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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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103336   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Jun 13, 11:53am  

Such flares are rare.
They may not be directed at the Earth.
They may not fall on the US.
They may not fry a substantial section of the grid.

Even if all of this happened: presumably you could still have generators and at least maintain the production and distribution of food and water.
i.e. people can hunker down for a while.
103337   Shaman   2019 Jun 13, 11:58am  

True, rare. But overdue!
An equivalent event would be a CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) that reaches the earth. We nearly got hit with one in 2012 and also 2014, just a week off from our orbital path around the sun. The last major one was recorded in the 1860s or 1870s, telegraph lines were affected, and aurora observed as far south as Tahiti. Barely a blip on our civilization at that point, but would be a major deal today.
103338   Shaman   2019 Jun 13, 12:26pm  

Yah that was a CME, actually the one I was describing in my previous comment.
I imagine a super flare would be that times a thousand or whatever.
103339   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Jun 13, 12:59pm  

Ask yourself: "Are farmers gonna vote Democrats?"
103340   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jun 13, 4:00pm  

You ain't seen nothing yet.

Ask those Park Slope pink haired nose ringed 3 cat Lesbians how many kids they have.

If I have two sons, I'll have ten
And they'll all grow up to be loyal Orangemen...
If the Soros says no, we'll have another go
On the Green Grassy Slopes of the... uh... Mississippi

We will replace you.
103341   Shaman   2019 Jun 13, 4:29pm  

HonkpilledMaster says
We will replace you.

As long as Leftist keep aborting their children, they’ll be replaced with people who value life and liberty over narcissism and autocratic rule.
103342   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jun 13, 6:21pm  

user1 says
Romans were willing to tolerate any government abuse as long as there were bread and circuses.

Sound familiar?


Again? Go away.
103343   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jun 13, 6:22pm  

user1 says
Maybe crime is at an all time high because everything is illegal.

Maybe libertarians aren't the least bit interesting anymore because they employ bots but don't have Russia/DNC level funding to look more convincing.
103344   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jun 13, 6:25pm  

user1 says
Life may be all fun and games now in the USA, but as offshoring increases, illegal immigration rises, hard-working Americans die off or dropout due to higher taxes and more regulations, the national debt climbs, there is more terrorism as the result of illegal American wars, the police become more brutal enforcing draconian decrees, the US Ponzi economy and stock markets collapse, cash is banned, Americans are implanted with microchips, and real crises and false flags are used to force Americans to go to the gulags and finally to the gas chambers and ovens, will Americans wish that they had spoken out earlier against the dangers of wars, debt, and tyranny?

The solution is to vote for a Libertarian party that would never disallow offshoring, believes border controls are statist oppression, wants unregulated Chinese drugs pouring into the country because when enough toddler choke to death on them the free market will figure it out, a powerless state will be at the absolute mercy of terrorists who will flee over the open borders before a posse can organize much less be empowered to track them down worldwide, gangs take over the cities, everybody grows Yams for a living in the absence of infrastructure, gold replaces cash and most people have no gold and sell their ass to a handful of Feudal Lords, etc. etc.
103345   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jun 13, 6:28pm  

user1 says
The US is a police state now. Americans should be out in the streets with pitchforks and torches, but instead they would rather shut up, cover their ears, and put their heads in the sand.


We're completely beyond the whole 90s era and left it a long time ago. We're now engaged in a fight for survival against BDSM Pedo Communists who control most of Hollywood as well as Big Tech and thus the Internet. We don't have the luxury of worrying about whether 65, 85, or nothing should be the Speed Limit on I-90.
103347   Ceffer   2019 Jun 13, 6:46pm  

He has no imagination. How about $2 million extra for 'book deals'.
103348   Bd6r   2019 Jun 13, 8:15pm  

103349   Bd6r   2019 Jun 13, 8:25pm  

another bot attack!
103350   mostly_reader   2019 Jun 13, 8:48pm  

Patrick says
Yes, and again from Cambodia. At first they were from Hong Kong.


What exactly are they trying to accomplish? It's mostly libertarian stuff. Maybe to increase distrust of government?
They are trying to sоw discord and mistrust.

