by tovarichpeter ➕follow (7) 💰tip ignore
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American Legion calls for investigation of sinking of USS Liberty
Those that forget their history are condemned to repeat it.
Onvacation saysThose that forget their history are condemned to repeat it.
America agrees. 911 will never be forgotten.
I forgot, history is written by the victors.
Our kids history books don't talk about the truth as much as propaganda. SJW high school teachers spend a week on rosie the riveter before they move on to the injustice of the Japanese internment camps. Their history of WW2 culminates with the atrocity of Hiroshima. Our children are indoctrinated with a "western culture is evil and oppressive" curriculum.
You mean the incident that a mea culpa was issued and millions were paid within weeks, and millions more in a year or so?
War is not a video game, where the enemy always shows up in Red on the MiniMap on your HUD
It's not the first time Israel has done a false flag. You must know about the Lavon Affair.
I think though now the general public is more cynical and more informed that it may not be able to easily get away with another false flag ops.
Our kids history books don't talk about the truth as much as propaganda. SJW high school teachers spend a week on rosie the riveter before they move on to the injustice of the Japanese internment camps. Their history of WW2 culminates with the atrocity of Hiroshima. Our children are indoctrinated with a "western culture is evil and oppressive" curriculum.
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