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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   252,184 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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103205   RC2006   2019 Jun 7, 7:49am  

I think liberals are gaslighting but then I remember how retarded they are.
103206   RC2006   2019 Jun 7, 7:54am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
The whole gender reassignment fraud should be illegal to inflict on kids below the age of 30, at least, ideally 40.


Promoting this shit will be one of the issues that drags the left down, it's straight up child abuse. It's the stuff that has occurred at the end of every great civilization.
103207   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Jun 7, 7:56am  

Ideally we shoot the parents who want to reassign. Crimate the remains.

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
The whole gender reassignment fraud should be illegal to inflict on kids below the age of 30, at least, ideally 40.

Tom Boy girls are so eager for penises, they'll climb trees with boys and carry tubas in the band to get close to them.
103208   WookieMan   2019 Jun 7, 7:56am  

HeadSet says
That used to be called being a "Tom Boy" and was not uncommon.

I'm aware of the term. My sister was one too. The problem is some parents will embrace this phase in life and actually believe their child wants to be a boy. That's child abuse without a doubt. It's more harmful than physical and verbal abuse in my opinion. And I know it's a fraction of a percent probably, but it's just sick.
103209   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jun 7, 9:54am  

WookieMan says
If mom and dad had pushed for her to be a boy because her fucking brain had barely developed, she'd probably have some massive fucking issues at this point in her life. Or if Mom and Mom were forcing her to be gay. It's fucking child abuse that I'd venture to guess causes more harm than physical abuse (not sexual though). Be your gay self, that doesn't bother me, but when you indoctrinate children, that's TOTALLY fucked up.

Just wait 20 years when the books come out.

Parents are doing this for peer approval.
103210   Shaman   2019 Jun 7, 10:03am  

Trying to turn a kid gay or turn the kid into the opposite gender is always child abuse. When they reach full sexual maturity, they can decide for themselves. Before then, they have no full comprehension of the issue, their brains aren’t fully developed, and we don’t trust them to even drive, so why should we trust them that their penis needs cut off and replaced with a vagina?

If the kid felt like her big toes were ugly and really wanted it removed, would anyone think it was right to indulge her?
103211   HeadSet   2019 Jun 7, 10:23am  

Quigley says
Trying to turn a kid gay or turn the kid into the opposite gender is always child abuse. When they reach full sexual maturity, they can decide for themselves. Before then, they have no full comprehension of the issue, their brains aren’t fully developed, and we don’t trust them to even drive, so why should we trust them that their penis needs cut off and replaced with a vagina?

If the kid felt like her big toes were ugly and really wanted it removed, would anyone think it was right to indulge her?

Yes, like letting a 15 year old get a boob job.
103212   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Jun 7, 10:39am  

HonkpilledMaster says
Just wait 20 years when the books come out.

Parents are doing this for peer approval.

Yes, I think that is true. But then I have to also think: What is wrong with the parents that they think that their own behavior is somehow approval-worthy? The parents are just as screwed up as they are trying to make their kids. I feel so old right about now, but, back in my day parents prodded their kids with such ideas as: behave in a dignified and polite way when in public, excel in school, be a considerate winner and loser in sports, etc.
103213   Y   2019 Jun 7, 10:47am  

Well the parents are just doing what they were taught to do.
it always circles back to the vast majority of libby teachers, doesn't it.

SunnyvaleCA says
Yes, I think that is true. But then I have to also think: What is wrong with the parents that they think that their own behavior is somehow approval-worthy? The parents are just as screwed up as they are trying to make their kids.
103214   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Jun 7, 1:46pm  

One of my favorite newspaper headlines of all times: "Global Warming March Cancelled due to Snowstorm."
103215   RWSGFY   2019 Jun 7, 2:01pm  

We need to institute the Green New Deal ASAP, before jig is up!
103216   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jun 7, 3:38pm  

When Canada becomes almost uninhabitable because of expanding ice caps, they'll say "SEE?! Climate Change!"
103217   joshuatrio   2019 Jun 7, 4:44pm  

103218   Automan Empire   2019 Jun 7, 8:32pm  

TrumpingTits says

I loved this book. Niven is a great SF author. Interesting premise in the book, that the industrial revolution actually prevented an emerging ice age, until environmentalists cut carbon emissions so well that the climate shifted to runaway cooling.
103219   komputodo   2019 Jun 7, 10:30pm  

joshuatrio says

Checking his wetbulbs.
103220   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jun 8, 7:55am  

We better not make the left, make us, make them, make us, loose our minds.

When a Lefty Commie Loon starts off with "What would Jesus Do?"

You know you're listening to Hillary's speech writer. This guy is another pathetic loser, America hates losers. Democrats lost the 2016 elections. The Losers!
103221   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Jun 8, 9:14am  

NPR is still working on solving "loneliness problem for faggots". So I am sure I know what liberal priorities are.
103222   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 8, 10:01am  

Platitudes w zero content.
103223   NotBuyingIt   2019 Jun 8, 10:28am  

Thanks Jazz - Another rational conservative who scares the populists. Like it was on cue the next three comment support his arguments about the Trump base and their aversion for the truth and their hateful rhetoric. TDS should really mean Trump Disgust Syndrome.
103224   NotBuyingIt   2019 Jun 8, 11:43am  

Thanks Jazz - Another rational conservative who scares the populists. Like it was on cue the next three comments support his arguments about the Trump base and their aversion for the truth and their hateful rhetoric. TDS should really mean - Trump Disgust Syndrome.
103225   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jun 8, 11:53am  

NotBuyingIt says
Thanks Jazz - Another rational conservative who scares the populists. Like it was on cue the next three comment support his arguments about the Trump base and their aversion for the truth and their hateful rhetoric. TDS should really mean Trump Disgust Syndrome.