BTW, Mueller, while clearing Trump (close as it gets to not proving a negative), did confirm Russia's meddling. Trying to sоw discord and mistrust was pretty much their MO.

Here's a quick test. I'll engage in a conversation with "oil":

> oil
> You have no free speech rights,
Hey, oil, what countries enjoy more free speech?

> religious rights
What countries enjoy more religious rights?

> gun rights
What countries enjoy more gun rights?

> there is civil forfeiture, the government wiretaps your phone, records your web history, reads your email, takes away your right to silence, can torture you, and can extrajudicuallly assassinate you.
To that list, what countries enjoy more freedom than US?

I'm expecting crickets. "oil" is not a reader, "oil" is a writer. On the off chance that "oil" will respond, there will not be much in terms of intelligent conversation.
103351   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 13, 8:53pm  

anonymous says
The collapse of the US is shocking and disgusting.

A bit dramatic, no?

Also, your entire post is sentiment w no facts to discuss. What's the point ?
103352   WookieMan   2019 Jun 13, 9:30pm  

@Patrick - I think @Ika is a bot.
103353   Patrick   2019 Jun 13, 10:03pm  

d6rB says
another bot attack!

Yes, I must have deleted 5 bots today and banned their IP addresses. Most seem to be coming out of LA now instead of China like before.
103354   WookieMan   2019 Jun 14, 5:17am  

jazz_music says
Republicans are low life.

How are they any different than Democrats? Both rack up the debt like it's heroin. If it's because of social issues (that generally are single digit percentages of the population being affected - gays, transgender, white nationalist, etc) then both sides are stupid for buying into the faux hype. Both parties and beliefs will lube up and fuck you when it benefits them. The one you like may just use a little more lube so it doesn't hurt as much... doesn't mean you're not getting raped.
103355   HeadSet   2019 Jun 14, 10:36am  

Like Scott Walker in Wisconsin, they want to rid the US of the labor unions that helped to build this country and make it great.

And now these labor unions are allied with Dems to flood the country with illegals, dragging down wages.
103356   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jun 14, 10:43am  

Why should they disband it now? It's just now getting Good!

The Left calling anyone Corrupt is laughable at face value.
103357   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jun 14, 10:59am  

Get in their face and if you can't reach them, Smash their face.

That was Obama's message in 2008 when he was campaigning on change. That has been the collective Liberal, Democrat, Socialist, and Progressive's message since then.
They get more and more Violent, and the Partisan hacks in local municipality office, force the Police to turn their backs and a blind eye to it. Unless there's video footage of it, that went viral. The police never prosecutes the Leftist Terrorist Thugs. But they arrest and jail people for supporting Trump.

The Left are so far off the Rails, Trump is the best thing going. That is the reality that Democrats hate to grapple with.
103358   Onvacation   2019 Jun 14, 10:45pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
So it hasn't happened in a billion years!

Summer is here.
103359   HeadSet   2019 Jun 15, 6:48am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Why wasn't she armed?

Because her arms fell off in the heat.
103360   HeadSet   2019 Jun 15, 6:55am  

Cool, more Mammoth carcasses will surface!!
103361   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jun 15, 10:18am  

Trump and Pompero agitated the Tiananmen Square anniversary, for over 30 years, not a single President mentioned it. It was a forgotten relic of History.
Every President since Reagan has said, only that guy in front of the tank got killed. Trump was the first one to say Thousands were slaughtered.

In contrast, Obama agitated the Arab Spring. And everyone touted it as a new day in the Middle East. There was going to be peace and prosperity and freedom.
But what we got is head coppers and street shitters in every Western World State. And all of the Sane Gentry people of the world had to yeild to facial acid attacks, their women being rapped and groped, and unprovoked knife stabbings. After which, the collective Global Commietards, chastised the White Citizens and told them. "Can't you be a little more understanding they have been through a lot!?"
103362   Onvacation   2019 Jun 15, 10:36am  

jazz_music says
the Republican Party must disband

Good thing our president is rino.
103363   Onvacation   2019 Jun 15, 11:06am  

jazz_music says
The numbers of people who have given up are unprecedented.

