Perhaps there is hope for The Netherlands after all: Thierry Baudet

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2019 Mar 31, 5:35pm   2,921 views  66 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


“There's a proper reawakening across Europe going on”

Europe is closely eyeing conservative shooting star Thierry Baudet who rose to victory in Dutch regional elections, last week. The hyper-photogenic millennial leader has been labelled by the media as the “dandy of the Right”. While Eurocrats in Brussels are anxiously abuzz, the suave 36-year-old is sanguine about the future. ...

Most of the media portrays you as the shooting star of populism, as a poster boy of right-wing extremism. What can you say about the program that you are promoting?

We further what one can call an ‘Australian’ immigration model. By that we mean a fundamentally different approach to immigration. No longer are we going to look at how needy possible immigrants are of our support; we are going to ask ourselves if they are likely to contribute in a positive way to our country. We are very willing in terms of aid programs to support refugee shelters wherever in the world. We're very happy to help them there. But when it comes to immigration, to handing out passports to people, that is something that we're no longer going to make dependent on whether or not the person in question comes from a terrible situation at home, but from the answer to the question what he or she is going to bring to us. We have a fundamentally different approach to immigration from what was dominant in the West for the past several decades. We value the nation, our national identity, as a very important and very positive value that we need to protect.

How do you want to implement this new immigration policy while you're a member of the EU?

Well, that's why we want to leave the EU.

After the elections, you said you won a battle. What does it mean for you to win the war?

There's much more to it. I believe that aesthetically, for example, we've chosen the entirely wrong direction in the West. We've left tonal music behind. We've left realist or mimetic painting behind. We've left traditional architecture behind. I'm deeply opposed to the fundamental philosophical principles of modern architecture. I think it's fundamentally wrong.

You want to turn the clock back?

Absolutely. ...

Socialism, liberalism... Where do you see conservatism in play?

It’s the philosophy that starts from the understanding that we are paradoxical beings. We want to be free and, at the same time, we want to be embedded. We want to be individuals, but we also want to be members of a group. In a proper society, there's an equilibrium there, a delicate balance that has culminated in what we might call “the individual properly understood.” This reached its apex, I believe, in the eighteenth century, and was venerated in that great “swan song of aristocracy”, the nineteenth century. But now the individual has, of course, been “liberated” to an extent that we feel deeply atomized and unhappy. We don't know how to get back to the community anymore. ...

The interview was conducted Monday March 25th in Amsterdam.

Thierry Baudet (1983) is the founder and current political leader of the “Forum for Democracy” (FVD, Forum voor Democratie). In the general elections of 2017 his newly founded party won two seats in the House of Representatives, Baudet being one of the elected. In the provincial elections on March, held on March 20th, 2019, FVD became the strongest party in the Netherlands. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Law and has authored ten books, among them “The Significance of Borders” (2012), two novels, an introduction into Classical Music and several collections of essays.

I love this guy! I want to vote for him. Wish I were Dutch for a day just so I could cast that vote.

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22   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Apr 1, 1:02pm  

Kakistocracy says

WTF - the total bullshit we claim as Traditional American Values in this country ?

Work ethic - if you are rich and cheat - you get rewarded - if your poor - fuck you. 10 to20

Civic Participation - If my daddy or I can buy a seat in congress - we are patriots - don't look while we accept bribes and payoffs from contractors, consultants, lobbysists etc. and help write laws to benefit our narrow interest and fuck everyone else especially the people who voted for us. (Bolsonaro and Trump are doing that very thing)

Can you see why your arguments get pigeonholed as generic "Anti-Americanism"?

Corruption and Special Exceptions for the Rich (ie Harvard Cheating, Ivy League Anti-Asian Admissions) are hated precisely because the go against those Whiteness notions of meritocracy.

In many inferior non-Western Civilizations, what we call nepotism they call "Family Values" and have no problem with it (thats actually based on a quote by Suharto). Indeed the idea is held by all members of a society. Look what happens to the IT help desk when a South Asian manager takes over. In 3-4 years it's almost entirely South Asian, and remarkably the same ethnics/caste/extended family as the Manager's.
23   anonymous   2019 Apr 1, 2:09pm  

MisterLearnToCode says
Can you see why your arguments get pigeonholed as generic "Anti-Americanism"?

Have you noticed I do not give a damn. Not one - none - nada - zero

I am not going to be defined by the tried and true GOP definitions are what constitutes pro or anti-American attitudes etc.

What are American values?

The answer: It depends.