You have amazing powers of perception, Not Buying It.
103226   steverbeaver   2019 Jun 8, 12:15pm  

I generally like the proposal. But isn't it a bit antithetical to "left wing" positions? You are right though... no more words, action now. The sad part is donks have become such a fucking clown show that Trump is still the best option at this point despite his case of acute semited anal prolapse.
103227   steverbeaver   2019 Jun 8, 12:18pm  

maybe this is fake but I doubt it.
103228   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jun 8, 12:20pm  

NotBuyingIt says
Trump base and their aversion for the truth and their hateful rhetoric. TDS should really mean Trump Disgust Syndrome.

Wait! Didn't you just post a comment in this thread, that must have been so hateful that it was flagged?

Why do Liberals project their crap onto other people or protest the same crap y'all pull when it's coming back the other way?

This is why I called y'all a bunch of whinny ass Losers. Only losers behave this way. What's your rationale for your claims of hate about Trump supporters.

You don't get to redefine Truth and Reality as Hate Speech. Save that for your 3rd grade class.
103229   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jun 8, 12:23pm  

The Left are such hateful fuckers.

How much you all wanna bet that Patrick is NOT harassed and censored between now and before the 2020 elections, by activist Digital Brown shirts? As the Digital Ghettotization of the Internet Continues with the Fascist Commie Left.

There will be attacks to deplatform Patrick.net and deperson Patrick the owner. Because the left are such pathetic punks, that's all they have when they get their sorry asses handed to them in an argument grounded in Truth.
103230   NotBuyingIt   2019 Jun 8, 12:47pm  

103231   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jun 8, 12:57pm  

NotBuyingIt says
Wow. This is now Orwellian. The comments that were flagged were comments 4 and 5. Sorry for the double comments by the way. In no way could any reasonable person consider them hateful. I could not believe either was flagged since they only pointed out that the first 3 comments validated the video . All your comments in this post have efficiently and concisely supported the thesis of the video.

I believe it was flagged because these are your literal first comments on patrick.net

The only thing Orwellian right now is NeverTrump working with Democrats to preserve the New Intersectionality they created in the 90s, to the point they'll use cronies in the FBI under Patriot Act era terrorism laws to spy on their political opponents. Unprecedented!

So much so that I am starting to wonder whether your a leftist plant.

This is getting personal, and it's "you're"
103232   NotBuyingIt   2019 Jun 8, 1:14pm  

I have posted on Patrick.net before. These are not my first comments. So not “literal”. Thanks for the grammar lesson.
103233   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 8, 1:37pm  

NotBuyingIt says

Try addressing the argument, not the person.

I see empty platitudes. see any rational points? go ahead and offer those
103234   Ceffer   2019 Jun 8, 1:51pm  

Tenpoundbass says
How much you all wanna bet that Patrick is NOT harassed and censored between now and before the 2020 elections,

If you hadn't noticed, in the last several large election cycles, various entities DO show up on Patnet, mostly flaming LibbyFuck in nature. Whether they are fake identities or stooges is unknown, but they certainly appear to dilute the contents according to an agenda.

Elections over, they disappear.

It has been quite noticeable. Whether it is just the long arm of the Deep State or not is un-knowable without doxing and research, but they are definitely partisan or even financed chaff attacks. I suppose you could say the presence of foreign interests also pop in from time to time.

Diversion, dissuasion, confusion, dilution, rabble rousing etc. are all well established tactics to either push the truth below the surface, confuse it, camouflage it, or make it unrecognizable in the puzzle barrage.
103235   Onvacation   2019 Jun 8, 2:20pm  

Ceffer says
various entities DO show up on Patnet, mostly flaming LibbyFuck in nature. Whether they are fake identities or stooges is unknown, but they certainly appear to dilute the contents according to an agenda.

Whatever happened to @strategist ?
103236   Onvacation   2019 Jun 8, 2:32pm  

joshuatrio says

Still managing wifes law firm, producing anti-feminist movies, planning his apocalypse bunker in Chile, disrupting rightwing websites, and hiding from antifa.
103237   CaltRightCrazy   2019 Jun 8, 3:13pm  

At what point did you think Trump STOPPED being a swindler?
103238   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jun 8, 3:23pm  

NotBuyingIt says
I have posted on Patrick.net before. These are not my first comments. So not “literal”. Thanks for the grammar lesson.

This is what I have to go by. And being a wee bit of an active poster, I don't recall your handle.

103239   Onvacation   2019 Jun 8, 3:59pm  

jazz_music says

The idea is to have people pray for the good of the country in a non-denominational and innocuous, even anodyne, way.

Dear God.

Please educate the ignorant, drain the swamp, and help bring the American ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to the world and back to America.
103240   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jun 8, 4:03pm  


I love how it drives the Liberal's crazy too. Because he's the most honest selfless President we've had since George Washington.
103241   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jun 8, 4:11pm  

The Left doesn't like a National Day of Prayer run by actual Christians.

They want a Reverend Jeremiah Wright to lead the service, backed by a Unitarian Communist and an Episcopalian Gay Bishop.

103242   Patrick   2019 Jun 8, 4:29pm  

HonkpilledMaster says

So much so that I am starting to wonder whether your a leftist plant.

This is getting personal, and it's "you're"

Yes, exactly. That is getting personal.

My hope is that the users will stick to points and avoid attacking the other users.
103243   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jun 8, 4:48pm  

"Black Republicans are below sea level" "They Work with the KKK" "We all know White America's problems" "9/11 was Chickens coming home to Roost"

Now I look back and realize the Media back then tried to "Contextualize" the Reverend Wright, but when you look at his "sermons", they're basically Hate America Rallies.
103244   NotBuyingIt   2019 Jun 8, 5:05pm  


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