Cambridge University’s Shameful Treatment of Jordan Peterson

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2019 Apr 6, 10:36pm   2,938 views  83 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


On Wednesday, March 20, the Faculty of Divinity at the University of Cambridge sent the following tweet:

Jordan Peterson requested a visiting fellowship at the Faculty of Divinity, and an initial offer has been rescinded after a further review.

— Faculty of Divinity (@CamDivinity) March 20, 2019

Jordan Peterson is an academic and clinical psychologist who has taught at two of North America’s most prestigious research universities (Harvard University and the University of Toronto), and whose academic work is prominent, widely-cited, and non-controversial in his field (see a list of his research publications here). His courageous and articulate defense of free speech, of our political, cultural and religious inheritance, of unpopular but incontestable truths of science—especially biology—and his radical opposition to identity politics of any kind, including that of both Right and Left, have made him an iconic figure. But what is by far the most significant thing about Peterson is that he reaches vast numbers of young people, often through Biblical stories and ancient myths, with perennial truths—of freedom, responsibility, the dignity of the individual, the transcendence of beauty and suffering and, above all, the liberating nature of Truth itself.

Cambridge University seems to be pozzing itself into irrelevance.

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1   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Apr 7, 12:34am  

Within most religions, certainly academia, and in secular society, we have the most effete, cowardly elites of any time in history.

The comment section of that tweet shows a surprisingly large number of Turtle Necked Wire Rimmed Glasses Gillettes Threatened By A Pickle Jar Cum-before-the-girl's-bra-is-off theologians we are now burdened with.

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires.”
2 Timothy 4:1-4

Goddamnit, sorry I read this before logging off tonight.

Apparently, they also tweeted this out before notifying him, and it may have been they extended the invitation in the first place.
2   WillPowers   2019 Apr 7, 1:59pm  

The way in which this ethical and intellectual scholar and professor has been treated by the mainstream media and the universities is appalling and proves that Trump was right on signing an executive order to protect free speech on campuses was justified and necessary.
3   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Apr 7, 2:02pm  

Jordan Peterson is the best selling Canadian Author of all time

He broke through Gladwell's outlier by 600,000 copies of his books several months ago, at 3M copies.

While being a Harvard Graduate and a PhD at Toronto.

Because Leftism is not intellectually curious, but must defend the Unconstrained Vision, his relation of symbols and his Jungian neo-Stoicism is an absolute threat to the "Blank Slate" Socialists require for their worldview. Leftists believe nothing emotional or mental is constrained by biology, making humans unique among all living things in Nature.
4   anonymous   2019 Apr 7, 2:11pm  

MisterLearnToCode says
Because Leftism is not intellectually curious,

5   anonymous   2019 Apr 7, 2:11pm  

Since his (Jordan Peterson) confrontation with Cathy Newman, the Canadian academic’s book has become a bestseller. But his arguments are riddled with ‘pseudo-facts’ and conspiracy theories

6   CBOEtrader   2019 Apr 7, 2:14pm  

Kakistocracy says
Since his (Jordan Peterson) confrontation with Cathy Newman, the Canadian academic’s book has become a bestseller. But his arguments are riddled with ‘pseudo-facts’ and conspiracy theories


Lolz @ guardian half retarded hit piece. Zero thought whatsoever. This is why MLTC suggests the left lacks intellectual curiosity.
7   CBOEtrader   2019 Apr 7, 2:23pm  

Lolz the comment section totally ratiod the idiotic guardian hit piece

"*About as dangerous as a kitten. Unless you are averse to science and data. Or are on the extreme far left and far right*"
8   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Apr 7, 2:26pm  

Too many sheltered cowards today. It’s why fringe leftists take over, because everyone else is too chicken shit to stand up to that.
9   WillPowers   2019 Apr 7, 2:34pm  

Kakistocracy says
But his arguments are riddled with ‘pseudo-facts’ and conspiracy theories

So is the Left-wing Guardian: For example: calling Peterson a right-winger when his philosophy has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with taking responsibility for your own life, something the left is against as their rise to socialism does not permit the individual to exist. You are now to be identified with a group.
10   CBOEtrader   2019 Apr 7, 2:41pm  

WillPowers says
Kakistocracy says
But his arguments are riddled with ‘pseudo-facts’ and conspiracy theories

So is the Left-wing Guardian: For example: calling Peterson a right-winger when his philosophy has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with taking responsibility for your own life, something the left is against as their rise to socialism does not permit the individual to exist. You are now to be identified with a group.

