The Last Straw: Cancelled my ACLU Membership

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2018 Oct 4, 6:12pm   5,964 views  33 comments

by cmdrda2leak   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

(I have been a monthly contributing member to ACLU for approximately 2 decades.)

The penultimate straw:


At a time when my city is a disaster zone because of violence and crime, the police department finally gets on top of cracking down on thugs and drug dealers only to be attacked by ACLU pushing more fake race hate fears. It is bad enough to see the deterioration around here and to hear ordinary people and families plea for the city to do something about the lawlessness, but to have ACLU try to racialize an issue of safety and crime is salt on the wound.

The final straw: this email I received about an ACLU press release a couple days ago:

Imagine an America in which a man who has sexually assaulted women sits on the highest court, wielding the power to judge the whole nation.

Fewer than 24 hours after Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's testimony accusing Judge Kavanaugh of sexual assault, the Senate Judiciary Committee decided to plow through the confirmation process and vote to confirm him as our next Supreme Court Justice. At the eleventh hour, senators finally agreed to move forward with an FBI investigation before the full Senate vote.

But Thursday's hearing, along with the inadequate investigation of the allegations of sexual misconduct have made this much clear: Kavanaugh cannot sit on the highest court of the land.

We have high standards for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. That standard is not met when there are credible allegations of sexual assault against a nominee. The burden of proof is on the nominee -- and Judge Kavanaugh has thus far failed to prove himself fit to serve.

Our elected leaders are willing to more fully investigate the nominee for this lifetime appointment. This is the direct result of courageous people who've demanded justice. We the people will keep fighting back with everything we have. We're mobilizing the full force of the ACLU -- with millions of supporters like you -- to stop the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

The ACLU has argued in front of the Supreme Court more than any other private organization in our nearly 100-year history -- so we don't take this lightly. After hearing from both him and Dr. Blasey Ford, it became strikingly clear that this is not someone who can sit on the highest court for life and make decisions about our civil rights and liberties for generations to come. And he is certainly not someone who should be allowed to rule on the rights women have over their own bodies.

Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee have shown us they don't take sexual assault allegations seriously, but we do. We must remind senators that they work for us -- and that we, the people, will not accept Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court Justice.

Dr. Blasey Ford put everything on the line to perform her civic duty. Let that be an inspiration, because it's going to take every single one of us to stop Kavanaugh from sitting on the highest court of the land. Before the vote goes to the full Senate -- expected in just a week -- we're going to give this everything we've got. Stay tuned for more ways to fight back.

Thanks for raising your voice,

Anthony D. Romero
ACLU Executive Director

my response:

Subject: SCOTUS nomination: Please Take the High Road

I was very disappointed to read that ACLU has issued press releases about the SCOTUS nominee Kavanaugh prior to credible evidence or outcomes of investigations being available.

ACLU should be about rights, due process, and evidence-based postitions.

I have supported ACLU for years because ACLU does not take partisan positions and advocates for our legal rights.

I am not a fan of this SCOTUS nominee. However, if he is ill-equipped, he should be dismissed on merit, not on the basis of heresay.

I am very, very disappointed to see the ACLU become party to the heresay machine. The outcome does not justify the means if that means abrogating the PRINCIPLES of the ACLU.

Please cancel my membership and monthly contribution auto-renewal.

With sincerity,

Comments 1 - 33 of 33        Search these comments

1   lostand confused   2018 Oct 4, 6:29pm  

The ACLU has gone leftoid, Dershowitz was saying it is because o ffunding-mostly leftoids/holly wood fund it-as Tom Cruise in jerry Maguire said,"Show me the money".
2   Ceffer   2018 Oct 4, 6:45pm  

It's called 'capture'. ACLU has been captured by the psychopath leftist propaganda machine.
3   Automan Empire   2018 Oct 4, 6:46pm  

Pretty shocked the ACLU of all organizations is taking this stand.

Hopefully by this time next week this issue will be settled. I'll be shocked if those who were most vocal actually issue commensurate apologies or walkbacks for believing what they did based on... nothing.
4   curious2   2018 Oct 4, 7:25pm  

Automan Empire says
Pretty shocked the ACLU of all organizations is taking this stand.

Abandoning the presumption of innocence is a really surprising position for the ACLU. They might privately imagine they have an opportunity maybe conceivably to get a more favorable nominee next year, if Democrats regain the Senate, but the stated rationale does not match their record.

