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101840   anonymous   2019 Mar 30, 3:20am  

Comments from the above article in comment #19

Manny9 hours ago

Has anyone ever heard, seen, or read about Alex Jones taking responsibility for his actions? Notice the similarity with Potus on this point ?

KeithB9 hours ago

Alex Jones is well respected by the president. You just can't make this stuff up.

ReplyReplies (31)51362
David7 hours ago

First it was all an act and now it's psychosis. How can anyone with any intelligence whatsoever listen to a thing this man has to say...
It says a lot about his listeners.

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Carl Spackler
Carl Spackler8 hours ago

Good lord. Hope you're proud of this guy, Repubs. He's ALL YOURS.
101841   Onvacation   2019 Mar 30, 9:33am  

You do know that ACA (affordable if you got no money) is already dead, dontcha?
101842   AD   2019 Mar 30, 9:36am  

The big problem though is that the "hardship exemption" for the Affordable Care Act is 8% of income. I believe that "income" means "adjusted gross income (AGI)".


If you get the exemption, then you can get catastrophic health insurance.

It seems those that make between $60,000 and $120,000 are the most adversely impacted by the Affordable Care Act. Someone making +$200,000 a year likely will not feel the financial pinch of the Affordable Care Act.

Like many conservative pundits said, it is essentially a "transfer tax" to those that make between $14,000 and $40,000 per year, and who do not have insurance available from their place of employment.

Also, I would surmise that there is a very small % of "pre existing condition" insurance types within the +$200,000 group compared to the income group of $14,000 to $40,000.
101843   mell   2019 Mar 30, 9:39am  

Both equally important since ACA was unconstitutional. Fuck Obummer for settling me with an additional tax of a couple grand. Traitor.
101844   mell   2019 Mar 30, 9:54am  

Elgatouno says
mell says
Both equally important since ACA was unconstitutional. Fuck Obummer for settling me with an additional tax of a couple grand. Traitor.
yes, fuck Obama for making you pay $3,000 to help fellow Americans when you have an AGI of $300,000. On second thought fuck greedy Republicans.

Who gives a shit about AGI? 40%+ is taxed and fee'd you have a couple of net expenses such as child and/or spouse/family support and high inflation in Healthcare and housing and you end up net not any different than a moocher on the dole. So fuck that moral self righteousness of defending extortion from hard working people at gunpoint to insure for events that ALREADY HAPPENED. No different than putting a gun to your head after my house burned down and demand you pitch in with 5 grand because my after the fact insurance is going to be obviously incredibly expensive. You want to come up with a working single payer before the fact supplemental insurance system fine but don't sell me that bullshit Obummer unconstitutional thievery. Can't get repealed soon enough.
101846   mell   2019 Mar 30, 10:04am  

Elgatouno says
mell says
Can't get repealed soon enough.

So you'd rather see ACA repealed than Trump re-elected.

ACA - 1 Trump re-elected - 0

If Trump doesn't continue to stem immigration and starts giving in to the globalists then yes. ACA was a catastrophe for everyone except for the insurance companies. Even those on it will eventually succumb under the copay but they get a few years out of it while screwing hard working net producers.
101847   Ceffer   2019 Mar 30, 10:14am  

If Obamacare subsidizes ditch squatting, third world reproducers, then it is worth the costs to the greedy, over-productive middle class workers. First world medicine for fourth world lifestyles, or we are coming for you with machetes and molotovs!
101848   AD   2019 Mar 30, 10:20am  

The goal is to empty the "indigenous" (aka: Mayan, etc.) population from Central America via massive immigration to the USA.

Elgatouno says
mell says
Both equally important since ACA was unconstitutional. Fuck Obummer for settling me with an additional tax of a couple grand. Traitor.
yes, fuck Obama for making one pay $3,000 to help fellow Americans when one has an AGI of $300,000. On second thought fuck greedy Republicans.

The goal is to empty the "indigenous" (aka: Mayan, etc.) population from Central America via massive immigration to the USA. And with an agenda that is quoted above, its going to get even more left wing authoritarian and dystopian.
101849   AD   2019 Mar 30, 10:22am  

mell says
Who gives a shit about AGI? 40%+ is taxed and fee'd you have a couple of net expenses such as child and/or spouse/family support and high inflation in Healthcare and housing and you end up net not any different than a moocher on the dole.

