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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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101759   anonymous   2019 Mar 28, 12:03pm  

MisterLearnToCode says
just dropped a massive bomb on Robert Mueller

Is that like the "Nune's Memo" that someone on here described in Hysterical Terms as going to end the investigation many many months ago ?

Notice on the interesting leak it say nothing about no obstruction etc.
101760   anonymous   2019 Mar 28, 12:04pm  

MisterLearnToCode says
As soon as the report is released

Plenty of time to ponder the contents - plenty of time.
101761   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 28, 12:07pm  

Kakistocracy says
Is that like the "Nune's Memo" that someone on here described in Hysterical Terms as going to end the investigation many many months ago ?

The investigation into Collusion ended in August 2018, according to leaks.

Kakistocracy says
Plenty of time to ponder the contents - plenty of time.

Oh yes, the Hoax Queen's followers will be writing books and posting on Democratic Underground for many, many years. It will still be a truth among hardcore Democrats when I go to collect my first Social Security Check.
101762   anonymous   2019 Mar 28, 12:16pm  

MisterLearnToCode says
The investigation into Collusion ended in August 2018, according to leaks.

Is sure as hell didn't end within weeks or even months of the hysterical post now did it ?

Don't rush for the Social Security Check - I'm part of the group that is draining it before you get any and we don't need any more competition.
101763   Goran_K   2019 Mar 28, 12:34pm  

Kakistocracy says
The scenario will play out exactly as I described

When has that ever happened? lol

You were SURE that Trump was colluding and Muellar would prove this for months.
101764   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 28, 12:46pm  

Latest Excuse: "Dey was wearing WHITEFACE!"

'They could have worn white face': Jussie Smollett lawyer offers bizarre explanation as to why the Empire actor told police his Nigerian assailants were white - and points to old video of one of them wearing make-up to play the Joker as potential proof
101765   RWSGFY   2019 Mar 28, 12:54pm  

MisterLearnToCode says
'They could have worn white face': Jussie Smollett lawyer offers bizarre explanation as to why the Empire actor told police his Nigerian assailants were white -

Wait a sec: the guy hires two black dudes to stage an attack on a certain day at a certain location but when attacked on said day at a said location by two dudes "in whiteface" he assumes that these are two completely different dudes attacking him "for reals"? Nobody can be THAT stupid, even fucking male bimbo from some soap opera cast.
101766   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 28, 12:57pm  

Remember @Kakistocracy, the wise words of the Golden Child & Savior

I'd advise Clinton, Schiff, Maddow, etc. to stop whinging. Case Closed!
101767   RWSGFY   2019 Mar 28, 1:05pm  

jazz_music says
The middle class is vanishing

This is impossible by definition.
101768   georgeliberte   2019 Mar 28, 1:14pm  

Pretty convincing white face, looks Caucasian to me, probably Irish.
101769   Tenpoundbass   2019 Mar 28, 1:28pm  

You got us, you caught Commandant Tatter.
101770   Tenpoundbass   2019 Mar 28, 1:35pm  

I almost wish we were just to see a bullet hole put in Colbert and Soros's head.

Without due process of course!
101771   Tenpoundbass   2019 Mar 28, 1:38pm  

MisterLearnToCode says

OK Jazz here's my definition of Fascism, presented as a factual representation through an illustration devoid of any hyperbole.
Now show me yours!
101772   Tenpoundbass   2019 Mar 28, 1:52pm  

Ah get some of that Facist.

It's a shame the Liberals in Washington are a bunch of Animal Godless cretins that don't know how to behave, and are only there to obstruct Democracy.
That it has to come down to this.


Fuck em in the Ass Commandant Tatter!
101773   Bd6r   2019 Mar 28, 1:53pm  

And Democrats are St. Mother Theresa
101774   Tenpoundbass   2019 Mar 28, 1:56pm  

People bitching about FOX news really scare me. They are quite content with the fake news institution as a single cohesive unit bought and paid for by a Nazi Soros.
These are the same people that bitched about the Koch brothers mind you. But as it turned out, those two sorry cock suckers are just one of them. So in the past when they were bitching about the Koch brothers and the FOX news being beholden to them. They were bitching about their own guy, doing their own shit, for their own party.

When will Liberals ever figure out we're not trying to make them happy.
101775   Bd6r   2019 Mar 28, 1:58pm  

All titles -

Extinction Of The Middle Class
Militarized Police
Corporate Money Rules Politics

are correct in that all these are serious problems. However, explanations under them seem hyper-partisan. For example, why are Koch's singled out? Why not so-called "green" energy businesses which receive subsidies and are not very green and may contribute to hunger in world (corn ethanol)?
101776   Bd6r   2019 Mar 28, 2:09pm  

jazz_music says
Look at the rest of the article. Click on the link.

