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There are lots of studies that show that what women find most attractive in men is confidence and dominance, because those are the traits of men who were able to protect women and children, and for women, protection comes before all else, even money.
Money is significant, but not essential. Mass murderers get love letters in jail, which makes sense. Mass murderers are confident and dominant enough to kill people, and that's what she's looking for.
A lot of this stuff makes much more sense in evolutionary terms. What traits in a mate are most likely ensure that your genes get passed on to future generations? Attraction to those traits (beauty for women, dominance for men) gets selected for, and all the whining in the world won't change it.
Women are, in general, not happy that they are women.
The biggest male privilege is biological - and real. It is all about pregnancy. Men never have to worry about periods or knock ups.. And when a couple desires a baby, it is the woman whose body goes through the stress and changes of childbirth and nursing, while the man gets just as much genetic input into the child as the lady doing all the work. If you break down the arguments, this is the real essence of those who disdain men and their "privilege."
Booger says
This is why marriage is on the decline.
I'm in a healthy and stable relationship of many years, we live together and share our lives. I adore her and trust her and don't want for anything more or different from a partner.
However, I am not going to ask for marriage. Because..... why even take the risk? The stakes are way too high and the consequences are life-destroying. Statistically speaking, and especially in this state, if anything did go sour, the male is likely to get seriously boned.
I'm in a healthy and stable relationship of many years, we live together and share our lives. I adore her and trust her and don't want for anything more or different from a partner.
However, I am not going to ask for marriage. Because..... why even take the risk? The stakes are way too high and the consequences are life-destroying. Statistically speaking, and especially in this state, if anything did go sour, the male is likely to get seriously boned.
If you have any inkling of a concern that your partner could EVER potentially fuck you over, I'd run now.
1. a virgin
2. cooking, cleaning, childcare
3. respect as the breadwinner
Nowadays, men may not even speak those expectations, much less expect them. Women are generally not virgins at marriage anymore, they resent even the suggestion that their traditional jobs should indeed still be their jobs, and they can make their own incomes.
What's in it for the man now? Nothing at all. Feminism has successfully killed marriage.
90 days.
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Using Hijab as a symbol of the Women's March: This garment is a symbol of FREEDOM! for Women.
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