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102958   Booger   2019 May 27, 7:45pm  

102959   marcus   2019 May 27, 7:49pm  

HonkpilledMaster says
Again, I gave examples. None of them were refuted, but ignored.

Those were examples were incomprehensible from your bubble, that I will admit I do not understand.

So are these things I need to look in to to so that I can understand that democrats are symbolically trampling on the flag and embracing a different flag ?

It's a cult and it's sick.
102960   mell   2019 May 27, 8:03pm  

Seriously Accost-yah?? After accosting the female White house aide after yapping for minutes and not shutting up when politely asked he should have been punched in the face and barred for life. That's pathetic weak sauce by this self-absorbed dimwit. My first executive order as prez would be to bar Accost-yah from a large enough perimeter around the White House. It's not a war on the press, it's a war on Accost-yah. And rightfully so.
102961   Shaman   2019 May 27, 8:10pm  

marcus says
It's a cult and it's sick.

Your myopic vision can’t encompass a different viewpoint on the issues. IF we aren’t open borders total welfare state, then we are fascists who are morally wrong. That is literally all you can imagine. I feel sorry for you.
102962   marcus   2019 May 27, 8:48pm  

Quigley says
IF we aren’t open borders total welfare state, then we are fascists who are morally wrong.

Nailed it !

That's me.

Actually under OBama, there was foodstamps and very little "welfare" as you imagine it. Although plenty of future Trump voters on SS disability, and or opiods. AS for borders, border security and deportations went way up in the Obama years.

So what the fuck are you talking about ?

The immigrant "invasion" is just nationalist propaganda for old scaredy cat pussy white snow flakes that haven't figured out that race is irrelevant, so that the douchebag could get elected.

Don't let facts get in the way of your fantasies Quigley.
102963   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 28, 11:53am  

I'm more interested in stopping the Liberal Lie Machine.

Did Trump "Dump all the Fish Food" into the Koi Pond this trip?
102964   Goran_K   2019 May 28, 12:17pm  

marcus says
The immigrant "invasion" is just nationalist propaganda for old scaredy cat pussy white snow flakes that haven't figured out that race is irrelevant, so that the douchebag could get elected.

This is why Trump won, and will win in 2020, democrats are solely focused on race at the expense of logic and reasoning.

Most Trump supporters would feel the same way about illegal immigration and illegal aliens if they were streaming over from Canada, enrolling in schools, getting free health care and housing subsidies, while paying a fraction of the taxes real citizens actually pay, while levying a total burden of $116 billion US dollars (paid for by actual citizens) while waving the Canadian flag around and calling everyone in the US racists/facists.

It's not about race.

let's repeat.

It's not about race.

It's always been about $$$. That's why Trump is predicted to win 2020 in all the various election models released so far. He's been good on the $$$, while democrats still think the "race card" is their golden ticket. It's not. Not anymore.
102965   WookieMan   2019 May 28, 12:46pm  

jazz_music says
and even more annoying that people are led to think they are doing well when they are not.

I'm doing well and I'm not in the 1%. I don't let people lead me either, I think on my own. Outside of self inflicted issues (alcoholism, drugs, divorce, etc) I don't know anyone doing worse if you compare to where they were 5 years ago. Not one. Between my wife and I we're talking close to 100 people that we know pretty darn well (see at least on a monthly basis).

As I've brought up in the past, I don't actually care for you to disclose where you live, but you may seriously want to think about moving out of that area.

Hitting on some of the points in the video. If you can't scrape together $400 cash (4 in 10 supposedly) that's on you. There's ZERO reason in the USA that someone can't save $400. I'm guessing 100% of those people are part of the 17% that won't pay a bill that they likely knew was coming and most certainly used the money on something stupid. Stopped actively listening at the 2:25 mark roughly. So I gave the video a chance for the most part.

Your beef is with people not saving and not being responsible. You can also say the bottom 10% being lazy and not wanting to work distorts the data as well. You can't have one without the other. YouTube is a dangerous place and that guy proves it very well. Holding a piece of paper and saying the "federal reserve" without any link citation means dick. Be careful what you believe regardless of your "team" affiliation.
102966   Tenpoundbass   2019 May 28, 12:48pm  

Day 4 and counting.

