With the pastor grabbing her tits and Bill Clinton's head up her dress, she barely had time to sing about how great it was Aretha got knocked up at 15.
Too funny. But everybody who has been on stage at least a couple of times, delivering a speech to many spectators and listeners, knows that the issue you think least about in such a situation honoring somebody is at what height your hands are. There's a 86.75 % chance the pastor is entirely innocent. As long as he doesn't grope into her decollete or into her crotch it's alright by me. If you're a public figure, male or female and want to avoid any touch too close to be comfortable, then you should declare that fact beforehand and just perform without being honored one on one, but instead from afar after your performance. Another example, the French and Italians and Spanish may kiss you on your lips and some may not like that. Just prepare beforehand and let people know, not too hard and certainly not too much to ask. For comparison in some islamic countries you can't tell them you're not comfortable yielding to donkeys - even if you're Arianna Grande -, you just have to to avoid bodily harm. See how easy it is to avoid being harmed in Western countries then...
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