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My politics have already been hijacked by reality. I used to be a leftist true believer who just could not understand how the right was so easily manipulated. Then I started understanding the fundamental self-interest and fears which drive the surface rationalizations on both sides
Actually, I have to admit that curius2 is right about one thing, that it was a troll. I thought I would try your technique (what you constantly with the word liberals) with Trump supporters. If I understand your response, is it to defend that the protesters aren't neo nazis ?
But yeah the connection to Trump supporters was a total troll. I don't remember the last time I posted a total troll post, it was probably years ago.. Hell, even my regular comments aren't that frequent anymore.
curious2 saysshow an emotional obsession with attention/ignorance
I see you can't miss a chance after all these years to spew your hate and inability to forgive me for the couple times I politely corrected intellectual mistakes you made. Sad. But thank you for at least not constantly stalking me like you used to. At least you've learned to control those impulses a little.
people are not evolved to perceive objective reality; people are evolved to believe whatever illusions enable them to survive and reproduce, and those tend to involve agreeing with the tribe.
In the USA, major parties function similarly to TV networks, aggregating audiences and selling them to corporate sponsors. If you watch the evening "news," you can see a series of misleading stories promoted by public relations firms, interspersed with advertisements for products that would probably make you worse off.
Great quote. Had not seen that one before, but it gets to the center of politics.
Scott Adams wrote it a few different ways in his Dilbert blog, before he switched to vlogging (which I don't watch).
"In a rational world it would be obvious that Trump supporters include lots of brilliant and well-informed people. That fact – as obvious as it would seem – is invisible to the folks who can’t even imagine a world in which their powers of perception could be so wrong. To reconcile their world, they have to imagine all Trump supporters as defective in some moral or cognitive way, or both.
As I often tell you, we all live in our own movies inside our heads. Humans did not evolve with the capability to understand their reality because it was not important to survival. Any illusion that keeps us alive long enough to procreate is good enough."
embassy after he came on the promise of getting a marriage license....
@tatupu70 / LeonDurham / JoeyJoeJoeJr, where did you read that Jamal Khashoggi went to the KSA embassy to get a marriage license? He was not in the embassy, and KSA had not promised him a marriage license, so I am curious where you got your misinformation.
"papers so he could obtain a marriage license"
where Islamic law allows men a unilateral right to divorce paying only 130 days of spousal support.
curious2 sayswhere Islamic law allows men a unilateral right to divorce paying only 130 days of spousal support.
Hey that's something worthwhile adopting from over there for once ;)
lol--I went back and edited the post to say Consulate rather than Embassy and "papers so he could obtain a marriage license" instead of marriage license.
Did you miss this one? I sure did:
Amazing. MSM is quoted to prove that MSM doesn't cover a news story.
Funny, I don't remember CNN or MSNBC saying "Rabid Anti-Semitism in America: Hassidic Man Brutally Beaten by Middle Easterner" and making it top news.
Bad for the narrative.
Have you watched every story on MSNBC and CNN? Do you remember every one?
I imagine there is a lot you don't remember....
So, there's a hate crime in broad daylight and it's barely reported? Pretty odd, eh?
It was probably a false flag anyway. Did you check the guy's twitter account?
I am a never Trumper for the simple reason that he is a uncivil, stupid and a liar . The main reason is that he is stupid.
Did he intend to go bankrupt running casinos and investing in Manhattan Real Estate?
a friend who can't stand being contradicted keeps calling the President an "idiot," and I can't understand why. Perhaps you could explain?
Trump is kinda dim. Genial, shrewd, and has a big personality, but not really intelligent.
Did you miss this one? I sure did:
Can verify. Trump [is] shrewd....
Look, he's certainly not stupid.... I'd wager George W. was a good deal dumber than Trump.
Yale than John Kerry.
Are you sure you understand what was said?
You were indoctrinated that there’s nothing better on earth and that greed is good and not one of the seven deadly sins that those assholes 4000 years ago claimed.
Let's see, Muslim black man murders Jewish white man. (Assuming Muslim from the name Jamil and the Mohammedesque beard.)
Muslim gets a point, black gets a point, man loses a point: net +1
Jewish gets a point, white loses a point, man loses a point: net -1
By the liberal math of victimhood, such a story must be relegated to a small article on the back pages if reported at all.
identical twins are not more likely to both be gay if one of them is.
it is an outright lie that homosexuality is something innate and immutable
I just don't want them teaching it to children.
the racism and hate for working people illustrated in the comic absolutely guarantees that nothing will be solved.
curious2 saysThat's false. @Patrick, why do you litter your own site with outright lies?
You are quoting either false studies or studies that simply point that people who grow in the same household, under same conditions, more likely end up gay. Which has been proven. It's socially constructed to a high degree. Raise normal kids in a gay neighborhoods, and likelihood of them going looney is higher. Same with Trannies. Which is why this shit is child abuse. The lower the IQ of the child, the higher probability of children raised that way turning out homos. That was another study. And no study has found a genetic difference between gays and normal, which likely means that it's not genetic, but socially constructed (aka sexual confusion). There is no gay gene, just stupidity.
See, your problem is that you ignore half the damn evidence curious2.
@FortWayne @FortWayneIndiana
The exchange does not involve funny pictures, so I am replying in the Reply Thread. I have linked the largest and most recent studies above. Your assertions are simply false, and disproved above. When you make deliberately false statements, those are lies.
What I'm posting
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