102967   Ceffer   2019 May 28, 1:42pm  

Ten whole steps? And people said Trump was dumb.
102968   WookieMan   2019 May 28, 1:45pm  

But you stupid fucks can't argue the massive pollution of the only place you have to live.

Who has argued for polluting more or even continued pollution at current levels on this site? The fact remains that it's not about pollution. Humans can't NOT pollute and sustain current lifestyles and populations at ever increasing numbers. Need less humans. There's the real hockey stick if you look at the charts. We need less people and that's the ONLY solution IF global warming is caused by carbon or any other pollutant.

As we decrease emissions, we keep increasing people that keeps the NET amount of pollution the same. It's a losing battle without killing off probably a billion or so people. So unless you have a good plan to kill billions of people, you're wasting your breath/keystrokes. Enjoy the day and understand that some future generation will die a miserable death and there was nothing realistic that could have been done about it.

People gotta stop making themselves miserable over something that cannot be controlled without you losing 50% of your friends to forced death to suppress overall emissions. Either way, it's awful if your dogma is global warming/climate change. You can't stop it. Enjoy life and get the tree trunk out of your rectum.
102969   WookieMan   2019 May 28, 1:54pm  

Hircus says
because I think Trump is the type of person who could morph into an authoritarian dictator if he was unchecked.

How does this happen? I see no realistic way this could ever happen in modern times, yet it gets thrown about constantly. Can someone lay out the path for Trump to become a dictator of the USA?
102970   Bd6r   2019 May 28, 3:27pm  

It is not FREEDOM! and CAPITALISM! if Google and Microsoft can not sell names of Chinese dissidents to Chinese authorities for a surprisingly affordable price!
102971   EBGuy   2019 May 28, 4:40pm  

Not a shirt on my back, not a penny to my name
And the land that I once loved was not my own
Lord I'm one, Lord I'm two, Lord I'm three, Lord I'm four
Lord I'm five hundred miles away from home
A hundred tanks along the square
One man stands and stops them there
Some day soon, the tide will turn, and I'll be free
I'll be free, I'll be free, I'll come home to my country
Some day soon the tide will turn and I'll be free
102972   SunnyvaleCA   2019 May 28, 5:12pm  

From the article: "competitors’ cars have many advantages – including better service networks, luxurious interiors, and the “newness” factor. The Audi e-tron, Porsche Taycan, and Jaguar I-PACE represent the biggest threats, followed by highly anticipated offerings from BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and others."

That's been my thinking, too, but Tesla is still doing well in mind-share and market-share and competitors still haven't put out a blockbuster true luxury electric. The BMW i3 thing, for example, is farther from "luxury" than any of the Teslas.

I also think that Tesla corporation is highly leveraged through and through. Honoring warrantees, taking back lease returns, and the extreme financial leverage on a money-losing (so far) enterprise is a recipe for a gigantic, fast-paced financial meltdown.
102973   GNL   2019 May 28, 5:13pm  

Sorry to disappoint you but Tesla will not be allowed to fail. Book it.
102974   BayArea   2019 May 28, 5:17pm  

Just bought Tesla stock today under 190.
102975   Bd6r   2019 May 28, 5:24pm  

Lika appears to be another bot
102976   Bd6r   2019 May 28, 5:24pm  

102977   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 May 28, 5:41pm  

i wonder which organization makes those bots and has a list of websites they try to post on. I remember there was a thing that came later after elections how this left leaning SF tech company was making fake conservatives on facebook and twitter being upset at Russia collusion and Trump. They had a clear game plan, and a list of sites to target.
102978   Ceffer   2019 May 28, 5:44pm  

freespeak says
Indiana to take DNA sample from every person arrested for felony

This never worked out because female deputies kept swallowing the evidence.
102979   Tenpoundbass   2019 May 28, 5:55pm  

The high tech Edsel.
102980   Tenpoundbass   2019 May 28, 5:56pm  

These Obama district Judges are all card carrying Commies, there hasn't been one ruling by them, that SCOTUS hasn't over turned.
That's if you can get it on their Docket.
102981   Shaman   2019 May 28, 6:19pm  

The legacy of the community organizer will take decades to fully expunge.
102982   RWSGFY   2019 May 28, 6:21pm  

Jesse says
If you go to a baseball game or Disneyland, you'll need to give your fingerprints, be molested, and be made to carry a microchip.

