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2019 May 22, 10:30pm   6,606 views  50 comments

by marcus   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  


That's more than twice the profit to the government that the Mueller investigation yielded.

All I can say is wow !!

I would have to assume this doesn't include the non golf trips to MarLago, right ?


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1   marcus   2019 May 22, 10:34pm  

On the campaign trail during the 2016 election, Trump criticized Obama for golfing. In 2016, he tweeted "While our wonderful president was out playing golf all day, the TSA is falling apart, just like our government! Airports a total disaster!"

His campaign comments about Obama's golf habit continued the criticism he lobbed as a private citizen, when he tweeted frequently about Obama's golfing.

Trump's own golf outings have been a regular target since his term began. The president has golfed with figures including Rush Limbaugh, Bret Baier and Sean Hannity since taking office. He has also hit the links with Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo, and Senators Rand Paul and Lindsey Graham.

Last month, NBC News reported that Trump had spent 252 days at his properties, such as Mar-a-Lago and Trump International Hotel, and 187 days at golf properties, such as Trump National Bedminster, in New Jersey.
2   SunnyvaleCA   2019 May 22, 11:59pm  

First they complain Trump plays too much golf. Then they complain that they wish would play golf exclusively! Liberals just can't make up their minds.
3   CBOEtrader   2019 May 23, 12:36am  

How much has antifa cost taxpayers?

Let's at least break this into preventable vs non preventable costs. When your team wants to kill the POTUS, he requires extra guards. Sorry if thats difficult
4   Ceffer   2019 May 23, 1:55am  

I guess if you apply the "Fake News Manufactured Outrage And Hysteria" compensating calculator, that probably comes out to hundred K's plus change. He doesn't have to tip caddies with the secret service around.

Gee, if we blame the entire government budget on Trump, maybe we can come up with a figure for how much money he is wasting throwing spitballs at the garbage pail in the Oval Office.
5   clambo   2019 May 23, 5:55am  

So what? Trump's helped investors' net worth rise trillions since November 2016. We'll gladly pay for him to travel to a golf course.

This amount is a drop in the bucket compared to the billions illegal aliens and their spawn cost us taxpayers.
6   komputodo   2019 May 23, 7:05am  

marcus says
That's more than twice the profit to the government that the Mueller investigation yielded.

All I can say is wow !!

I would have to assume this doesn't include the non golf trips to MarLago, right ?

I think they have him now...The golfing expenses should be enough to IMPEACH...Great work you guys! You can breath easy now......
7   CBOEtrader   2019 May 23, 7:10am  

komputodo says
marcus says
That's more than twice the profit to the government that the Mueller investigation yielded.

All I can say is wow !!

I would have to assume this doesn't include the non golf trips to MarLago, right ?

I think they have him now...The golfing expenses should be enough to IMPEACH...Great work you guys! You can breath easy now......

Lol, this entire brand of criticism is pure partisan outrage. "We spend X on POTUS's Y" is a criticism of opposing idiots in every administration. Fox news did the same to Obama and Clinton before him, while the deep state media hits Bush and Trump.

Partisans be simple minded partisans. Yawn.
8   marcus   2019 May 23, 7:14am  

I'm not outraged, nor the slightest bit surprised.

It's worth noting though considering the number of Trump tweets (apparently envy?) critical of Obama's golf habits during his presidency.

It's one more little observation about what a completely dishonest and infantile douche Trump is.
9   CBOEtrader   2019 May 23, 7:23am  

marcus says
infantile douche Trump is.

Infantile douche may be fair, I just don't care though. His personality is the perfect phenom to break the virtue signalling MSM which IMO is Nazi style propaganda enemy of the people.

So, I accept Trump's obvious douchery in favor of his more positive traits.
10   Tenpoundbass   2019 May 23, 7:27am  

Yeah but how is his game?
11   Tenpoundbass   2019 May 23, 7:27am  

Does he get a Pro Golfer to tutor him with that kind of coin, or is he slicing them on his own?
12   Tenpoundbass   2019 May 23, 7:27am  

Got any Pics?
13   Tenpoundbass   2019 May 23, 7:28am  

102 Million that's Cheap!
14   Shaman   2019 May 23, 8:29am  

Tenpoundbass says
Does he get a Pro Golfer to tutor him with that kind of coin, or is he slicing them on his own?

He is golfing buddies with Tiger Woods.
That’s some pretty l33t status right up in there!

