The Illinois, California Exodus

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2019 Jun 17, 10:58pm   58,429 views  303 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

People fleeing to Florida, Texas, South Carolina.


Almost twice as much to leave California for Texas than Vice-Versa:

When you bring a U-Haul back to California, you do the company a favor, so another Middle Class family can leave for Texas.

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1   Ceffer   2019 Jun 17, 11:14pm  

The flies are buzzing away from the carcass.
2   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 18, 1:38am  

All you have to do to succeed in IL and CA is gain a toehold in a crony capitalist industry, duh.

What could possibly go wrong in this situation?
3   HeadSet   2019 Jun 18, 7:00am  

People fleeing to Florida, Texas, South Carolina.

And bringing with them their left wing politics that ruined the places they are fleeing from.
4   Bd6r   2019 Jun 18, 9:27am  

HeadSet says
And bringing with them their left wing politics that ruined the places they are fleeing from.

Ain't this the fucking truth. IN TX, the most insanely liberal places are not where Hispanics live, it is Austin filled with transplants from Commiefornia who have destroyed their own state and now move to Texas like locusts.
5   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Jun 18, 10:49am  

Is the population of CA falling?
People are fleeing insane prices caused by too many people wanting to live there.
6   Bd6r   2019 Jun 18, 11:00am  

Heraclitusstudent says
People are fleeing insane prices caused by too many people wanting to live there.

Somehow TX cities are able to accommodate new arrivals, while CA cities can not.
Perhaps looser regulations for business including builders and lower tax regime in TX is the reason for exodus.
7   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Jun 18, 12:18pm  

Yeah, there are regulations on housing causing this.
Yet if people were really fleeing, the problem would be resolved.
8   Shaman   2019 Jun 18, 12:27pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
Yeah, there are regulations on housing causing this.
Yet if people were really fleeing, the problem would be resolved.

Do you think so? I’ve had two college friends who fled Illinois already, and we’ve said goodbye to several families from California we’ve known during our stay in this “golden” state.
Yet apparently, replacing educated productive citizens with poor uneducated immigrants who don’t speak the language and will need lots of social welfare for a long time is a good trade.
I know I wouldn’t make that trade if I were running a government, because that’s just stupid!
9   fdhfoiehfeoi   2019 Jun 18, 1:26pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
Is the population of CA falling?
People are fleeing insane prices caused by too many people wanting to live there.

More citizens have been leaving than entering for years. Keep in mind that just because population concentrates in certain areas, driving up cost in those areas, that does not mean the state as a whole is experiencing growth.
10   fdhfoiehfeoi   2019 Jun 18, 1:27pm  

HonkpilledMaster says
People fleeing to Florida, Texas, South Carolina.

Don't forget Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and even Iowa. De-centralization is real, and gaining steam.
11   WookieMan   2019 Jun 18, 3:39pm  

I've know quite a few people that have left IL. All I'll say is that the grass isn't always greener on the other side. A lot of people justify their move and throw out BS and then say they're happy in their new place, but it's all rubbish. IL is by far not a great state, but most people that are miserable here, generally end up miserable in their new home state. A lot of people can't just understand that they may be the problem, not the state they live in.

And yes, government has its problems. But most times, it's the person that's the problem and not their location. It of course has worked out for some, but if you've lived 20 years in IL and you think the 2 years you've lived in Montana/Texas/FL/etc. are great, give it another 18 and THEN compare it. New shiny things lose their luster.
12   WookieMan   2019 Jun 18, 3:41pm  

And yes, I do plan to move out of IL. Probably when my kids graduate high school. My move would be strictly weather based. But I'm planning to do short term leases with the lady when we retire and just live one place for 6 months or so and then try another. Not really settle down in one place as there's no point.
13   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Jun 18, 5:50pm  

NuttBoxer says

More citizens have been leaving than entering for years. Keep in mind that just because population concentrates in certain areas, driving up cost in those areas, that does not mean the state as a whole is experiencing growth.

Really? because in most remote places in California housing prices remain indecent. At least coastal CA.

As an example I picked a random house from San Luis Obispo (a place not exactly known for its rich industry).
$1.3m. Doesn't exactly have curb appeal.
14   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Jun 18, 5:52pm  

Quigley says
Yet apparently, replacing educated productive citizens with poor uneducated immigrants who don’t speak the language and will need lots of social welfare for a long time is a good trade.