And this is how we know this particular Russian bot has never been to fucking Disneyland in his miserable fucking life.

Fuck off, you fucking loser.
102983   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 28, 7:29pm  

Flagged as Spam, exact same comment as by "Jesse" in another thread.
102984   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 28, 7:34pm  

When the ruling class wants cheap labor, it calls having national borders racist, xenophobic, and anti-freedom, and Libertarians agree!
102985   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 28, 7:36pm  

Jeeze, bot, the article is 2 years ago.
102986   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 28, 7:38pm  

georgeliberte says
John Hancock among others was a smuggler.

Poland was independent, until too many people decided they'd resist taxation. So, the didn't have a sizeable national army large enough to defend them. Then Austria, Prussia, and Russia divided it up, took away their freedoms, and raised taxes upteen times what they were.
102987   Hircus   2019 May 28, 7:44pm  

marcus says
If anything TRump has increased the polarization in the country by a factor of 10

I'm not sure how I feel about that statement.

A big part of me feels that the leftist-rhetoric which intentionally tries to make everyone angry at each over race, gender, and class, is the real problem. It is extremely divisive. Their formula is simple, and effective: create a problem by making people angry at each other, then offer to solve the problem - bam, instant voters. More anger = more votes.

Americans bought into that stuff stuff to some degree, because we do have some real problems in those categories, and people want to do the right thing, but I think some of it has just gone too far, or has gone in the wrong direction. Delicate topics that should be tackled with precision instruments have been approached using blunt weapons that hit innocent bystanders. Attempts to bring "justice" to victims often end up creating even more (innocent) victims, with poor trade off qualities.

Trump understood that many people were realizing that the lefty fruit had started to rot, campaigned against it, and won.

His election certainly marked a moment where division spiked and has reached new peaks. But, where has this increased division come from? It mostly comes from the left wing rhetoric. They decided to fight him by turning up the "division amplification knob". Their strategy is to fight fire with fire, which sometimes makes things much worse.

To be fair, Trump has done some of the very same - for example, by exaggerating some facts to increase their impact, or just lying, sowing division and racism. But I strongly feel our spike in division problems are primarily due to the Frankenstein created by the left. The monster is under attack, and it screams very, very loudly.
102988   Hircus   2019 May 28, 9:01pm  

WineHorror1 says
Sorry to disappoint you but Tesla will not be allowed to fail. Book it.

Who do you think would save it?
102989   SunnyvaleCA   2019 May 28, 10:09pm  

Hircus says
WineHorror1 says
Sorry to disappoint you but Tesla will not be allowed to fail. Book it.

Who do you think would save it?

It'll be bought by a competitor ... for about $25 per share. So, if you just bought at $190, that's pretty much a "fail."
102990   Ceffer   2019 May 29, 12:59am  

He should try it at the local insane asylum. I'm sure he'd get a standing ovation, there, too, and some of the audience would even masturbate.
102991   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2019 May 29, 3:47am  

In Paducah, Kentucky, a man was executed for loud knuckle cracking.
102992   georgeliberte   2019 May 29, 5:53am  

Taking things away can piss people off.
From people who owe that money? I think they are called deadbeats. Why should we pay their student loans.
102993   Booger   2019 May 29, 6:16am  

102994   Booger   2019 May 29, 6:23am  

Article clearly states that rare earths are available in the US, Australia, and elsewhere outside of China. Why does the article author hate American miners?
102995   HeadSet   2019 May 29, 6:32am  

Next step, eliminate these student loans completely. Watch college become affordable again.
102996   HeadSet   2019 May 29, 6:43am  

And a list of all Congressmen who have taken money from or met with lobbyists from Comcast.

That one is easy, Here:

102997   HeadSet   2019 May 29, 6:46am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Right, and then we end up with 5G owned by China Telecommunications Corp. and everything's a buck a minute and a buck a meg and average monthly phone bills are $1600

??? I think more like Verizon, Sprint, et al., with no one having a monopoly. Just have to worry about the equipment, which is why we should have the electronics made in the USA.

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