plan. Severe sanctions on Iran until they cave in. If they start up their nuke program they will be sorry as hell.

You think you can bully the world into submission? You guys are naive dreamers. Maybe if you were the galactic empire you could. Just kill and torture non compliant people.

But you haven't really what it takes.

Iran was busy building bombs under previous sanctions. This is exactly the reason why there was a deal to start with. Iran has one clear bargaining chip: they can build a bomb until Trump caves in. That's exactly what they are going to do.
44   lostand confused   2018 May 8, 3:44pm  

I really like this president-now only thing on my bucket list-Sessions, Mueler and Rosentein.
45   Heraclitusstudent   2018 May 8, 3:46pm  

Goran_K says
The only break they should catch should be on their necks, from a rope, after being pushed off a stool.

Yeah let's hang people we disagree with.
The leftists are nazis right?
46   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 8, 3:51pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
Iran was busy building bombs under previous sanctions. This is exactly the reason why there was a deal to start with. Iran has one clear bargaining chip: they can build a bomb until Trump caves in. That's exactly what they are going to do.

Assuming the regime lasts long enough - and they're damned short of cash. The Rial is getting hammered.
47   Heraclitusstudent   2018 May 8, 3:52pm  

socal2 says
Ah - kicking the can down the road while allowing Iran to become dominant in the Region along with Russia? That is some great time buying right there!

Oh yeah, because Iran is not in fact the regional power with allies all over the place ranging from Russia, (and probably China), Iraq (thanks for Bush), Syria, Houthis in Yemen, and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

They're gonna leave Syria because of sanctions - in your dreams.
48   Heraclitusstudent   2018 May 8, 3:56pm  

TwoScoopsOfDragonEnergy says
Hershey's is better, anyway.

Can't believe you said that. Hershey is one sorry excuse of a chocolate.
49   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 8, 3:57pm  

Has the countdown to the collapse of the Islamic Republic of Iran begun? Or can the theocratic regime reform and survive? Iranians from all walks of life are raising such fundamental questions with intensity these days, in the belief that an overhaul of the ruling system is inevitable in the not-too-distant future. “We have reached a dead-end,” says one businessman. “The problem is that if the Islamic Republic reforms itself, nothing would remain of it. And if it refuses to reform itself, it would die.”

In my two decades of reporting on Iran for the Financial Times, I cannot recall such high a level of anxiety and disappointment among the business community, politicians, artists and ordinary people; all are concerned that reform in any field, from economic and social issues to domestic and foreign policy, might never happen. Public perception is even gloomier than the reality: “It is not only me [who is] completely hopeless. All my customers are down and depressed,” says Sheida, a young woman who works in a beauty salon. “We are doomed in this country.”
50   Heraclitusstudent   2018 May 8, 3:59pm  

TwoScoopsOfDragonEnergy says
Funny, the same nay-sayers over North Korea are transferring the same Nay Say Talking points to Iran now.

Careful there: nothing has been achieved in NK. For all we know, KJU is leading Trump on a wild goose chase while dividing him from SK.
51   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 8, 4:05pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
Careful there: nothing has been achieved in NK. For all we know, KJU is leading Trump on a wild goose chase while dividing him from SK.

Not at all. The intent to proceed with both denuclearization and a formal end to the Korean War has already been signed, the Media is simply pooh-poohing it. The South Koreans are elated and both President Moon and the Foreign Minister have lavished praise on Trump. Pompeo is on his way back to North Korea right now.

Nothing close to this has ever been achieved in 68 years. The goal is incremental disarmament, and the sanctions will disappear in stages. The opposite of Obama tactics, where the goodies are delivered up front but the enforcement dies away quickly.
52   LeonDurham   2018 May 8, 4:15pm  

socal2 says

Ah - kicking the can down the road while allowing Iran to become dominant in the Region along with Russia? That is some great time buying right there!

