Islam and Violence

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2007 Sep 11, 1:35am   623,101 views  2,936 comments

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Originally from http://www.faithfreedom.org/

A Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins

Dear friends,

The tragic incidents of September 11 have shocked the world. It is unthinkable that anyone could be so full of hate as to commit such heinous acts and kill so many innocent people. We people of Muslim origin are as much shaken as the rest of the world and yet we find ourselves looked upon with suspicion and distrust by our neighbours and fellow citizens. We want to cry out and tell the world that we are not terrorists, and that those who perpetrate such despicable acts are murderers and not part of us. But, in reality, because of our Muslim origins we just cannot erase the stigma of Islamic Terrorism from our identity!

What most Muslims will say:

Islam would never support the killing of innocent people. Allah of the Holy Qur'an never advocated killings. This is all the work of a few misguided individuals at the fringes of society. The real Islam is sanctified from violence. We denounce all violence. Islam means peace. Islam means tolerance.

What knowledgeable Muslims should say:

That is what most Muslims think, but is it true? Does Islam really preach peace, tolerance and non-violence? The Muslims who perpetrate these crimes think differently. They believe that what they do is Jihad (holy war). They say that killing unbelievers is mandatory for every Muslim. They do not kill because they wish to break the laws of Islam but because they think this is what true Muslims should do. Those who blow-up their own bodies to kill more innocent people do so because they think they will be rewarded in Paradise. They hope to be blessed by Allah, eat celestial food, drink pure wine and enjoy the company of divine consorts. Are they completely misguided? Where did they get this distorted idea? How did they come to believe that killing innocent people pleases God? Or is it that we are misguided? Does really Islam preach violence? Does it call upon its believers to kill non-believers? We denounce those who commit acts of violence and call them extremists. But are they really extremists or are they following what the holy book, the Qur'an tells them to do? What does the Qur'an teach? Have we read the Qur'an? Do we know what kind of teachings are there? Let us go through some of them and take a closer look at what Allah says.

What the Qur'an Teaches Us:

We have used the most widely available English text of the Qur'an and readers are welcome to verify our quotes from the holy book. Please have an open mind and read through these verses again and again. The following quotes are taken from the most trusted Yusufali's translation of the Qur'an. The Qur'an tells us: not to make friendship with Jews and Christians (5:51), kill the disbelievers wherever we find them (2:191), murder them and treat them harshly (9:123), fight and slay the Pagans, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (9:5). The Qur'an demands that we fight the unbelievers, and promises If there are twenty amongst you, you will vanquish two hundred: if a hundred, you will vanquish a thousand of them (8:65). Allah and his messenger want us to fight the Christians and the Jews until they pay the Jizya [a penalty tax for the non-Muslims living under Islamic rules] with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued (9:29). Allah and his messenger announce that it is acceptable to go back on our promises (treaties) and obligations with Pagans and make war on them whenever we find ourselves strong enough to do so (9:3). Our God tells us to fight the unbelievers and He will punish them by our hands, cover them with shame and help us (to victory) over them (9:14).

The Qur'an takes away the freedom of belief from all humanity and relegates those who disbelieve in Islam to hell (5:10), calls them najis (filthy, untouchable, impure) (9:28), and orders its followers to fight the unbelievers until no other religion except Islam is left (2:193). It says that the non-believers will go to hell and will drink boiling water (14:17). It asks the Muslims to slay or crucify or cut the hands and feet of the unbelievers, that they be expelled from the land with disgrace and that they shall have a great punishment in world hereafter (5:34). And tells us that for them (the unbelievers) garments of fire shall be cut and there shall be poured over their heads boiling water whereby whatever is in their bowels and skin shall be dissolved and they will be punished with hooked iron rods (22:19-22) and that they not only will have disgrace in this life, but on the Day of Judgment He shall make them taste the Penalty of burning (Fire) (22:9). The Qur'an says that those who invoke a god other than Allah not only should meet punishment in this world but the Penalty on the Day of Judgment will be doubled to them, and they will dwell therein in ignominy (25:68). For those who believe not in Allah and His Messenger, He has prepared, for those who reject Allah, a Blazing Fire! (48:13). Although we are asked to be compassionate amongst each other, we have to be harsh with unbelievers, our Christian, Jewish and Atheist neighbours and colleagues (48:29). As for him who does not believe in Islam, the Prophet announces with a stern command: Seize ye him, and bind ye him, And burn ye him in the Blazing Fire. Further, make him march in a chain, whereof the length is seventy cubits! This was he that would not believe in Allah Most High. And would not encourage the feeding of the indigent! So no friend hath he here this Day. Nor hath he any food except the corruption from the washing of wounds, Which none do eat but those in sin. (69:30-37) The Qur'an prohibits a Muslim from befriending a non-believer even if that non-believer is the father or the brother of that Muslim (9:23), (3:28). Our holy book asks us to be disobedient towards the disbelievers and their governments and strive against the unbelievers with great endeavour (25:52) and be stern with them because they belong to Hell (66:9). The holy Prophet prescribes fighting for us and tells us that it is good for us even if we dislike it (2:216). Then he advises us to strike off the heads of the disbelievers; and after making a wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives (47:4). Our God has promised to instil terror into the hearts of the unbelievers and has ordered us to smite above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them (8:12). He also assures us that when we kill in his name it is not us who slay them but Allah, in order that He might test the Believers by a gracious trial from Himself (8:17). He orders us to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies (8:60). He has made the Jihad mandatory and warns us that Unless we go forth, (for Jihad) He will punish us with a grievous penalty, and put others in our place (9:39). Allah speaks to our Holy Prophet and says O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and be stern against them. Their abode is Hell - an evil refuge indeed (9:73).