The cost of a Presidential trip is jacked to the moon by the cost of the support, guards, traffic police, and a hundred other factors. He doesn’t have much control over these things, as they’re on automatic for any POTUS. He only way he could minimize the cost was if he’d sit in the White House and never go anywhere.
15   Bd6r   2019 May 23, 1:02pm  

Actually, would be nice if our Golden HAARFÜHRER would not waste TAXPAYER! FUNDS! on entertainment. Not that any other presidents have behaved differently.
16   Ceffer   2019 May 23, 2:25pm  

Trump is the cynosure of all evil. It is just so boring recounting his manifest atrocities, they go on and on. IMPEACH TRUMP!
17   CBOEtrader   2019 May 23, 2:50pm  

Ceffer says
Trump is the cynosure of all evil. It is just so boring recounting his manifest atrocities, they go on and on. IMPEACH TRUMP!

2 scoops of iced cream. Nuff said
18   Tenpoundbass   2019 May 23, 7:14pm  

CBOEtrader says
2 scoops of iced cream. Nuff said

In 100 years people reading the History of Trump will have a good laugh on that one.
19   Y   2019 May 23, 10:09pm  

you'd think libfucksoysprouts would gladly shell out 150 extra large to have the orange man vacate the premises for a spell...
20   komputodo   2019 May 24, 7:15am  

marcus says
All I can say is wow !!

I heard from an anonymous source that he let all the secret service agents eat hot dogs and sodas free at the snack bar at the turn...some even took advantage and had a bag of chips....all on the taxpayers dime..that should be enough for impeachment..
21   Ceffer   2019 May 25, 12:45pm  

It cost $15 million just to repair all the glory holes Obama installed on Air Force One.
22   HeadSet   2019 May 25, 7:06pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Ceffer says
It cost $15 million just to repair all the glory holes Obama installed on Air Force One.

It wouldn't have cost half as much if Michelle's PREHENSILE! PENIS! was not so IMMENSE!

True, as it looped through several glory holes at once.
23   BayArea   2019 May 26, 7:30am  

Fake news
24   marcus   2019 May 26, 11:33am  

Hey, it's only about 4 times as much as Obama golfed in his first 2 years.

And here are the 27 times Trump tweeted about OBama playing golf too much golf.


I would say, "you can't make this shit up." But facts so bizarrely telling about our POTUS are an everyday yawn at this point.
25   Ceffer   2019 May 26, 11:39am  

marcus says
I would say, "you can't make this shit up."

Shouldn't that read: "You can't make up this made-up shit any better!"
26   marcus   2019 May 26, 11:45am  

Republican spin is interesting. They like lies. THey loves them their liar in chief, and when the media reports on the lies, they cry about how mean the media is. "No other President has been treated so badly." Guess what ? No other President was such a pathological liar.

Apparently if you lie constantly to yourself and others then you project it on to everyone else. They must constantly be lying too ? Becasue lying is good ? Lying is what America is all about ?


Ceffer says
Shouldn't that read: "You can't make up this made-up shit any better!"

There's nothing made up here about Trump golfing 4 times as much as Obama or his 27 tweets about Obama playing too much golf.
27   komputodo   2019 May 27, 6:17pm  

Ceffer says
It cost $15 million just to repair all the glory holes Obama installed on Air Force One.
29   marcus   2020 Jan 1, 1:20pm  

That would make a lot more sense written the other way. And it probably was. Think about it, are you that out of touch that it makes sense to think anyone is saying Obama golfing is okay, becasue he's black ?

Golfing is fine. But trump does it more than 4 times as much as Obama, taking his entourage to Trump properties.

And also:

30   BayArea   2020 Jan 1, 1:21pm  

Fake news for sure
31   Ceffer   2020 Jan 1, 1:46pm  

Give Trump a break. The golf course is where he has all of his Russian drop boxes. Haven't you seen all the chalk marks along the courses?
32   marcus   2020 Jan 1, 1:55pm  

What's fake news ?

33   Ceffer   2020 Jan 1, 3:56pm  

I think fake news can be gauged by anything the OP swallows as true.
34   marcus   2020 Jan 1, 4:37pm  

In other words you put your fingers in your ears just like the Germans did, and say "LALALALALALALALALAL I CAN'T HEEERE YOU !"
35   komputodo   2020 Jan 1, 5:49pm  

marcus says

36   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Jan 1, 6:02pm  

Quid pro joe gave Ukraine billions to get his offspring a 50k/month hand out in return.

Investigate that
37   BayArea   2020 Jan 1, 6:26pm  

komputodo says
marcus says


38   Shaman   2020 Jan 1, 6:42pm  

Ceffer says
I think fake news can be gauged by anything the OP swallows as true.

Reputations are established for a reason. It’s why the user profile is helpful. So we know who to believe and who to discredit.
40   WookieMan   2020 Jan 2, 9:18am  

BayArea says
komputodo says
marcus says



Slow down chief. It's $2 for actual taxpayers. About half don't pay a dime in taxes, so why the fuck do they even care about his golfing habits? They should be happy that they might actually start paying taxes with some higher income. You know, support the country that gives them free shit. That's got to be a good feeling after collecting charity for years.

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