Yes, keeping Iran nuclear weapon free until a Western Government takes over.

socal2 says

Probably similar to what he just achieved with North Korea using a combination of credible threats and carrots and ultimately getting them to come to the negotiation table for talks.

lol--so his endgame is what Obama already accomplished then?
53   LeonDurham   2018 May 8, 4:16pm  

TwoScoopsOfDragonEnergy says
Few in Iran blames the USA, they blame the Mullahs. The Mullahs can't even make payments to their rural based militias because they spent it all in Syria, Yemen, Gaza, and Lebanon. People in Iran no longer buy the Mullah's attempts at distraction, and believe they are the obstacle to structural reform.

You mean few in Iran used to blame the USA. After Trump's moves, I imagine that opinion has changed. They respected Obama--I doubt the same is true of Trump.
54   Heraclitusstudent   2018 May 8, 4:17pm  

TwoScoopsOfDragonEnergy says
The goal is incremental disarmament, and the sanctions will disappear in stages. The opposite of Obama tactics, where the goodies are delivered up front but the enforcement dies away quickly.

Even if they were ready to remove nuclear weapons, you are talking of delivering goodies just to go back to the original standoff that existed for the past 68 yrs proving they were right to develop these weapons.
And who knows maybe next leader will decide to start a nuclear weapons once again.
Or maybe the next president will be a new Obama. i.e they have time. Trump doesn't.
55   LeonDurham   2018 May 8, 4:19pm  

TwoScoopsOfDragonEnergy says

That sounds like our former North Korea policy.

You mean except for the part about securing a deal to keep Iran nuclear weapon free?

TwoScoopsOfDragonEnergy says
Maybe a realist foreign policy is better than the previous policies.

lol--you guys are hilarious You all panned Obama for talking with Iran and negotiating a deal. Now Trump is a God for copying that strategy with N. Korea.
56   Heraclitusstudent   2018 May 8, 4:21pm  

TwoScoopsOfDragonEnergy says
Has the countdown to the collapse of the Islamic Republic of Iran begun? Or can the theocratic regime reform and survive?

We have a great record at regime change, and especially forcing those with sanctions. Cuba? Venezuela? Iraq? Russia?
57   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 8, 4:42pm  

LeonDurham says
lol--you guys are hilarious You all panned Obama for talking with Iran and negotiating a deal. Now Trump is a God for copying that strategy with N. Korea.

Oh? Trump is sending pallets of Cash to North Korea?

The plan is already outlined - as milestones are hit, sanctions are removed. The exact OPPOSITE of Obama, which should have been total inspection, and for every year of 100% certified no nukes, some sanctions disappeared and some frozen money was returned. Obama's deal was all front-loaded.

Trumps performance is far more impressive, he's moving towards getting a country that already has nukes to denuclearize AND stop both that and ballistic testing as a sign of good faith; Obama traded away everything for an anemic inspection regime that was just proven inadequate, and NO restrictions on ballistic missile dev, giving the money and sanction relief up front.
58   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 8, 5:01pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
We have a great record at regime change, and especially forcing those with sanctions. Cuba? Venezuela? Iraq? Russia?

3 of those 4 trade with the rest of the world, so US only sanctions won't work well. 1 of them was hardly sanctioned as the Europeans and Arabs undermined everything and Clinton didn't want to risk all his neoliberal treaties in enforcing them.

The difference with Iran is that in 180 days, anybody who doesn't sanction Iran won't be allowed to sell in the US.
59   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 May 8, 5:10pm  

The Trump cheerleaders are very optimistic. It feels like we are 20 minutes into the Trump/NK movie, and the Trump/Iran movie just started. You guys are all claiming victory before the opening credits fade away. I'm not rooting for failure, but I just cannot muster the confidence in Supreme leader.
All I see is more evidence of a bought off corrupt guy who is faking it 'til he makes it, so the best hope is that the world just waits him out and he doesn't fuck things up permanently.

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