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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   163,742 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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101808   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Mar 29, 11:49am  

We will leave a layer of plastic goo in the geological record.
In 15 millions yrs, racoon scientists will wonder what did us in for a long time.
101809   Eman   2019 Mar 29, 12:06pm  

Did you vote for Hillary? You’re a loser. Well, let me rephrase it. You’re a sore loser.

I didn’t vote for either of them. Does that make me a genius? ???
101810   Tenpoundbass   2019 Mar 29, 12:07pm  

Only on Rightwing watch.

Wanna see the Idiot report? I wonder how many innocent kids were shot in Chicago yesterday, what the weekend casualty count will be by Monday.

So I'm showing a Gay guy here at work that thinks Mueller is just dreamy so Trump must still be Guilty. I was showing him Gateway Pundit.
I Had him Google it, to show him how The Gateway Pundit, the only 100% no nonsenses no bullshit reporting site on the Internet. Is unfairly treated on the Internet controlled by Liberals.
I was trying to show him how they are not the first Choice, but all of the Liberal's Smear weaponed anti free speech hate group websites get first crack and mansplaining to you News they don't like. He points over the right hand side and goes... "Oh LOOK! Their own float right Biography calls themselves an extremist Right wing website, with extreme racist and bigoted views. I had to point out to him the super tiny by line at the bottom said Powered by Wikipedia.

I then took off my Gloves and told him, you really are a bottom feeding idiot aren't you? You want to believe what ever Google tells you blindly no questions asked.
you need them to provide you a safespace. He's then telling me about how extreme rightwingers should be abolished from the Internet.

I asked him what is his opinion of what a far rightwing extremist is?

I said is it just anyone that has conservative views, nuclear family, religion, but respects everyone and gets along with everyone just has an opposite view than the "Far" left?

I mean there was a time when Far right wingers were the Jonesborough Church(Which I now believe was just Liberal opposition putting on the Yetti suit like they do with Nazi and KKK shit during Trump. What happened to the Jonesborough Church? They seemed to have went away once Obama got elected no more "God hates fags" and showing up at funerals mocking the Dead. Which is the sick sadistic shit Liberals like to do anyway. Certainly nothing we see any self respecting Conservative doing. Unless it's dickhead McCain that was part of a Treasonous Coup and overthrow of Trump.

What happens did the SPLC get demoted? They are the ones that lead on these smear campaign. Like to have been a fly on the wall in that Liberal Scumbag meeting.
Chicken Shit Lowlifes.
101811   anonymous   2019 Mar 29, 12:18pm  

There is no such thing as a "white supremacist terrorist" organization.

Those are figments of librul minds and the biased MSM against all patriotic flag waving, bible toting, gun slinging, beer drinking, white males who are being disenfranchised by everyone and everything around them. - (mostly by other white men who run things but don't let the secret out)

Jazz - I for one am shocked and appalled that you are put such things on the forum.

Shocked and appalled I tell you in my best Lindsey Graham imitation.

Surely you have read the threads and postings that show up here daily to know such things simply do not exist in Murica !

And if they do per chance - there sure as hell aren't any white varmits - no sireee. Just some fun loving pranksters who may have gone a wee bit overboard but heck - boys will be boys ya know.

There are only roving gangs of illegals (brown illegals) out to get the women and the jobs held by the patriots. That and lazee drug addicted booze drinking welfare recipients who are busting the nations budget with their lagresse.

Get on the Trump Train now and stop bashing those good ole boys - shucks - they probably just playing one of those school pranks again like in Charlottesville.
101812   Ceffer   2019 Mar 29, 12:45pm  

I prefer 'Melanin Impaired Terrorist Group'. It is insensitive to call it anything else.
101813   RC2006   2019 Mar 29, 1:06pm  

Every day is a terrorist event at black schools especially for non blacks.
101814   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 29, 1:12pm  

If they were to close Chicago Public Schools every time somebody got shot, they'd hardly ever be open.
101815   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Mar 29, 2:12pm  

There’s an idea to save taxpayer money.

MisterLearnToCode says
If they were to close Chicago Public Schools every time somebody got shot, they'd hardly ever be open.
101817   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Mar 29, 2:52pm  

This is the same as Trump's tax returns: the Trump-haters want all the ways possible to find information that they can weaponize against him. As we have seen, just about any information about Trump can be cast in a bad light somehow.
101818   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Mar 29, 3:03pm  

There are plenty of lists on the internet of the great things Trump has achieved! :-)
How about this one: http://www.magapill.com/
101819   mell   2019 Mar 29, 3:05pm  

It self-identified as a dog, so where's the problem. Leftoids should cheer it and demand nobody tramples on its rights of self-identification. Everyone is welcome here! Safe space! Drop the charges!
101820   clambo   2019 Mar 29, 3:13pm  

Colbert is a nut and a hypocrite. If he "loves his neighbor" why is he so full of hate for D. Trump?