Did that. Analysis of police militarization, Secret Trade Agreements and Corporate Media Ownership are the only one that seems to be written without hyper-partisan ventilating.

Edit: if anything will change, it will be if reasonable people on left and right will find common ground and work together on what they agree. For example, left and libertarian right both dislike police militarization and secret trade agreements. Why not work together against those?
101777   Bd6r   2019 Mar 28, 2:11pm  

jazz_music says
Other people are rapists to so what’s the big deal with having a rape club?

Screaming "A is raping" while B is raping as well seems like a wrong policy. Perhaps we should scream "A and B are raping, arrest both of them".
101778   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 28, 3:21pm  

Actually said today by Smollett's lawyers:

“It is the Mayor and the Police Chief who owe Jussie - owe him an apology - for dragging an innocent man’s character through the mud. Jussie has paid enough.”

They actually said this.
101781   RC2006   2019 Mar 28, 6:21pm  

jazz_music says
It turns out General George S. Patton was right in 1945 to compare the Nazi Party to the Republicans and Democrats, because there isn’t as much difference between them as we would like to believe.

Patton was reprimanded, but who knew, after all, that in just a little more than half a century, the Republicans would themselves become Nazis?

Patton thought we fought the wrong enemy after overseeing the Germans and getting to know them. Many think he was killed for his later views.
101782   marcus   2019 Mar 28, 7:54pm  

Quigley says
Dude, have you even ever heard of logic?

DOn't accuse me of logic problems. I wasn't suggesting anything you think I might have been thinking with your logic "skills."

I was just observing a pattern and a coincidence.

First I saw many right wingers posting memes comparing Trump to SMollett. For reasons totally beyond me. No connection, No reason to compare. No reason for meme, I guess other than possibly right wingers think liberals are as embarrassed by Smollett as you guys are by Trump ? (but Smollett is just a dumb actor....Wait...)

Then about a week later, both are suddenly declared to be exonerated of many crimes that many believed they had committed.

It's an ironic coincidence. I now understand a reason for a meme involving both of them.
101783   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 28, 8:11pm  

marcus says
Then about a week later, both are suddenly declared to be exonerated of many crimes that many believed they had committed.

It's an ironic coincidence. I now understand a reason for a meme involving both of them.

Except in Trump's case, there is no 66 pages detailing evidence from Uber rides to Check #1063 signed by the defendant to the assailants.

Nor a CONFESSION by the assailants.
101784   marcus   2019 Mar 28, 8:38pm  

I didn't say it was identical. The crime Smollet was suspected of committing was a hoax attack against himself. With Trump it was treasonous conspiring with Russia in the 2016 election campaign. That's why I originally didn't get the comparison, unless it was the guy we are embarrassed bout versus the guy you are embarrassed about.

Very different yes. Quite an astute observation.

MisterLearnToCode says
no 66 pages

Today it came out that the Mueller report was 300 pages, that Barr summarized with very few patial sentence Mueeler quotes, in 4 pages.
101785   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 28, 10:00pm  

marcus says
Today it came out that the Mueller report was 300 pages, that Barr summarized with very few patial sentence Mueeler quotes, in 4 pages.

But since there were no indictments, it's pretty much safe to say there was no Check #1063 written out to the Trump Organization signed by Putin.
101786   marcus   2019 Mar 28, 10:59pm  

Just observing an ironic coincidence. In a period of less than a few days they are both exonerated.

We could probably find others similarities.. Trump says Obama wiretapped him. His own highest level security experts say that's bullshit.

A President lying about another President wiretapping him without ever disclosing why he thinks its true (reminiscent of what he said about Obama's birth certificate for a couple years). Trump is notorious for his lies. Some of them quite huge.

But yeah, it's not as bad as some small time actor I've never heard of hiring some guys to do a fake attack (assuming that's true).
101787   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 28, 11:05pm  

marcus says
A President lying about another President wiretapping him without ever disclosing why he thinks its true (reminiscent of what he said about Obama's birth certificate for a couple years). Trump is notorious for his lies. Some of them quite huge.

Hang loose. Unlike the FISA abuses, which are going to be declassified and haven't so far because of fears the Dems would call it obstruction of the now unsupportable Russian Collusion Claims.

marcus says
But yeah, it's not as bad as some small time actor I've never heard of hiring some guys to do a fake attack (assuming that's true).

