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I don't think this is true. Why can't the democrats advocate for open borders? What law would they be breaking?
Threats of censorship? Why because I'm right that the democrats don't have an open boarder policy?
@patrick this is wrong and should not be allowed at Patrick.net
BlueSardine saysyou earn a +1 for spelling 'borders' correctly.
Its interesting pour spelling, isn't pointed out when one is presived to be on you're teem.
For open borders? No evidence has been presented as such. They advocate for passion for those that have made it here.
My answer is that a wall won't stop it. So a wall doesn't solve the problem.
Nobody is saying it won't stop some of the illegal immigration. Only that it won't stop all illegal immigration. How much will it stop and is it worth the cost? That is the issue.
If that is true then why didn't they do it in 2008-2010 when they had their chance to?
What? Are you just pulling shit out of your ass now?
mell saysdoesn't stop illegal immigration
Nobody is saying it won't stop some of the illegal immigration. Only that it won't stop all illegal immigration. How much will it stop and is it worth the cost? That is the issue.
Are you talking about amendments now. I was referring to Congress having the ability to write laws not amendments.
Me personally, I'd call that an amendment not a law.
The man's presentation is full of impeccable information, logic, precision and reasoning. You ought to know by now that that doesn't work worth shit as an argument.
Not really, I said pour spelling isn't pointed out by the same team members
My answer is that a wall won't stop it. So a wall doesn't solve the problem.
Good question. How would they do that?
But I've yet to ever hear of the way Congress "with enough power" can override the Constitution
Not one policy that has anything doing with Democrats wanting an open border has been presented only policies that encourage people to cross borders have been presented this is not the same thing.
They were not abducted from their native countries, but volunteered to go to countries like Kuwait. H1B visa recipients are not exactly free labor either, but they still come.
Alas, when you land in Doha, the goalposts have shifted slightly. This much becomes apparent when you’re handed a helmet and a high-viz jacket and told to present yourself at a building site at 6am the following morning. You’re not working as a clerk in an office, you’re building a football stadium. They’re not quite sure who told you the $400 a month figure, but it’s actually going to be $200, less miscellaneous costs. The recruitment fee isn’t $200 as you’d agreed, but $2000, plus the cost of your flight to Qatar. Your crisp new passport is confiscated. You cannot quit your job. You cannot leave the country. And before you have even clocked in for your first shift, you owe your employer the equivalent of two years’ wages.
So let me get this straight, You are saying that if there were open borders the same amount of people would come to the US as those policies encourage now to come in illegally?
How can it be the same effect if a higher volumes of people cross the border under an open border policy?
Why was there less illegals in the US in 2016 than in 2008 if Democrats support an open border policy?
Does ICE = boarder patrol? What do sectuary cities have to do with open boarders? Or what does SF registering illegals to vote for education issues at we're their legal kids go to school have to do with open boarders?
why didn't the Democrats do it in 2008-2010 when they had control of Congress
The number of unauthorized immigrants living in the United States was lower in 2016 than at any time since 2004. If the Democrats really truly wanted an open border policy why did the amount of illegals drop so drastically under Obama?
Also above I saw that I added an e to sat. I meant "sat on their hands .
So no response to the fact that there was fewer illegal aliens at the end of Obama's term than at the start?
How about the fact that the amount of ICE agents increased during Obama's term. Wouldn't one expect the amount of agents to decrease if as was opined above the democrats wanted to abolish ICE?
No but they really need to reform the illegal immigrant policy in regards to the illegals that have several years working in the USA first. How about making the illegals legal by having them fingerprinted, retinal scans or whatever and having them agree to sign documents stating that they will not apply for any govt economic programs and also charge them a fee which can be paid in payments...When they have payed in full, they receive a work permit and be on the road to becoming a legal citizen if they follow the rules. This way there is no worry that they are going to just live off of welfare
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If so I'd like to hear the argument.