I do not believe I am "my brother's keeper" if the person 1. isn't my brother or even an acquaintance 2. I'm forced to do it by the government 3. I'm not in the mood 4. the person needs my money because of his bad choices not his bad luck
101821   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 29, 4:12pm  

1. Speech Codes at Academic Institutions controlled by Social Fascists.
2. People fired for socio-political views that would have been considered centrist within the lives of 70% of the population.
3. Boycotting anything that puts the family in front of the community, like protesting the World Congress of Families.
4. Aggressive, Obnoxious Uniforms worn and Aposematism to intimidate people, especially the youngest.
5. Indoctrination of the Youth in to only one set of socio-political philosophy and training them to "call out/shame" those who dissent.
6. Ignoring violence among their own supporters while highlighting infrequent transgressions of the Authorities (ie Everyday Chicago Gang Murders vs. Rare Police Shootings)
7. "Minorities should rule the majority" - a cornerstone of Post Modern Fascism
8. Violence and intimidation against non Social Fascists, called "De-platforming". Intimidation of Authorities unwilling to enforce Social Speech Codes until compliance.
9. Intimidation and Boycotts and Bans against popular restaurants and businesses that don't conform.
10. Mob attacks on supporters of the elected President for non-conforming to Social Fascist philosophy.

Aposematism - Danger-signal - to intimidate those who put family ahead of the "Social Community". Warning the World Congress of Families of "Danger" if their intimidation is not heeded.
101823   Booger   2019 Mar 29, 4:18pm  

101824   Booger   2019 Mar 29, 4:24pm  

From the most basic analysis, open border + welfare state to illegal immigrants is a recipe for bankruptcy.

It also undermines the wages of Americans in the lowest rungs of society by importing huge amounts of unskilled laborers that are willing to work for nothing.

Border security, if viewed objectively, is integral to this nation.

And that's not even diving into the issues like national sovereignty or voter fraud.
101825   Booger   2019 Mar 29, 4:24pm  

101826   Booger   2019 Mar 29, 4:26pm  

101827   Booger   2019 Mar 29, 4:28pm  

101828   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Mar 29, 4:28pm  

#4 implementing a Gov office of fact checking that you are required to run anything by before posting it on the internet.


A state where there’s Democrats in every single elected office as well as a supermajority in both the senate and assembly.

Is good idea? Da Comrade Panther.
101829   Booger   2019 Mar 29, 4:29pm  

101830   Booger   2019 Mar 29, 4:29pm  

101831   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Mar 29, 4:30pm  

Left doesn’t seem to care about freedom of thought.

CovfefeButDeadly says
#4 implementing a Gov office of fact checking that you are required to run anything by before posting it on the internet.


A state where there’s Democrats in every single elected office as well as a supermajority in both the senate and assembly.

Is good idea? Da Comrade Panther.
101832   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Mar 29, 4:31pm  

Pants back on sir

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
I never dreamed we had a Jill Stein cultist on PatNet!

101833   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 29, 4:40pm  

marcus says
You people are mighty selective about the people whose behavior you choose to judge (not that I disagree with you ) about Smollett, as small time as it was, versus a guy you gave a psss to and voted for, for President, and now defend endlessly just becasue he appealed to you know what.

Again, there is NO EVIDENCE that Trump committed any of the crimes some accuse him of, in fact a two-year investigation found nothing to indict, much less convict, him or his inner circle on.

Smollett there is SLAM DUNK EVIDENCE that he paid people to attack him and then filed a false report.

Frankly, it's a hate crime because it contributes to the racism Lefties are always worried about except when minorities do them.
101834   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 29, 4:41pm  

Maybe Smollett, like OJ, should dedicate his life and wealth to finding "The Real Killers"
101835   cmdrda2leak   2019 Mar 29, 6:18pm  

Just wanted to pass along a sage comment from today's kunstler.com (a winner):

I found,

This Cook County prosecutor, Kim Fox, is part of a recent trend of black candidates being elected to that position running on a platform that says 1) They will not enforce the law because the law is racist, and 2) They will use the position to get even with whitey.
The same type of candidates were elected to similar offices in St Louis and Boston.
If you ever wondered why all Black Run countries and cities are squalid, disorganized, violent and poverty stricken, the above attitudes are one of the reasons.
Smole’s lawyer is now saying the Nigerian brothers pretended to be White by using White Face.
Good news is that this seems to be a Bridge too far for many. Rahm is incensed and he’s not a nobody. He has spoken out even if it’s conflict with the Obamas.

A 5-year-old black child gets on a plane, sees a black man in dreadlocks, then says to mom, ‘I hope he doesn’t rob the plane.’ After that the article descends into the usual Propaganda psychology.
People develop bias and prejudice for a simple reason: Observation of black behavior. Even by five years of age the black kid has picked up on it.
‘Managing unconscious bias and talking to kids about race'

101836   porkchopXpress   2019 Mar 29, 6:43pm  

jazz_music says
How about Trump's Promises? Hahahahahahaha
101837   ForcedTQ   2019 Mar 29, 10:17pm  

Booger says

You forgot the right to a community college education in California....
101838   CBOEtrader   2019 Mar 30, 3:12am  

101839   anonymous   2019 Mar 30, 3:15am  

Alex Jones blames conspiracy claims on 'psychosis'

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones blamed the various claims he's made over the years, including that the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre was a hoax, on "psychosis," according to a deposition the "Infowars" host has given as part of a Texas lawsuit.