He promises us that in the fight for His cause whether we slay or are slain we return to the garden of Paradise (9:111). In Paradise he will wed us with Houris (celestial virgins) pure beautiful ones (56:54), and unite us with large-eyed beautiful ones while we recline on our thrones set in lines (56:20). There we are promised to eat and drink pleasantly for what we did (56:19). He also promises boys like hidden pearls (56:24) and youth never altering in age like scattered pearls (for those who have paedophiliac inclinations) (76:19). As you see, Allah has promised all sorts or rewards, gluttony and unlimited sex to Muslim men who kill unbelievers in his name. We will be admitted to Paradise where we shall find goodly things, beautiful ones, pure ones confined to the pavilions that man has not touched them before nor jinni (56:67-71).In the West we enjoy freedom of belief but we are not supposed to give such freedom to anyone else because it is written If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good) (3:85). And He orders us to fight them on until there is no more tumult and faith in Allah is practiced everywhere (8:39). As for women the book of Allah says that they are inferior to men and their husbands have the right to scourge them if they are found disobedient (4:34). It advises to take a green branch and beat your wife, because a green branch is more flexible and hurts more. (38:44). It teaches that women will go to hell if they are disobedient to their husbands (66:10). It maintains that men have an advantage over the women (2:228). It not only denies the women's equal right to their inheritance (4:11-12), it also regards them as imbeciles and decrees that their witness is not admissible in the courts of law (2:282). This means that a woman who is raped cannot accuse her rapist unless she can produce a male witness. Our Holy Prophet allows us to marry up to four wives and he licensed us to sleep with our slave maids and as many 'captive' women as we may have (4:3) even if those women are already married. He himself did just that. This is why anytime a Muslim army subdues another nation, they call them kafir and allow themselves to rape their women. Pakistani soldiers allegedly raped up to 250,000 Bengali women in 1971 after they massacred 3,000,000 unarmed civilians when their religious leader decreed that Bangladeshis are un-Islamic. This is why the prison guards in Islamic regime of Iran rape the women that in their opinion are apostates prior to killing them, as they believe a virgin will not go to Hell.