Kak neither read the article nor thinks Peterson's "arguments are riddled with" anything. He just posted the first hit piece article that Google handed to him.

Proof: there is zero support for the "riddled with" claim.

I've noticed this trend to revert to a journalist's implied authority rather than make a case for oneself. I find it bizarre and unjustifiable
11   CBOEtrader   2019 Apr 7, 2:44pm  

FortWayneIndiana says
Too many sheltered cowards today. It’s why fringe leftists take over, because everyone else is too chicken shit to stand up to that.

This is JP's core point. As society's virtue signals require acceptance of willful lies ( or more ignorance of reality), we drift closer towards murderous righteousness.

"Where they burn books, they will eventually burn people."
12   Patrick   2019 Apr 7, 2:45pm  

WillPowers says
So is the Left-wing Guardian: For example: calling Peterson a right-winger when his philosophy has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with taking responsibility for your own life

The Left really has just one tactic that they use over and over: "misrepresent and shame" as James Damore put it.

1. misrepresent the point you are making
2. shame you for it, even though it is a misrepresentation of what you're saying

So they misrepresent Jordan Peterson as a right-winger, and then try to shame him for it.
13   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Apr 7, 3:27pm  

CBOEtrader says
Lolz @ guardian half retarded hit piece. Zero thought whatsoever. This is why MLTC suggests the left lacks intellectual curiosity.

Newman was trying to ambush him, and he made her look ridiculous and turned the whole Gotcha! Attempt on it's head.

@Kak, have you watched the video?

I am barely into Jordan, I've only watched perhaps two videos of him, one of which is the Newman interview.

Although I will be ordering his big book, next.
14   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Apr 7, 3:52pm  

JO has great material.

Read his book too, bit hard to read, he uses big words, but really good stuff.
15   WillPowers   2019 Apr 7, 4:49pm  

MisterLearnToCode says
I am barely into Jordan, I've only watched perhaps two videos of him

I think he over intellectualizes like people in academia tend to do, perhaps a little lost in his own head. Watched many videos of him and plenty are available since he is constantly being posted on You Tube. I find most interesting the idiotic conflicts he gets into with radical leftists, many of whom want to pigeon hole him and equate him with white nationalists. Amazing how people in college who are supposedly in college to consider all angles or arguments before arriving at a conclusion seem to be indoctrinated at an early stage in the learning process and suffer from the right man complex, or right woman complex, where in everyone who disagrees with them is wrong, or immoral and has an opinion that isn't even worth considering.
16   Shaman   2019 Apr 7, 6:10pm  

JP needs a Cambridge fellowship like he needs a third nipple. Totally unnecessary to either his popularity, fame, or income stream. For Cambridge to dangle it and then rescind the offer for a totally retarded reason says much more about the lows to which that institution has sunk than it does about the character of JP.
17   CBOEtrader   2019 Apr 7, 7:58pm  

Every time an elite college bans JP, he adds a zero to his bank account.

Money follows attention. These attacks are opportunities for JP to show off his ninja debate skills, vastly inscreasing his following each time.

Gives me the warm fuzzies
18   anonymous   2019 Apr 8, 2:28am  

CBOEtrader says
Lolz @ guardian half retarded hit piece

Attack the position or indirectly the person as mentally deficient and a "hit piece"
19   anonymous   2019 Apr 8, 2:41am  

CBOEtrader says
Kak neither read the article nor thinks Peterson's "arguments are riddled with" anything. He just posted the first hit piece article that Google handed to him.