Still recovering from Obamas steep slide.
103364   Onvacation   2019 Jun 15, 1:01pm  

jazz_music says
In any case the good long term jobs are disappearing and the temp low pay jobs make headlines disguised up all pretty to motivate people to invest and blow more money.

I disagree. There are good jobs for good people.

The chart above shows the inevitable result of socialism. The labor participation rate went down during Obama's administration.

When the labor participation rate falls below 50% we will be like Venezuela.
103365   mell   2019 Jun 15, 7:20pm  

jazz_music says
We have a triumph of crybaby conservatives who got an administration that promotes white supremacy, authoritarianism, and like all the others before him does the opposite of his campaign platform.

Because corporatists are the deep state,

"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." - Benito Mussolini

BS. You don't have a single instance of proof of this administration promoting white supremacy.
103366   mell   2019 Jun 15, 7:32pm  

jazz_music says
mell says

BS. You don't have a single instance of proof of this administration promoting white supremacy.
Ahh hahahaha

Okay got you yep

So you were joking about the white supremacy part
103367   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jun 15, 7:54pm  

70% of teens adopt their parent's political views.

Conservative/Religious Births outnumber Liberal/Secular by 41-78%. That's not a typo. Mainstream Worldly-asskissing Churchgoers are slightly higher than the outright atheists, but only a little bit.

Controlling for every factor - Race, Religion, Ed Level, Age, Marriage - the gap among Dems is never less than 20% fewer kids than Republicans.

Democrats have been very good at population control - among Democrats.
103368   mell   2019 Jun 15, 8:09pm  

HonkpilledMaster says
70% of teens adopt their parent's political views.

Conservative/Religious Births outnumber Liberal/Secular by 41-78%. That's not a typo. Mainstream Worldly-asskissing Churchgoers are slightly higher than the outright atheists, but only a little bit.

Controlling for every factor - Race, Religion, Ed Level, Age, Marriage - the gap among Dems is never less than 20% fewer kids than Republicans.

Democrats have been very good at population ...

Yeah but they are doing everything to re-educate the conservative kids as early as possible. The danger of schools and universities occupied by the left is significant.
103369   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jun 15, 8:40pm  

mell says
Yeah but they are doing everything to re-educate the conservative kids as early as possible. The danger of schools and universities occupied by the left is significant.

Yup. That's why States need to Wu Tang on Curriculum, Textbooks, and especially College Campus Speech. States can mandate Diversity standards for the Humanities, which will drive the Left nuts. Tenure oversight boards for the Social Sciences and Humanities are good too. Good things are happening: Texas just banned Free Speech Zones and required Campuses to abide by the 1st Amendment.

Next, States should consider writing their own K-12 History Textbooks. It will save tons of money being given to Coastal Leftist publishers and keep money in the State. With most textbooks digital, there's no economy of scale savings.


Leftists want to grow and reward their professionals who push their outlook, and benefit from pushing the outlook: Educators, Social Workers, etc. Why not Republicans?
103370   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Jun 15, 9:05pm  

this thread should be titled "TDS is real"
103371   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Jun 15, 9:12pm  

jazz_music says
Trump cucks got the TDS for real.

Poor cultists can’t stand without their phony hero LOL

At what point exactly do you say Trump stopped being a lying cheating effeminate whining piece of weasel shit? LOL

You got TDS.

Jazz, your level of TDS can only be cured by professional, you'll need many sessions. Open up that checkbook.
103372   ChapulinColorado   2019 Jun 16, 9:49am  

Haven't lurked here in a while, good to see familiar names/avatars. Is Iwog still around?
103373   RC2006   2019 Jun 16, 10:39am  

ChapulinColorado says
Haven't lurked here in a while, good to see familiar names/avatars. Is Iwog still around?

he's gone.
103374   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 16, 2:12pm  

jazz_music says

There should be a conservative party, but there is an any fucking conservative party.

You should start one after you get done blowing up the Republican Party.

Jazz making sense? it's a new day, a new dawn
103375   Booger   2019 Jun 16, 4:44pm  

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