Dear fellow Muslims:Is this the Islam you believe in? Is this your Most Merciful, Most Compassionate Allah whom you worship daily? Could Allah incite you to kill other peoples? Please understand that there is no terrorist gene - but there could be a terrorist mindset. That mindset finds its most fertile ground in the tenets of Islam. Denying it, and presenting Islam to the lay public as a religion of peace similar to Buddhism, is to suppress the truth. The history of Islam between the 7th and 14th centuries is riddled with violence, fratricide and wars of aggression, starting right from the death of the Prophet and during the so-called 'pure' or orthodox caliphate. And Muhammad himself hoisted the standard of killing, looting, massacres and bloodshed. How can we deny the entire history? The behaviour of our Holy Prophet as recorded in authentic Islamic sources is quite questionable from a modern viewpoint. The Prophet was a charismatic man but he had few virtues. Imitating him in all aspects of life (following the Sunnah) is both impossible and dangerous in the 21st century. Why are we so helplessly in denial over this simple issue? When the Prophet was in Mecca and he was still not powerful enough he called for tolerance. He said To you be your religion, and to me my religion (109:6). This famous quote is often misused to prove that the general principle of Qur'an is tolerance. He advised his follower to speak good to their enemies (2: 83), exhorted them to be patient (20:103) and said that there is no compulsion in religion (2:256). But that all changed drastically when he came to power. Then killing and slaying unbelievers with harshness and without mercy was justified in innumerable verses. The verses quoted to prove Islam's tolerance ignore many other verses that bear no trace of tolerance or forgiveness. Where is tolerance in this well-known verse Alarzu Lillah, Walhukmu Lillah. (The Earth belongs to Allah and thus only Allah's rule should prevail all over the earth.).Is it normal that a book revealed by God should have so many serious contradictions? The Prophet himself set the example of unleashing violence by invading the Jewish settlements, breaking treaties he had signed with them and banishing some of them after confiscating their belongings, massacring others and taking their wives and children as slaves. He inspected the youngsters and massacred all those who had pubic hair along with the men. Those who were younger he kept as slaves. He distributed the women captured in his raids among his soldiers keeping the prettiest for himself (33:50). He made sexual advances on Safiyah, a Jewish girl on the same day he captured her town Kheibar and killed her father, her husband and many of her relatives. Reyhana was another Jewish girl of Bani Quriza whom he used as a sex slave after killing all her male relatives. In the last ten years of his life he accumulated two scores of wives, concubines and sex slaves including the 9 year old Ayesha. These are not stories but records from authentic Islamic history and the Hadiths. It can be argued that this kind of behaviour was not unknown or unusual for the conquerors and leaders of the mediaeval world but these are not the activities befitting of a peaceful saint and certainly not someone who claimed to be the Mercy of God for all creation. There were known assassinations of adversaries during the Prophet's time, which he had knowledge of and had supported. Among them there was a 120 year old man, Abu 'Afak whose only crime was to compose a lyric satirical of the Prophet. (by Ibn Sa'd Kitab al Tabaqat al Kabir, Volume 2, page 32) Then when a poetess, a mother of 5 small children 'Asma' Bint Marwan wrote a poetry cursing the Arabs for letting Muhammad assassinate an old man, our Holy Prophet ordered her to be assassinated too in the middle of the night while her youngest child was suckling from her breast. (Sirat Rasul Allah (A. Guillaume's translation The Life of Muhammad) page 675, 676).The Prophet did develop a 'Robin Hood' image that justified raiding merchant caravans attacking cities and towns, killing people and looting their belongings in the name of social justice. Usama Bin Laden is also trying to create the same image. But Robin Hood didn't claim to be a prophet or a pacifist nor did he care for apologist arguments. He did not massacre innocent people indiscriminately nor did he profit by reducing free people to slaves and then trading them. With the known and documented violent legacy of Islam, how can we suddenly rediscover it as a religion of peace in the free world in the 21st century? Isn't this the perpetuation of a lie by a few ambitious leaders in order to gain political control of the huge and ignorant Muslim population? They are creating a polished version of Islam by completely ignoring history. They are propagating the same old dogma for simple believing people in a crisp new modern package. Their aim: to gain political power in today's high-tension world. They want to use the confrontational power of the original Islam to catalyse new conflicts and control new circles of power.