Poor uneducated immigrants aren't the ones bidding up million dollars homes.
15   fdhfoiehfeoi   2019 Jun 19, 11:54am  

Heraclitusstudent says
Poor uneducated immigrants aren't the ones bidding up million dollars homes.

No one is bidding them up..

16   fdhfoiehfeoi   2019 Jun 19, 11:58am  

Heraclitusstudent says
Really? because in most remote places in California housing prices remain indecent. At least coastal CA.

Not true in NorCal, or Imperial Valley. I'd guess the proximity to Paseo Robles has something to do with that price. But what it lists at isn't as important as what it sells for.
17   Ceffer   2019 Jun 19, 12:03pm  

As long as the politicians have big black SUVs, gold chains and diamond stick pins for their ties, things are all right in California.
18   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Jun 19, 12:38pm  

NuttBoxer says
I'd guess the proximity to Paseo Robles has something to do with that price

Yeah Palo Alto has GOOGL FB AAPL.
Paseo Robles has? Farm.com?
19   fdhfoiehfeoi   2019 Jun 20, 11:44am  

Heraclitusstudent says
Paseo Robles has? Farm.com?

Isn't that wine country? Can't get much snootier than that.
20   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Jun 20, 11:53am  

Is the money coming from selling wine?
Or it's all rich retirees bidding up San Luis Obispo?
22   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Jun 20, 12:07pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
But why is this shack worth $1.3million?

Supply/Demand, we all know that.

Builders don't want to build, because regulations and bullshit drives cost through the roof.
Land is expensive
Millions of illegals do take up housing too, so it's not cost free, and just adds to housing shortages.

Remove all government out of equation and housing will build up fast in CA.
23   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Jun 20, 12:45pm  

The entire premise of the thread was that the demand for the state of CA is falling.
I don't think illegals are bidding up million dollar shacks.
24   socal2   2019 Jun 20, 12:47pm  

WookieMan says
I've know quite a few people that have left IL. All I'll say is that the grass isn't always greener on the other side. A lot of people justify their move and throw out BS and then say they're happy in their new place, but it's all rubbish. IL is by far not a great state, but most people that are miserable here, generally end up miserable in their new home state.

Yeah - but can't you live in one of the suburbs next door in Wisconsin or Indiana and have basically the exact same weather and geography, minus the high taxes, crime and Democrat dysfunction?

I can only justify living in California because of the amazing weather and surf. If it weren't for that, I would have moved years ago and be much closer to retirement by now.

Just can't imagine being locked into a retarded Democrat Blue state like Illinois (the state of my birth!) and still suffer through crap ass weather along with the high cost of living!
25   socal2   2019 Jun 20, 12:50pm  

*California’s population growth is the slowest in recorded history*

Keep in mind that California is absolutely gorgeous in terms of geography and weather.

So rich people will still be coming here and driving up housing prices.
26   Shaman   2019 Jun 20, 1:26pm  

Illinois has Chicago, which is a world class city by all accounts. It has everything such a city should have, and can be quite fun!
Other than Chicago, it’s cornfields and Caterpillar and schizophrenic weather, and that’s about it. Everything else about the state is very very meh.

Which makes it hard to justify staying there for middle class folks paying high high taxes. Having lived in both Illinois and California, I can say that only the golden state approaches value for cost.
27   socal2   2019 Jun 20, 2:00pm  

Quigley says
Illinois has Chicago, which is a world class city by all accounts. It has everything such a city should have, and can be quite fun!
Other than Chicago, it’s cornfields and Caterpillar and schizophrenic weather, and that’s about it. Everything else about the state is very very meh.

Yeah - but you can live in Indiana and Wisconsin and be in Chicago in less than an hour.
28   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 20, 2:22pm  

Quigley says
Illinois has Chicago,

IL also has 120 new cannabis licenses to be awarded next year. These are those good, government protected crony capitalistic tickets to riches.

I'll gladly pay extra in taxes if the govt forces all IL marijuana buyers to buy from in state producers, and I own 1 of those licenses.

See? Totally easy to get ahead in a blue state. Make the govt your business partner, and bam
29   WookieMan   2019 Jun 21, 6:35am  

CBOEtrader says
Quigley says
Illinois has Chicago,

IL also has 120 new cannabis licenses to be awarded next year. These are those good, government protected crony capitalistic tickets to riches.