Then again, their record has changed a lot lately, as they have chosen to promote Islamic Hijrah. (Islamic Hijrah has a totally different meaning from the seemingly similar Hindu word Hijra, which I could imagine the ACLU reasonably supporting. Islamic Hijrah results in killing Hindu Hijras.)
5   Tenpoundbass   2018 Oct 4, 7:41pm  

Their Credibility is buried under 5 tons of pure San Francisco Street Shit.
I trust Gas Station Sushi during a power outage more than I trust anything the Evil Fucks at the AfuckingCLU has to Say.

They are a defunct organization that will no longer hold water in a post Obama court. They have sold their Souls!
now begone!
6   Shaman   2018 Oct 4, 7:53pm  

They sold their soul to Soros for thirty pieces of silver. It’s their own fault if they get a Judas rep out of it.
7   curious2   2018 Oct 4, 7:59pm  

TrumpingTits says
Next best thing for the GOP than a 6-3 majority is a 5-3 one. What I mean is: The GOP doesn't have to offer a nominee at all and the court can just keep on a truckin'

You're using logic. That's not allowed.

Also, the President might really prefer to have another of his own appointees. He would likely trust his older sister, who is a federal appellate judge, to recommend someone.
8   Ceffer   2018 Oct 4, 8:02pm  

Well, it's egregious enough to explore whether it's fake news to elicit knee jerk reactions against the ACLU. If it isn't. holy moly.
9   cmdrda2leak   2018 Oct 4, 8:41pm  

Ceffer says
Well, it's egregious enough to explore whether it's fake news to elicit knee jerk reactions against the ACLU. If it isn't. holy moly.

Well, the ACLU stance on the SCOTUS confirmation proceedings definitely isn't "fake news". It is primary source material (it is a letter to me from the ACLU. and it does not appear forged). The lawsuit against the SFPD might be misinformation, I certainly wouldn't put it past SF Gate to neglect to fact check (or even spell check) their articles.
10   NDrLoR   2018 Oct 4, 8:48pm  

Quigley says
They sold their soul to Soros for thirty pieces of silver
He paid too much.
11   mell   2018 Oct 4, 9:42pm  

cmdrdataleak says
(I have been a monthly contributing member to ACLU for approximately 2 decades.)

The penultimate straw:


At a time when my city is a disaster zone because of violence and crime, the police department finally gets on top of cracking down on thugs and drug dealers only to be attacked by ACLU pushing more fake race hate fears. It is bad enough to see the deterioration around here and to hear ordinary people and families plea for the city to do something about the lawlessness, but to have ACLU try to racialize an issue of safety and crime is salt on the wound.

The final straw: this email I received about an ACLU press release a couple days ago:

Imagine an America in which a man who has s...

I have been living in SF for many years and commend you for taking that step. Well written response.
12   Goran_K   2018 Oct 4, 9:59pm  

Good for you! That shows growth.
14   clambo   2018 Oct 5, 4:29am  

The letter written to the ACLU "Please cancel me and stop billing me" will not work.

You will now have to go deep into your credit card, pay pal or bank accounts and click a bunch of stuff to stop them billing you.

Better to ask for a refund just for laughs. You won't get one of course.
15   cmdrda2leak   2018 Oct 5, 8:05am  

clambo says
The letter written to the ACLU "Please cancel me and stop billing me" will not work.

You will now have to go deep into your credit card, pay pal or bank accounts and click a bunch of stuff to stop them billing you.

Thanks for the tip, I'll keep an eye on my statement.

The worst thing about this is that we really need an organization or three with ACLU's ostensible mission. Namely, advocating for the defense and expression of our rights enshrined in the Constitution, regardless of political weather, popular fashion, or cults of personality. When they're rotting from within, this is one safety net fewer for us all.
16   Patrick   2018 Oct 5, 8:13am  

curious2 says
Abandoning the presumption of innocence is a really surprising position for the ACLU.

This is really the core issue. There was no trial, and essentially no evidence, and yet the ACLU has "convicted" Kavanaugh. WTF?

It's right up there with the NY Times appointing an overt anti-white racist to their editorial board. Again, WTF?

A third sign of the moral decay of the left is the Southern Poverty Law Center accusing people like Ron Paul of being "racist". Third WTF. C'mon, Ron Paul is a bit wacky, but in no way a racist, not even remotely.