Vanessa Beasley, an associate professor in the department of communication studies at Vanderbilt University, compares the phrase, "American values" to a Rorschach test— in which a person looks for an image within symmetrical inkblots. The test prompts different people to see different things. [10 Mysteries of the Mind]

"It means whatever that group of constituents wants it to mean," she said.

After the State of the Union address, in which Obama called upon the nation to "reclaim" American values, LiveScience went looking for a common definition. Big surprise: We didn't find just one.

Depending on whom you ask, this phrase can offer insight into our national political rhetoric, as Beasley describes. It can also offer a window onto our collective psychology and help to explain characteristics of our society, according to some research that links values to economic systems.


MLTC has his American Dream - I have mine. Mine is not yours and I do not expect yours to be mine.

Same with those "Traditional American Values".

Those "Traditional American Values" in my lifetime have morphed into something that is ugly, full of greed and corruption with little to no adherence to anything Jesus taught unless it can be twisted around to hell and back to fit the needs of the right, far right, alt right and anyone else pretending to be a follower who supports policies that fly in the face of those teachings.
24   anonymous   2019 Apr 1, 2:20pm  

Jefferson had a theory about the origin of American values, about those eternal truths he had glimpsed in the summer of 1776. He revealed it in earlier writings. According to Jefferson, American values go back to the Saxon world before the Norman Conquest in 1066, and before that to the forests of Germany. It was there, in the words of historian Ellis, Jefferson believed was “a set of people who lived freely and harmoniously, without kings or lords to rule over them, working and owning their land as sovereign agents.


Not seeing all of the rest of the bullshit we have now....
25   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Apr 1, 2:21pm  

Patrick says
You want to turn the clock back?
Absolutely. ...

Even though the traditionalists might be the majority at the moment, non-traditionalists are reproducing and immigrating much faster than the traditionalists are reproducing and immigrating. The only way to return to traditional values is to change the reproducing&immigration imbalance or, somehow, convert the way of thinking of those new people. All signs seem to point to that change not happening.
26   anonymous   2019 Apr 1, 3:06pm  

MLTC et al. - This is what I think is un-American....

Blind unwavering support for a Potus and administration that thinks the constitution is either a ship located somewhere in the country but not concerned enough to care where exactly since it can't be politicized at the moment or else considers the constitution an advanced form of constipation.

That being said Baudet is not any different than Bolsonaro, Dutere or any other strongman or wanna be including Potus.
27   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Apr 1, 3:10pm  

May is no different than Corbyn, Macron is no different than Royale, Merkel is no different than Nahles, and Jeb!!!/Romney/Flake is no different than Biden/Harris/Booker.

All think a slow growing developed post-industrial society needs to be absolutely inundated with unskilled Third Worlders from utterly alien environments in massive numbers with next to no vetting.

That day is over, it is anti-democratic. People like their home and a sense of belonging, and not bringing Mogadishu to Minnesota.

Jefferson was all in favor of building a Navy of Heavy Frigates to beat the shit out of North African pirates than paying tributes, which Adams believed was the best course of action. I am reading Dawn Like Thunder and literally read excerpts of his letter-debate with Adams last week.

MENA Pirates, who want a Caliphate and Religious Authority ruling over them are about as far removed from Saxon Villages and Althings as one could possibly imagine.

More later.
28   Bd6r   2019 Apr 1, 3:20pm  

Kakistocracy says
The far-right, near-fascist party

Can you be specific as to why they are near fascist?

Kakistocracy says
a bit of ethnic cleansing via whatever means is suitable/palatable to the public to make the population a bit whiter did not sit well or was it the reference to enhanced interrogation techniques and internment camps ?

Can you show where he proposes this?

Kakistocracy says
military parades and jack booted goose stepping troops ?

And this as well?

May be I am missing something, but I do not see any of the above in Thierry Baudet.
29   anonymous   2019 Apr 1, 4:26pm  

@d6rB - in the interview above there is no direct link.

As far as the fascist - authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy.

I tend to read between the lines and there is a commonality between these candidates, groups, ideology etc. - like ISIS/ISL and it's offshoots.

The rest - who knows - why not though, someone in this country wanted a yuuggee military parade just like his pals in other countries.

I am doing some background research on him though - all so very very familiar...I will stand by my allegations.

For Baudet is convinced that his country is on the brink of disaster. He believes that Dutch political and intellectual elites harbor a pathological hatred of their own national culture. Fed by cultural Marxism, postcolonial guilt, victim culture, and political correctness, this oikophobia—Baudet’s fancy term for “fear of the home”—has sapped the country’s defense mechanisms, leaving it open to the invasion of non-Western values. These threats are embodied particularly in Muslim immigrants and refugees.