Dear conscientious Muslims, please question yourselves. Isn't this compulsive following of a man who lived 1400 years ago leading us to doom in a changing world? Do the followers of any other religion follow one man in such an all-encompassing way? Who are we deceiving, them or ourselves? Dear brothers and sisters, see how our Umma (people) has sunk into poverty and how it lags behind the rest of the world. Isn't it because we are following a religion that is outdated and impractical? In this crucial moment of history, when a great catastrophe has befallen us and a much bigger one is lying ahead, should not we wake up from our 1400 years of slumber and see where things have gone wrong? Hatred has filled the air and the world is bracing itself for its doomsday. Should we not ask ourselves whether we have contributed, wittingly or unwittingly, to this tragedy and whether we can stop the great disaster from happening?Unfortunately the answer to the first question is yes. Yes we have contributed to the rise of fundamentalism by merely claiming Islam is a religion of peace, by simply being a Muslim and by saying our shahada (testimony that Allah is the only God and Muhammad is his messenger). By our shahada we have recognized Muhammad as a true messenger of God and his book as the words of God. But as you saw above those words are anything but from God. They call for killing, they are prescriptions for hate and they foment intolerance. And when the ignorant among us read those hate-laden verses, they act on them and the result is the infamous September 11, human bombs in Israel, massacres in East Timor and Bangladesh, kidnappings and killings in the Philippines, slavery in the Sudan, honour killings in Pakistan and Jordan, torture in Iran, stoning and maiming in Afghanistan and Iran, violence in Algeria, terrorism in Palestine and misery and death in every Islamic country. We are responsible because we endorse Islam and hail it as a religion of God. And we are as guilty as those who put into practice what the Qur'an preaches - and ironically we are the main victims too. If we are not terrorists, if we love peace, if we cried with the rest of the word for what happened in New York, then why are we supporting the Qur'an that preaches killing, that advocates holy war, that calls for the murder of non-Muslims? It is not the extremists who have misunderstood Islam. They do literally what the Qur'an asks them to do. It is we who misunderstand Islam. We are the ones who are confused. We are the ones who wrongly assume that Islam is the religion of peace. Islam is not a religion of peace. In its so-called pure form it can very well be interpreted as a doctrine of hate. Terrorists are doing just that and we the intellectual apologists of Islam are justifying it. We can stop this madness. Yes, we can avert the disaster that is hovering over our heads. Yes, we can denounce the doctrines that promote hate. Yes, we can embrace the rest of humanity with love. Yes, we can become part of a united world, members of one human family, flowers of one garden. We can dump the claim of infallibility of our Book, and the questionable legacy of our Prophet.Dear friends, there is no time to waste. Let us put an end to this lie. Let us not fool ourselves. Islam is not a religion of peace, of tolerance, of equality or of unity of humankind. Let us read the Qur'an. Let us face the truth even if it is painful. As long as we keep this lie alive, as long as we hide our head in the sands of Arabia we are feeding terrorism. As long as you and I keep calling Qur'an the unchangeable book of God, we cannot blame those who follow the teachings therein. As long as we pay our Khums and Zakat our money goes to promote Islamic expansionism and that means terrorism, Jihad and war. Islam divides the world in two. Darul Harb (land of war) and Darul Islam (land of Islam). Darul Harb is the land of the infidels, Muslims are required to infiltrate those lands, proselytise and procreate until their numbers increase and then start the war and fight and kill the people and impose the religion of Islam on them and convert that land into Darul Islam. In all fairness we denounce this betrayal. This is abuse of the trust. How can we make war in the countries that have sheltered us? How can we kill those who have befriended us? Yet willingly or unwillingly we have become pawns in this Islamic Imperialism. Let us see what great Islamic scholars have had to say in this respect.Dr. M. Khan the translator of Sahih Bukhari and the Qur'an into English wrote: Allah revealed in Sura Bara'at (Repentance, IX) the order to discard (all) obligations (covenants, etc), and commanded the Muslims to fight against all the Pagans as well as against the people of the Scriptures (Jews and Christians) if they do not embrace Islam, till they pay the Jizia (a tax levied on the Jews and Christians) with willing submission and feel themselves subdued (as it is revealed in 9:29). So the Muslims were not permitted to abandon the fighting against them (Pagans, Jews and Christians) and to reconcile with them and to suspend hostilities against them for an unlimited period while they are strong and have the ability to fight against them. So at first the fighting was forbidden, then it was permitted, and after that it was made obligatory [Introduction to English translation of Sahih Bukhari, p.xxiv.] Dr. Sobhy as-Saleh, a contemporary Islamic academician quoted Imam Suyuti the author of Itqan Fi 'Ulum al- Qur'an who wrote: The command to fight the infidels was delayed until the Muslims become strong, but when they were weak they were commanded to endure and be patient. [ Sobhy as_Saleh, Mabaheth Fi 'Ulum al- Qur'an, Dar al-'Ilm Lel-Malayeen, Beirut, 1983, p. 269.]Dr. Sobhy, in a footnote, commends the opinion of a scholar named Zarkashi who said: Allah the most high and wise revealed to Mohammad in his weak condition what suited the situation, because of his mercy to him and his followers. For if He gave them the command to fight while they were weak it would have been embarrassing and most difficult, but when the most high made Islam victorious He commanded him with what suited the situation, that is asking the people of the Book to become Muslims or to pay the levied tax, and the infidels to become Muslims or face death. These two options, to fight or to have peace return according to the strength or the weakness of the Muslims. [ibid p. 270]Other Islamic scholars (Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi, Ga'far ar-Razi, Rabi' Ibn 'Ons, 'Abil-'Aliyah, Abd ar-Rahman Ibn Zayd Ibn 'Aslam, etc.) agree that the verse Slay the idolaters wherever you find them (9:5) cancelled those few earlier verses that called for tolerance in the Qur'an and were revealed when Islam was weak. Can you still say that Islam is the religion of peace? We propose a solution.