My my - a psychic and seer now ? As I have stated numerous times on the forum I do not use "google", nor do you know what I have or have not read..

CBOEtrader says
Proof: there is zero support for the "riddled with" claim.

I have time to wait for the "proof" there is nothing. "support" for something by the same group who believes Cambridge treated him unfairly is not quite the same as no proof

CBOEtrader says
I've noticed this trend to revert to a journalist's implied authority rather than make a case for oneself. I find it bizarre and unjustifiable

Really - coming from someone who will not, refuses actually to honestly admit the amount of and degree of financial burden required when trying to get out from under an annunity, who hides behind I will send you a brochure....

As for the findings of bizarre and unjustifiable no need to offer my personal views, if they are not different than the source material I have offered.

The only reason for the request is to mount an attack - which using the 3Ps the "person" option was selected again.

As for what is justified or unjustifiable I believe I have made my feelings where CBOETrader and his viewpoints (attacks) are concerned perfectly clear but let me know if I need to reiterate...here is a nice version....I do not care - u do not matter....
20   anonymous   2019 Apr 8, 2:45am  

WillPowers says
something the left is against as their rise to socialism does not permit the individual to exist. You are now to be identified with a group.

Like the farmers screaming for financial bailouts in Trump country ?

Why does the Trump support team embrace socialism when it benefits them directly but not so much when someone else benefits ?
21   anonymous   2019 Apr 8, 2:50am  

MisterLearnToCode says
@Kak, have you watched the video?

Have you read all of the Michael Hudson posts and actually understood what he is talking about in them ?

Figured u may have given it a whirl, some of the other commenters on this thread - not so much especially the understanding part.

I suffered thru the video - I won't be watching anymore. Nor would I waste my money to the big book, little book or any of his works that I can see for free

This "outrage" seems to be one more boring episode in the never evening string of "outrage" posts - not so long ago it was Milo Yiannopoulos was the victim de jour...already forgotten the others..

So much outrage - so little time

Those goddamn librul lefties....if only there was a way to eliminate them from the face of the earth

Can someone give me a hint who will be featured on the next "outrage" & "shameful" treatment post ?

Potus and most of his administration have been covered - who will the next victim be ?
22   CBOEtrader   2019 Apr 8, 3:47am  

23   CBOEtrader   2019 Apr 8, 3:51am  

Kakistocracy says
CBOEtrader says
Lolz @ guardian half retarded hit piece

Attack the position or indirectly the person as mentally deficient and a "hit piece"

Yes, as did 90% of the comment section. The author doesnt make a point. His entire article is a plea to authority. It is the weakest kind of vacuous propaganda. Pure fluff, completely void of facts.

Funny, considering the claim is simple. Does JP use bad data or flawed assumptions?

Go ahead and show us an example. Any example. Just one.

(You cant)
24   CBOEtrader   2019 Apr 8, 3:58am  

25   anonymous   2019 Apr 8, 4:01am  

CBOEtrader says
Try making a point and staying on a topic.

Nothing but personal attacks - maybe add in some name calling, see the mechanic from the IWLU for details. He may not be up yet since it is only 4:00 A.M. in California.

Nice to know I am so well thought of someone gets up so early to launch personal attacks.
26   CBOEtrader   2019 Apr 8, 4:05am  

Kakistocracy says
BOEtrader says
Try making a point and staying on a topic.

Kakistocracy says
Nice to know I am so well thought of someone gets up so early to launch personal attacks.

No, I'm criticizing your lack of an argument. You still have not made a single point, or even discussed the retarded article you dropped.

Try actually discussing something. It's why we're here (the rest of us at least)
27   Shaman   2019 Apr 8, 5:36am  

28   CBOEtrader   2019 Apr 8, 5:56am  

My colleague Quigley is a better man than myself. Quigley expects too much.

I just want ONE point. Choose ONE example of JP's bad data or pseudo science. If there is a valid critique, let's hear a small sliver of it at least.
29   Onvacation   2019 Apr 8, 7:25am  

CBOEtrader says
Lol, dude I've never seen more words used for less actual content. Try making a point and staying on a topic.