Marcus, you fail to note the abundant physical, eyewitness, and even Confession evidence in the Smollett case is of a kind that can only be described as a slam dunk. The Assailants have confessed, and their own electronic communications and bank transactions confirm their narrative. On top of Smollett's iCloud records uncovered by warrant, also confirmational.

I'm almost getting tired of repeating myself about the overwhelming evidence of Smollett's guilt and the strange and highly unusual legal limbo tactics employed by Foxx The Chicago Chief of Police, the Mayor Rahm Emmanuel, and the entire Prosecutor's Association of Illinois have all condemned the handling of the Smollett case against a member of their own party.

The comparison isn't remotely similar in terms of evidence or circumstance.
101788   marcus   2019 Mar 28, 11:16pm  

MisterLearnToCode says
Marcus, you fail to note

Wtf, you're in an argument with a straw man. I never said they were nearly identical or that Trump is just as guilty of crimes (that are a million times worse) as Smollett is of his. I've never really been interested in the Smollett case. What, he's some small time actor that the OBama's were friendly to. So fucking what ?

For the 10th time, I was just putting two things together.

1) Memes about Trump and Smollett that I didn't understand.

2) Them both being exonerated witin a few days of eachother.

Nothing else dude.

Although as you make me think about it, and I ask myself, who do I think has less integrity ? Trump or Smollett ?

It's an interesting question. And I really don't know. We know about Trumps massive tax avoidance, probably illegal, stiffing people that did work for him, huge lies. The whoremongering while married, and on and on. And then we have this one story about Smollett, a guy whose actions don't really affect any of us at all, other than in the right wing media, but certainly reflect very poorly on him. Probably smokes way too much weed.

You people are mighty selective about the people whose behavior you choose to judge (not that I disagree with you ) about Smollett, as small time as it was, versus a guy you gave a psss to and voted for, for President, and now defend endlessly just becasue he appealed to you know what.
101789   cmdrda2leak   2019 Mar 29, 3:06am  

Now, in terms of proportionality, the total lack of sentence does not fit the crime. However, the other points are true; specifically, this isn't a violent offense, he poses no immediate risk to physical safety, he has no violent priors.

That said, a more appropriate sentence would be to make him pay the costs for his own apology tour: a series of televised appearances where he will apologize to Chicago and the State of Illinois, and in particular past victims of real violent crimes whose dignity he besmirched by trivializing their suffering with a self-serving hoax. A tour where he can express his contrition for stoking animosity between groups and remind everyone that though hateful violence is in fact at an all-time low, we should remember that acts like his could cause a reversal to that trend.
101790   marcus   2019 Mar 29, 6:12am  

Nothing to see here Trump Cucks. GO back to your bubble before you learn how utterly fucking stupid you are and the degree to which you have fucked yourself.

Kakistocracy says
“Fixing our debt will now require reversing the harm that has already been done with unpaid-for tax cuts and spending increases, in addition to confronting the rising costs of Social Security and Medicare with spending changes and/or additional revenue,” CRFB says.
101791   cmdrda2leak   2019 Mar 29, 7:30am  

Oh yeah, forgot to add to this: he should also pay for the cost to the state of the investigation, as those resources could have been committed to actual crime instead of his hoax.
101792   Onvacation   2019 Mar 29, 7:44am  

marcus says
marcus says

Although as you make me think about it, and I ask myself, who do I think has less integrity ? Trump or Smollett ?

It's an interesting question. And I really don't know.

TDS deranged
101793   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2019 Mar 29, 8:09am  

Failed culture.
101794   Shaman   2019 Mar 29, 8:12am  

marcus says
We could probably find others similarities.. Trump says Obama wiretapped him. His own highest level security experts say that's bullshit.

You really need to update your current events knowledge. This info is now known. Trump proven right once again. That “fact check” was proven to be a lie. But I doubt you will even accept the truth, deep as you are in the narrative you wish to believe.

People will believe a lie for two reasons:
1)They want it to be true.
2)They are afraid that it’s true.

101795   Shaman   2019 Mar 29, 8:16am  

willywonka says
Failed culture

Are you talking black culture or American culture? The first one seems self evident, the second is definitely teetering towards the abyss.
101796   Bd6r   2019 Mar 29, 8:43am  

The man self-identified as a dog, so either he has to be let free or euthanized.
101797   zzyzzx   2019 Mar 29, 9:06am  

101798   Tenpoundbass   2019 Mar 29, 9:06am  

National Advancement of Cock Chugging Pattieboys he deserves that award.

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