We know too well that it is not easy to denounce our faith because it means denouncing a part of ourselves. We are a group of freethinkers and humanists with Islamic roots. Discovering the truth and leaving the religion of our fathers and forefathers was a painful experience. But after learning what Islam stands for we had no choice but to leave it. After becoming familiar with the Qur'an the choice became clear: It is either Islam or humanity. If Islam thrives, then humanity will die. We decided to side with humanity. Culturally we are still Muslims but we no longer believe in Islam as the true religion of God. We are humanists. We love humanity. We work for the unity of humankind. We work for equality between men and women. We strive for the secularisation of Islamic countries, for democracy and freedom of thought, belief and expression. We decided to live no longer in self-deception but to embrace humanity, and to enter into the new millennium hand in hand with people of other cultures and beliefs in amity and in peace.We denounce the violence that is eulogized in the Qur'an as holy war (Jihad). We condemn killing in the name of God. We believe in the sanctity of human life, not in the inviolability of beliefs and religions. We invite you to join us and the rest of humanity and become part of the family of humankind - in love, camaraderie and peace.

Arabic translation الترجمة العربية

See http://www.centerforinquiry.net/isis and http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/ for more.

Please copy this article, and distribute it as widely as possible, both online and physically. The future of humanity depends on it.

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1354   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 22, 11:06am  

A 20-year-old New Jersey man who allegedly sent money abroad to Hamas militants in an effort to support the terror group also spoke of bombing Trump Tower and attacking the Israeli Consulate in New York, authorities say.

The suspect, identified as Jonathan Xie, of Basking Ridge, was arrested Wednesday morning on charges of attempting to provide material support to a designated terror group, making false statements and transmitting a threat of interstate commerce. Though he spoke of the attacks, authorities say there was no specific plot. Xie is expected in federal court in Newark later Wednesday.
1355   Rin   2019 May 22, 1:30pm  

HonkpilledMaster says
A 20-year-old New Jersey man who allegedly sent money abroad to Hamas militants in an effort to support the terror group also spoke of bombing Trump Tower and attacking the Israeli Consulate in New York, authorities say.

The suspect, identified as Jonathan Xie, of Basking Ridge, was arrested Wednesday morning on charges of attempting to provide material support to a designated terror group, making false statements and transmitting a threat of interstate commerce. Though he spoke of the attacks, authorities say there was no specific plot. Xie is expected in federal court in Newark later Wednesday.

Perhaps he thought that he was bulk ordering Hummus, instead of Hamas -:)!
1356   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 24, 11:54am  

Masked Bicyclist drops off Bomb in Lyons, wounds many including children.

1358   Patrick   2019 May 24, 5:30pm  

HonkpilledMaster says
Masked Bicyclist drops off Bomb in Lyons, wounds many including children.


How many murders of random innocent people by Muslims will it take until Islam is banned from the West, as it so wisely was for centuries? Our ancestors were smarter than we are.

There are plenty of countries to be Muslim. They should go live in those countries, along with any Western politicians who support Muslim immigration as well.

Muslims who choose to renounce Islam should be welcomed wholeheartedly in the West, because they have done something truly courageous - they have taken a stand for religious freedom and will be the targets of believing Muslims because of it.
1360   Rin   2019 May 27, 1:22pm  

Patrick says
There are plenty of countries to be Muslim. They should go live in those countries, along with any Western politicians who support Muslim immigration as well.

Of all those nations, I think only Malaysia actively encourages immigration. A lot of that is that Malaysia is multi-Asian-ethnic and not Arab with English (plus Bahasa Malaysia), as the unifying languages.

The others stick with their tribal baggage and thus, we still have third generation Palestinian "refugees" in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, etc, because these idiots can't figure out that if you speak and read Arabic, and basically are of the same race/ethnicity, that you're ALL Arabs.

It's remarkable because in yesteryear's white majority Britain, circa 19th century, a lot of that population originated from all over Europe, etc, but still, became British within a couple of generations. It's not like Britain were only made of Druids, Romans, Angles, and Saxons.
1361   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 27, 3:48pm  

Rin says
The others stick with their tribal baggage and thus, we still have third generation Palestinian "refugees" in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, etc, because these idiots can't figure out that if you speak and read Arabic, and basically are of the same race/ethnicity, that you're ALL Arabs.

Palestinian is a fake ethnicity.

If you called a Syrian Arab a Palestinian before 1965, they'd scream Allah Akbar and try to stab you - you basically called them a Jew.

They called themselves Arabs, and distinguished themselves from the Bedouin. Most are descended from itinerant farm workers, ironically coming to participate in Jewish established factories and the new lands the Jewish Agencies drained from swamp and brought from Absentee Turkish and Arab (Beirut, Damascus, some even Ankara) Landlords. The Bedouin are loyal to the Jews, who treat them better than the Turks or Arabs ever did, as are the Druze - that Arab Gnostic religion that is a monotheism to itself. In fact the Druze insist on serving in the IDF and Israel is the first state in 1000 years not to have an official second class citizenship for them, nor launch a pogram against them. (The Druze survived because they are hill people and very fierce at guerilla war).