Whenever kak or heyyou post I mostly just scroll and scan for something, anything, useful or interesting. I'm usually disappointed.
30   anonymous   2019 Apr 8, 7:46am  

31   Shaman   2019 Apr 8, 7:47am  

Onvacation says
Whenever kak or heyyou post I mostly just scroll and scan for something, anything, useful or interesting. I'm usually disappointed.

32   anonymous   2019 Apr 8, 7:49am  

@Onvacation - I am usually disappointed with the same from yourself and others but then we can't all be climate change deniers and play games with posts about the ideal temperature for human habitation.

Don't care what u think, otherwise I would have you off ignore wouldn't I ?
33   anonymous   2019 Apr 8, 7:59am  

Patrick - as soon as I saw the title and knowing a bit about Peterson I just has this feeling this was the new "darling" of the right and I was not disappointed.

Milo's replacement until the next one comes along. An intellectual who has spent years without much of any attention or recognition is suddenly the new messiah.

It wasn't that long ago at all that Milo was the one being crucified by the evil liberal left, if Peterson turns out to have some sexual dalliances or other skeletons that are not in keeping with the expected image, will he be next to be tossed under the bus?

Controversy sells books. Not too excited or moved by the NYT times review either. Then again I suspect the majority of those books are bought by the "target audience"

Kind of ironic actually in that normally it is the professor types that are under the attack here until one takes a stance on gender identity and the
on air interview which everyone here is raving about because "he showed her"...

Actually his degree is normally under attack on here as well so I just don't get the hype other than that he embraces the right.
34   anonymous   2019 Apr 8, 8:00am  

Quigley says

Never seem to be lacking for something to attack though on my posts - why is that ?
35   Shaman   2019 Apr 8, 8:21am  

Kakistocracy says
Actually his degree is normally under attack on here as well so I just don't get the hype other than that he embraces the right.

You clearly know nothing.
Peterson is not on the right, not religious, and not a fan of Donald Trump. He’s his own thing, something new under the sun. People who just want to crassly stereotype everyone into a pre-arranged category are stupid. Oddly, these people are the same ones who somehow believe themselves the champions of people who are routinely stereotyped. It’s kind of hilarious, and sad. But doesn’t humor come from a place of recognition that the human condition is sort of tragic?

Anyway, you should do your own research instead of just waiting for Maddow to tell you what you think.
36   CBOEtrader   2019 Apr 8, 8:23am  

Kakistocracy says
@Quigley - stop the personal attacks and I will stop flagging your comments
Quigley says

Lolz!!!! So kak literally conflates criticisms of his lack of an argument as personal attacks while also literally doing nothing but personally attacking others... all while spamming articles and making exactly zero points, defending zero points.

Just amazing to watch this level of delusion.

These replies may be @Patrick 's new chatbot garage project. Would make more sense than a logical human writing these posts
37   anonymous   2019 Apr 8, 9:06am  

38   anonymous   2019 Apr 8, 9:12am  

Quigley says
You clearly know nothing.
Peterson is not on the right, not religious, and not a fan of Donald Trump. He’s his own thing, something new under the sun. People who just want to crassly stereotype everyone into a pre-arranged category are stupid. Oddly, these people are the same ones who somehow believe themselves the champions of people who are routinely stereotyped. It’s kind of hilarious, and sad. But doesn’t humor come from a place of recognition that the human condition is sort of tragic?

Anyway, you should do your own research instead of just waiting for Maddow to tell you what you think.

He isn't on the right, then where is he ?

Never mentioned Trump.

People who just want to crassly stereotype everyone into a pre-arranged category are stupid - you mean like the ones categorizing the left, gays, SJWs etc. or is that smart categorizing not done crassly?

Never ever watched Maddow - what am I missing
39   anonymous   2019 Apr 8, 9:17am  

40   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Apr 8, 9:21am  

JP is awesome. He’s helping lots of young men and women get their life together.

Guaranteed left will always hate him, they hate responsibility and normal.

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