Jones described his conspiracy thinking as a kind of mental disorder during the deposition taken earlier this month for the lawsuit filed against him by the family of a 6-year-old who was among the 20 children and six adults killed in the Newtown, Connecticut, attack, the Austin American-Statesman reported .

Jones said during the deposition that he "almost had like a form of psychosis back in the past where I basically thought everything was staged, even though I'm now learning a lot of times things aren't staged."

Jones blamed his mental state on "the trauma of the media and the corporations lying so much, then everything begins — you don't trust anything anymore, kind of like a child whose parents lie to them over and over again, well, pretty soon they don't know what reality is."

The defamation lawsuit was filed in Travis County, Texas, where Jones' media company is based. In August, the judge presiding over the lawsuit denied Jones' request to dismiss the case .

Jones' attorneys have defended his speech in court as "rhetorical hyperbole," but denied it was defamation.

During the deposition, Jones continued to voice conspiratorial suspicions about the shooting.

"I still think that there was a man in the woods in camo ... and just a lot of experts I've talked to, including retired FBI agents and other people and people high up in the Central Intelligence Agency, have told me that there is a cover-up in Sandy Hook," Jones said.

A similar lawsuit against Jones has also been filed in Connecticut. Several families in that suit say that Jones' comments on Infowars have tormented them and subjected them to harassment and death threats by his followers, some of whom have accused them of being actors.

101840   anonymous   2019 Mar 30, 3:20am  

Comments from the above article in comment #19

Manny9 hours ago

Has anyone ever heard, seen, or read about Alex Jones taking responsibility for his actions? Notice the similarity with Potus on this point ?

KeithB9 hours ago

Alex Jones is well respected by the president. You just can't make this stuff up.

ReplyReplies (31)51362
David7 hours ago

First it was all an act and now it's psychosis. How can anyone with any intelligence whatsoever listen to a thing this man has to say...
It says a lot about his listeners.

ReplyReplies (3)903
Carl Spackler
Carl Spackler8 hours ago

Good lord. Hope you're proud of this guy, Repubs. He's ALL YOURS.
101841   Onvacation   2019 Mar 30, 9:33am  

You do know that ACA (affordable if you got no money) is already dead, dontcha?
101842   AD   2019 Mar 30, 9:36am  

The big problem though is that the "hardship exemption" for the Affordable Care Act is 8% of income. I believe that "income" means "adjusted gross income (AGI)".


If you get the exemption, then you can get catastrophic health insurance.

It seems those that make between $60,000 and $120,000 are the most adversely impacted by the Affordable Care Act. Someone making +$200,000 a year likely will not feel the financial pinch of the Affordable Care Act.

Like many conservative pundits said, it is essentially a "transfer tax" to those that make between $14,000 and $40,000 per year, and who do not have insurance available from their place of employment.

Also, I would surmise that there is a very small % of "pre existing condition" insurance types within the +$200,000 group compared to the income group of $14,000 to $40,000.
101843   mell   2019 Mar 30, 9:39am  

Both equally important since ACA was unconstitutional. Fuck Obummer for settling me with an additional tax of a couple grand. Traitor.
101844   mell   2019 Mar 30, 9:54am  

Elgatouno says
mell says
Both equally important since ACA was unconstitutional. Fuck Obummer for settling me with an additional tax of a couple grand. Traitor.
yes, fuck Obama for making you pay $3,000 to help fellow Americans when you have an AGI of $300,000. On second thought fuck greedy Republicans.

Who gives a shit about AGI? 40%+ is taxed and fee'd you have a couple of net expenses such as child and/or spouse/family support and high inflation in Healthcare and housing and you end up net not any different than a moocher on the dole. So fuck that moral self righteousness of defending extortion from hard working people at gunpoint to insure for events that ALREADY HAPPENED. No different than putting a gun to your head after my house burned down and demand you pitch in with 5 grand because my after the fact insurance is going to be obviously incredibly expensive. You want to come up with a working single payer before the fact supplemental insurance system fine but don't sell me that bullshit Obummer unconstitutional thievery. Can't get repealed soon enough.
101846   mell   2019 Mar 30, 10:04am  

Elgatouno says
mell says
Can't get repealed soon enough.

So you'd rather see ACA repealed than Trump re-elected.

ACA - 1 Trump re-elected - 0

If Trump doesn't continue to stem immigration and starts giving in to the globalists then yes. ACA was a catastrophe for everyone except for the insurance companies. Even those on it will eventually succumb under the copay but they get a few years out of it while screwing hard working net producers.
101847   Ceffer   2019 Mar 30, 10:14am  

If Obamacare subsidizes ditch squatting, third world reproducers, then it is worth the costs to the greedy, over-productive middle class workers. First world medicine for fourth world lifestyles, or we are coming for you with machetes and molotovs!

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