Prior to 1965, Palestinians called themselves Arabs. Their surnames reveal their origins, like Al-Masri (the Egyptian). Their accent of Arabic - which ironically lacks the "P" sound ("Palestine" = "Baalestine" when they say it) - is undifferentiated from Syrian, Lebanese, Jordanian Arabic. Even the slang words are the same.

All travelogues - by Germans and even Mark Twain himself - reported Israel as being mostly empty of inhabitants, except for a few sad villages around the Sea of Galillee, and Jerusalem itself as dusty and disgusting (totally unelectrified, public fountains no running water, sewage in the street).
1362   Rin   2019 May 27, 3:51pm  

HonkpilledMaster says
Rin says
The others stick with their tribal baggage and thus, we still have third generation Palestinian "refugees" in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, etc, because these idiots can't figure out that if you speak and read Arabic, and basically are of the same race/ethnicity, that you're ALL Arabs.

Palestinian is a fake ethnicity.

If you called a Syrian Arab a Palestinian before 1965, they'd scream Allah Akbar and try to stab you - you basically called them a Jew.

Prior to 1965, Palestinians called themselves Arabs. Their surnames reveal their origins, like Al-Masri (the Egyptian). Their accent of Arabic - which ironically lacks the "P" sound ("Palestine" = "Baalestine" when they say it) - is undifferentiated from Syrian, Lebanese, Jordanian Arabic. Even the slang words are the same.

Isn't that a part of the issue? The fact that other non-Turkish and non-Persian nations, a.k.a greater Arabia, can't assimilate the so-called Palestinian diaspora was designed to keep the status quo of Arabs vs the World (Israel, USA, India, and anyone else who isn't a Muslim majority).
1363   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 27, 3:55pm  

Rin says
Isn't that a part of the issue? The fact that other non-Turkish and non-Persian nations, a.k.a greater Arabia, can't assimilate the so-called Palestinian diaspora was designed to keep the status quo of Arabs vs the World (Israel, USA, India, and anyone else who isn't a Muslim majority).

Palestinians are the only people in the world with permanent, inherited refugee status.

Those with 3 generations in the US, or Lebanon, or Jordan are still considered "Refugees" by the UNWRA.

As soon as a Hutu was settled elsewhere in Africa as a resident - not even a permanent one - they are dropped from the UN Refugee rolls. This applies to any and all other Refugees, from the Karen of Burma/Thailand to Vietnamese in the USA and everybody else.

Just not the Paleban Arabs.

Linda Sarsour and her kids, all born in the USA, whose family owns properties both in the US and Middle East, and has multiple citizenships, is STILL considered a Refugee, counted by the UNWRA and the Palestinian Authority receives money for her, her parents, her husband, and her kids.

UNWRA exists ONLY for Palestinian Refugees, who get 400% more than other refugees, from wherever else in the world, who are part of the UNHCR, a separate organization with entirely separate funding. Arabs donate big to UNWRA and much less to the UN High Commission on Refugees, because Islam. Why help a Hutu Christian Cockroach?

And that's why the Palestinians will never take a deal that doesn't involve a complete theft of all of Israel and all the billions in farms, roads, highways, colleges, hotels, etc. that have been built by Jews since before 1900. Abbas and Mashall would lose control of billions of dollars.

While I agree it's past time for the Holocaust Survivor Programs to be run down (esp. in Poland), being a descendant of a Holocaust Survivor or even a victim of the Holocaust does not come with permanent monies given to Israel that is infinitely inheritable by descendants.
1364   Rin   2019 May 27, 4:00pm  

HonkpilledMaster says
This applies to any and all other Refugees, from the Karen of Burma/Thailand to Vietnamese in the USA and everybody else.

And don't forget, 1 out of 3 Cambodians were brutally murdered between 1975 and 1979. That was a far greater genocide than a bunch of Arabs who lost some worthless desert real estate between the Jordan river and the Gaza strip.

Many of these Cambodians are now, citizens of the US, Canada, and other western nations. And in neighboring countries like Thailand, they have green card status.

So where are the mad Cambodian bombers?
1365   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 27, 4:03pm  

Rin says
And don't forget, 1 out of 3 Cambodians were brutally murdered between 1975 and 1979. That was a far greater genocide than a bunch of Arabs who lost some worthless desert real estate between the Jordan river and the Gaza strip.


Not 2% of Arabs killed since WW2 is due to the multiple wars, guerilla wars, raids, and everything involving the Israel-Arab Conflict, including outright wars between Israel and Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, etc. as well as the Intifadas and Lebanese Civil War interventions. Soldiers and Civilians alike, by any side.