Although Baudet’s ideas are clearly very extreme, he packages them in a tremendously charming, attractive way.”

Baudet’s relationship with the extreme right is nebulous. While he’s popular with Dutch nationalists and white supremacists, he claims to forcefully reject racism and anti-Semitism, and says he will not allow them in his party in any form. At the same time, he dog-whistles through provocative statements that he later retracts, adds nuance to, or claims were intended ironically. One thing is clear: In his crusade against political correctness, he knows what buttons to push to prompt an attention-generating outcry.

Long Read: https://www.thenation.com/article/is-dutch-bad-boy-thierry-baudet-the-new-face-of-the-european-alt-right/
30   CBOEtrader   2019 Apr 1, 4:51pm  

d6rB says
military parades and jack booted goose stepping troops ?

And this as well?

May be I am missing something, but I do not see any of the above in Thierry Baudet.

He's making it up.
31   anonymous   2019 Apr 1, 5:00pm  

32 CBOEtrader ignore (5) 2019 Apr 1, 4:51pm ↑ like (0) ↓ dislike (0) quote flag

d6rB says

military parades and jack booted goose stepping troops ?

And this as well?

May be I am missing something, but I do not see any of the above in Thierry Baudet.

He's making it up.


The military parades and jack booted goose stepping troops - creative license just like Baudet uses in describing his views and policies.

My allegation he is a fascist or worse - stand by what I said.

Also stand by that I do not care (not even an atom's worth) if someone on an internet forum hints I am un-American for what I post or not going along with Trump train.
32   Bd6r   2019 Apr 1, 5:23pm  

Kakistocracy says
As far as the fascist - authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy.

I tend to read between the lines and there is a commonality between these candidates, groups, ideology etc. - like ISIS/ISL and it's offshoots.

I read through the link you provided. The only fact that could be interpreted as Baudet being far-right is his meeting with Jared Taylor (although meeting does not necessarily mean agreeing with ideas). Everything else seems to be a journalistic interpretation to achieve the desired result, that is to paint Baudet as member of far right. He appears to be strongly in favor of gay rights and gender equality - this is very different from far right and WRT to that he is more progressive than most of Patnet - he argues that immigrants should adopt culture of their new country - that seems logical (don't come to N. if you do not like there) - he supports referendums in Netherlands while so-called progressive left wing politicians are against them - last issue actually supports notion that the rest of parliament are fascists/stalinists/dictators/whatever as they prefer to rule without taking into account popular opinions.
Also, the article directly tells us that the collective Left is much more violent than the Right in Netherlands - two members of the Right - Fortuyn and van Gogh were killed by Left and their supported Muslims.
33   CBOEtrader   2019 Apr 1, 5:27pm  

Yeah, posting link after link is an excuse to ignore reality. He made it up
34   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Apr 1, 6:31pm  

Kakistocracy says
Depending on whom you ask, this phrase can offer insight into our national political rhetoric, as Beasley describes. It can also offer a window onto our collective psychology and help to explain characteristics of our society, according to some research that links values to economic systems.

This is a shock: After decades of the Multikult, the American Dream has lost it's one meaning held by 90% of the population: Increasing standard of living for ordinary folks.

As far as I can tell, according to the Clerisy, it means "Mass immigration of the third world and fuck the rednecks."
35   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Apr 1, 6:32pm  

d6rB says
The only fact that could be interpreted as Baudet being far-right is his meeting with Jared Taylor (although meeting does not necessarily mean agreeing with ideas)

Ah yes, the smear by association or even debate. Just like Sargon gets smeared for having a debate with Richard Spencer, which turned into "Sargon participated in a Youtube event with Spencer. FASCIST!!!"
36   Shaman   2019 Apr 1, 6:45pm  

Kakistocracy says
that was one of many clever things Hitler did.

So you’re a Hitler admirer? A Nazi fan? It makes sense considering that you’re always posting things about how we need fascist rule to keep us under control.
37   anonymous   2019 Apr 1, 7:06pm  

jazz_music says
Can you comment on the topic or just make up stories about people who disagree with you?

The base is using the 3Ps here Jazz, attack attack attack - person, position or make it political
38   anonymous   2019 Apr 1, 7:07pm  

d6rB,MLTC et al. - there is not one iota of a doubt in my mind Baudet is using extreme creative license in his views to make them palatable to the masses.