That is what I was wondering whereas someone (not on government dole) has the same net income and living conditions as say someone on the government subsidy dole.

Theoretically then the Left-wing guvmit and AntiFa mob have realized an egalitarian society.
101850   anonymous   2019 Mar 30, 10:34am  

The best part of all - if the ACA is repealed, the majority of the hurt will be in Red States and those middle and below supporters who helped put the Golden Golem in office.

Unintended Consequences....but since Trade Wars are Easy To Win - this should be easy peazy.

One small detail dear Trump supporters...Bitch McConnell dropped back and punted on this one earlier in the week - told Potus to go dream up a deal with Pelosi and company, he is not getting involved.

Attention spans of sand fleas and fruit flies - the leader and the supporters
101851   mell   2019 Mar 30, 10:34am  

AD says
mell says
Who gives a shit about AGI? 40%+ is taxed and fee'd you have a couple of net expenses such as child and/or spouse/family support and high inflation in Healthcare and housing and you end up net not any different than a moocher on the dole.

That is what I was wondering whereas someone (not on government dole) has the same net income and living conditions as say someone on the government subsidy dole.

If you're the breadwinner you have to make closer to a million to live comfortably. If you make 400k and feed a family of 4/5, half gets taxed away, rent/mortgage is easily 5k+ you're not left with much. If you have a former spouse or child support then it's entirely possible to have less disposable income than somebody who makes 50-100k and gets subsidies. Also if you lose your source of income the gap of expenses that can't be paid left is immediately devastating. People making 200k-500k should be able to keep the vast majority of their income to build up a decent rainy day fund. Not that Obummer tax raising thuggery.
101852   AD   2019 Mar 30, 10:43am  

Kakistocracy says
if the ACA is repealed, the majority of the hurt will be in Red States and those middle and below supporters who helped put the Golden Golem in office.

Kremlin or Beijing tool Kaki, the vast majority of those impacted in those Red States are not Republican voters. I hope you foreign agitators realize your political calculus sucks.

By the way, how's the ChiCom 100 year plan working ? 2049 is suppose to be the year they are the only superpower.
101853   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Mar 30, 2:45pm  

jazz_music says
Kakistocracy says
is presently known as Mark Dice from the family Shouldice.
Used to be a frequent patnet poster too, and another fascist bigoted fuck

You wouldn’t know facist if it bit your ass.
101854   RC2006   2019 Mar 30, 3:47pm  

Aca can die. Had to put my wife in it for 6 months because of a change in my ins. Because of my income level it was rediculously expensive, it only benefits the poor but fucks middle class.
101855   AD   2019 Mar 30, 4:08pm  

RC2006 says
Aca can die. Had to put my wife in it for 6 months because of a change in my ins. Because of my income level it was rediculously expensive, it only benefits the poor but fucks middle class.

I think the patnet poster " CBOE " may offer advice on that. It has to do with the ACA hardship exemption if the insurance is more than 8 % of adjusted gross income.

I read somewhere that if the hardship exemption is the case then you can get a bronze plan for about $400 a month. I realize pre-ACA that you could get the same plan as a bronze plan for only $200 a month. I guess that is the price for the ACA as it really is a "transfer tax".
101858   marcus   2019 Mar 31, 7:39pm  

101859   Ceffer   2019 Apr 1, 2:50am  

The powers that be probably want Smollett as free range as possible to suicide him with extreme prejudice if they can.

Smollett called in some kind of mutually assured blackmail chit, likely some kind of perversion or kiddie porn HollywoodGate, or maybe even threatened to scream about Michael and Obama and their deviance.

It will be interesting to see how long he lives.
101860   CBOEtrader   2019 Apr 1, 4:23am  

marcus says

Smullet was charged, why does this innaccuarcy keep popping up
101861   CBOEtrader   2019 Apr 1, 4:24am  

Ceffer says
Smollett called in some kind of mutually assured blackmail chit, likely some kind of perversion or kiddie porn HollywoodGate, or maybe even threatened to scream about Michael and Obama and their deviance.

Facts, or alex Jones theory?
101862   Ceffer   2019 Apr 1, 10:02am  

CBOEtrader says
Facts, or alex Jones theory?