The vast, vast majority of dead Arabs is from inter-tribal and inter-religious warfare, esp. between Shi'a and Sunni.
1366   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 27, 4:04pm  

Rin says
And don't forget, 1 out of 3 Cambodians were brutally murdered between 1975 and 1979. That was a far greater genocide than a bunch of Arabs who lost some worthless desert real estate between the Jordan river and the Gaza strip.

Saw it with my own eyes.

There's a military museum outside of Angkor Wat. There's a room with a pyramid of human skulls from just one pit they excavated.

About 1 in 50 kids in the area had a missing leg from land mines, too.

Also the misleading term "Camps", which are mostly CBS 5-story buildings of 1000 sq ft apartments with satellite dishes and A/C poking out of the walls - but are also walled off ghettos in Syria and Lebanon where you need a pass to go through and be home by dark and absolutely can't vote.
1367   Rin   2019 May 27, 4:09pm  

HonkpilledMaster says
inter-religious warfare, esp. between Shi'a and Sunni.

Which is really some stupid debate as to whether or not Abu Bakr or Ali ibn Abi Talib was the rightful first Caliphate. Seriously, who the fuck cares? They were both a bunch of assholes and today, a bunch of idiots are fighting over a 1400 year old intra-clan feud.
1369   Patrick   2019 May 31, 8:01am  


Dutch man Ewold Horn was killed on Friday morning while trying to escape his hostage takers in the Philippines, the Philippine military said in a statement. The Dutch birdwatcher has been a hostage of terrorist organization Abu Sayyaf for years. ...

Ewold Horn was taken hostage along with a man from Switzerland while on a bird safari in the Philippines in 2012. The Swiss man managed to escape at the end of 2014 when the army attacked the camp where the two were being held. Horn was too weak to get away at the time.
1372   Bd6r   2019 Jun 7, 11:54am  

Patrick says
Dutch man Ewold Horn was killed on Friday morning

He was a Fucking White Male, does not deserve to be on news 24/7
1373   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jun 7, 6:05pm  

Japanese Fashion student arrested for plotting to lob explosives in Times Square.

Nah, of course it's a Muslim.
1374   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jun 8, 12:25pm  

Official statistics from Sweden shows the extent of the problem with bombings, and it’s much worse than most would imagine, especially considering the peaceful image that Sweden once had.

In 2017 the police were dealing with 211 explosions.
During 2018 the number dropped slightly to 162.
So far this year there has been over 50 explosions in Sweden.

In April this year, a 12 year old girl was injured in an explosion in the city of Malmö when a nearby garage was blown up.

A few weeks later it happened again, in the same city. This time a woman who was out walking her dog was injured when a nearby restaurant was blown up. We are now at the point in Sweden where innocent women have become collateral damage in bombings. Is this the new “feminist” Sweden that we have been promised?

Earlier a right-wing politician was the victim of a detonation at his home, as we reported on here.

Luai Ahmed, a migrant from Yemen living in Swedish city Malmö reported on social media that he heard “3 major explosions in in 2 weeks”.
1375   Patrick   2019 Jun 8, 5:38pm  

Maybe the Swedes were bored with their nearly ideal society and just wanted to fuck it up, for excitement.

Mission accomplished.
1376   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jun 12, 6:00pm  

Dessau-Rosslau (All.) : Une petite fille de 9 ans violée dans une prairie par un migrant nigérien. « Elle pleurait et était couverte de sang » https://t.co/ErmSRvL5aa pic.twitter.com/i2lH7dGeh9— Fdesouche (@F_Desouche) June 12, 2019

Germany: 9 year old girl in park crying, covered in Blood. Nigerian flees the scene.
1377   Patrick   2019 Jun 16, 11:17am  

http://www.pi-news.net/2019/06/iranischer-ex-moslem-ueber-naivitaet-linker-gutmenschen-zum-islam/ (in German)

The former Muslim Amir, who is from Iran and has since converted to Christianity, commented in this video on the "Conversations of Young Left Counter-Protesters" which I held in Weimar with counter-demonstrators of the "Patriots for Germany" briefing. My original video, which I released on May 8, is very popular on Youtube and has almost 300,000 viewers after just one month.

Amir has a great knowledge of the Koran and the Sunnah and is almost stunned by the sheer boundless naivete of these young leftist do-gooders towards Islam. He commented this with a live video that has already seen over 125,000 viewers. I shortened it a bit (above) to make it accessible to a broad audience on my channel as well. It is downright blessing, with what clear-sightedness, common sense, and precise formulations, Amir breaks the drivel of the young counter-demonstrators. Unfortunately, these leftists from Weimar are not "isolated cases" but are symptomatic of large parts of brainwashed German youth.