All of the vanguard institutions of the left are proving themselves incapable of taking a truly principled stand anymore.
17   Tenpoundbass   2018 Oct 5, 8:16am  

curious2 says
"ACLU Formally Opposes Kavanaugh, Citing Credible Sexual Assault Allegations & Partisan Temperament"

Yeah I was listening to Sanctimonious Chuck good old Sanctimonious Chuck pissing and whining this morning about how unfair it was for Matt Kavanaugh to squirm and not take the Democrat's smear against him like a Cuck.

The Democrats can be as uncivil as they desire, but HOW DARE YOU to resist their smear dishonest antics.

Most shameful thing Schmuck Shyster ever said.

What a fucking putz him and that Creepy protege of his Anthony Weinner that showed his dick to underage girls Where was Chucks outrage then?

Oh that's right he was mad that it was a big fucking deal that ended up upending Hillary Clinton's Presidential chances. Low grade phony bitches!
18   HeadSet   2018 Oct 5, 9:53am  

All of the vanguard institutions of the left are proving themselves incapable of taking a truly principled stand anymore.

Now that is an interesting point. I noticed how some patnetters are claiming that this blog has "moved to the right."

Maybe the patnetters are essentially the same, but the "left" has changed. For example, I do not think people have stopped believing in equal rights for all, private sector unions, Social Security, a true safety net, and so on. What is disagreed with is the left's support of wide open borders and the current guilty because accused treatment.of Kavanaugh.

The issue is not that anyone believes molesting is OK, they just do not like someone being determined a perp without any proof or corroboration. Has a left leaning person "moved right" because he disagrees with the character assassination of labeling a man a "rapist" because of unsubstantiated claims made by a discredited accuser? And called a "drunk" based on activities, if they occurred at all, occurred in High School? Only an extreme left wing partisan would go along with that.

An honest lefty would say "I do not want Kavanaugh appointed because I disagree with his judicial philosophy."
19   Ceffer   2018 Oct 5, 11:19am  

It's not fair to deny due process to somebody who may deny us due process some day.
20   cmdrda2leak   2018 Oct 5, 11:56am  

HeadSet says
All of the vanguard institutions of the left are proving themselves incapable of taking a truly principled stand anymore.

Now that is an interesting point. I noticed how some patnetters are claiming that this blog has "moved to the right."

Maybe the patnetters are essentially the same, but the "left" has changed. For example, I do not think people have stopped believing in equal rights for all, private sector unions, Social Security, a true safety net, and so on. What is disagreed with is the left's support of wide open borders and the current guilty because accused treatment.of Kavanaugh.


I feel this way, too. My political perspective has changed very little over the last 10 years, but over the same time, institutions I once saw eye to eye with have become increasingly extremist.

And I don't think it is that they've moved left... I think it is that they've moved in the authoritarian direction. That should be concerning to anyone, left or right.
21   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 5, 1:37pm  

Congrats Cmdr Dataleak, though it is sad you have to be congratulated.
22   mell   2018 Oct 5, 3:28pm  

cmdrdataleak says
HeadSet says
All of the vanguard institutions of the left are proving themselves incapable of taking a truly principled stand anymore.

Now that is an interesting point. I noticed how some patnetters are claiming that this blog has "moved to the right."

Maybe the patnetters are essentially the same, but the "left" has changed. For example, I do not think people have stopped believing in equal rights for all, private sector unions, Social Security, a true safety net, and so on. What is disagreed with is the left's support of wide open borders and the current guilty because accused treatment.of Kavanaugh.


I feel this way, too. My political perspective has changed very little over the last 10 years, but over the same time, institutions I once saw eye to eye with have become increasingly extremist.

And I don't think it is that they've moved left... ...

I have ex-gfs in the bay area, womyn who I otherwise cherish and think highly of them, smart, successful, capable. Yet they started posting after Trumps election things like "If you support this it is time to cancel our friendship and I encourage others to do the same". They are otherwise rational, but in the end they are womyn and their hindbrain just works in very mysterious ways. And it seems the extreme authoritarian-left bubble the bay area is in poisons the minds of otherwise sane people. I strongly believe they would have never posted such crap if they lived anywhere else in the US. But there's a reason why you never see anybody running around with a MAGA hat, there's a lynchmob mentality here for those who think politically different.
23   cmdrda2leak   2018 Oct 5, 4:29pm  

And it seems the extreme authoritarian-left bubble the bay area is in poisons the minds of otherwise sane people. I strongly believe they would have never posted such crap if they lived anywhere else in the US. But there's a reason why you never see anybody running around with a MAGA hat, there's a lynchmob mentality here for those who think politically different.