Sheer speculation based on circumstance.
101863   fdhfoiehfeoi   2019 Apr 1, 11:49am  

We can't report spam posts anymore?
101864   kt1652   2019 Apr 1, 11:52am  

nah, it's just Rin.
101865   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Apr 1, 5:36pm  

Emotional and psychological abuse lol. That’s a generic term for “we didn’t agree”.
101866   cmdrda2leak   2019 Apr 1, 5:42pm  

"The Guardian took its tampon out on Saturday and disclosed that Orange Man Is Bad....."
101867   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Apr 1, 8:31pm  

While trying to blame it on the right.

Very much what Hillary did by having operatives leak the photo of Obama in a Turban to the right wing orgs in 2008.
101868   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Apr 1, 8:45pm  

This Primary season is gonna be lit.

They're going to do 90% of Trump's work for him by going after each other with Half-Truths and Long-Kept Secrets, and there will be so much butthurt that many will stay home.

I'm waiting for the attacks on Harris, which should send the boxsprings flying.
101869   HeadSet   2019 Apr 2, 8:23am  

Longer winter wheat season, what is not to like?
101870   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Apr 2, 8:54am  

I love how left pretends there is warming when they can’t measure anything accurately or attribute anything correctly.
101871   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Apr 2, 10:57am  

Maybe it's a serious problem. Or maybe, with the Mueller witch-hunt over, the MSM needs to invent another controversy.

Article references "the panel’s chairman, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.)," so I'm inclined to think that the opposition party is just doing what it does: opposing all things Trump.

Hillary Clinton had top security clearance and the world didn't end. I can't imagine any of the people mentioned in the article being more crooked or irresponsible.

Trump revoked Ex CIA director John Brennan's security, so I think that means he's allowed to give top security clearance to 25 people and he'll still be about at par on the security front.
101872   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Apr 2, 10:59am  

Tim Aurora says
To the Trumptards, nothing matters except that they are in power.
So, basically, the never-Trumpers in charge of issuing security clearance just delay or deny all requests. This is the way the deep state thwarts the will of the people.
101873   zzyzzx   2019 Apr 2, 11:59am  

There is no fucking way that Obama would have gotten one if he had to go through the process like a normal person. Same for Bill and Hillary Clinton.
101875   Tenpoundbass   2019 Apr 2, 12:39pm  

Thanks for reminding us that Adam Schiff needs his Security clearance revoked.
101877   anonymous   2019 Apr 2, 2:01pm  

This is going to be a very long summer.

The UAW will most likely walk over new contract talks and the auto makers won't care for the short term since vehicle sales are in the toilet.

The ILWU is getting edgy and not sure yet what some of the other large unions are up to.

Saw a piece this morning that some of the larger hedge funds are "hedging" their portfolios for an impending recession
101878   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Apr 3, 7:02am  

You thought wrong.
101879   anonymous   2019 Apr 3, 7:07am  

Does Trump Really Want “Comprehensive Immigration Reform”? What Does That Mean?

Trump has always been erratic on immigration. He talked about “comprehensive immigration reform” in the past. He considered introducing such a bill in his first months of office. [Trump says again that he’s open to an immigration reform bill and may mention it in his speech to Congress, by Brian Bennett, Los Angeles Times, February 28, 2017]

But what could he mean by “comprehensive immigration reform” now? Pre-Trump, it meant Amnesty for all illegal immigrants plus a massive increase in legal immigration. Trump became the Republican nominee campaigning against that idea and has always insisted on his opposition to Amnesty. While Trump has occasionally suggested Amnesty for illegal aliens who came to the U.S. as minors—the so-called Dreamers—in exchange for patriotic immigration reform, he has never proposed legalization for the majority of illegals.

According to some Trump World figures, “comprehensive immigration reform” now means increasing legal immigration without Amnesty. That’s the impression left by a recent op-ed from David Bossie, who was (for a while) a top aide on the Trump 2016 campaign. [An ‘America First’ immigration policy looks like this, Fox News, March 24, 2019]

Bossie asserts that an America First policy should “end the flood of illegal immigration”—while handing out more visas to high-skilled workers. Bossie defends his position by claiming mass immigration benefits the economy. But all of the studies Bossie relies on come from long-time immigration boosters, such as Trump’s chief economist Kevin Hassett:

More: http://www.unz.com/article/does-trump-really-want-comprehensive-immigration-reform-what-does-that-mean/

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