I stand by my allegations against him.
39   anonymous   2019 Apr 1, 7:11pm  

Quigley says
So you’re a Hitler admirer? A Nazi fan? It makes sense considering that you’re always posting things about how we need fascist rule to keep us under control.

Kindly show me where I have stated that. I did add in a bit of trivia to show how a genre of music can be used to manipulate a crowd unknowingly.

On a side note how about some input into the A.I. issue on the docks - please use the other thread. 50 good mechanics being paid a decent wage and benefit package can do the same as 100 union mechanics.
40   Shaman   2019 Apr 1, 7:12pm  

Kakistocracy says
I stand by my allegations against him

And who are you? What qualifies you as an expert? What can you even do that is beneficial to your fellow human beings? So far all I’ve seen is an ability to criticize without being constructive. That and a great willingness to eliminate any ideology from consideration which differs from the media-approved version. So you’ve mastered the process of elimination. Congratulations! You’re now at the level of a newborn.
41   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Apr 1, 7:15pm  

Kakistocracy says
d6rB,MLTC et al. - there is not one iota of a doubt in my mind Baudet is using extreme creative license in his views to make them palatable to the masses.

Or as a classically educated individual, he is simply making the forgotten balanced, classical case against Post Modernist Pap.

You know, that crazy Aristotle Idea that moderation is a good thing, too much individuality is as bad as too much conformity, etc.

Or, maybe Aristotle is just a dead White guy nobody needs to listen to because everybody knows Whites are Evil Whiteness practitioners.
42   Shaman   2019 Apr 1, 7:15pm  

Kakistocracy says
input into the A.I. issue on the docks

There is no Artificial Intelligence. Clearly, you misunderstand the term. Or maybe in your mind, the ability to be programmed qualifies as “intelligence.” This would explain a lot, in retrospect, as you constantly belittle those who think outside the box of party propaganda spewed by the mainstream media.
43   anonymous   2019 Apr 1, 7:17pm  

Quigley says
What can you even do that is beneficial to your fellow human beings?

Good good - using the attack the person principle of the 3 Ps and it would be "what I have done" in my life - not what can I do and I am still doing but what it is, is of no concern to anyone on here. .

Quigley says
What qualifies you as an expert?

The same as all of the "experts" attacking anything not of Trumponian fashion. As I recall there was a plethora of experts on here during the previous administration most of them are still here giving "expert" opinion on the greatness of Potus.

Quigley says
So far all I’ve seen is an ability to criticize without being constructive.

Some see with blinders on.

Quigley says
That and a great willingness to eliminate any ideology from consideration which differs from the media-approved version

Been watching Team Trump and the base in action so just applying the same standards.

Quigley says
Congratulations! You’re now at the level of a newborn.

Great - that puts me on the same level as your God King - guess you will all see me on TV soon as a new advisor.
44   anonymous   2019 Apr 1, 7:19pm  

Quigley says
There is no Artificial Intelligence

Robots - programmed with artificial intelligence and based on 30 years in industry I know exactly how unions pad refinery jobs and the same with the dock unions.

We staffed plants with one person per 12 hour shift when the union would require a staff of a dozen.

We could also prep, repair and put back on line a compressor in the time it took union people to tag one out for maintenance.

50 non union mechanics paid a decent wage and benefit package will work rings around a union crew of twice the number.
45   anonymous   2019 Apr 1, 7:20pm  

Quigley says
This would explain a lot, in retrospect, as you constantly belittle those who think outside the box of party propaganda spewed by the mainstream media.

Learned this from Breibart and the Gateway Fuckwit amongst others.

Spew - wow, thought only the commenter from Jersey used that term

No one from Team Trump belittles anyone on this forum ? When the hell did that stop ?
46   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Apr 1, 7:21pm  

I'm curious as to where Jefferson wrote it might be a good idea to have lots of Jihadis immigrate.
47   anonymous   2019 Apr 1, 7:26pm  

MisterLearnToCode says
I'm curious as to where Jefferson wrote it might be a good idea to have lots of Jihadis immigrate.

I'd like to know where his writings are endorsing white supremacists and ignoring their threat level without saying there are good people on both sides.
48   anonymous   2019 Apr 1, 7:29pm  

Quigley says
It makes sense considering that you’re always posting things about how we need fascist rule to keep us under control.