I'll gladly pay extra in taxes if the govt forces all IL marijuana buyers to buy from in state producers, and I own 1 of those licenses.

See? Totally easy to get ahead in a blue state. Make the govt your business partner, and bam

Are you black? If not good luck. Lol. If you were you could get interest free loans from the state to get the license. One of my biggest issues with legal pot in IL. Raise the most amount of revenue you can from it and fix the fucking pension debt. Nah, give free money away to your black and brown friends and keep our financial ratings in the shithole costing everyone more money.
30   WookieMan   2019 Jun 21, 6:52am  

Yeah - but can't you live in one of the suburbs next door in Wisconsin or Indiana and have basically the exact same weather and geography, minus the high taxes, crime and Democrat dysfunction?

That was part of the premise of my post though. The idea that weather is the same next door and IN or WI are any better. My wife’s aunt moved to Indiana to save $4k/yr in property taxes. It’ll take them probably 4-6 years to recoup the moving costs in saved taxes. They’re just over the border and even though it’s close and a “nice” suburban subdivision, the surrounding area is a shithole. Honestly, Indiana is one of the worst states I’ve been to. I’ll happily pay $300-500/mo more to not live there.

And Wisconsin property tax rates aren’t that far off from IL. I like Wisconsin better, but the COL in the Southern part of the state is not worth the cost to move there unless you’re buying a forever house.

IL sucks, but if you’re in a cold weather state and have to be there, it’s not as awful as it’s made out to be.
31   fdhfoiehfeoi   2019 Jun 21, 7:01am  

WookieMan says
Indiana is one of the worst states I’ve been to.

I thought Elkhart was nice, but I was a kid when I lived there. Michigan is also not very far from Chicago, and the west side of the state is very nice, and has better weather.
32   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 21, 7:09am  

WookieMan says
Are you black?

33   WookieMan   2019 Jun 21, 7:19am  

CBOEtrader says
WookieMan says
Are you black?


Ahhhhh. Well that’ll do it. Move back! We need normal people selling drugs, not the same ones doing it now.
34   WookieMan   2019 Jun 21, 7:21am  

NuttBoxer says
WookieMan says
Indiana is one of the worst states I’ve been to.

I thought Elkhart was nice, but I was a kid when I lived there. Michigan is also not very far from Chicago, and the west side of the state is very nice, and has better weather.

My blanket may have been too broad. There are parts that are fine of IN, but overall having traversed the state 2-3 times a year, it’s mostly a shit show.
35   marcus   2019 Jun 21, 7:26am  

WookieMan says
but most people that are miserable here, generally end up miserable in their new home state. A lot of people can't just understand that they may be the problem

WookieMan says
Not really settle down in one place as there's no point.


I can appreciate the idea of exploring different places for six months at a time or whatever, if you're retired or work from home.

But no point in settling in one place ?
37   socal2   2019 Jun 21, 12:00pm  

WookieMan says
My blanket may have been too broad. There are parts that are fine of IN, but overall having traversed the state 2-3 times a year, it’s mostly a shit show.

How is it any different than 95% of Illinois that isn't Chicago?

I spent a good chunk of my life living in Carmel, Indiana. It has best rated the best place to live in America several years in a row now.

Nearby Fishers, Indiana is also makes the top list.

Southern Indiana is beautiful with the rolling hills, Brown County and Bloomington, IN.

You get all of this without Illinois' ridiculously high taxes, high crime, dysfunction and corruption.
38   socal2   2019 Jun 21, 12:06pm  

WookieMan says
IL sucks, but if you’re in a cold weather state and have to be there, it’s not as awful as it’s made out to be.

I used to think like that - until I moved to California and had my eyes opened.

Life is way too short living in shit-ass climates like the upper Midwest AND pay Blue State level taxes with Democrat governance dysfunction.
39   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 21, 12:18pm  

socal2 says

Nearby Fishers, Indiana

That list has Allen, TX as #2, home of the $30 million high school stadium and hometown of NFL's most recent #1 draft pick (and he beat my high school in Texas State Champ game).

Must be legit. A semi boring small town in IN would legit be a great place to settle down and/or raise a family. Southwest MI also very nice

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