Trump's political influence is expanding in Europe

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2018 Aug 26, 12:21pm   6,291 views  8 comments

by marcus   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  

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1   Tenpoundbass   2018 Aug 26, 2:42pm  

Really Marcus are you really that disingenuous?

There's what all of 8 or 9 people there. And you're going to fear monger that everyone that doesn't want to be crushed under the Globalist might, and replaced with amicable cheap black Social Dole recipients? You're going to liable and slander everyone one that is fed up with Socialist status quo as Nazis? Those are LARPers! Most likeley funded and arranged by George Soros. You can always tell the phonies. the real deal gets bricks, and urine bottles up beside the head. Not a fawning press corp.
You and I both know that if those were really any part of the electorate or voting bloc they would be hauled away and put in the Tommy Robinson jail. After the Antifa kicked the shit out of them.
You know that right? You're just trying us aren't you?
2   curious2   2018 Aug 26, 2:54pm  

Tenpoundbass says
Marcus are you really that disingenuous?

It's only trolling as usual; in this case, a post ostensibly about a guy whose grandchildren are Jewish is actually about something else entirely. The OP posts and comments tend to show an emotional obsession with attention/ignorance, i.e. trolling for attention as if that were a reward and withholding attention as if that were some sort of punishment.
3   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 26, 5:21pm  

Tenpoundbass says
Really Marcus are you really that disingenuous?

Grenade attacks are now a regular event in Sweden, as are riots and arsons. They're done mostly for criminal purposes between gangs of beloved Refugees fighting over drug and cig smuggling.

But we're supposed to think Sweden, where this kind of shit was unheard of 15-20 years ago, it going to pot for half a dozen neo-nazis.
4   marcus   2018 Aug 27, 6:23am  

Tenpoundbass says
Really Marcus are you really that disingenuous?

Actually, I have to admit that curius2 is right about one thing, that it was a troll. I thought I would try your technique (what you constantly with the word liberals) with Trump supporters. If I understand your response, is it to defend that the protesters aren't neo nazis ?

But yeah the connection to Trump supporters was a total troll. I don't remember the last time I posted a total troll post, it was probably years ago.. Hell, even my regular comments aren't that frequent anymore.

curious2 says
show an emotional obsession with attention/ignorance

I see you can't miss a chance after all these years to spew your hate and inability to forgive me for the couple times I politely corrected intellectual mistakes you made. Sad. But thank you for at least not constantly stalking me like you used to. At least you've learned to control those impulses a little.
5   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 27, 10:38am  

RafiMaas says
What proof do you offer that gernade attacks are being perpetrated by refugees? The Swedish Mafia has been on the rise since at least 2007.

You answered your own question.

Why, after decades of unlimited Explicit Porn and decriminalized Drugs, are there suddenly rapist, grenade tossing White Male Swedes? During a time where there is an aging demographic marked by very few young Swedish adults, no less?

There was literally ONE Grenade hijacking and ONE grenade possession during the entire 90s in Sweden. One was a Muslim hijacker, the other was a Neo-Nazi who had a grenade. The whole decade, nothing. But starting in 2002...

2015 was the peak year so far and most of the attacks were in Gothenburg and Malmo - migrant neighborhoods, specifically.

Why are these Grenade attacks happening in migrant areas and not White Working Class zones?

If it was demographic, the peak time for natives involved in crime, drug dealing, murder was the mid 80s to mid 90s in Europe. Manchester nightclubs in the UK were infamous.
6   Bd6r   2018 Aug 27, 2:21pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
Why are these Grenade attacks happening in migrant areas and not White Working Class zones?

Because of White Privilege of course. White neighborhoods are shielded by this "white privilege" force-field which deflects grenades into immigrant neighborhoods.
7   Shaman   2018 Aug 27, 3:35pm  

When grenades are banned, only migrants will have grenades.
Or something.
8   Bd6r   2018 Aug 27, 3:37pm  

RafiMaas says
Yes but migrating from where? Former communist countries?

I think one can blame the damn Finns and Norwegians - they brought the grenade culture from their respective countries. Definitely not Syrians, Afghans, or Iraqis - they are a well-known peaceful bunch. Picture below shows number of immigrants from respective country in Sweden

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