As for people that post that bullshit I am unable to name names lest I get this flagged as being personnel but I can assure you it is not Moi but think of someplace nice and warm and Jackie Gleason used to live there as one example who routinely almost daily posts white power bullshit.
49   Shaman   2019 Apr 1, 7:32pm  

Kakistocracy says
Robots - programmed with artificial intelligence and based on 30 years in industry I know exactly how unions pad refinery jobs and the same with the dock unions.

Uh, once again you don’t program with AI, not unless you have an AI to do the programming which nobody does. Instead you have engineers and techs to do the programming. And what is a robot? Bet you can’t even define it. I work on robots. I program them, maintain them, diagnose them, and fix them. Can you do any of that? If not, then don’t be coming up in here like I’m not worth whatever I’m paid. You know a little bit, and that’s led you to make a lot of dumb assumptions. I’m not going to correct all of them, but I will give you this much for free: a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
50   anonymous   2019 Apr 1, 7:37pm  

Quigley - those robots are going to put your livelihood in jeopardy.

Not sure what you can compared do to what I can do is of any consequence but again - I know better than to get into one of these mind numbing games so popular on here.
51   anonymous   2019 Apr 1, 7:41pm  

Quigley says
Can you do any of that? If not, then don’t be coming up in here like I’m not worth whatever I’m paid.

Doesn't matter what I can or can not do with a robot.

I do know that a skilled non-union mechanic can do the same work, faster and more of it and with a lot less bullshit than a union mechanic.
52   Shaman   2019 Apr 1, 7:43pm  

Kakistocracy says
non union mechanics can do the same work, more of it in less time without all the bullshit union rules

Ok so basically you’re asserting that unions suck, organized labor is unnecessary, and we should all go back to 1890 when sweatshops for tots were the American way. Looks like you’re exactly the elitist I always thought that you were. Forget about your commie posts. I know you don’t mean them. You just want to be the crusty old fuck in charge of telling the worker bots what to do and what to think, and probably assigning beatings on the regular. So progressive!
Give me a break!
53   anonymous   2019 Apr 1, 7:44pm  

Quigley says
You know a little bit, and that’s led you to make a lot of dumb assumptions.

My calls are based on experience over 30 years working with union and non union contractors. I know what to expect out of each group and what can or can not be accomplished per work shift.
54   anonymous   2019 Apr 1, 7:46pm  

Quigley says
Ok so basically you’re asserting that unions suck, organized labor is unnecessary, and we should all go back to 1890 when sweatshops for tots were the American way. Looks like you’re exactly the elitist I always thought that you were.

Please show me where I stated I was anti-union. Most of my commentary is pro-union but not the abuses it brings.

Earlier in life I was a member of the Steelworkers Union - like other unions they managed to kill the goose that was laying the Golden Eggs in most cases

Resorting to name calling now...
55   Patrick   2019 Apr 1, 9:26pm  

Kakistocracy says
kindly explain what was "personal' about my comment

This was personal:

Got a thing for far right wing thugs do you now ?
56   anonymous   2019 Apr 2, 2:32am  

@Patrick - that is pretty mild actually compared to the attacks myself and others contend with here on a daily basis.

Then again if my "flag" function was not disabled, I would be flagging my fair share as personal as well but when life dishes out lemons, you make lemonade and do work arounds.
57   Patrick   2019 Apr 2, 7:09am  

@Kakistocracy Huh, you should be able to flag personal insults, and please do.

I'll try to figure out why you don't see it.
58   Patrick   2019 Apr 2, 7:13am  

Actually, from what I see, you do have the "flag" link above each comment.

Are you sure you don't see it?
59   Bd6r   2019 Apr 2, 12:26pm  

Kakistocracy says
there is not one iota of a doubt in my mind Baudet is using extreme creative license in his views to make them palatable to the masses.

I stand by my allegations against him.

So not facts, just "I think that he is far-right because I do not like his political views".

What he has said makes sense and is by no means far-right. I'd say it is more common sense than what most politicians say. What he has in his head, we can not judge.
60   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Apr 2, 12:31pm  

If you got up in Congress/Parliament and gave a 5-minute speech about the legacy of the Greeks and Romans, you'd be labelled a White Supremacist by the first minute mark on CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, etc. Indeed it would be called a "Frightening display by the Alt Right".

Nevermind just 20 years ago nobody would have even noticed, and if they did, they'd say "Yep, yay Aristotle".
61   Bd6r   2019 Apr 2, 12:34pm  

It makes logical sense to copy successful societies/civilizations, which these days means European, N. American, and SE Asian (who are the most successful these days, by fusing their Confucianism with some ideas of West). But that somehow is considered wrong and unPC.

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