Amir shows straightforward, what threatens our still free society, when this totalitarian political ideology in the guise of a religion with its dangerous and anti-democratic constituents in our power once comes. He summed up the misogyny of Islam in one sentence: "A religion of a man for a man". Amir does not understand how in the land of poets and thinkers many such young people can experience such vast ignorance, ignorance, naivety, naivety, and factual resistance.

The mass indoctrination of left-green-dominated media for an uncompromising welcome culture and total tolerance has obviously accomplished its disintegrating work in Germany and almost completely destroyed the logical critical thinking ability. The fatal results go around each Patriots demo on the other side, blaring down their hammered links slogans like battery-powered toy dolls.

The ideological concrete walls, which block the view of the unvarnished truth, must be removed without leaving a trace. As an ex-Muslim from a fundamentally Islamic country, Amir is an important component of this educational campaign, which will hopefully be followed by others. Citizens with an Islamic and immigrant background are immensely important in order to strengthen the credibility of the Islam-critical movement and to ad absurdum the idiotic "racism" -, "Nazi" - and "xenophobia" allegations presented by prayer mills.

Prominent enlighteners such as Hamed Abdel-Samad, Imad Karim, Barino Borzoum, Necla Kelek, Laila Mirzo, and Sister Hatune have received such important support from the grassroots community as Amir, who comes from the grassroots, to provide the population with comprehensive information. So that people can finally find out what existential danger they are exposed to, because so far only very few suspect this to the full extent.
1378   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jun 18, 5:24am  

Meet the Islamic Terrorist who hacked up an English tour leader; her American Christian friend did not survive. The UK and the rest of the West taxpayers pays the terrorist 70k Pounds Sterling to a year, which he earns as a Palestinian Jihadi Hero, paid with UN money given to the PLO.

This is the savage who bludgeoned me with a machete, ripping into my flesh 13 times & pummeling me with such force, he broke over 30 bones. Through their foreign aid, the UK government @DFID_UK pay him a salary. He's received over £70,000 - his salary is due to go up. Disgraceful pic.twitter.com/goQt37PZyl

— Kay Wilson (@kishkushkay) June 18, 2019

1379   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jun 18, 5:31am  

Muslim Marine arrested on leave, as heavily armed, tried to enter US Air Force Base. Was on Multi Agency watchlist for odd behavior, had been disciplined for aggressive and disobedient behavior.


Expect the Media to barely acknowledge this, focus wholly and solely on incel Anime fapper whose webbing came undone before he even got into his target building, the retard.
1380   Bd6r   2019 Jun 18, 9:32am  

HonkpilledMaster says
Meet the Islamic Terrorist who hacked up an English tour leader; her American Christian friend did not survive. The UK and the rest of the West taxpayers pays the terrorist 70k Pounds Sterling to a year, which he earns as a Palestinian Jihadi Hero, paid with UN money given to the PLO.

It's the Palestinian Authority policy called 'pay for slay'. If you kill Jews you are rewarded financially. The Palestinian Authority uses international aid money to fund this disgusting practice.
1381   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jun 23, 10:33am  

Who wants to place bets on Ethnicity/Religious Background


I doubt it was O'Broin, since they scrambled two aircraft, wouldn't have done that for a belligerent drunk.
1382   Bd6r   2019 Jun 23, 5:31pm  

HonkpilledMaster says
Who wants to place bets on Ethnicity/Religious Background

Swedish Lutheran? Pennsylvania Amish? Zoroastrian? Can you give a hint?
1384   HeadSet   2019 Jun 29, 2:08pm  

I was in France in the 90's. Nudity at beaches was routine.
1385   Booger   2019 Jun 29, 5:07pm  

HeadSet says
I was in France in the 90's. Nudity at beaches was routine.

Did you take any pictures?
1386   HeadSet   2019 Jun 30, 1:57pm  

Booger says
HeadSet says
I was in France in the 90's. Nudity at beaches was routine.

Did you take any pictures?

Even in the US, you do not take a camera to the beach....
1388   Patrick   2019 Jul 16, 5:11pm  

1389   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 16, 6:43pm  

10/10 not bad at all and sheer bravery.
1390   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 29, 6:21pm  

A$AP Rocky has been in jail for 20 days after getting in a fight with a man who allegedly assaulted girls while high on drugs.

But a foreign citizen who was convicted of raping a 13 year old girl only got 150 hours community service.

Sweden is a crazy country.

— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) July 30, 2019
1393   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 9, 11:33am  

German Lugenpresse/State lies again. Sword Slaughterer posted Islamic Confession just before attacking former roommate on street in front of his daughter.

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