Want to get lunch sometime?
24   RC2006   2018 Oct 5, 4:47pm  

Its really sad a lot of people have lost life long friends over all of the liberal craziness and the bay area is the epicenter of it.
25   clambo   2018 Oct 5, 5:22pm  

The problem with the ACLU is it forgot the A means "American" in their organization. They are now practically anti-American.

Worrying about the rights of foreigners who may be potential terrorists among us for example is not what the ACLU should be focused on.

re: losing liberal friends, of course I lost several. They are generally either unable to admit that many disagree with the notion of being "my brother's keeper" or if they do, attribute greed or other bad motives to those who like having their own money from their own labor.

I don't mind losing liberal friends because strangely I can still make new friends.
26   Patrick   2018 Oct 5, 5:31pm  

I also wrote the ACLU fwiw:

From the ACLU: "Imagine an America in which a man who has sexually assaulted women sits on the highest court"

Woah, was Judge Kavanaugh convicted when I wasn't looking? Please try to regain your impartiality. I would like to believe in the ACLU, but you're spending your moral credibility faster than you think. Please, do the right thing, not the partisan thing.
27   WillPowers   2018 Oct 5, 6:02pm  

ACLU has been controlled by the CIA for decades. I can't believe you ever gave money to that fascist organization that has nothing to do with protecting anyone's civil liberties, and everything to with presenting a false front for the easily deceived. They were quiet when Alex Jones was banned from Facebook, YouTube and Spotify.
28   Patrick   2018 Oct 6, 8:02pm  

WillPowers says
They were quiet when Alex Jones was banned from Facebook, YouTube and Spotify.

Exactly. Where was the ACLU then?
29   Goran_K   2018 Oct 6, 8:10pm  

Patrick says
Where was the ACLU then?

As a wing of the Democratic party, the ACLU was silent on the alex jones issue.
30   EBGuy   2018 Oct 15, 12:33pm  

Here is an interview with a former head of the ACLU. It'll make you weep when you realize how far they have fallen. cmdr, perhaps you can redirect your former ACLU donations to FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education).www.youtube.com/embed/1W127aKzgoU
31   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 16, 2:24pm  

ACLU officially stands against Asian Discrimination lawsuit, in the name of "Diversity" and "Looking at the Whole Student".

32   curious2   2018 Oct 16, 2:47pm  

Patrick says
WillPowers says
They were quiet when Alex Jones was banned from Facebook, YouTube and Spotify.

Exactly. Where was the ACLU then?

He wasn't censored by government, so he's outside the ACLU focus on censorship by government.

Universities get public funding, which brings them within the ACLU focus. The issue of 'free speech' vs 'hostile environment' on campus goes to the balance between the 1st Amendment and the 14th. ACLU used to side resolutely with the 1st Amendment. The culture has shifted, so now the balance has shifted. Smart people have disagreed sincerely because they have different priorities. The ACLU seems unfortunately to have gone in the opposite direction from what history would suggest. Back when certain minorities were facing actual persecution and legal discrimination, 'hate speech' seemed part of that action, closely connected to actual crimes, and yet the ACLU defended it. People needed help, and sought help, and the ACLU was perceived as not helping. Now, when the actual persecution and legal discrimination have ended, ACLU seems to be shifting its position and offering the requested help only now that that help is no longer needed. It is ironic, probably an error, but I think it helps to understand the history and sincerity of smart people on all sides.

I think the most blatant error by the ACLU is the recent commitment to spreading Islamic Hijrah via IRAP, which is a catastrophe.
33   SunnyvaleCA   2018 Oct 16, 6:04pm  

cmdrdataleak says
if he is ill-equipped, he should be dismissed on merit, not on the basis of heresay

Technically, to the extent that the senate hearing is a "court," Ford's testimony was not heresay. It was official direct testimony of the witness in the hearing — not out-of-court or second-hand knowledge.

That said, it was uncorroborated and, in fact, disputed testimony. ACLU's problem is that they are running with her story and throwing "presumed innocence" to the curb in their partisan zeal. (which is a fine reason to not support them)

This is hardly the first time they have been highly partisan. They didn't have much to say about defending Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen for the the no-knock raid on Cohen's office and likely massive violation of attorney-client privilege. Oh, and the fact that those recordings were made in a 2-party-consent state and so are actually illegal recordings.

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